renew_config_path)) return false; $dir = opendir($this->renew_config_path); if(!$dir) return false; $path_scores = array(); $main_domain = reset($domains); sort($domains); $min_diff = false; while($file = readdir($dir)) { if($file === '.' || $file === '..' || substr($file, -5) !== '.conf') continue; $file_path = $this->renew_config_path . '/' . $file; if(!is_file($file_path) || !is_readable($file_path)) continue; $fp = fopen($file_path, 'r'); if(!$fp) continue; $path_scores[$file_path] = array( 'domains' => array(), 'diff' => 0, 'has_main_domain' => false, 'cert_paths' => array( 'cert' => '', 'privkey' => '', 'chain' => '', 'fullchain' => '' ) ); $in_list = false; while(!feof($fp) && $line = fgets($fp)) { $line = trim($line); if($line === '') continue; elseif(!$in_list) { if($line == '[[webroot_map]]') $in_list = true; $tmp = explode('=', $line, 2); if(count($tmp) != 2) continue; $key = trim($tmp[0]); if($key == 'cert' || $key == 'privkey' || $key == 'chain' || $key == 'fullchain') { $path_scores[$file_path]['cert_paths'][$key] = trim($tmp[1]); } continue; } $tmp = explode('=', $line, 2); if(count($tmp) != 2) continue; $domain = trim($tmp[0]); if($domain == $main_domain) $path_scores[$file_path]['has_main_domain'] = true; $path_scores[$file_path]['domains'][] = $domain; } fclose($fp); sort($path_scores[$file_path]['domains']); if(count(array_intersect($domains, $path_scores[$file_path]['domains'])) < 1) { $path_scores[$file_path]['diff'] = false; } else { // give higher diff value to missing domains than to those that are too much in there $path_scores[$file_path]['diff'] = (count(array_diff($domains, $path_scores[$file_path]['domains'])) * 1.5) + count(array_diff($path_scores[$file_path]['domains'], $domains)); } if($min_diff === false || $path_scores[$file_path]['diff'] < $min_diff) $min_diff = $path_scores[$file_path]['diff']; } closedir($dir); if($min_diff === false) return false; $cert_paths = false; $used_path = false; foreach($path_scores as $path => $data) { if($data['diff'] === $min_diff) { $used_path = $path; $cert_paths = $data['cert_paths']; if($data['has_main_domain'] == true) break; } } $app->log("Let's Encrypt Cert config path is: " . ($used_path ? $used_path : "not found") . ".", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return $cert_paths; } private function get_ssl_domain($data) { $domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain']; if(!$domain) $domain = $data['new']['domain']; if($data['new']['ssl'] == 'y' && $data['new']['ssl_letsencrypt'] == 'y') { $domain = $data['new']['domain']; if(substr($domain, 0, 2) === '*.') { // wildcard domain not yet supported by letsencrypt! $app->log('Wildcard domains not yet supported by letsencrypt, so changing ' . $domain . ' to ' . substr($domain, 2), LOGLEVEL_WARN); $domain = substr($domain, 2); } } return $domain; } public function get_website_certificate_paths($data) { global $app; $ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl'; $domain = $this->get_ssl_domain($data); $cert_paths = array( 'domain' => $domain, 'key' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key', 'key2' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'', 'csr' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr', 'crt' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt', 'bundle' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle' ); if($data['new']['ssl'] == 'y' && $data['new']['ssl_letsencrypt'] == 'y') { $cert_paths = array( 'domain' => $domain, 'key' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'-le.key', 'key2' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'', 'crt' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'-le.crt', 'bundle' => $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'-le.bundle' ); } return $cert_paths; } public function request_certificates($data, $server_type = 'apache') { global $app, $conf; $app->uses('getconf'); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); $tmp = $app->letsencrypt->get_website_certificate_paths($data); $domain = $tmp['domain']; $key_file = $tmp['key']; $key_file2 = $tmp['key2']; $csr_file = $tmp['csr']; $crt_file = $tmp['crt']; $bundle_file = $tmp['bundle']; // default values $temp_domains = array($domain); $cli_domain_arg = ''; $subdomains = null; $aliasdomains = null; //* be sure to have good domain if(substr($domain,0,4) != 'www.' && ($data['new']['subdomain'] == "www" || $data['new']['subdomain'] == "*")) { $temp_domains[] = "www." . $domain; } //* then, add subdomain if we have $subdomains = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT domain FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = '.intval($data['new']['domain_id'])." AND active = 'y' AND type = 'subdomain'"); if(is_array($subdomains)) { foreach($subdomains as $subdomain) { $temp_domains[] = $subdomain['domain']; } } //* then, add alias domain if we have $aliasdomains = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT domain,subdomain FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = '.intval($data['new']['domain_id'])." AND active = 'y' AND type = 'alias'"); if(is_array($aliasdomains)) { foreach($aliasdomains as $aliasdomain) { $temp_domains[] = $aliasdomain['domain']; if(isset($aliasdomain['subdomain']) && substr($aliasdomain['domain'],0,4) != 'www.' && ($aliasdomain['subdomain'] == "www" OR $aliasdomain['subdomain'] == "*")) { $temp_domains[] = "www." . $aliasdomain['domain']; } } } // prevent duplicate $temp_domains = array_unique($temp_domains); // check if domains are reachable to avoid letsencrypt verification errors $le_rnd_file = uniqid('le-') . '.txt'; $le_rnd_hash = md5(uniqid('le-', true)); if(!is_dir('/usr/local/interface/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge/')) { $app->system->mkdir('/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge/', false, 0755, true); } file_put_contents('/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge/' . $le_rnd_file, $le_rnd_hash); $le_domains = array(); foreach($temp_domains as $temp_domain) { if(isset($web_config['skip_le_check']) && $web_config['skip_le_check'] == 'y') { $le_domains[] = $temp_domain; } else { $le_hash_check = trim(@file_get_contents('http://' . $temp_domain . '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' . $le_rnd_file)); if($le_hash_check == $le_rnd_hash) { $le_domains[] = $temp_domain; $app->log("Verified domain " . $temp_domain . " should be reachable for letsencrypt.", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("Could not verify domain " . $temp_domain . ", so excluding it from letsencrypt request.", LOGLEVEL_WARN); } } } $temp_domains = $le_domains; unset($le_domains); @unlink('/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge/' . $le_rnd_file); // generate cli format foreach($temp_domains as $temp_domain) { $cli_domain_arg .= (string) " --domains " . $temp_domain; } // unset useless data unset($subdomains); unset($aliasdomains); unset($temp_domains); $letsencrypt_cmd = ''; $success = false; if(!empty($cli_domain_arg)) { $app->log("Create Let's Encrypt SSL Cert for: $domain", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->log("Let's Encrypt SSL Cert domains: $cli_domain_arg", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $letsencrypt = explode("\n", shell_exec('which letsencrypt certbot /root/.local/share/letsencrypt/bin/letsencrypt')); $letsencrypt = reset($letsencrypt); if(is_executable($letsencrypt)) { $letsencrypt_cmd = $letsencrypt . " certonly -n --text --agree-tos --expand --authenticator webroot --server --rsa-key-size 4096 --email postmaster@$domain $cli_domain_arg --webroot-path /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/acme"; $success = $app->system->_exec($letsencrypt_cmd); } } $le_files = $this->get_letsencrypt_certificate_paths($temp_domains); if($server_type != 'apache' || version_compare($app->system->getapacheversion(true), '2.4.8', '>=')) { $crt_tmp_file = $le_files['fullchain']; } else { $crt_tmp_file = $le_files['cert']; } $key_tmp_file = $le_files['privkey']; $bundle_tmp_file = $le_files['chain']; if(!$success) { // error issuing cert $app->log('Let\'s Encrypt SSL Cert for: ' . $domain . ' could not be issued.', LOGLEVEL_WARN); $app->log($letsencrypt_cmd, LOGLEVEL_WARN); // if cert already exists, dont remove it. Ex. expired/misstyped/noDnsYet alias domain, api down... if(!file_exists($crt_tmp_file)) { return false; } } //* check is been correctly created if(file_exists($crt_tmp_file)) { $app->log("Let's Encrypt Cert file: $crt_tmp_file exists.", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $date = date("YmdHis"); //* TODO: check if is a symlink, if target same keep it, either remove it if(is_file($key_file)) { $app->system->copy($key_file, $key_file.'.old.'.$date); $app->system->chmod($key_file.'.old.'.$date, 0400); $app->system->unlink($key_file); } if ($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') { $app->system->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($key_tmp_file), escapeshellcmd($key_file)); } else { if(@is_link($key_file)) $app->system->unlink($key_file); if(@file_exists($key_tmp_file)) exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($key_tmp_file)." ".escapeshellcmd($key_file)); } if(is_file($crt_file)) { $app->system->copy($crt_file, $crt_file.'.old.'.$date); $app->system->chmod($crt_file.'.old.'.$date, 0400); $app->system->unlink($crt_file); } if($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') { $app->system->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($crt_tmp_file), escapeshellcmd($crt_file)); } else { if(@is_link($crt_file)) $app->system->unlink($crt_file); if(@file_exists($crt_tmp_file))exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($crt_tmp_file)." ".escapeshellcmd($crt_file)); } if(is_file($bundle_file)) { $app->system->copy($bundle_file, $bundle_file.'.old.'.$date); $app->system->chmod($bundle_file.'.old.'.$date, 0400); $app->system->unlink($bundle_file); } if($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') { $app->system->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($bundle_tmp_file), escapeshellcmd($bundle_file)); } else { if(@is_link($bundle_file)) $app->system->unlink($bundle_file); if(@file_exists($bundle_tmp_file)) exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($bundle_tmp_file)." ".escapeshellcmd($bundle_file)); } return true; } else { $app->log("Let's Encrypt Cert file: $crt_tmp_file does not exist.", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } } } ?>