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Example local config.  Here you can add your own custom
settings to override the defaults. These will also be
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protected from updates. This is added at the end of the to allow you to override settings. Be 
careful as this can override settings for the database.  

** Check your config before using in production. **

// $conf['app_title'] = "My Web Hosting";
// $conf['app_version'] = "2.0";
// $conf['app_link'] = '';
// $conf['modules_available'] = 'dashboard,admin,mail,sites,monitor,client,dns,help';
// $conf['interface_modules_enabled'] = 'dashboard,mail,sites,dns,tools';
// $conf['software_updates_enabled'] = false;
// $conf['theme'] = 'mycustom_theme'; // Must be installed.
// $conf['logo'] = 'themes/default/images/ispc_logo.png';
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// $conf['templates'] = '/opt/tecnoera/templates';

// $conf['language'] = 'es';
// $conf['interface_logout_url'] = '';
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