db->queryAllRecords($sql, $conf['server_id']); foreach($records as $rec) { //* create traffic statistics based on yesterdays access log file $yesterday = date('Ymd', time() - 86400); $log_folder = 'log'; if($rec['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain' || $rec['type'] == 'vhostalias') { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `domain` FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ?', $rec['parent_domain_id']); $subdomain_host = preg_replace('/^(.*)\.' . preg_quote($tmp['domain'], '/') . '$/', '$1', $rec['domain']); if($subdomain_host == '') $subdomain_host = 'web'.$rec['domain_id']; $log_folder .= '/' . $subdomain_host; unset($tmp); } $log_retention = $rec['log_retention']; $logfile = $rec['document_root'].'/' . $log_folder . '/'.$yesterday.'-access.log'; $total_bytes = 0; $handle = @fopen($logfile, "r"); if ($handle) { while (($line = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) { if (preg_match('/^\S+ \S+ \S+ \[.*?\] "\S+.*?" \d+ (\d+) ".*?" ".*?"/', $line, $m)) { $total_bytes += intval($m[1]); } } //* Insert / update traffic in master database $traffic_date = date('Y-m-d', time() - 86400); $tmp = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("select hostname from web_traffic where hostname=? and traffic_date=?", $rec['domain'], $traffic_date); if(is_array($tmp) && count($tmp) > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE web_traffic SET traffic_bytes=traffic_bytes + ? WHERE hostname = ? AND traffic_date = ?"; $app->dbmaster->query($sql, $total_bytes, $rec['domain'], $traffic_date); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO web_traffic (hostname, traffic_date, traffic_bytes) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; $app->dbmaster->query($sql, $rec['domain'], $traffic_date, $total_bytes); } fclose($handle); } $yesterday2 = date('Ymd', time() - 86400*2); $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/' . $log_folder . '/'.$yesterday2.'-access.log'); //* Compress logfile if(@is_file($logfile)) { // Compress yesterdays logfile exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.gz"); unlink($logfile); } $cron_logfiles = array('cron.log', 'cron_error.log', 'cron_wget.log'); foreach($cron_logfiles as $cron_logfile) { $cron_logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/' . $log_folder . '/' . $cron_logfile); // rename older files (move up by one) $num = 7; while($num >= 1 && is_file($cron_logfile . '.' . $num . '.gz')) { rename($cron_logfile . '.' . $num . '.gz', $cron_logfile . '.' . ($num + 1) . '.gz'); $num--; } // compress current logfile if(is_file($cron_logfile)) { exec("gzip -c $cron_logfile > $cron_logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $cron_logfile"); } // remove older logs $num = 7; while(is_file($cron_logfile . '.' . $num . '.gz')) { @unlink($cron_logfile . '.' . $num . '.gz'); $num++; } } // rotate and compress the error.log $error_logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/' . $log_folder . '/error.log'); // rename older files (move up by one) $num = $log_retention; while($num >= 1 && is_file($error_logfile . '.' . $num . '.gz')) { rename($error_logfile . '.' . $num . '.gz', $error_logfile . '.' . ($num + 1) . '.gz'); $num--; } // compress current logfile if(is_file($error_logfile)) { exec("gzip -c $error_logfile > $error_logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $error_logfile"); } // delete logfiles after x days (default 30) if($log_retention > 0) { foreach (glob($rec['document_root'].'/' . $log_folder . '/'."*.log*") as $logfile) { $now = time(); if (is_file($logfile)) if ($now - filemtime($logfile) >= 60 * 60 * 24 * $log_retention) unlink($logfile); } } } //* Delete old logfiles in /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/ that were created by vlogger for the hostname of the server exec('hostname -f', $tmp_hostname); if($tmp_hostname[0] != '' && is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$tmp_hostname[0])) { exec('cd /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$tmp_hostname[0]."; find . -mtime +30 -name '*.log' | xargs rm > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"); } unset($tmp_hostname); //###################################################################################################### // Rotate the ispconfig.log file //###################################################################################################### // rotate the ispconfig.log when it exceeds a size of 10 MB $logfile = $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/ispconfig.log'; if(is_file($logfile) && filesize($logfile) > 10000000) { exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $logfile"); } // rotate the cron.log when it exceeds a size of 10 MB $logfile = $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/cron.log'; if(is_file($logfile) && filesize($logfile) > 10000000) { exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $logfile"); } // rotate the auth.log when it exceeds a size of 10 MB $logfile = $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/auth.log'; if(is_file($logfile) && filesize($logfile) > 10000000) { exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $logfile"); } //###################################################################################################### // Cleanup website tmp directories //###################################################################################################### $sql = "SELECT domain_id, domain, document_root, system_user FROM web_domain WHERE server_id = ?"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $conf['server_id']); $app->uses('system'); if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec){ $tmp_path = realpath(escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/tmp')); if($tmp_path != '' && strlen($tmp_path) > 10 && is_dir($tmp_path) && $app->system->is_user($rec['system_user'])){ exec('cd '.$tmp_path."; find . -mtime +1 -name 'sess_*' | grep -v -w .no_delete | xargs rm > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"); } } } //###################################################################################################### // Cleanup logs in master database (only the "master-server") //###################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { /** 7 days */ $tstamp = time() - (60*60*24*7); /* * Keep 7 days in sys_log * (we can delete the old items, because if they are OK, they don't interrest anymore * if they are NOT ok, the server will try to process them in 1 minute and so the * error appears again after 1 minute. So it is no problem to delete the old one! */ $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_log WHERE tstamp < ? AND server_id != 0"; $app->dbmaster->query($sql, $tstamp); /* * Delete all remote-actions "done" and older than 7 days * ATTENTION: We have the same problem as described in cleaning the datalog. We must not * delete the last entry */ $sql = "SELECT max(action_id) FROM sys_remoteaction"; $res = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); $maxId = $res['max(action_id)']; $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_remoteaction WHERE tstamp < ? AND action_state = 'ok' AND action_id < ?"; $app->dbmaster->query($sql, $tstamp, $maxId); /* * The sys_datalog is more difficult. * 1) We have to keet ALL entries with * server_id=0, because they depend on ALL servers (even if they are not * actually in the system (and will be insered in 3 days or so). * 2) We have to keey ALL entries which are not actually precessed by the * server never mind how old they are! * 3) We have to keep the entry with the highest autoinc-id, because mysql calculates the * autoinc-id as "new value = max(row) +1" and does not store this in a separate table. * This means, if we delete to entry with the highest autoinc-value then this value is * reused as autoinc and so there are more than one entries with the same value (over * for example 4 Weeks). This is confusing for our system. * ATTENTION 2) and 3) is in some case NOT the same! so we have to check both! */ /* First we need all servers and the last sys_datalog-id they processed */ $sql = "SELECT server_id, updated FROM server ORDER BY server_id"; $records = $app->dbmaster->queryAllRecords($sql); /* Then we need the highest value ever */ $sql = "SELECT max(datalog_id) FROM sys_datalog"; $res = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); $maxId = $res['max(datalog_id)']; /* Then delete server by server */ foreach($records as $server) { $tmp_server_id = intval($server['server_id']); if($tmp_server_id > 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_datalog WHERE tstamp < ? AND server_id = ? AND datalog_id < ? AND datalog_id < ?"; // echo $sql . "\n"; $app->dbmaster->query($sql, $tstamp, $server['server_id'], $server['updated'], $maxId); } } } parent::onRunJob(); } /* this function is optional if it contains no custom code */ public function onAfterRun() { global $app; parent::onAfterRun(); } } ?>