#!/bin/bash CURDIR=$(pwd) ; BASEDIR=$(dirname $0) ; BASEDIR=$(realpath ${BASEDIR}) ; CURL=$(which curl) ; WGET=$(which wget) ; PHP=$(which php) ; if [ "$CURL" = "" ] ; then if [ "$WGET" = "" ] ; then echo "Curl and Wget missing, trying to install." ; apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y -qq install wget ; WGET=$(which wget) ; fi if [ "$WGET" = "" ] ; then echo "Wget and curl are missing. Please install either wget or curl package." ; exit 1 ; fi fi if [ "$PHP" = "" ] ; then echo "PHP cli missing, trying to install." ; apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y -qq install php-cli ; PHP=$(which php) ; fi if [ "$PHP" = "" ] ; then echo "PHP cli is missing. Please install package php-cli." ; exit 1; fi if [ "$CURL" != "" ] ; then $CURL -s -o /tmp/ispconfig-ai.tar.gz "https://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ispconfig-ai.tar.gz" >/dev/null 2>&1 else $WGET -q -O /tmp/ispconfig-ai.tar.gz "https://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ispconfig-ai.tar.gz" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ ! -f "/tmp/ispconfig-ai.tar.gz" ] ; then echo "Failed downloading Autoinstaller" ; exit 1; fi rm -rf /tmp/ispconfig-ai ; mkdir /tmp/ispconfig-ai ; tar -C /tmp/ispconfig-ai/ -xzf /tmp/ispconfig-ai.tar.gz || (echo "Failed extracting Autoinstaller" ; exit 1) rm -f /tmp/ispconfig-ai.tar.gz ; cd /tmp/ispconfig-ai ; ${PHP} -q ${BASEDIR}/ispconfig.ai.php $@ && exit 0 || exit 1; cd ${CURDIR} ; rm -rf /tmp/ispconfig-ai ;