db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM server WHERE update = 1 AND server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]) if($server_db_record == false) { $app->log("Nothing to update for server_id ".$conf["server_id"]); die(); } else { // Set update status to 0, so we dont start the update process twice $app->db->query("UPDATE server SET update = 0 WHERE server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]); $app->log("Begin update."); } // Check if another process is running if(is_file($conf["temppath"].$conf["fs_div"].".ispconfig_lock")){ clearstatcache(); for($i=0;$i<120;$i++){ // Wait max. 120 sec, then proceed if(is_file($conf["temppath"].$conf["fs_div"].".ispconfig_lock")){ sleep(1); clearstatcache(); } } } // Set Lockfile @touch($conf["temppath"].$conf["fs_div"].".ispconfig_lock"); $app->log("Set Lock: ".$conf["temppath"].$conf["fs_div"].".ispconfig_lock"); // Load required base-classes $this->uses('ini_parser,modules,plugins'); // Get server configuration $conf["serverconfig"] = $app->ini_parser->parse_ini_string(stripslashes($server_db_record["config"])); /* Load the modules that are im the mods-enabled folder */ $this->modules->loadModules(); /* Load the plugins that are in the plugins-enabled folder */ $this->plugins->loadPlugins(); /* Go trough the sys_datalog table and call the processing functions in the modules that are hooked on to the table actions */ $this->modules->processDatalog(); // Remove lock @unlink($conf["temppath"].$conf["fs_div"].".ispconfig_lock"); $app->log("Remove Lock: ".$conf["temppath"].$conf["fs_div"].".ispconfig_lock"); ?>