lng('[INFO] Invalid cron line in file ' . $cron_file)); } elseif(preg_match('/^\w+=/', $line)) { if(preg_match('/\s/', $line)) { // warning line with env var and space! swriteln($inst->lng("\n" . '[WARNING] Cron line in file ' . $cron_file . ' contains environment variable.' . "\n")); } } elseif(!isset($fields[5])) { // invalid line (missing user) swriteln($inst->lng("\n" . '[WARNING] Cron line in file ' . $cron_file . ' misses user field.' . "\n")); } else { $check_filename = trim($fields[5]) . $check_suffix; if(substr($cron_file, -strlen($check_filename)) != $check_filename) { // warning user not equal to file name swriteln($inst->lng("\n" . '[WARNING] SUSPECT USER IN CRON FILE ' . $cron_file . '! CHECK CRON FILE FOR MALICIOUS ENTRIES!' . "\n")); } } } fclose($fp); } } } } ?>