plugins->announceEvents($this->module_name, $this->actions_available); /* As we want to get notified of any changes on several database tables, we register for them. The following function registers the function "functionname" to be executed when a record for the table "dbtable" is processed in the sys_datalog. "classname" is the name of the class that contains the function functionname. */ $app->modules->registerTableHook('web_domain', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('ftp_user', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('shell_user', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('webdav_user', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('web_folder', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('web_folder_user', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('web_backup', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('server_php', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('aps_instances', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('aps_instances_settings', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('aps_packages', 'web_module', 'process'); $app->modules->registerTableHook('aps_settings', 'web_module', 'process'); // Register service $app->services->registerService('httpd', 'web_module', 'restartHttpd'); $app->services->registerService('php-fpm', 'web_module', 'restartPHP_FPM'); } /* This function is called when a change in one of the registered tables is detected. The function then raises the events for the plugins. */ function process($tablename, $action, $data) { global $app; switch ($tablename) { case 'web_domain': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_domain_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_domain_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_domain_delete', $data); break; case 'ftp_user': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('ftp_user_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('ftp_user_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('ftp_user_delete', $data); break; case 'shell_user': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('shell_user_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('shell_user_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('shell_user_delete', $data); break; case 'webdav_user': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('webdav_user_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('webdav_user_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('webdav_user_delete', $data); break; case 'web_folder': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_folder_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_folder_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_folder_delete', $data); break; case 'web_folder_user': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_folder_user_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_folder_user_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_folder_user_delete', $data); break; case 'web_backup': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_backup_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_backup_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('web_backup_delete', $data); break; case 'server_php': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('server_php_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('server_php_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('server_php_delete', $data); break; case 'aps_instances': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_instance_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_instance_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_instance_delete', $data); break; case 'aps_instances_settings': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_instance_setting_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_instance_setting_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_instance_setting_delete', $data); break; case 'aps_packages': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_package_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_package_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_package_delete', $data); break; case 'aps_settings': if($action == 'i') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_setting_insert', $data); if($action == 'u') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_setting_update', $data); if($action == 'd') $app->plugins->raiseEvent('aps_setting_delete', $data); break; } // end switch } // end function // This function is used function restartHttpd($action = 'restart') { global $app, $conf; // load the server configuration options $app->uses('getconf,system'); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); $daemon = ''; switch ($web_config['server_type']) { case 'nginx': $daemon = $web_config['server_type']; break; default: if (!empty($web_config['apache_init_script'])) { $daemon = $web_config['apache_init_script']; } elseif(is_file($conf['init_scripts'] . '/' . 'httpd') || is_dir('/etc/httpd')) { $daemon = 'httpd'; } else { $daemon = 'apache2'; } } $retval = array('output' => '', 'retval' => 0); if($action == 'restart') { $cmd = $app->system->getinitcommand($daemon, 'restart'); } elseif($action == 'force-reload') { $cmd = $app->system->getinitcommand($daemon, 'force-reload'); } else { $cmd = $app->system->getinitcommand($daemon, 'reload'); } if($web_config['server_type'] == 'nginx'){ $app->log("Checking nginx configuration...", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); exec('nginx -t 2>&1', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']); if($retval['retval'] == 0){ $app->log("nginx configuration ok!", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("nginx config test failed!", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return $retval; } } $app->log("Restarting httpd: $cmd", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); if($cmd != '') { exec($cmd.' 2>&1', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']); } else { $app->log('We got no init command, restart or reload of service aborted.',LOGLEVEL_WARN); } // if restart failed despite successful syntax check => try again if($web_config['server_type'] == 'nginx' && $retval['retval'] > 0){ sleep(2); exec($cmd.' 2>&1', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']); } // nginx: do a syntax check because on some distributions, the init script always returns 0 - even if the syntax is not ok (how stupid is that?) //if($web_config['server_type'] == 'nginx' && $retval['retval'] == 0){ //exec('nginx -t 2>&1', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']); //} return $retval; } function restartPHP_FPM($action = 'restart') { global $app, $conf; // load the server configuration options $app->uses('getconf,system'); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); list($action, $init_script) = explode(':', $action); if(!$init_script){ //$init_script = $conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']; $initcommand = $app->system->getinitcommand($web_config['php_fpm_init_script'], $action); } else { $path_parts = pathinfo($init_script); $initcommand = $app->system->getinitcommand($path_parts['basename'], $action, $path_parts['dirname']); if($action == 'reload' && $init_script == $conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']) { // we have to do a workaround because of buggy ubuntu fpm reload handling // @see: if(file_exists('/etc/os-release')) { $tmp = file_get_contents('/etc/os-release'); //if(preg_match('/^ID=ubuntu/m', $tmp) && preg_match('/^VERSION_ID="14\.04"/m', $tmp)) { if(preg_match('/^ID=ubuntu/m', $tmp) && preg_match('/^VERSION_ID="14\.04"/m', $tmp) && stristr(phpversion(), '') === false) { $initcommand = '/sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop --signal USR2 --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --name php5-fpm'; } // And the next workaround, php-fpm reloads in centos 7 downt work as well. /* if(preg_match('/^ID=centos/m', $tmp) && preg_match('/^VERSION_ID="7"/m', $tmp)) { $initcommand = 'systemctl restart php-fpm.service'; } */ unset($tmp); } } /* if($action == 'reload') { // And the next workaround, php-fpm reloads in centos 7 downt work as well. if(file_exists('/etc/os-release')) { $tmp = file_get_contents('/etc/os-release'); // And the next workaround, php-fpm reloads in centos 7 downt work as well. if(preg_match('/^ID="centos"/m', $tmp) && preg_match('/^VERSION_ID="7"/m', $tmp)) { $initcommand = 'systemctl restart php-fpm.service'; } unset($tmp); } } */ } $app->log("Restarting php-fpm: $initcommand", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); if($initcommand != '') { $retval = array('output' => '', 'retval' => 0); exec($initcommand.' 2>&1', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']); } else { $app->log('We got no init command, restart or reload of php-fpm service aborted.',LOGLEVEL_WARN); } return $retval; } } // end class ?>