Informacija: Ako želite ugasiti mysql morate izabrati Isključi MySQL monitoring kvačicu i tada pričekati 2-3 minute.
Ukoliko ne pričekate, automatski će se restartati MySQL!'; $wb['enable_sni_txt'] = 'Omogući SNI'; $wb['do_not_try_rescue_httpd_txt'] = 'Isključi HTTPD monitoriranje'; $wb['set_folder_permissions_on_update_txt'] = 'Postavi dozvole pri svakoj nadogradnji ISPConfiga'; $wb['add_web_users_to_sshusers_group_txt'] = 'Dodaj web korisnikeu -sshusers- grupu'; $wb['connect_userid_to_webid_txt'] = 'Spoji Linux userid u webid'; $wb['connect_userid_to_webid_start_txt'] = 'Početni ID za spajanje userid/webid-a'; $wb['website_autoalias_txt'] = 'Website auto alias'; $wb['website_autoalias_note_txt'] = 'Placeholders:'; $wb['backup_mode_txt'] = 'Backup mode'; $wb['backup_mode_userzip'] = 'Backup web files owned by web user as zip'; $wb['backup_mode_rootgz'] = 'Backup all files in web directory as root user'; $wb['backup_mode_borg_txt'] = 'BorgBackup: Backup all files in vhost directory and databases into incremental repositories'; $wb['backup_missing_utils_txt'] = 'The following backup mode can not be used because the required tools are not installed:'; $wb['realtime_blackhole_list_txt'] = 'Real-time Blackhole List'; $wb['realtime_blackhole_list_note_txt'] = '(Separate RBL\'s with commas)'; $wb['stress_adaptive_txt'] = 'Adapt to temporary load spikes'; $wb['tooltip_stress_adaptive_txt'] = 'Enables Postfix stress-adaptive behavior.'; $wb['ssl_settings_txt'] = 'SSL postavke'; $wb['permissions_txt'] = 'Dozvole'; $wb['php_settings_txt'] = 'PHP postavke'; $wb['apps_vhost_settings_txt'] = 'Apps Vhost postavke'; $wb['awstats_settings_txt'] = 'AWStats postavke'; $wb['firewall_txt'] = 'Firewall'; $wb['mailbox_quota_stats_txt'] = 'Statistika limita sandučića'; $wb['enable_ip_wildcard_txt'] = 'Enable IP wildcard (*)'; $wb['web_folder_protection_txt'] = 'Make web folders immutable (extended attributes)'; $wb['overtraffic_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send overtraffic notification to admin'; $wb['overtraffic_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send overtraffic notification to client'; $wb['overtraffic_disable_web_txt'] = 'Disable websites that exceed traffic limit'; $wb['rbl_error_regex'] = 'Please specify valid RBL hostnames.'; $wb['overquota_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send quota warnings to admin'; $wb['overquota_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send quota warnings to client'; $wb['overquota_notify_onok_txt'] = 'Send quota ok message to client'; $wb['overquota_notify_freq_txt'] = 'Send quota warning each X days'; $wb['overquota_notify_freq_note_txt'] = '0 = send message just once, no repeated messages'; $wb['admin_notify_events_txt'] = 'Send email to admin starting with the following level'; $wb['no_notifications_txt'] = 'Nema notifikacija'; $wb['monit_url_txt'] = 'Monit URL'; $wb['monit_user_txt'] = 'Monit korisničko ime'; $wb['monit_password_txt'] = 'Monit šifra'; $wb['monit_url_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan Monit URL'; $wb['monit_url_note_txt'] = 'Placeholder:'; $wb['munin_url_txt'] = 'Munin URL'; $wb['munin_user_txt'] = 'Munin korisničko ime'; $wb['munin_password_txt'] = 'Munin šifra'; $wb['munin_url_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan Munin URL'; $wb['munin_url_note_txt'] = 'Placeholder:'; $wb['dkim_path_txt'] = 'DKIM Path'; $wb['backup_delete_txt'] = 'Delete backups on domain/website delete'; $wb['v6_prefix_txt'] = 'IPv6 Prefix'; $wb['vhost_rewrite_v6_txt'] = 'Rewrite IPv6 on Mirror'; $wb['v6_prefix_length'] = 'Prefix too long according to defined IPv6 '; $wb['backup_dir_is_mount_txt'] = 'Backup directory is a mount?'; $wb['backup_dir_mount_cmd_txt'] = 'Mount command, if backup directory not mounted'; $wb['monitor_system_updates_txt'] = 'Check for Linux updates'; $wb['hostname_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan Hostname.'; $wb['invalid_apache_user_txt'] = 'Neispravan apache korisnik.'; $wb['invalid_apache_group_txt'] = 'Neispravna apache grupa.'; $wb['backup_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan backup direktorij.'; $wb['maildir_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna maildir putanja.'; $wb['homedir_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna homedir putanja.'; $wb['mailuser_name_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan mailuser name.'; $wb['mailuser_group_name_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan mailuser group name.'; $wb['mailuser_uid_error_range'] = 'Mailuser uid must be >= 2000'; $wb['mailuser_gid_error_range'] = 'Mailuser gid must be >= 2000'; $wb['getmail_config_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan getmail config direktorij.'; $wb['website_basedir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan website basedir.'; $wb['website_symlinks_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan website symlinks.'; $wb['vhost_conf_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan vhost config direktorij.'; $wb['vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan vhost conf enabled direktorij.'; $wb['nginx_vhost_conf_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan nginx config direktorij.'; $wb['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan nginx conf enabled direktorij.'; $wb['ca_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna CA putanja.'; $wb['invalid_nginx_user_txt'] = 'Neispravan nginx user.'; $wb['invalid_nginx_group_txt'] = 'Neispravan nginx grupa.'; $wb['php_ini_path_apache_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna apache php.ini putanja.'; $wb['php_ini_path_cgi_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna cgi php.ini putanja.'; $wb['php_fpm_init_script_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna php-fpm init skripta.'; $wb['php_fpm_ini_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna php-fpm ini putanja.'; $wb['php_fpm_pool_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan php-fpm pool direktorij.'; $wb['php_fpm_socket_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan php-fpm socket direktorij.'; $wb['php_open_basedir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan php open_basedir.'; $wb['awstats_data_dir_empty'] = 'awstats data direktorij is empty'; $wb['awstats_data_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan awstats podatkovni direktorij.'; $wb['awstats_pl_empty'] = ' opcija je prazna.'; $wb['awstats_pl_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna putanja.'; $wb['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl_empty'] = ' je prazno'; $wb['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna putanja.'; $wb['invalid_bind_user_txt'] = 'Neispravan BIND korisnik.'; $wb['invalid_bind_group_txt'] = 'Neispravan BIND grupa.'; $wb['bind_zonefiles_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan BIND zonefiles direktorij.'; $wb['named_conf_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna named.conf putanja.'; $wb['named_conf_local_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna named.conf.local putanja.'; $wb['fastcgi_starter_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna fastcgi starter putanja.'; $wb['fastcgi_starter_script_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan fastcgi starter script.'; $wb['fastcgi_alias_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan fastcgi alias.'; $wb['fastcgi_phpini_path_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna fastcgi putanja.'; $wb['fastcgi_bin_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan fastcgi bin.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_home_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan jaikit chroot home.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_app_sections_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan jaikit chroot sections.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_app_programs_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan jaikit chroot app programs.'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_cron_programs_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan jaikit chroot cron programs.'; $wb['vlogger_config_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan vlogger config dir.'; $wb['cron_init_script_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan cron init script.'; $wb['crontab_dir_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan crontab direktorij.'; $wb['cron_wget_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna cron wget putanja.'; $wb['network_filesystem_txt'] = 'Network Filesystem'; $wb['disable_bind_log_txt'] = 'Disable bind9 messages for Loglevel WARN'; $wb['apps_vhost_enabled_txt'] = 'Apps-vhost enabled'; $wb['do_not_try_rescue_mongodb_txt'] = 'Disable MongoDB monitoring'; $wb['overquota_db_notify_admin_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to admin'; $wb['overquota_db_notify_client_txt'] = 'Send DB quota warnings to client'; $wb['php_handler_txt'] = 'Default PHP Handler'; $wb['php_fpm_default_chroot_txt'] = 'Default chrooted PHP-FPM'; $wb['php_fpm_incron_reload_txt'] = 'Install incron trigger file to reload PHP-FPM'; $wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled'; $wb['dkim_strength_txt'] = 'DKIM strength'; $wb['php_ini_check_minutes_txt'] = 'Check php.ini every X minutes for changes'; $wb['php_ini_check_minutes_error_empty'] = 'Please specify a value how often php.ini should be checked for changes.'; $wb['php_ini_check_minutes_info_txt'] = '0 = no check'; $wb['web_settings_txt'] = 'Web Server'; $wb['xmpp_server_txt'] = 'XMPP Server'; $wb['xmpp_use_ipv6_txt'] = 'Use IPv6'; $wb['xmpp_bosh_max_inactivity_txt'] = 'Max. BOSH inactivity time'; $wb['xmpp_bosh_timeout_range_wrong'] = 'Please enter a bosh timeout range between 15 - 360'; $wb['xmpp_module_saslauth'] = 'saslauth'; $wb['xmpp_server_admins_txt'] = 'Server Admins (JIDs)'; $wb['xmpp_modules_enabled_txt'] = 'Serverwide enabled plugins (one per line)'; $wb['xmpp_ports_txt'] = 'Component ports'; $wb['xmpp_port_http_txt'] = 'HTTP'; $wb['xmpp_port_https_txt'] = 'HTTPS'; $wb['xmpp_port_pastebin_txt'] = 'Pastebin'; $wb['xmpp_port_bosh_txt'] = 'BOSH'; $wb['backup_time_txt'] = 'Backup time'; $wb['skip_le_check_txt'] = 'Skip Lets Encrypt Check'; $wb['migration_mode_txt'] = 'Server Migration Mode'; $wb['nginx_enable_pagespeed_txt'] = 'Makes Pagespeed available'; $wb['backup_tmp_txt'] = 'Backup tmp directory for zip'; $wb['tmpdir_path_error_empty'] = 'tmp-dir Path is empty.'; $wb['tmpdir_path_error_regex'] = 'Invalid tmp-dir path.'; $wb['logging_txt'] = 'Store website access and error logs'; $wb['logging_desc_txt'] = 'Use Tools > Resync to apply changes to existing sites. For Apache, access and error log can be anonymized. For nginx, only the access log is anonymized, the error log will contain IP addresses.'; $wb['log_retention_txt'] = 'Log retention (days)'; $wb['log_retention_error_ispositive'] = 'Log retention must be a number > 0'; $wb['php_default_hide_txt'] = 'Hide Default PHP-Version in selectbox'; $wb['php_default_name_txt'] = 'Description Default PHP-Version'; $wb['php_default_name_error_empty'] = 'Description Default PHP-Version must not be empty'; $wb['error_mailbox_message_size_txt'] = 'Mailbox size must be larger or equal to message size'; $wb['php_fpm_reload_mode_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM reload mode'; $wb['content_filter_txt'] = 'Content Filter'; $wb['rspamd_url_txt'] = 'Rspamd URL'; $wb['rspamd_user_txt'] = 'Rspamd User'; $wb['rspamd_password_txt'] = 'Rspamd Password'; $wb['rspamd_redis_servers_txt'] = 'Redis Servers'; $wb['tooltip_rspamd_redis_servers_txt'] = 'Redis server(s) which Rspamd will use. Eg. \'\', \'localhost:6379\' or \'/var/run/redis/redis-server.sock\'.'; $wb['rspamd_redis_password_txt'] = 'Redis Password'; $wb['tooltip_rspamd_redis_password_txt'] = 'Password for Redis Servers (leave blank if unused).'; $wb['rspamd_redis_bayes_servers_txt'] = 'Redis Servers for Bayes'; $wb['tooltip_rspamd_redis_bayes_servers_txt'] = 'Redis server(s) which Rspamd will use for Bayes if different (otherwise leave blank). Eg. \'localhost:6378\' or \'/var/run/redis-bayes/redis-server.sock\'.'; $wb['rspamd_redis_bayes_password_txt'] = 'Redis Password for Bayes'; $wb['tooltip_rspamd_redis_bayes_password_txt'] = 'Password for Bayes Redis Server (leave blank if unused).'; $wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_enabled_txt'] = 'Enable PROXY Protocol'; $wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_http_port_txt'] = 'PROXY Protocol HTTP Port'; $wb['vhost_proxy_protocol_https_port_txt'] = 'PROXY Protocol HTTPS Port'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_authorized_keys_template_txt'] = 'Jailkit authorized_keys template'; $wb['jailkit_chroot_authorized_keys_template_error_regex'] = 'Invalid jaikit chroot authorized_keys template file.'; $wb['jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Hardlinks within Jailkit chroot'; $wb['tooltip_jailkit_hardlinks_txt'] = 'Using hardlinks is insecure, but saves disk space.'; $wb['jailkit_hardlinks_allow_txt'] = 'Allow hardlinks within the jail'; $wb['jailkit_hardlinks_no_txt'] = 'No, remove hardlinked files'; $wb['jailkit_hardlinks_yes_txt'] = 'Yes, use hardlinks if possible';