functions->intval($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid']); } public function is_admin() { if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') { return true; } else { return false; } } public function is_superadmin() { if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin' && $_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'] == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function has_clients($userid) { global $app, $conf; $userid = $app->functions->intval($userid); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.limit_client FROM sys_user, client WHERE sys_user.userid = ? AND sys_user.client_id = client.client_id", $userid); if($client['limit_client'] != 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Function to check if a client belongs to a reseller public function is_client_of_reseller($userid = 0) { global $app, $conf; if($userid == 0) $userid = $_SESSION['s']['user']['userid']; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.sys_userid, client.sys_groupid FROM sys_user, client WHERE sys_user.userid = ? AND sys_user.client_id = client.client_id", $userid); if($client['sys_userid'] > 1 || $client['sys_groupid'] > 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } //** This function adds a given group id to a given user. public function add_group_to_user($userid, $groupid) { global $app; $userid = $app->functions->intval($userid); $groupid = $app->functions->intval($groupid); if($userid > 0 && $groupid > 0) { $user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM sys_user WHERE userid = ?", $userid); $groups = explode(',', $user['groups']); if(!in_array($groupid, $groups)) $groups[] = $groupid; $groups_string = implode(',', $groups); $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET groups = ? WHERE userid = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $groups_string, $userid); return true; } else { return false; } } //** This function returns given client limit as integer, -1 means no limit public function get_client_limit($userid, $limitname) { global $app; $userid = $app->functions->intval($userid); if(!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]{1,64}$/',$limitname)) $app->error('Invalid limit name '.$limitname); // simple query cache if($this->client_limits===null) $this->client_limits = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.* FROM sys_user, client WHERE sys_user.userid = ? AND sys_user.client_id = client.client_id", $userid); // isn't client -> no limit if(!$this->client_limits) return -1; if(isset($this->client_limits['limit_'.$limitname])) { return $this->client_limits['limit_'.$limitname]; } } //** This function removes a given group id from a given user. public function remove_group_from_user($userid, $groupid) { global $app; $userid = $app->functions->intval($userid); $groupid = $app->functions->intval($groupid); if($userid > 0 && $groupid > 0) { $user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM sys_user WHERE userid = ?", $userid); $groups = explode(',', $user['groups']); $key = array_search($groupid, $groups); unset($groups[$key]); $groups_string = implode(',', $groups); $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET groups = ? WHERE userid = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $groups_string, $userid); return true; } else { return false; } } public function check_module_permissions($module) { // Check if the current user has the permissions to access this module $module = trim(preg_replace('@\s+@', '', $module)); $user_modules = explode(',',$_SESSION["s"]["user"]["modules"]); if(strpos($module, ',') !== false){ $can_use_module = false; $tmp_modules = explode(',', $module); if(is_array($tmp_modules) && !empty($tmp_modules)){ foreach($tmp_modules as $tmp_module){ if($tmp_module != ''){ if(in_array($tmp_module,$user_modules)) { $can_use_module = true; break; } } } } if(!$can_use_module){ // echo "LOGIN_REDIRECT:/index.php"; header("Location: /index.php"); exit; } } else { if(!in_array($module,$user_modules)) { // echo "LOGIN_REDIRECT:/index.php"; header("Location: /index.php"); exit; } } } public function check_security_permissions($permission) { global $app; $app->uses('getconf'); $security_config = $app->getconf->get_security_config('permissions'); $security_check = false; if($security_config[$permission] == 'yes') $security_check = true; if($security_config[$permission] == 'superadmin' && $app->auth->is_superadmin()) $security_check = true; if($security_check !== true) { $app->error($app->lng('security_check1_txt').' '.$permission.' '.$app->lng('security_check2_txt')); } } /** * Get the minimum password length. */ public function get_min_password_length() { global $app; $server_config_array = $app->getconf->get_global_config(); $min_password_length = 8; if(isset($server_config_array['misc']['min_password_length'])) $min_password_length = $server_config_array['misc']['min_password_length']; return $min_password_length; } /** * Get the minimum password strength. */ public function get_min_password_strength() { global $app; $server_config_array = $app->getconf->get_global_config(); $min_password_strength = 0; if(isset($server_config_array['misc']['min_password_strength'])) $min_password_strength = $server_config_array['misc']['min_password_strength'];; return $min_password_strength; } /** * Generate a ranmdom password. * * @param int $minLength * Minimum number of characters. * @param boolean $special * Include special characters, like # and ! */ public function get_random_password($minLength = 8, $special = false) { if($minLength < 8) $minLength = 8; $maxLength = $minLength + 5; $length = mt_rand($minLength, $maxLength); $alphachars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $upperchars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $numchars = "1234567890"; $specialchars = "!@#_"; $num_special = 0; if($special == true) { $num_special = intval(mt_rand(0, round($length / 4))) + 1; } $numericlen = mt_rand(1, 2); $alphalen = $length - $num_special - $numericlen; $upperlen = intval($alphalen / 2); $alphalen = $alphalen - $upperlen; $password = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $alphalen; $i++) { $password .= substr($alphachars, mt_rand(0, strlen($alphachars) - 1), 1); } for($i = 0; $i < $upperlen; $i++) { $password .= substr($upperchars, mt_rand(0, strlen($upperchars) - 1), 1); } for($i = 0; $i < $num_special; $i++) { $password .= substr($specialchars, mt_rand(0, strlen($specialchars) - 1), 1); } for($i = 0; $i < $numericlen; $i++) { $password .= substr($numchars, mt_rand(0, strlen($numchars) - 1), 1); } return str_shuffle($password); } public function crypt_password($cleartext_password, $charset = 'UTF-8') { if($charset != 'UTF-8') { $cleartext_password = mb_convert_encoding($cleartext_password, $charset, 'UTF-8'); } $salt="$1$"; $base64_alphabet='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; for ($n=0;$n<8;$n++) { $salt.=$base64_alphabet[mt_rand(0, 63)]; } $salt.="$"; return crypt($cleartext_password, $salt); } public function csrf_token_get($form_name) { /* CSRF PROTECTION */ // generate csrf protection id and key $_csrf_id = uniqid($form_name . '_'); // form id $_csrf_key = sha1(uniqid(microtime(true), true)); // the key if(!isset($_SESSION['_csrf'])) $_SESSION['_csrf'] = array(); if(!isset($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'])) $_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'] = array(); $_SESSION['_csrf'][$_csrf_id] = $_csrf_key; $_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'][$_csrf_id] = time() + 3600; // timeout hash in 1 hour return array('csrf_id' => $_csrf_id,'csrf_key' => $_csrf_key); } public function csrf_token_check() { global $app; if(isset($_POST) && is_array($_POST)) { $_csrf_valid = false; if(isset($_POST['_csrf_id']) && isset($_POST['_csrf_key'])) { $_csrf_id = trim($_POST['_csrf_id']); $_csrf_key = trim($_POST['_csrf_key']); if(isset($_SESSION['_csrf']) && isset($_SESSION['_csrf'][$_csrf_id]) && isset($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout']) && isset($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'][$_csrf_id])) { if($_SESSION['_csrf'][$_csrf_id] === $_csrf_key && $_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'] >= time()) $_csrf_valid = true; } } if($_csrf_valid !== true) { $app->log('CSRF attempt blocked. Referer: ' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : 'unknown'), LOGLEVEL_WARN); $app->error($app->lng('err_csrf_attempt_blocked')); } $_SESSION['_csrf'][$_csrf_id] = null; $_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'][$_csrf_id] = null; unset($_SESSION['_csrf'][$_csrf_id]); unset($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'][$_csrf_id]); if(isset($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout']) && is_array($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'])) { $to_unset = array(); foreach($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'] as $_csrf_id => $timeout) { if($timeout < time()) $to_unset[] = $_csrf_id; } foreach($to_unset as $_csrf_id) { $_SESSION['_csrf'][$_csrf_id] = null; $_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'][$_csrf_id] = null; unset($_SESSION['_csrf'][$_csrf_id]); unset($_SESSION['_csrf_timeout'][$_csrf_id]); } unset($to_unset); } } } } ?>