these IPs (comma separated list)'; $wb["active_txt"] = 'Active'; $wb['dnssec_info_txt'] = 'DNSSEC DS-Data for registry'; $wb['dnssec_wanted_txt'] = 'Sign zone (DNSSEC)'; $wb['dnssec_wanted_info'] = 'When disabling DNSSEC keys are not going to be deleted if DNSSEC was enabled before and keys already have been generated but the zone will no longer be delivered in signed format afterwards. If you use PowerDNS, keys WILL be deleted!'; $wb["limit_dns_zone_txt"] = 'The max. number of DNS zones for your account is reached.'; $wb["client_txt"] = 'Client'; $wb["no_zone_perm"] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.'; $wb["server_id_error_empty"] = 'No server selected'; $wb["origin_error_empty"] = 'Zone empty.'; $wb["origin_error_unique"] = 'There is already a record for this zone.'; $wb["origin_error_regex"] = 'Zone has a invalid format.'; $wb["ns_error_regex"] = 'NS has a invalid format.'; $wb["mbox_error_empty"] = 'Email is empty.'; $wb["mbox_error_regex"] = 'Email format invalid.'; $wb["also_notify_txt"] = 'Also Notify'; $wb['also_notify_error_regex'] = 'Also notify: Please use an IP address.'; $wb['xfer_error_regex'] = 'Xfer: Please use one or more IP addresses, separated by , or use the keyword: any'; $wb["update_acl_txt"] = 'Update ACL'; $wb['seconds_txt'] = 'Seconds'; $wb['eg_domain_tld'] = 'e.g. domain.tld'; $wb['eg_ns1_domain_tld'] = 'e.g. ns1.domain.tld'; $wb['eg_webmaster_domain_tld'] = 'e.g. webmaster@domain.tld'; $wb['The Domain can not be changed. Please ask your Administrator if you want to change the domain name.'] = 'The Domain can not be changed. Please ask your Administrator if you want to change the domain name.'; $wb['refresh_range_error'] = 'Min. Refresh time is 60 seconds.'; $wb['retry_range_error'] = 'Min. Retry time is 60 seconds.'; $wb['expire_range_error'] = 'Min. Expire time is 60 seconds.'; $wb['minimum_range_error'] = 'Min. Minimum time is 60 seconds.'; $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.'; $wb['error_not_allowed_server_id'] = 'The selected server is not allowed for this account.'; $wb['soa_cannot_be_changed_txt'] = 'The Zone (SOA) can not be changed. Please contact your administrator to change the zone.'; $wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR'; $wb['dnssec_algo_txt'] = 'DNSSEC Algorithm'; ?>