functions->intval(substr($serial, 0, 8)); $count = $app->functions->intval(substr($serial, 8, 2)); $current_date = date("Ymd"); if($serial_date >= $current_date){ $count += 1; if ($count > 99) { $serial_date += 1; $count = 0; } $count = str_pad($count, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $new_serial = $serial_date.$count; } else { $new_serial = $current_date.'01'; } return $new_serial; } public function onRunJob() { global $app, $conf; //* Load libraries $app->uses("getconf,tpl"); //* load the server configuration options $dns_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'dns'); //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record $filespre = (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) ? 'pri/' : 'pri.'; echo "signing for ".intval($conf['server_id'])."\n"; $soas = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT id,serial,origin FROM dns_soa WHERE server_id=? AND active=\'Y\' dnssec_wanted=\'Y\' AND dnssec_initialized=\'Y\' AND (dnssec_last_signed < ? OR dnssec_last_signed > ?)', intval($conf['server_id']), time()-(3600*24*5)+900, time()+900); //Resign zones every 5 days (expiry is 16 days so we have enough safety, 15 minutes tolerance) foreach ($soas as $data) { echo "Processing ".$data['origin']."\n"; $domain = substr($data['origin'], 0, strlen($data['origin'])-1); if (!file_exists($dns_config['bind_zonefiles_dir'].'/'.$filespre.$domain)) return false; $app->log('DNSSEC Auto-Resign: Touching zone '.$domain, LOGLEVEL_INFO); $app->db->datalogUpdate('dns_soa', array("serial" => $this->increase_serial($data['serial'])), 'id', $data['id']); } parent::onRunJob(); } } ?>