= 0.'; $wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!'; $wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generovat heslo'; $wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Opakujte heslo'; $wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'Hesla se neshodují.'; $wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Hesla se shodují.'; $wb['domain_error_autosub'] = 'There is already a subdomain with these settings.'; $wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:'; $wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:'; $wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:'; $wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives'; $wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:'; $wb['no_server_error'] = 'Nebyl zvolen žádný server'; $wb['no_backup_txt'] = 'Žádné zálohování'; $wb['daily_backup_txt'] = 'Denně'; $wb['weekly_backup_txt'] = 'Týdně'; $wb['monthly_backup_txt'] = 'Měsíčně'; $wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules'; $wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules'; $wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:'; $wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR'; $wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.'; $wb['variables_txt'] = 'Proměnné'; $wb['added_by_txt'] = 'Kdo vytvořil účet'; $wb['added_date_txt'] = 'Datum vytvoření účtu'; $wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Vyloučené adresáře'; $wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Oddělte více adresářů čárkami. Příklad: web/cache/*,web/backup)'; $wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'Vyloučené adresáře obsahují neplatné znaky.'; $wb['server_chosen_not_ok'] = 'Vybraný server není pro tento účet povolen.'; $wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'Pole subdomény je prázdné nebo obsahuje neplatné znaky.'; $wb['btn_save_txt'] = 'Uložit'; $wb['btn_cancel_txt'] = 'Zrušit'; $wb['load_client_data_txt'] = 'Nahrát údaje z podrobností registrovaného klienta'; $wb['load_my_data_txt'] = 'Load my contact details'; $wb['reset_client_data_txt'] = 'Obnovit údaje (resetovat)'; $wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt SSL'; $wb['rewrite_to_https_txt'] = 'Přesměrovat HTTP na HTTPS'; $wb['password_strength_txt'] = 'Síla hesla'; $wb['directive_snippets_id_txt'] = 'Výběr configurace webového serveru'; $wb['http_port_txt'] = 'HTTP Port'; $wb['https_port_txt'] = 'HTTPS Port'; $wb['http_port_error_regex'] = 'HTTP Port invalid.'; $wb['https_port_error_regex'] = 'HTTPS Port invalid.'; $wb['enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Enable PageSpeed'; $wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Logfiles retention time'; $wb['log_retention_error_regex'] = 'Retention time in days (allowed values: min. 0 - max. 9999)'; $wb['domain_error_acme_invalid'] = 'Domain name acme.invalid not permitted.'; $wb['limit_web_quota_not_0_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota cannot be set to 0.'; $wb['proxy_protocol_txt'] = 'Enable PROXY Protocol'; $wb["backup_format_web_txt"] = 'Backup format for web files'; $wb["backup_format_db_txt"] = 'Backup format for database'; $wb["backup_missing_utils_txt"] = 'The following formats can not be used because they are not installed on the webserver: '; $wb["backup_compression_options_txt"] = 'Compression options'; $wb["backup_encryption_note_txt"] = "Encryption is only available for 7z, RAR, and zip (not secure)."; $wb["backup_encryption_options_txt"] = 'Encryption options'; $wb["backup_enable_encryption_txt"] = 'Enable encryption'; $wb["backup_password_txt"] = 'Password'; $wb["backup_format_default_txt"] = 'Default: zip (deflate) or tar (gzip)'; $wb["backup_format_zip_txt"] = 'zip (deflate)'; $wb["backup_format_gzip_txt"] = 'gzip'; $wb["backup_format_bzip2_txt"] = 'bzip2'; $wb["backup_format_xz_txt"] = 'xz'; $wb["backup_format_zip_bzip2_txt"] = 'zip (bzip2)'; $wb["backup_format_7z_lzma_txt"] = '7z (LZMA)'; $wb["backup_format_7z_lzma2_txt"] = '7z (LZMA2)'; $wb["backup_format_7z_ppmd_txt"] = '7z (PPMd)'; $wb["backup_format_7z_bzip2_txt"] = '7z (BZip2)'; $wb["backup_format_tar_gzip_txt"] = 'tar (gzip)'; $wb["backup_format_tar_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar (bzip2)'; $wb["backup_format_tar_xz_txt"] = 'tar (xz)'; $wb["backup_format_rar_txt"] = 'RAR'; $wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA)'; $wb["backup_format_tar_7z_lzma2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (LZMA2)'; $wb["backup_format_tar_7z_ppmd_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (PPMd)'; $wb["backup_format_tar_7z_bzip2_txt"] = 'tar + 7z (BZip2)'; $wb['dependent_domains_txt'] = 'Dependent sub- / aliasdomains'; $wb['error_ipv4_change_forbidden'] = 'The IP cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator if you want to change the IPv4 address.'; $wb['error_ipv6_change_forbidden'] = 'The IP cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator if you want to change the IPv6 address.'; $wb['error_domain_change_forbidden'] = 'The domain name cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator if you want to change the domain name.'; $wb['error_server_change_not_possible'] = 'The server cannot be changed.'; ?>