tableDef = $table; $this->table_name = $table_name; $this->table_index = $table_index; return true; } */ function loadFormDef($file,$module = '') { global $app,$conf; include_once($file); $this->formDef = $form; $this->module = $module; $wb = array(); $lng_file = ISPC_WEB_PATH.'/lang/lib/lang/'.$_SESSION['s']['language'].'_tform.lng'; if(!file_exists($lng_file)) $lng_file = ISPC_WEB_PATH.'/lang/lib/lang/en'.'_tform.lng'; include($lng_file); if($module == '') { $lng_file = "lib/lang/".$_SESSION["s"]["language"]."_".$this->formDef["name"].".lng"; if(!file_exists($lng_file)) $lng_file = "lib/lang/en_".$this->formDef["name"].".lng"; include($lng_file); } else { $lng_file = "../$module/lib/lang/".$_SESSION["s"]["language"]."_".$this->formDef["name"].".lng"; if(!file_exists($lng_file)) $lng_file = "../$module/lib/lang/en_".$this->formDef["name"].".lng"; include($lng_file); } $this->wordbook = $wb; return true; } /** * Converts the data in the array to human readable format * Datatype conversion e.g. to show the data in lists * * @param record * @return record */ function decode($record,$tab) { if(!is_array($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab])) $app->error("Tab does not exist or the tab is empty (TAB: $tab)."); $new_record = ''; if(is_array($record)) { foreach($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['fields'] as $key => $field) { switch ($field['datatype']) { case 'VARCHAR': $new_record[$key] = stripslashes($record[$key]); break; case 'TEXT': $new_record[$key] = stripslashes($record[$key]); break; case 'DATE': if($record[$key] > 0) { $new_record[$key] = date($this->dateformat,$record[$key]); } break; case 'INTEGER': $new_record[$key] = intval($record[$key]); break; case 'DOUBLE': $new_record[$key] = $record[$key]; break; case 'CURRENCY': $new_record[$key] = number_format($record[$key], 2, ',', ''); break; default: $new_record[$key] = stripslashes($record[$key]); } } } return $new_record; } /** * Get the key => value array of a form filed from a datasource definitiom * * @param field = array with field definition * @param record = Dataset as array * @return key => value array for the value field of a form */ function getDatasourceData($field, $record) { global $app; $values = array(); if($field["datasource"]["type"] == 'SQL') { // Preparing SQL string. We will replace some // common placeholders $querystring = $field["datasource"]["querystring"]; $querystring = str_replace("{USERID}",$_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],$querystring); $querystring = str_replace("{GROUPID}",$_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"],$querystring); $querystring = str_replace("{GROUPS}",$_SESSION["s"]["user"]["groups"],$querystring); $table_idx = $this->formDef['db_table_idx']; $tmp_recordid = (isset($record[$table_idx]))?$record[$table_idx]:0; $querystring = str_replace("{RECORDID}",$tmp_recordid,$querystring); unset($tmp_recordid); $querystring = str_replace("{AUTHSQL}",$this->getAuthSQL('r'),$querystring); // Getting the records $tmp_records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($querystring); if($app->db->errorMessage != '') die($app->db->errorMessage); if(is_array($tmp_records)) { $key_field = $field["datasource"]["keyfield"]; $value_field = $field["datasource"]["valuefield"]; foreach($tmp_records as $tmp_rec) { $tmp_id = $tmp_rec[$key_field]; $values[$tmp_id] = $tmp_rec[$value_field]; } } } if($field["datasource"]["type"] == 'CUSTOM') { // Calls a custom class to validate this record if($field["datasource"]['class'] != '' and $field["datasource"]['function'] != '') { $datasource_class = $field["datasource"]['class']; $datasource_function = $field["datasource"]['function']; $app->uses($datasource_class); $values = $app->$datasource_class->$datasource_function($field, $record); } else { $this->errorMessage .= "Custom datasource class or function is empty
\r\n"; } } return $values; } /** * Prepare the data record to show the data in a form. * * @param record = Datensatz als Array * @param action = NEW oder EDIT * @return record */ function getHTML($record, $tab, $action = 'NEW') { global $app; $this->action = $action; if(!is_array($this->formDef)) $app->error("No form definition found."); if(!is_array($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab])) $app->error("The tab is empty or does not exist (TAB: $tab)."); $new_record = array(); if($action == 'EDIT') { $record = $this->decode($record,$tab); if(is_array($record)) { foreach($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['fields'] as $key => $field) { $val = $record[$key]; // If Datasource is set, get the data from there if(isset($field['datasource']) && is_array($field['datasource'])) { $field["value"] = $this->getDatasourceData($field, $record); } switch ($field['formtype']) { case 'SELECT': $out = ''; if(is_array($field['value'])) { foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { $selected = ($k == $val)?' SELECTED':''; $out .= "\r\n"; } } $new_record[$key] = $out; break; case 'MULTIPLE': if(is_array($field['value'])) { // Split $vals = explode($field['separator'],$val); // write HTML $out = ''; foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { $selected = ''; foreach($vals as $tvl) { if(trim($tvl) == trim($k)) $selected = ' SELECTED'; } $out .= "\r\n"; } } $new_record[$key] = $out; break; case 'PASSWORD': $new_record[$key] = ''; break; case 'CHECKBOX': $checked = ($val == $field['value'][1])?' CHECKED':''; $new_record[$key] = "\r\n"; break; case 'CHECKBOXARRAY': if(is_array($field['value'])) { // aufsplitten ergebnisse $vals = explode($field['separator'],$val); // HTML schreiben $out = ''; foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { $checked = ''; foreach($vals as $tvl) { if(trim($tvl) == trim($k)) $checked = ' CHECKED'; } $out .= "\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n"; } } $new_record[$key] = $out; break; case 'RADIO': if(is_array($field['value'])) { // HTML schreiben $out = ''; foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { $checked = ($k == $val)?' CHECKED':''; $out .= "\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n"; } } $new_record[$key] = $out; break; default: $new_record[$key] = htmlspecialchars($record[$key]); } } } } else { // Action: NEW foreach($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['fields'] as $key => $field) { // If Datasource is set, get the data from there if(@is_array($field['datasource'])) { $field["value"] = $this->getDatasourceData($field, $record); } switch ($field['formtype']) { case 'SELECT': if(is_array($field['value'])) { $out = ''; foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { //$selected = ($k == $val)?' SELECTED':''; $selected = ''; $out .= "\r\n"; } } if(isset($out)) $new_record[$key] = $out; break; case 'MULTIPLE': if(is_array($field['value'])) { // aufsplitten ergebnisse $vals = explode($field['separator'],$val); // HTML schreiben $out = ''; foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { $out .= "\r\n"; } } $new_record[$key] = $out; break; case 'PASSWORD': $new_record[$key] = ''; break; case 'CHECKBOX': // $checked = (empty($field["default"]))?'':' CHECKED'; $checked = ($field["default"] == $field['value'][1])?' CHECKED':''; $new_record[$key] = "\r\n"; break; case 'CHECKBOXARRAY': if(is_array($field['value'])) { // aufsplitten ergebnisse $vals = explode($field['separator'],$field["default"]); // HTML schreiben $out = ''; foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { $checked = ''; foreach($vals as $tvl) { if(trim($tvl) == trim($k)) $checked = ' CHECKED'; } $out .= "\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n"; } } $new_record[$key] = $out; break; case 'RADIO': if(is_array($field['value'])) { // HTML schreiben $out = ''; foreach($field['value'] as $k => $v) { $checked = ($k == $field["default"])?' CHECKED':''; $out .= "\r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n"; } } $new_record[$key] = $out; break; default: $new_record[$key] = htmlspecialchars($field['default']); } } } if($this->debug == 1) $this->dbg($new_record); return $new_record; } /** * Rewrite the record data to be stored in the database * and check values with regular expressions. * * @param record = Datensatz als Array * @return record */ function encode($record,$tab) { global $app; if(!is_array($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab])) $app->error("Tab is empty or does not exist (TAB: $tab)."); //$this->errorMessage = ''; if(is_array($record)) { foreach($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['fields'] as $key => $field) { if(isset($field['validators']) && is_array($field['validators'])) $this->validateField($key, (isset($record[$key]))?$record[$key]:'', $field['validators']); switch ($field['datatype']) { case 'VARCHAR': if(!@is_array($record[$key])) { $new_record[$key] = (isset($record[$key]))?$app->db->quote($record[$key]):''; } else { $new_record[$key] = implode($field['separator'],$record[$key]); } break; case 'TEXT': if(!is_array($record[$key])) { $new_record[$key] = $app->db->quote($record[$key]); } else { $new_record[$key] = implode($field['separator'],$record[$key]); } break; case 'DATE': if($record[$key] > 0) { list($tag,$monat,$jahr) = explode('.',$record[$key]); $new_record[$key] = mktime(0,0,0,$monat,$tag,$jahr); } else { $new_record[$key] = 0; } break; case 'INTEGER': $new_record[$key] = (isset($record[$key]))?$record[$key]:0; //if($new_record[$key] != $record[$key]) $new_record[$key] = $field['default']; //if($key == 'refresh') die($record[$key]); break; case 'DOUBLE': $new_record[$key] = $app->db->quote($record[$key]); break; case 'CURRENCY': $new_record[$key] = str_replace(",",".",$record[$key]); break; } // The use of the field value is deprecated, use validators instead if(isset($field['regex']) && $field['regex'] != '') { // Enable that "." matches also newlines $field['regex'] .= 's'; if(!preg_match($field['regex'], $record[$key])) { $errmsg = $field['errmsg']; $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } } } } return $new_record; } /** * process the validators for a given field. * * @param field_name = Name of the field * @param field_value = value of the field * @param validatoors = Array of validators * @return record */ function validateField($field_name, $field_value, $validators) { global $app; $escape = '`'; // loop trough the validators foreach($validators as $validator) { switch ($validator['type']) { case 'REGEX': $validator['regex'] .= 's'; if(!preg_match($validator['regex'], $field_value)) { $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } break; case 'UNIQUE': if($this->action == 'NEW') { $num_rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(*) as number FROM ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape. " WHERE $field_name = '".$app->db->quote($field_value)."'"); if($num_rec["number"] > 0) { $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } } else { $num_rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(*) as number FROM ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape. " WHERE $field_name = '".$app->db->quote($field_value)."' AND ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." != ".$this->primary_id); if($num_rec["number"] > 0) { $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } } break; case 'NOTEMPTY': if(empty($field_value)) { $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } break; case 'ISEMAIL': if(!preg_match("/^\w+[\w.-]*\w+@\w+[\w.-]*\w+\.[a-z]{2,10}$/i", $field_value)) { $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } break; case 'ISINT': $tmpval = intval($field_value); if($tmpval === 0 and !empty($field_value)) { $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } break; case 'ISPOSITIVE': if(!is_numeric($field_value) || $field_value <= 0){ $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } break; case 'ISIPV4': if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,3}(.)[0-9]{1,3}(.)[0-9]{1,3}(.)[0-9]{1,3}$/", $field_value)) { $errmsg = $validator['errmsg']; if(isset($this->wordbook[$errmsg])) { $this->errorMessage .= $this->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { $this->errorMessage .= $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } break; case 'CUSTOM': // Calls a custom class to validate this record if($validator['class'] != '' and $validator['function'] != '') { $validator_class = $validator['class']; $validator_function = $validator['function']; $app->uses($validator_class); $this->errorMessage .= $app->$validator_class->$validator_function($field_name, $field_value, $validator); } else { $this->errorMessage .= "Custom validator class or function is empty
\r\n"; } break; default: $this->errorMessage .= "Unknown Validator: ".$validator['type']; break; } } return true; } /** * Create the SQL staement. * * @param record = Datensatz als Array * @param action = INSERT oder UPDATE * @param primary_id * @return record */ function getSQL($record, $tab, $action = 'INSERT', $primary_id = 0, $sql_ext_where = '') { global $app; // If there are no data records on the tab, return empty sql string if(count($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['fields']) == 0) return ''; // checking permissions if($this->formDef['auth'] == 'yes' && $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') { if($action == "INSERT") { if(!$this->checkPerm($primary_id,'i')) $this->errorMessage .= "Insert denied.
\r\n"; } else { if(!$this->checkPerm($primary_id,'u')) $this->errorMessage .= "Update denied.
\r\n"; } } $this->action = $action; $this->primary_id = $primary_id; $record = $this->encode($record,$tab); $sql_insert_key = ''; $sql_insert_val = ''; $sql_update = ''; if(!is_array($this->formDef)) $app->error("Keine Formulardefinition vorhanden."); if(!is_array($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab])) $app->error("Tab ist leer oder existiert nicht (TAB: $tab)."); // gehe durch alle Felder des Tabs if(is_array($record)) { foreach($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['fields'] as $key => $field) { // Wenn es kein leeres Passwortfeld ist if (!($field['formtype'] == 'PASSWORD' and $record[$key] == '')) { // Erzeuge Insert oder Update Quelltext if($action == "INSERT") { if($field['formtype'] == 'PASSWORD') { $sql_insert_key .= "`$key`, "; if($field['encryption'] == 'CRYPT') { $salt="$1$"; for ($n=0;$n<11;$n++) { $salt.=chr(mt_rand(64,126)); } $salt.="$"; // $salt = substr(md5(time()),0,2); $record[$key] = crypt($record[$key],$salt); $sql_insert_val .= "'".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."', "; } elseif ($field['encryption'] == 'MYSQL') { $sql_insert_val .= "PASSWORD('".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."'), "; } elseif ($field['encryption'] == 'CLEARTEXT') { $sql_insert_val .= "'".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."', "; } else { $record[$key] = md5($record[$key]); $sql_insert_val .= "'".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."', "; } } elseif ($field['formtype'] == 'CHECKBOX') { $sql_insert_key .= "`$key`, "; if($record[$key] == '') { // if a checkbox is not set, we set it to the unchecked value $sql_insert_val .= "'".$field['value'][0]."', "; $record[$key] = $field['value'][0]; } else { $sql_insert_val .= "'".$record[$key]."', "; } } else { $sql_insert_key .= "`$key`, "; $sql_insert_val .= "'".$record[$key]."', "; } } else { if($field['formtype'] == 'PASSWORD') { if(isset($field['encryption']) && $field['encryption'] == 'CRYPT') { $salt="$1$"; for ($n=0;$n<11;$n++) { $salt.=chr(mt_rand(64,126)); } $salt.="$"; // $salt = substr(md5(time()),0,2); $record[$key] = crypt($record[$key],$salt); $sql_update .= "`$key` = '".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."', "; } elseif (isset($field['encryption']) && $field['encryption'] == 'MYSQL') { $sql_update .= "`$key` = PASSWORD('".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."'), "; } elseif (isset($field['encryption']) && $field['encryption'] == 'CLEARTEXT') { $sql_update .= "`$key` = '".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."', "; } else { $record[$key] = md5($record[$key]); $sql_update .= "`$key` = '".$app->db->quote($record[$key])."', "; } } elseif ($field['formtype'] == 'CHECKBOX') { if($record[$key] == '') { // if a checkbox is not set, we set it to the unchecked value $sql_update .= "`$key` = '".$field['value'][0]."', "; $record[$key] = $field['value'][0]; } else { $sql_update .= "`$key` = '".$record[$key]."', "; } } else { $sql_update .= "`$key` = '".$record[$key]."', "; } } } else { // we unset the password filed, if empty to tell the datalog function // that the password has not been changed unset($record[$key]); } } } // Add backticks for incomplete table names if(stristr($this->formDef['db_table'],'.')) { $escape = ''; } else { $escape = '`'; } if($action == "INSERT") { if($this->formDef['auth'] == 'yes') { // Set user and group $sql_insert_key .= "`sys_userid`, "; $sql_insert_val .= ($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["userid"] > 0)?"'".$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["userid"]."', ":"'".$_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"]."', "; $sql_insert_key .= "`sys_groupid`, "; $sql_insert_val .= ($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["groupid"] > 0)?"'".$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["groupid"]."', ":"'".$_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]."', "; $sql_insert_key .= "`sys_perm_user`, "; $sql_insert_val .= "'".$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_user"]."', "; $sql_insert_key .= "`sys_perm_group`, "; $sql_insert_val .= "'".$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_group"]."', "; $sql_insert_key .= "`sys_perm_other`, "; $sql_insert_val .= "'".$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_other"]."', "; } $sql_insert_key = substr($sql_insert_key,0,-2); $sql_insert_val = substr($sql_insert_val,0,-2); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." ($sql_insert_key) VALUES ($sql_insert_val)"; } else { if($this->formDef['auth'] == 'yes') { if($primary_id != 0) { $sql_update = substr($sql_update,0,-2); $sql = "UPDATE ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." SET ".$sql_update." WHERE ".$this->getAuthSQL('u')." AND ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." = ".$primary_id; if($sql_ext_where != '') $sql .= " and ".$sql_ext_where; } else { $app->error("Primary ID fehlt!"); } } else { if($primary_id != 0) { $sql_update = substr($sql_update,0,-2); $sql = "UPDATE ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." SET ".$sql_update." WHERE ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." = ".$primary_id; if($sql_ext_where != '') $sql .= " and ".$sql_ext_where; } else { $app->error("Primary ID fehlt!"); } } } return $sql; } /** * Debugging arrays. * * @param array_data */ function dbg($array_data) { echo "
                echo "
"; } function showForm() { global $app,$conf; if(!is_array($this->formDef)) die("Form Definition wurde nicht geladen."); $active_tab = $this->getNextTab(); // go trough the tabs foreach( $this->formDef["tabs"] as $key => $tab) { $tab['name'] = $key; if($tab['name'] == $active_tab) { // If module is set, then set the template path relative to the module.. if($this->module != '') $tab["template"] = "../".$this->module."/".$tab["template"]; // Generate the template if it does not exist yet. // Translate the title of the tab $tab['title'] = $this->lng($tab['title']); if(!is_file($tab["template"])) { $app->uses('tform_tpl_generator'); $app->tform_tpl_generator->buildHTML($this->formDef,$tab['name']); } $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl',$tab["template"]); $tab["active"] = 1; $_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"] = $tab['name']; } else { $tab["active"] = 0; } // Unset unused variables. unset($tab["fields"]); unset($tab["plugins"]); $frmTab[] = $tab; } // setting form tabs $app->tpl->setLoop("formTab", $frmTab); // Set form action $app->tpl->setVar('form_action',$this->formDef["action"]); $app->tpl->setVar('form_active_tab',$active_tab); // Set form title $form_hint = $this->lng($this->formDef["title"]); if($this->formDef["description"] != '') $form_hint .= '
'; $app->tpl->setVar('form_hint',$form_hint); // Set Wordbook for this form $app->tpl->setVar($this->wordbook); } function getDataRecord($primary_id) { global $app; $escape = '`'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." WHERE ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." = ".$primary_id; return $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); } function datalogSave($action,$primary_id, $record_old, $record_new) { global $app,$conf; // Add backticks for incomplete table names. if(stristr($this->formDef['db_table'],'.')) { $escape = ''; } else { $escape = '`'; } $this->diffrec = array(); /* if(is_array($record_new) && count($record_new) > 0) { foreach($record_new as $key => $val) { if(@$record_old[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec[$key] = array('old' => @$record_old[$key], 'new' => $val); } } } elseif(is_array($record_old)) { foreach($record_old as $key => $val) { if($record_new[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec[$key] = array('new' => $record_new[$key], 'old' => $val); } } } $this->diffrec = $diffrec; */ // Full diff records for ISPConfig, they have a different format then the simple diffrec $diffrec_full = array(); if(is_array($record_old) && count($record_old) > 0) { foreach($record_old as $key => $val) { //if(isset($record_new[$key]) && $record_new[$key] != $val) { if(!isset($record_new[$key]) || $record_new[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = $record_new[$key]; $this->diffrec[$key] = array( 'new' => $record_new[$key], 'old' => $val); } else { $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = $val; } } } elseif(is_array($record_new)) { foreach($record_new as $key => $val) { if(isset($record_new[$key]) && $record_old[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = $record_old[$key]; $this->diffrec[$key] = array( 'old' => @$record_old[$key], 'new' => $val); } else { $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = $val; } } } //$this->diffrec = $diffrec; // Insert the server_id, if the record has a server_id $server_id = (isset($record_old["server_id"]) && $record_old["server_id"] > 0)?$record_old["server_id"]:0; if(isset($record_new["server_id"])) $server_id = $record_new["server_id"]; if(count($this->diffrec) > 0) { $diffstr = addslashes(serialize($diffrec_full)); $username = $app->db->quote($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["username"]); $dbidx = $this->formDef['db_table_idx'].":".$primary_id; // $action = ($action == 'INSERT')?'i':'u'; if($action == 'INSERT') $action = 'i'; if($action == 'UPDATE') $action = 'u'; if($action == 'DELETE') $action = 'd'; $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_datalog (dbtable,dbidx,server_id,action,tstamp,user,data) VALUES ('".$this->formDef['db_table']."','$dbidx','$server_id','$action','".time()."','$username','$diffstr')"; $app->db->query($sql); } return true; } function getAuthSQL($perm) { if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin') { return '1'; } else { $groups = ( $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["groups"] ) ? $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["groups"] : 0; $sql = '('; $sql .= "(sys_userid = ".$_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"]." AND sys_perm_user like '%$perm%') OR "; $sql .= "(sys_groupid IN (".$groups.") AND sys_perm_group like '%$perm%') OR "; $sql .= "sys_perm_other like '%$perm%'"; $sql .= ')'; return $sql; } } /* This function checks if a user has the parmissions $perm for the data record with the ID $record_id If record_id = 0, the the permissions are tested against the defaults of the form file. */ function checkPerm($record_id,$perm) { global $app; if($record_id > 0) { // Add backticks for incomplete table names. if(stristr($this->formDef['db_table'],'.')) { $escape = ''; } else { $escape = '`'; } $sql = "SELECT ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." FROM ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." WHERE ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." = ".$record_id." AND ".$this->getAuthSQL($perm); if($record = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $result = false; if(@$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["userid"] == $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"] && stristr($perm,$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_user"])) $result = true; if(@$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["groupid"] == $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["groupid"] && stristr($perm,$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_group"])) $result = true; if(@stristr($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_other"],$perm)) $result = true; // if preset == 0, everyone can insert a record of this type if($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["userid"] == 0 AND $this->formDef["auth_preset"]["groupid"] == 0 AND (@stristr($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_user"],$perm) OR @stristr($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_group"],$perm))) $result = true; return $result; } } function getNextTab() { // Which tab is shown if($this->errorMessage == '') { // If there is no error if(isset($_REQUEST["next_tab"]) && $_REQUEST["next_tab"] != '') { // If the next tab is known $active_tab = $_REQUEST["next_tab"]; } else { // else use the default tab $active_tab = $this->formDef['tab_default']; } } else { // Show the same tab again in case of an error $active_tab = $_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"]; } return $active_tab; } function getCurrentTab() { return $_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"]; } function isReadonlyTab($tab) { if(isset($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['readonly']) && $this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['readonly'] == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } // translation function for forms, tries the form wordbook first and if this fails, it tries the global wordbook function lng($msg) { global $app; if(isset($this->wordbook[$msg])) { return $this->wordbook[$msg]; } else { return $app->lng($msg); } } } ?>