diff --git a/interface/lib/classes/functions.inc.php b/interface/lib/classes/functions.inc.php
index 4d4c011fb5e5e4b06bed617601bd7bac42f345d8..8b52cd35c06f3f20b0666cf20dc82ff8d1646de3 100644
--- a/interface/lib/classes/functions.inc.php
+++ b/interface/lib/classes/functions.inc.php
@@ -528,6 +528,121 @@ class functions {
+        // Function to lock a client
+        public function func_client_lock($client_id,$locked) {
+                global $app;
+                $client_data = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `tmp_data` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id);
+                if($client_data['tmp_data'] == '') $tmp_data = array();
+                else $tmp_data = unserialize($client_data['tmp_data']);
+                if(!is_array($tmp_data)) $tmp_data = array();
+                $to_disable = array('cron' => 'id',
+                        'ftp_user' => 'ftp_user_id',
+                        'mail_domain' => 'domain_id',
+                        'mail_user' => 'mailuser_id',
+                        'mail_user_smtp' => 'mailuser_id',
+                        'mail_forwarding' => 'forwarding_id',
+                        'mail_get' => 'mailget_id',
+                        'openvz_vm' => 'vm_id',
+                        'shell_user' => 'shell_user_id',
+                        'webdav_user' => 'webdav_user_id',
+                        'web_database' => 'database_id',
+                        'web_domain' => 'domain_id',
+                        'web_folder' => 'web_folder_id',
+                        'web_folder_user' => 'web_folder_user_id'
+                );
+                $udata = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `userid` FROM `sys_user` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id);
+                $gdata = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `groupid` FROM `sys_group` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $client_id);
+                $sys_groupid = $gdata['groupid'];
+                $sys_userid = $udata['userid'];
+                if($locked == 'y') {
+                        $prev_active = array();
+                        $prev_sysuser = array();
+                        foreach($to_disable as $current => $keycolumn) {
+                                $active_col = 'active';
+                                $reverse = false;
+                                if($current == 'mail_user') {
+                                        $active_col = 'postfix';
+                                } elseif($current == 'mail_user_smtp') {
+                                        $current = 'mail_user';
+                                        $active_col = 'disablesmtp';
+                                        $reverse = true;
+                                }
+                                if(!isset($prev_active[$current])) $prev_active[$current] = array();
+                                if(!isset($prev_sysuser[$current])) $prev_sysuser[$current] = array();
+                                $entries = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT ?? as `id`, `sys_userid`, ?? FROM ?? WHERE `sys_groupid` = ?', $keycolumn, $active_col, $current, $sys_groupid);
+                                foreach($entries as $item) {
+                                        if($item[$active_col] != 'y' && $reverse == false) $prev_active[$current][$item['id']][$active_col] = 'n';
+                                        elseif($item[$active_col] == 'y' && $reverse == true) $prev_active[$current][$item['id']][$active_col] = 'y';
+                                        if($item['sys_userid'] != $sys_userid) $prev_sysuser[$current][$item['id']] = $item['sys_userid'];
+                                        // we don't have to store these if y, as everything without previous state gets enabled later
+                                        //$app->db->datalogUpdate($current, array($active_col => ($reverse == true ? 'y' : 'n'), 'sys_userid' => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"]), $keycolumn, $item['id']);
+                                        $app->db->datalogUpdate($current, array($active_col => ($reverse == true ? 'y' : 'n'), 'sys_userid' => $sys_userid), $keycolumn, $item['id']);
+                                }
+                        $tmp_data['prev_active'] = $prev_active;
+                        $tmp_data['prev_sys_userid'] = $prev_sysuser;
+                        $app->db->query("UPDATE `client` SET `tmp_data` = ? WHERE `client_id` = ?", serialize($tmp_data), $client_id);
+                        unset($prev_active);
+                        unset($prev_sysuser);
+                } elseif ($locked == 'n') {
+                        foreach($to_disable as $current => $keycolumn) {
+                                $active_col = 'active';
+                                $reverse = false;
+                                if($current == 'mail_user') {
+                                        $active_col = 'postfix';
+                                } elseif($current == 'mail_user_smtp') {
+                                        $current = 'mail_user';
+                                        $active_col = 'disablesmtp';
+                                        $reverse = true;
+                                }
+                                $entries = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT ?? as `id` FROM ?? WHERE `sys_groupid` = ?', $keycolumn, $current, $sys_groupid);
+                                foreach($entries as $item) {
+                                        $set_active = ($reverse == true ? 'n' : 'y');
+                                        $set_inactive = ($reverse == true ? 'y' : 'n');
+                                        $set_sysuser = $sys_userid;
+                                        if(array_key_exists('prev_active', $tmp_data) == true
+                                                && array_key_exists($current, $tmp_data['prev_active']) == true
+                                                && array_key_exists($item['id'], $tmp_data['prev_active'][$current]) == true
+                                                && $tmp_data['prev_active'][$current][$item['id']][$active_col] == $set_inactive) $set_active = $set_inactive;
+                                        if(array_key_exists('prev_sysuser', $tmp_data) == true
+                                                && array_key_exists($current, $tmp_data['prev_sysuser']) == true
+                                                && array_key_exists($item['id'], $tmp_data['prev_sysuser'][$current]) == true
+                                                && $tmp_data['prev_sysuser'][$current][$item['id']] != $sys_userid) $set_sysuser = $tmp_data['prev_sysuser'][$current][$item['id']];
+                                        $app->db->datalogUpdate($current, array($active_col => $set_active, 'sys_userid' => $set_sysuser), $keycolumn, $item['id']);
+                                }
+                        }
+                        if(array_key_exists('prev_active', $tmp_data)) unset($tmp_data['prev_active']);
+                        $app->db->query("UPDATE `client` SET `tmp_data` = ? WHERE `client_id` = ?", serialize($tmp_data), $client_id);
+                }
+                unset($tmp_data);
+                unset($entries);
+                unset($to_disable);
+        }
+        // Function to cancel disable/enable a client
+        public function func_client_cancel($client_id,$cancel) {
+                global $app;
+                if ($cancel == 'y') {
+                        $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET active = '0' WHERE client_id = ?";
+                        $result = $app->db->query($sql, $client_id);
+                } elseif($cancel == 'n') {
+                        $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET active = '1' WHERE client_id = ?";
+                        $result = $app->db->query($sql, $client_id);
+                } else {
+                        $result = FALSE;
+                }
+                return $result;
+        }	
diff --git a/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php b/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php
index 57412e5e192bef9f478c59db36c80db1fc5864f5..fa20802b7d69284b319094cbd68b44624c16c1a7 100644
--- a/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php
+++ b/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php
@@ -243,6 +243,15 @@ class remoting_client extends remoting {
 		$affected_rows = $this->updateQuery('../client/form/' . (isset($params['limit_client']) && $params['limit_client'] != 0 ? 'reseller' : 'client') . '.tform.php', $reseller_id, $client_id, $params, 'client:' . ($reseller_id ? 'reseller' : 'client') . ':on_after_update');
 		$app->remoting_lib->ispconfig_sysuser_update($params, $client_id);
+		// if canceled
+                if ($params['canceled']) {
+                        $result = functions::func_client_cancel($client_id, $params['canceled']);
+                }
+                // if locked
+                if ($params['locked']) {
+                        $result = functions::func_client_lock($client_id, $params['locked']);
+		}
 		return $affected_rows;
diff --git a/interface/web/client/client_edit.php b/interface/web/client/client_edit.php
index 3d2e4e805d5d7cfe4836bc9f443b40959252e2bb..9bd114daade8b0d8edd00cfc2a3c89de9e580c54 100644
--- a/interface/web/client/client_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/client/client_edit.php
@@ -425,123 +425,16 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 			$app->db->query($sql, $password, $client_id);
-		if(!isset($this->dataRecord['locked'])) $this->dataRecord['locked'] = 'n';
-		if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && $this->dataRecord["locked"] != $this->oldDataRecord['locked']) {
-			/** lock all the things like web, mail etc. - easy to extend */
-			// get tmp_data of client
-			$client_data = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `tmp_data` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $this->id);
-			if($client_data['tmp_data'] == '') $tmp_data = array();
-			else $tmp_data = unserialize($client_data['tmp_data']);
-			if(!is_array($tmp_data)) $tmp_data = array();
-			// database tables with their primary key columns
-			$to_disable = array('cron' => 'id',
-				'ftp_user' => 'ftp_user_id',
-				'mail_domain' => 'domain_id',
-				'mail_user' => 'mailuser_id',
-				'mail_user_smtp' => 'mailuser_id',
-				'mail_forwarding' => 'forwarding_id',
-				'mail_get' => 'mailget_id',
-				'openvz_vm' => 'vm_id',
-				'shell_user' => 'shell_user_id',
-				'webdav_user' => 'webdav_user_id',
-				'web_database' => 'database_id',
-				'web_domain' => 'domain_id',
-				'web_folder' => 'web_folder_id',
-				'web_folder_user' => 'web_folder_user_id'
-			);
-			$udata = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `userid` FROM `sys_user` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $this->id);
-			$gdata = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `groupid` FROM `sys_group` WHERE `client_id` = ?', $this->id);
-			$sys_groupid = $gdata['groupid'];
-			$sys_userid = $udata['userid'];
-			$entries = array();
-			if($this->dataRecord['locked'] == 'y') {
-				$prev_active = array();
-				$prev_sysuser = array();
-				foreach($to_disable as $current => $keycolumn) {
-					$active_col = 'active';
-					$reverse = false;
-					if($current == 'mail_user') {
-						$active_col = 'postfix';
-					} elseif($current == 'mail_user_smtp') {
-						$current = 'mail_user';
-						$active_col = 'disablesmtp';
-						$reverse = true;
-					}
-					if(!isset($prev_active[$current])) $prev_active[$current] = array();
-					if(!isset($prev_sysuser[$current])) $prev_sysuser[$current] = array();
-					$entries = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT ?? as `id`, `sys_userid`, ?? FROM ?? WHERE `sys_groupid` = ?', $keycolumn, $active_col, $current, $sys_groupid);
-					foreach($entries as $item) {
-						if($item[$active_col] != 'y' && $reverse == false) $prev_active[$current][$item['id']][$active_col] = 'n';
-						elseif($item[$active_col] == 'y' && $reverse == true) $prev_active[$current][$item['id']][$active_col] = 'y';
-						if($item['sys_userid'] != $sys_userid) $prev_sysuser[$current][$item['id']] = $item['sys_userid'];
-						// we don't have to store these if y, as everything without previous state gets enabled later
-						$app->db->datalogUpdate($current, array($active_col => ($reverse == true ? 'y' : 'n'), 'sys_userid' => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"]), $keycolumn, $item['id']);
-					}
-				}
-				$tmp_data['prev_active'] = $prev_active;
-				$tmp_data['prev_sys_userid'] = $prev_sysuser;
-				$app->db->query("UPDATE `client` SET `tmp_data` = ? WHERE `client_id` = ?", serialize($tmp_data), $this->id);
-				unset($prev_active);
-				unset($prev_sysuser);
-			} elseif($this->dataRecord['locked'] == 'n') {
-				foreach($to_disable as $current => $keycolumn) {
-					$active_col = 'active';
-					$reverse = false;
-					if($current == 'mail_user') {
-						$active_col = 'postfix';
-					} elseif($current == 'mail_user_smtp') {
-						$current = 'mail_user';
-						$active_col = 'disablesmtp';
-						$reverse = true;
-					}
-					$entries = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT ?? as `id` FROM ?? WHERE `sys_groupid` = ?', $keycolumn, $current, $sys_groupid);
-					foreach($entries as $item) {
-						$set_active = ($reverse == true ? 'n' : 'y');
-						$set_inactive = ($reverse == true ? 'y' : 'n');
-						$set_sysuser = $sys_userid;
-						if(array_key_exists('prev_active', $tmp_data) == true
-							&& array_key_exists($current, $tmp_data['prev_active']) == true
-							&& array_key_exists($item['id'], $tmp_data['prev_active'][$current]) == true
-							&& $tmp_data['prev_active'][$current][$item['id']][$active_col] == $set_inactive) $set_active = $set_inactive;
-						if(array_key_exists('prev_sysuser', $tmp_data) == true
-							&& array_key_exists($current, $tmp_data['prev_sysuser']) == true
-							&& array_key_exists($item['id'], $tmp_data['prev_sysuser'][$current]) == true
-							&& $tmp_data['prev_sysuser'][$current][$item['id']] != $sys_userid) $set_sysuser = $tmp_data['prev_sysuser'][$current][$item['id']];
-						$app->db->datalogUpdate($current, array($active_col => $set_active, 'sys_userid' => $set_sysuser), $keycolumn, $item['id']);
-					}
-				}
-				if(array_key_exists('prev_active', $tmp_data)) unset($tmp_data['prev_active']);
-				$app->db->query("UPDATE `client` SET `tmp_data` = ? WHERE `client_id` = ?", serialize($tmp_data), $this->id);
-			}
-			unset($tmp_data);
-			unset($entries);
-			unset($to_disable);
-		}
-		if(!isset($this->dataRecord['canceled'])) $this->dataRecord['canceled'] = 'n';
-		if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && $this->dataRecord["canceled"] != $this->oldDataRecord['canceled']) {
-			if($this->dataRecord['canceled'] == 'y') {
-				$sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET active = '0' WHERE client_id = ?";
-				$app->db->query($sql, $this->id);
-			} elseif($this->dataRecord['canceled'] == 'n') {
-				$sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET active = '1' WHERE client_id = ?";
-				$app->db->query($sql, $this->id);
-			}
-		}
+		// lock and cancel
+                if(!isset($this->dataRecord['locked'])) $this->dataRecord['locked'] = 'n';
+                if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && $this->dataRecord["locked"] != $this->oldDataRecord['locked']) {
+                        $lock = functions::func_client_lock($this->id,$this->dataRecord["locked"]);
+                }
+                if(!isset($this->dataRecord['canceled'])) $this->dataRecord['canceled'] = 'n';
+                if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && $this->dataRecord["canceled"] != $this->oldDataRecord['canceled']) {
+                        $cancel = functions::func_client_cancel($this->id,$this->dataRecord["canceled"]);
+                }
 		// language changed
 		if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && isset($this->dataRecord['language']) && $this->dataRecord['language'] != '' && $this->oldDataRecord['language'] != $this->dataRecord['language']) {