*/ class remoting_client extends remoting { /* * * * * * Client functions * * */ //* Get client details public function client_get($session_id, $client_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $app->uses('remoting_lib'); $app->remoting_lib->loadFormDef('../client/form/client.tform.php'); $data = $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($client_id); // we need to get the new-style templates for backwards-compatibility - maybe we remove this in a later version if(is_array($data) && count($data) > 0) { if(isset($data['client_id'])) { // this is a single record if($data['template_additional'] == '') { $tpls = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT CONCAT(`assigned_template_id`, \':\', `client_template_id`) as `item` FROM `client_template_assigned` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $data['client_id']); $tpl_arr = array(); if($tpls) { foreach($tpls as $tpl) $tpl_arr[] = $tpl['item']; } $data['template_additional'] = implode('/', $tpl_arr); unset($tpl_arr); unset($tpls); } } elseif(isset($data[0]['client_id'])) { // multiple client records foreach($data as $index => $client) { if($client['template_additional'] == '') { $tpls = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT CONCAT(`assigned_template_id`, \':\', `client_template_id`) as `item` FROM `client_template_assigned` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client['client_id']); $tpl_arr = array(); if($tpls) { foreach($tpls as $tpl) $tpl_arr[] = $tpl['item']; } $data[$index]['template_additional'] = implode('/', $tpl_arr); // dont use the $client array here - changes would not be returned to soap } unset($tpl_arr); unset($tpls); } } } return $data; } public function client_get_id($session_id, $sys_userid) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get_id')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $sys_userid = $app->functions->intval($sys_userid); $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM sys_user WHERE userid = ?", $sys_userid); if(isset($rec['client_id'])) { return $app->functions->intval($rec['client_id']); } else { throw new SoapFault('no_client_found', 'There is no sysuser account for this client ID.'); return false; } } //* Get the contact details to send a email like email address, name, etc. public function client_get_emailcontact($session_id, $client_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get_emailcontact')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $client_id = $app->functions->intval($client_id); $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT company_name,contact_name,gender,email,language FROM client WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id); if(is_array($rec)) { return $rec; } else { throw new SoapFault('no_client_found', 'There is no client with this client ID.'); return false; } } public function client_get_groupid($session_id, $client_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get_id')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $client_id = $app->functions->intval($client_id); $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT groupid FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id); if(isset($rec['groupid'])) { return $app->functions->intval($rec['groupid']); } else { throw new SoapFault('no_group_found', 'There is no group for this client ID.'); return false; } } public function client_add($session_id, $reseller_id, $params) { global $app; if (!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_add')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if(!isset($params['parent_client_id']) || $params['parent_client_id'] == 0) $params['parent_client_id'] = $reseller_id; if($params['parent_client_id']) { // check if this one is reseller $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `limit_client` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = ?', intval($params['parent_client_id'])); if($check['limit_client'] == 0) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid reseller', 'Selected client is not a reseller.'); return false; } if(isset($params['limit_client']) && $params['limit_client'] != 0) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid reseller', 'Reseller cannot be client of another reseller.'); return false; } } $affected_rows = $this->klientadd('../client/form/' . (isset($params['limit_client']) && $params['limit_client'] != 0 ? 'reseller' : 'client') . '.tform.php', $reseller_id, $params); return $affected_rows; } public function client_update($session_id, $client_id, $reseller_id, $params) { global $app; if (!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_update')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $app->uses('remoting_lib'); $app->remoting_lib->loadFormDef('../client/form/' . (isset($params['limit_client']) && $params['limit_client'] != 0 ? 'reseller' : 'client') . '.tform.php'); $old_rec = $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($client_id); //* merge old record with params, so only new values have to be set in $params $params = $app->functions->array_merge($old_rec,$params); if(!isset($params['parent_client_id']) || $params['parent_client_id'] == 0) $params['parent_client_id'] = $reseller_id; if($params['parent_client_id']) { // check if this one is reseller $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `limit_client` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = ?', intval($params['parent_client_id'])); if($check['limit_client'] == 0) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid reseller', 'Selected client is not a reseller.'); return false; } if(isset($params['limit_client']) && $params['limit_client'] != 0) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid reseller', 'Reseller cannot be client of another reseller.'); return false; } } // we need the previuos templates assigned here $this->oldTemplatesAssigned = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT * FROM `client_template_assigned` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id); if(!is_array($this->oldTemplatesAssigned) || count($this->oldTemplatesAssigned) < 1) { // check previous type of storing templates $tpls = explode('/', $old_rec['template_additional']); $this->oldTemplatesAssigned = array(); foreach($tpls as $item) { $item = trim($item); if(!$item) continue; $this->oldTemplatesAssigned[] = array('assigned_template_id' => 0, 'client_template_id' => $item, 'client_id' => $client_id); } unset($tpls); } if(isset($params['template_additional'])) { $app->uses('client_templates'); $templates = explode('/', $params['template_additional']); $params['template_additional'] = ''; $app->client_templates->update_client_templates($client_id, $templates); unset($templates); } $affected_rows = $this->updateQuery('../client/form/' . (isset($params['limit_client']) && $params['limit_client'] != 0 ? 'reseller' : 'client') . '.tform.php', $reseller_id, $client_id, $params, 'client:' . ($reseller_id ? 'reseller' : 'client') . ':on_after_update'); $app->remoting_lib->ispconfig_sysuser_update($params, $client_id); return $affected_rows; } public function client_template_additional_get($session_id, $client_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if(@is_numeric($client_id)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `client_template_assigned` WHERE `client_id` = ?"; return $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $client_id); } else { throw new SoapFault('The ID must be an integer.'); return array(); } } private function _set_client_formdata($client_id) { global $app; $this->id = $client_id; $this->dataRecord = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id); $this->oldDataRecord = $this->dataRecord; $this->oldTemplatesAssigned = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT * FROM `client_template_assigned` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id); if(!is_array($this->oldTemplatesAssigned) || count($this->oldTemplatesAssigned) < 1) { // check previous type of storing templates $tpls = explode('/', $this->oldDataRecord['template_additional']); $this->oldTemplatesAssigned = array(); foreach($tpls as $item) { $item = trim($item); if(!$item) continue; $this->oldTemplatesAssigned[] = array('assigned_template_id' => 0, 'client_template_id' => $item, 'client_id' => $client_id); } unset($tpls); } } public function client_template_additional_add($session_id, $client_id, $template_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_update')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if(@is_numeric($client_id) && @is_numeric($template_id)) { // check if client exists $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `client_id` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id); if(!$check) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid client'); return false; } // check if template exists $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `template_id` FROM `client_template` WHERE `template_id` = ?', $template_id); if(!$check) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid template'); return false; } // for the update event we have to cheat a bit $this->_set_client_formdata($client_id); $sql = "INSERT INTO `client_template_assigned` (`client_id`, `client_template_id`) VALUES (?, ?)"; $app->db->query($sql, $client_id, $template_id); $insert_id = $app->db->insertID(); $app->plugin->raiseEvent('client:client:on_after_update', $this); return $insert_id; } else { throw new SoapFault('The IDs must be of type integer.'); return false; } } public function client_template_additional_delete($session_id, $client_id, $assigned_template_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_update')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } if(@is_numeric($client_id) && @is_numeric($template_id)) { // check if client exists $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `client_id` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id); if(!$check) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid client'); return false; } // check if template exists $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `assigned_template_id` FROM `client_template_assigned` WHERE `assigned_template_id` = ?', $assigned_template_id); if(!$check) { throw new SoapFault('Invalid template'); return false; } // for the update event we have to cheat a bit $this->_set_client_formdata($client_id); $sql = "DELETE FROM `client_template_assigned` WHERE `assigned_template_id` = ? AND `client_id` = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $template_id, $client_id); $affected_rows = $app->db->affectedRows(); $app->plugin->raiseEvent('client:client:on_after_update', $this); return $affected_rows; } else { throw new SoapFault('The IDs must be of type integer.'); return false; } } public function client_delete($session_id, $client_id) { global $app; if (!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_delete')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $affected_rows = $this->deleteQuery('../client/form/client.tform.php', $client_id); $app->remoting_lib->ispconfig_sysuser_delete($client_id); return $affected_rows; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function client_delete_everything($session_id, $client_id) { global $app, $conf; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_delete_everything')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $client_id = $app->functions->intval($client_id); if($client_id > 0) { //* remove the group of the client from the resellers group $parent_client_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord['parent_client_id']); $parent_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT userid FROM sys_user WHERE client_id = ?", $parent_client_id); $client_group = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT groupid FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id); $app->auth->remove_group_from_user($parent_user['userid'], $client_group['groupid']); //* delete the group of the client $app->db->query("DELETE FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id); //* delete the sys user(s) of the client $app->db->query("DELETE FROM sys_user WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id); //* Delete all records (sub-clients, mail, web, etc....) of this client. $tables = 'cron,client,dns_rr,dns_soa,dns_slave,ftp_user,mail_access,mail_content_filter,mail_domain,mail_forwarding,mail_get,mail_user,mail_user_filter,shell_user,spamfilter_users,support_message,web_database,web_database_user,web_domain,web_traffic,domain'; $tables_array = explode(',', $tables); $client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($client_group['groupid']); if($client_group_id > 1) { foreach($tables_array as $table) { if($table != '') { $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE sys_groupid = ?", $client_group_id); //* find the primary ID of the table $table_info = $app->db->tableInfo($table); $index_field = ''; foreach($table_info as $tmp) { if($tmp['option'] == 'primary') $index_field = $tmp['name']; } //* Delete the records if($index_field != '') { if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec) { $app->db->datalogDelete($table, $index_field, $rec[$index_field]); //* Delete traffic records that dont have a sys_groupid column if($table == 'web_domain') { $app->db->query("DELETE FROM web_traffic WHERE hostname = ?", $rec['domain']); } //* Delete mail_traffic records that dont have a sys_groupid if($table == 'mail_user') { $app->db->query("DELETE FROM mail_traffic WHERE mailuser_id = ?", $rec['mailuser_id']); } } } } } } } } if (!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_delete')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $affected_rows = $this->deleteQuery('../client/form/client.tform.php', $client_id); return $affected_rows; } /** * Get sys_user information by username * @param int session id * @param string user's name * @return mixed false if error * @author Julio Montoya BeezNest 2010 */ public function client_get_by_username($session_id, $username) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get_by_username')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM sys_user WHERE username = ?", $username); if (isset($rec)) { return $rec; } else { throw new SoapFault('no_client_found', 'There is no user account for this user name.'); return false; } } public function client_get_by_customer_no($session_id, $customer_no) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get_by_customer_no')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $customer_no = trim($customer_no); if($customer_no == '') { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'There was no customer number specified.'); return false; } $customer_no = $app->db->quote($customer_no); $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM client WHERE customer_no = '".$customer_no."'"); if (isset($rec)) { return $rec; } else { throw new SoapFault('no_client_found', 'There is no user account for this customer number.'); return false; } } /** * Get All client_id's from database * @param int session_id * @return Array of all client_id's */ public function client_get_all($session_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get_all')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $result = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT client_id FROM client WHERE 1"); if(!$result) { return false; } foreach( $result as $record) { $rarrary[] = $record['client_id']; } return $rarrary; } /** * Changes client password * * @param int session id * @param int client id * @param string new password * @return bool true if success * */ public function client_change_password($session_id, $client_id, $new_password) { global $app; $app->uses('auth'); if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_change_password')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM client WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id); if($client['client_id'] > 0) { $new_password = $app->auth->crypt_password($new_password); $sql = "UPDATE client SET password = ? WHERE client_id = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $new_password, $client_id); $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET passwort = ? WHERE client_id = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $new_password, $client_id); return true; } else { throw new SoapFault('no_client_found', 'There is no user account for this client_id'); return false; } } /** * Get all client templates * @param int session id * @author Julio Montoya BeezNest 2010 */ public function client_templates_get_all($session_id) { global $app; if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_templates_get_all')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM client_template"; $result = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); return $result; } public function client_login_get($session_id,$username,$password,$remote_ip = '') { global $app; //* Check permissions if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'client_get')) { throw new SoapFault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; } //* Check username and password if(!preg_match("/^[\w\.\-\_\@]{1,128}$/", $username)) { throw new SoapFault('user_regex_error', 'Username contains invalid characters.'); return false; } if(!preg_match("/^.{1,64}$/i", $password)) { throw new SoapFault('password_length_error', 'Invalid password length or no password provided.'); return false; } //* Check failed logins $sql = "SELECT * FROM `attempts_login` WHERE `ip`= ? AND `login_time` > (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) LIMIT 1"; $alreadyfailed = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $remote_ip); //* too many failedlogins if($alreadyfailed['times'] > 5) { throw new SoapFault('error_user_too_many_logins', 'Too many failed logins.'); return false; } //*Set variables $returnval == false; if(strstr($username,'@')) { // Check against client table $sql = "SELECT * FROM client WHERE email = ?"; $user = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $username); if($user) { $saved_password = stripslashes($user['password']); if(substr($saved_password, 0, 3) == '$1$') { //* The password is crypt-md5 encrypted $salt = '$1$'.substr($saved_password, 3, 8).'$'; if(crypt(stripslashes($password), $salt) != $saved_password) { $user = false; } } else { //* The password is md5 encrypted if(md5($password) != $saved_password) { $user = false; } } } if(is_array($user)) { $returnval = array( 'username' => $user['username'], 'type' => 'user', 'client_id' => $user['client_id'], 'language' => $user['language'], 'country' => $user['country']); } } else { // Check against sys_user table $sql = "SELECT * FROM sys_user WHERE username = ?"; $user = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $username); if($user) { $saved_password = stripslashes($user['passwort']); if(substr($saved_password, 0, 3) == '$1$') { //* The password is crypt-md5 encrypted $salt = '$1$'.substr($saved_password, 3, 8).'$'; if(crypt(stripslashes($password), $salt) != $saved_password) { $user = false; } } else { //* The password is md5 encrypted if(md5($password) != $saved_password) { $user = false; } } } if(is_array($user)) { $returnval = array( 'username' => $user['username'], 'type' => $user['typ'], 'client_id' => $user['client_id'], 'language' => $user['language'], 'country' => 'de'); } else { throw new SoapFault('login_failed', 'Login failed.'); } } //* Log failed login attempts if($user === false) { if(!$alreadyfailed['times'] ) { //* user login the first time wrong $sql = "INSERT INTO `attempts_login` (`ip`, `times`, `login_time`) VALUES (?, 1, NOW())"; $app->db->query($sql, $remote_ip); } elseif($alreadyfailed['times'] >= 1) { //* update times wrong $sql = "UPDATE `attempts_login` SET `times`=`times`+1, `login_time`=NOW() WHERE `ip` = ? AND `login_time` > (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) ORDER BY `login_time` DESC LIMIT 1"; $app->db->query($sql, $remote_ip); } } return $returnval; } } ?>