uses('ini_parser,file,services,getconf,system'); ####################################################################################################### // store the mailbox statistics in the database ####################################################################################################### $parse_mail_log = false; $sql = "SELECT mailuser_id,maildir FROM mail_user WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(count($records) > 0) $parse_mail_log = true; foreach($records as $rec) { if(@is_file($rec['maildir'].'/ispconfig_mailsize')) { $parse_mail_log = false; // rename file rename($rec['maildir'].'/ispconfig_mailsize',$rec['maildir'].'/ispconfig_mailsize_save'); // Read the file $lines = file($rec['maildir'].'/ispconfig_mailsize_save'); $mail_traffic = 0; foreach($lines as $line) { $mail_traffic += intval($line); } unset($lines); // Delete backup file if(@is_file($rec['maildir'].'/ispconfig_mailsize_save')) unlink($rec['maildir'].'/ispconfig_mailsize_save'); // Save the traffic stats in the sql database $tstamp = date('Y-m'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_traffic WHERE month = '$tstamp' AND mailuser_id = ".$rec['mailuser_id']; $tr = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); $mail_traffic += $tr['traffic']; if($tr['traffic_id'] > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE mail_traffic SET traffic = $mail_traffic WHERE traffic_id = ".$tr['traffic_id']; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO mail_traffic (month,mailuser_id,traffic) VALUES ('$tstamp',".$rec['mailuser_id'].",$mail_traffic)"; } $app->dbmaster->query($sql); //echo $sql; } } if($parse_mail_log == true) { $mailbox_traffic = array(); $mail_boxes = array(); $mail_rewrites = array(); // we need to read all mail aliases and forwards because the address in amavis is not always the mailbox address function parse_mail_log_line($line) { //Oct 31 17:35:48 mx01 amavis[32014]: (32014-05) Passed CLEAN, [IPv6:xxxxx] [IPv6:xxxxx] -> , Message-ID: , mail_id: xxxxxx, Hits: -1.89, size: 1591, queued_as: xxxxxxx, 946 ms if(preg_match('/^(\w+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) [^ ]+ amavis.* <([^>]+)> -> <([^>]+)>, Message-ID: <([^>]+)>.* size: (\d+),.*$/', $line, $matches) == false) return false; $timestamp = strtotime($matches[1]); if(!$timestamp) return false; return array('line' => $line, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'size' => $matches[5], 'from' => $matches[2], 'to' => $matches[3], 'message-id' => $matches[4]); } function add_mailbox_traffic(&$traffic_array, $address, $traffic) { global $mail_boxes, $mail_rewrites; $address = strtolower($address); if(in_array($address, $mail_boxes) == true) { if(!isset($traffic_array[$address])) $traffic_array[$address] = 0; $traffic_array[$address] += $traffic; } elseif(array_key_exists($address, $mail_rewrites)) { foreach($mail_rewrites[$address] as $address) { if(!isset($traffic_array[$address])) $traffic_array[$address] = 0; $traffic_array[$address] += $traffic; } } else { // this is not a local address - skip it } } $sql = "SELECT email FROM mail_user WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($records as $record) { $mail_boxes[] = $record['email']; } $sql = "SELECT source, destination FROM mail_forwarding WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($records as $record) { $targets = preg_split('/[\n,]+/', $record['destination']); foreach($targets as $target) { if(in_array($target, $mail_boxes)) { if(isset($mail_rewrites[$record['source']])) $mail_rewrites[$record['source']][] = $target; else $mail_rewrites[$record['source']] = array($target); } } } $state_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/mail_log_parser.state'; $prev_line = false; $last_line = false; $cur_line = false; if(file_exists($state_file)) { $prev_line = parse_mail_log_line(trim(file_get_contents($state_file))); //if($prev_line) echo "continuing from previous run, log position: " . $prev_line['message-id'] . " at " . strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', $prev_line['timestamp']) . "\n"; } if(file_exists('/var/log/mail.log')) { $fp = fopen('/var/log/mail.log', 'r'); //echo "Parsing mail.log...\n"; $l = 0; while($line = fgets($fp, 8192)) { $l++; //if($l % 1000 == 0) echo "\rline $l"; $cur_line = parse_mail_log_line($line); if(!$cur_line) continue; if($prev_line) { // check if this line has to be processed if($cur_line['timestamp'] < $prev_line['timestamp']) { $parse_mail_log = false; // we do not need to parse the second file! continue; // already processed } elseif($cur_line['timestamp'] == $prev_line['timestamp'] && $cur_line['message-id'] == $prev_line['message-id']) { $parse_mail_log = false; // we do not need to parse the second file! $prev_line = false; // this line has already been processed but the next one has to be! continue; } } add_mailbox_traffic($mailbox_traffic, $cur_line['from'], $cur_line['size']); add_mailbox_traffic($mailbox_traffic, $cur_line['to'], $cur_line['size']); $last_line = $line; // store for the state file } fclose($fp); //echo "\n"; } if($parse_mail_log == true && file_exists('/var/log/mail.log.1')) { $fp = fopen('/var/log/mail.log.1', 'r'); //echo "Parsing mail.log.1...\n"; $l = 0; while($line = fgets($fp, 8192)) { $l++; //if($l % 1000 == 0) echo "\rline $l"; $cur_line = parse_mail_log_line($line); if(!$cur_line) continue; if($prev_line) { // check if this line has to be processed if($cur_line['timestamp'] < $prev_line['timestamp']) continue; // already processed if($cur_line['timestamp'] == $prev_line['timestamp'] && $cur_line['message-id'] == $prev_line['message-id']) { $prev_line = false; // this line has already been processed but the next one has to be! continue; } } add_mailbox_traffic($mailbox_traffic, $cur_line['from'], $cur_line['size']); add_mailbox_traffic($mailbox_traffic, $cur_line['to'], $cur_line['size']); } fclose($fp); //echo "\n"; } unset($mail_rewrites); unset($mail_boxes); // Save the traffic stats in the sql database $tstamp = date('Y-m'); $sql = "SELECT mailuser_id,email FROM mail_user WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($records as $rec) { if(array_key_exists($rec['email'], $mailbox_traffic)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM mail_traffic WHERE month = '$tstamp' AND mailuser_id = ".$rec['mailuser_id']; $tr = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); $mail_traffic = $tr['traffic'] + $mailbox_traffic[$rec['email']]; if($tr['traffic_id'] > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE mail_traffic SET traffic = $mail_traffic WHERE traffic_id = ".$tr['traffic_id']; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO mail_traffic (month,mailuser_id,traffic) VALUES ('$tstamp',".$rec['mailuser_id'].",$mail_traffic)"; } $app->dbmaster->query($sql); //echo $sql; } } unset($mailbox_traffic); if($last_line) file_put_contents($state_file, $last_line); } ####################################################################################################### // Create webalizer statistics ####################################################################################################### function setConfigVar( $filename, $varName, $varValue ) { if($lines = @file($filename)) { $out = ''; $found = 0; foreach($lines as $line) { @list($key, $value) = preg_split('/[\t= ]+/', $line, 2); if($key == $varName) { $out .= $varName.' '.$varValue."\n"; $found = 1; } else { $out .= $line; } } if($found == 0) { //* add \n if the last line does not end with \n or \r if(substr($out,-1) != "\n" && substr($out,-1) != "\r") $out .= "\n"; //* add the new line at the end of the file if($append == 1) $out .= $varName.' '.$varValue."\n"; } file_put_contents($filename,$out); } } $sql = "SELECT domain_id, domain, document_root, web_folder, type FROM web_domain WHERE stats_type = 'webalizer' AND server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($records as $rec) { //$yesterday = date('Ymd',time() - 86400); $yesterday = date('Ymd',strtotime("-1 day", time())); $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/'.$yesterday.'-access.log'); if(!@is_file($logfile)) { $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/'.$yesterday.'-access.log.gz'); if(!@is_file($logfile)) { continue; } } $domain = escapeshellcmd($rec['domain']); $statsdir = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/'.($rec['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain' ? $rec['web_folder'] : 'web').'/stats'); $webalizer = '/usr/bin/webalizer'; $webalizer_conf_main = '/etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf'; $webalizer_conf = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/webalizer.conf'); if(is_file($statsdir.'/index.php')) unlink($statsdir.'/index.php'); if(!@is_file($webalizer_conf)) { copy($webalizer_conf_main,$webalizer_conf); } if(@is_file($webalizer_conf)) { setConfigVar($webalizer_conf, 'Incremental', 'yes'); setConfigVar($webalizer_conf, 'IncrementalName', $statsdir.'/webalizer.current'); setConfigVar($webalizer_conf, 'HistoryName', $statsdir.'/webalizer.hist'); } if(!@is_dir($statsdir)) mkdir($statsdir); exec("$webalizer -c $webalizer_conf -n $domain -s $domain -r $domain -q -T -p -o $statsdir $logfile"); } ####################################################################################################### // Create awstats statistics ####################################################################################################### $sql = "SELECT domain_id, domain, document_root, web_folder, type, system_user, system_group FROM web_domain WHERE stats_type = 'awstats' AND server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); foreach($records as $rec) { //$yesterday = date('Ymd',time() - 86400); $yesterday = date('Ymd',strtotime("-1 day", time())); $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/'.$yesterday.'-access.log'); if(!@is_file($logfile)) { $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/'.$yesterday.'-access.log.gz'); if(!@is_file($logfile)) { continue; } } $web_folder = ($rec['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain' ? $rec['web_folder'] : 'web'); $domain = escapeshellcmd($rec['domain']); $statsdir = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/'.$web_folder.'/stats'); $awstats_pl = $web_config['awstats_pl']; $awstats_buildstaticpages_pl = $web_config['awstats_buildstaticpages_pl']; $awstats_conf_dir = $web_config['awstats_conf_dir']; $awstats_website_conf_file = $web_config['awstats_conf_dir'].'/awstats.'.$domain.'.conf'; if(is_file($awstats_website_conf_file)) unlink($awstats_website_conf_file); $sql = "SELECT domain FROM web_domain WHERE (type = 'alias' OR type = 'subdomain') AND parent_domain_id = ".$rec['domain_id']; $aliases = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $aliasdomain = ''; if(is_array($aliases)) { foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $aliasdomain.= ' '.$alias['domain']. ' www.'.$alias['domain']; } } if(!is_file($awstats_website_conf_file)) { $awstats_conf_file_content = 'Include "'.$awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.conf" LogFile="/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$domain.'/yesterday-access.log" SiteDomain="'.$domain.'" HostAliases="www.'.$domain.' localhost'.$aliasdomain.'"'; file_put_contents($awstats_website_conf_file,$awstats_conf_file_content); } if(!@is_dir($statsdir)) mkdir($statsdir); if(is_link('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$domain.'/yesterday-access.log')) unlink('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$domain.'/yesterday-access.log'); symlink($logfile,'/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$domain.'/yesterday-access.log'); $awmonth = date("n"); $awyear = date("Y"); if (date("d") == 1) { $awmonth = date("m")-1; if (date("m") == 1) { $awyear = date("Y")-1; $awmonth = "12"; } } // -update -lang=en -dir=/var/www/'.$web_folder.'/stats -awstatsprog=/path/to/ // $command = "$awstats_buildstaticpages_pl -update -config='$domain' -lang=".$conf['language']." -dir='$statsdir' -awstatsprog='$awstats_pl'"; $command = "$awstats_buildstaticpages_pl -month='$awmonth' -year='$awyear' -update -config='$domain' -lang=".$conf['language']." -dir='$statsdir' -awstatsprog='$awstats_pl'"; if (date("d") == 2) { $awmonth = date("m")-1; if (date("m") == 1) { $awyear = date("Y")-1; $awmonth = "12"; } $statsdirold = $statsdir."/".$awyear."-".$awmonth."/"; mkdir($statsdirold); $files = scandir($statsdir); foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file,0,1) != "." && !is_dir("$statsdir"."/"."$file") && substr($file,0,1) != "w" && substr($file,0,1) != "i") copy("$statsdir"."/"."$file","$statsdirold"."$file"); } } if($awstats_pl != '' && $awstats_buildstaticpages_pl != '' && fileowner($awstats_pl) == 0 && fileowner($awstats_buildstaticpages_pl) == 0) { exec($command); if(is_file($rec['document_root'].'/'.$web_folder.'/stats/index.html')) unlink($rec['document_root'].'/'.$web_folder.'/stats/index.html'); rename($rec['document_root'].'/'.$web_folder.'/stats/awstats.'.$domain.'.html',$rec['document_root'].'/'.$web_folder.'/stats/awsindex.html'); if(!is_file($rec['document_root']."/".$web_folder."/stats/index.php")) { if(file_exists("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/awstats_index.php.master")) { copy("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/awstats_index.php.master",$rec['document_root']."/".$web_folder."/stats/index.php"); } else { copy("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/awstats_index.php.master",$rec['document_root']."/".$web_folder."/stats/index.php"); } } $app->log('Created awstats statistics with command: '.$command,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log("No awstats statistics created. Either $awstats_pl or $awstats_buildstaticpages_pl is not owned by root user.",LOGLEVEL_WARN); } if(is_file($rec['document_root']."/".$web_folder."/stats/index.php")) { chown($rec['document_root']."/".$web_folder."/stats/index.php",$rec['system_user']); chgrp($rec['document_root']."/".$web_folder."/stats/index.php",$rec['system_group']); } } ####################################################################################################### // Make the web logfiles directories world readable to enable ftp access ####################################################################################################### if(is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd')) exec('chmod +r /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/*'); ####################################################################################################### // Manage and compress web logfiles and create traffic statistics ####################################################################################################### $sql = "SELECT domain_id, domain, document_root FROM web_domain WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); foreach($records as $rec) { //* create traffic statistics based on yesterdays access log file $yesterday = date('Ymd',time() - 86400); $logfile = $rec['document_root'].'/log/'.$yesterday.'-access.log'; $total_bytes = 0; $handle = @fopen($logfile, "r"); if ($handle) { while (($line = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) { if (preg_match('/^\S+ \S+ \S+ \[.*?\] "\S+.*?" \d+ (\d+) ".*?" ".*?"/', $line, $m)) { $total_bytes += intval($m[1]); } } //* Insert / update traffic in master database $traffic_date = date('Y-m-d',time() - 86400); $tmp = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("select hostname from web_traffic where hostname='".$rec['domain']."' and traffic_date='".$traffic_date."'"); if(is_array($tmp) && count($tmp) > 0) { $sql = "update web_traffic set traffic_bytes=traffic_bytes+" . $total_bytes . " where hostname='" . $rec['domain'] . "' and traffic_date='" . $traffic_date . "'"; } else { $sql = "insert into web_traffic (hostname, traffic_date, traffic_bytes) values ('".$rec['domain']."', '".$traffic_date."', '".$total_bytes."')"; } $app->dbmaster->query($sql); fclose($handle); } $yesterday2 = date('Ymd',time() - 86400*2); $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/'.$yesterday2.'-access.log'); //* Compress logfile if(@is_file($logfile)) { // Compress yesterdays logfile exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.gz"); unlink($logfile); } // rotate and compress the error.log when it exceeds a size of 10 MB $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/error.log'); if(is_file($logfile) && filesize($logfile) > 10000000) { exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $logfile"); } // delete logfiles after 30 days $month_ago = date('Ymd',time() - 86400 * 30); $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/log/'.$month_ago.'-access.log.gz'); if(@is_file($logfile)) { unlink($logfile); } //* Delete older Log files, in case that we missed them before due to serverdowntimes. $datepart = date('Ym',time() - 86400 * 31 * 2); $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root']).'/log/'.$datepart.'*-access.log.gz'; exec('rm -f '.$logfile); $logfile = escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root']).'/log/'.$datepart.'*-access.log'; exec('rm -f '.$logfile); } ####################################################################################################### // Rotate the ispconfig.log file ####################################################################################################### // rotate the ispconfig.log when it exceeds a size of 10 MB $logfile = $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/ispconfig.log'; if(is_file($logfile) && filesize($logfile) > 10000000) { exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $logfile"); } // rotate the cron.log when it exceeds a size of 10 MB $logfile = $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/cron.log'; if(is_file($logfile) && filesize($logfile) > 10000000) { exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $logfile"); } // rotate the auth.log when it exceeds a size of 10 MB $logfile = $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'].'/auth.log'; if(is_file($logfile) && filesize($logfile) > 10000000) { exec("gzip -c $logfile > $logfile.1.gz"); exec("cat /dev/null > $logfile"); } ####################################################################################################### // Cleanup website tmp directories ####################################################################################################### $sql = "SELECT domain_id, domain, document_root, system_user FROM web_domain WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $app->uses('system'); if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec){ $tmp_path = realpath(escapeshellcmd($rec['document_root'].'/tmp')); if($tmp_path != '' && strlen($tmp_path) > 10 && is_dir($tmp_path) && $app->system->is_user($rec['system_user'])){ exec('cd '.$tmp_path."; find . -mtime +1 -name 'sess_*' | grep -v -w .no_delete | xargs rm > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"); } } } ####################################################################################################### // Cleanup logs in master database (only the "master-server") ####################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { /** 7 days */ $tstamp = time() - (60*60*24*7); /* * Keep 7 days in sys_log * (we can delete the old items, because if they are OK, they don't interrest anymore * if they are NOT ok, the server will try to process them in 1 minute and so the * error appears again after 1 minute. So it is no problem to delete the old one! */ $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_log WHERE tstamp < " . $tstamp . " AND server_id != 0"; $app->dbmaster->query($sql); /* * Delete all remote-actions "done" and older than 7 days * ATTENTION: We have the same problem as described in cleaning the datalog. We must not * delete the last entry */ $sql = "SELECT max(action_id) FROM sys_remoteaction"; $res = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); $maxId = $res['max(action_id)']; $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_remoteaction " . "WHERE tstamp < " . $tstamp . " " . " AND action_state = 'ok' " . " AND action_id <" . intval($maxId); $app->dbmaster->query($sql); /* * The sys_datalog is more difficult. * 1) We have to keet ALL entries with * server_id=0, because they depend on ALL servers (even if they are not * actually in the system (and will be insered in 3 days or so). * 2) We have to keey ALL entries which are not actually precessed by the * server never mind how old they are! * 3) We have to keep the entry with the highest autoinc-id, because mysql calculates the * autoinc-id as "new value = max(row) +1" and does not store this in a separate table. * This means, if we delete to entry with the highest autoinc-value then this value is * reused as autoinc and so there are more than one entries with the same value (over * for example 4 Weeks). This is confusing for our system. * ATTENTION 2) and 3) is in some case NOT the same! so we have to check both! */ /* First we need all servers and the last sys_datalog-id they processed */ $sql = "SELECT server_id, updated FROM server ORDER BY server_id"; $records = $app->dbmaster->queryAllRecords($sql); /* Then we need the highest value ever */ $sql = "SELECT max(datalog_id) FROM sys_datalog"; $res = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); $maxId = $res['max(datalog_id)']; /* Then delete server by server */ foreach($records as $server) { $tmp_server_id = intval($server['server_id']); if($tmp_server_id > 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM sys_datalog " . "WHERE tstamp < " . $tstamp . " AND server_id = " . intval($server['server_id']) . " AND datalog_id < " . intval($server['updated']) . " AND datalog_id < " . intval($maxId); } // echo $sql . "\n"; $app->dbmaster->query($sql); } } ####################################################################################################### // enforce traffic quota (run only on the "master-server") ####################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); $current_month = date('Y-m'); //* Check website traffic quota $sql = "SELECT sys_groupid,domain_id,domain,traffic_quota,traffic_quota_lock FROM web_domain WHERE (traffic_quota > 0 or traffic_quota_lock = 'y') and (type = 'vhost' OR type = 'vhostsubdomain')"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec) { $web_traffic_quota = $rec['traffic_quota']; $domain = $rec['domain']; // get the client /* $client_group_id = $rec["sys_groupid"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_traffic_quota,parent_client_id FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); $reseller = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_traffic_quota FROM client WHERE client_id = ".intval($client['parent_client_id'])); $client_traffic_quota = intval($client['limit_traffic_quota']); $reseller_traffic_quota = intval($reseller['limit_traffic_quota']); */ //* get the traffic $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(traffic_bytes) As total_traffic_bytes FROM web_traffic WHERE traffic_date like '$current_month%' AND hostname = '$domain'"); $web_traffic = round($tmp['total_traffic_bytes']/1024/1024); //* Website is over quota, we will disable it /*if( ($web_traffic_quota > 0 && $web_traffic > $web_traffic_quota) || ($client_traffic_quota > 0 && $web_traffic > $client_traffic_quota) || ($reseller_traffic_quota > 0 && $web_traffic > $reseller_traffic_quota)) {*/ if($web_traffic_quota > 0 && $web_traffic > $web_traffic_quota) { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_domain', "traffic_quota_lock = 'y',active = 'n'", 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); $app->log('Traffic quota for '.$rec['domain'].' exceeded. Disabling website.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); //* Send traffic notifications if($web_config['overtraffic_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $web_config['overtraffic_notify_client'] == 'y') { if(file_exists($conf['rootpath'].'/conf-custom/mail/web_traffic_notification_'.$conf['language'].'.txt')) { $lines = file($conf['rootpath'].'/conf-custom/mail/web_traffic_notification_'.$conf['language'].'.txt'); } elseif(file_exists($conf['rootpath'].'/conf-custom/mail/web_traffic_notification_en.txt')) { $lines = file($conf['rootpath'].'/conf-custom/mail/web_traffic_notification_en.txt'); } elseif(file_exists($conf['rootpath'].'/conf/mail/web_traffic_notification_'.$conf['language'].'.txt')) { $lines = file($conf['rootpath'].'/conf/mail/web_traffic_notification_'.$conf['language'].'.txt'); } else { $lines = file($conf['rootpath'].'/conf/mail/web_traffic_notification_en.txt'); } //* Get subject $parts = explode(':',trim($lines[0])); unset($parts[0]); $traffic_mail_subject = implode(':',$parts); unset($lines[0]); //* Get message $traffic_mail_message = trim(implode($lines)); unset($tmp); //* Replace placeholders $traffic_mail_message = str_replace('{domain}',$rec['domain'],$traffic_mail_message); $mailHeaders = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\n"; $mailHeaders .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8" . "\n"; $mailHeaders .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . "\n"; $mailHeaders .= "From: ". $global_config['admin_mail'] . "\n"; $mailHeaders .= "Reply-To: ". $global_config['admin_mail'] . "\n"; $mailSubject = "=?utf-8?B?".base64_encode($traffic_mail_subject)."?="; //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $web_config['overtraffic_notify_admin'] == 'y') { mail($global_config['admin_mail'], $mailSubject, $traffic_mail_message, $mailHeaders); } //* Send email to client if($web_config['overtraffic_notify_admin'] == 'y') { $client_group_id = $rec["sys_groupid"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); if($client['email'] != '') { mail($client['email'], $mailSubject, $traffic_mail_message, $mailHeaders); } } } } else { //* unlock the website, if traffic is lower then quota if($rec['traffic_quota_lock'] == 'y') { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_domain', "traffic_quota_lock = 'n',active = 'y'", 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); $app->log('Traffic quota for '.$rec['domain'].' ok again. Re-enabling website.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } } } } ####################################################################################################### // deactivate virtual servers (run only on the "master-server") ####################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { $current_date = date('Y-m-d'); //* Check which virtual machines have to be deactivated $sql = "SELECT * FROM openvz_vm WHERE active = 'y' AND active_until_date != '0000-00-00' AND active_until_date < '$current_date'"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec) { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('openvz_vm', "active = 'n'", 'vm_id', $rec['vm_id']); $app->log('Virtual machine active date expired. Disabling VM '.$rec['veid'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } } ####################################################################################################### // Create website backups ####################################################################################################### $server_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'server'); $backup_dir = $server_config['backup_dir']; $backup_mode = $server_config['backup_mode']; if($backup_mode == '') $backup_mode = 'userzip'; $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); $http_server_user = $web_config['user']; if($backup_dir != '') { if(isset($server_config['backup_dir_ftpread']) && $server_config['backup_dir_ftpread'] == 'y') { $backup_dir_permissions = 0755; } else { $backup_dir_permissions = 0750; } if(!is_dir($backup_dir)) { mkdir(escapeshellcmd($backup_dir), $backup_dir_permissions, true); } else { chmod(escapeshellcmd($backup_dir), $backup_dir_permissions); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE server_id = '".$conf['server_id']."' AND (type = 'vhost' OR type = 'vhostsubdomain') AND backup_interval != 'none'"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec) { //* Do the website backup if($rec['backup_interval'] == 'daily' or ($rec['backup_interval'] == 'weekly' && date('w') == 0) or ($rec['backup_interval'] == 'monthly' && date('d') == '01')) { $web_path = $rec['document_root']; $web_user = $rec['system_user']; $web_group = $rec['system_group']; $web_id = $rec['domain_id']; $web_backup_dir = $backup_dir.'/web'.$web_id; if(!is_dir($web_backup_dir)) mkdir($web_backup_dir, 0750); chmod($web_backup_dir, 0750); //if(isset($server_config['backup_dir_ftpread']) && $server_config['backup_dir_ftpread'] == 'y') { chown($web_backup_dir, $rec['system_user']); chgrp($web_backup_dir, $rec['system_group']); /*} else { chown($web_backup_dir, 'root'); chgrp($web_backup_dir, 'root'); }*/ if($backup_mode == 'userzip') { //* Create a .zip backup as web user and include also files owned by apache / nginx user $web_backup_file = 'web'.$web_id.'_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i').'.zip'; exec('cd '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' && sudo -u '.escapeshellarg($web_user).' find . -group '.escapeshellarg($web_group).' -print 2> /dev/null | zip -b /tmp --exclude=backup\* --symlinks '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' -@'); exec('cd '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' && sudo -u '.escapeshellarg($web_user).' find . -user '.escapeshellarg($http_server_user).' -print 2> /dev/null | zip -b /tmp --exclude=backup\* --update --symlinks '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' -@'); } else { //* Create a tar.gz backup as root user $web_backup_file = 'web'.$web_id.'_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i').'.tar.gz'; exec('tar pczf '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file).' --exclude=backup\* --directory '.escapeshellarg($web_path).' .'); } chown($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file, 'root'); chgrp($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file, 'root'); chmod($web_backup_dir.'/'.$web_backup_file, 0750); //* Insert web backup record in database //$insert_data = "(server_id,parent_domain_id,backup_type,backup_mode,tstamp,filename) VALUES (".$conf['server_id'].",".$web_id.",'web','".$backup_mode."',".time().",'".$app->db->quote($web_backup_file)."')"; //$app->dbmaster->datalogInsert('web_backup', $insert_data, 'backup_id'); $sql = "INSERT INTO web_backup (server_id,parent_domain_id,backup_type,backup_mode,tstamp,filename) VALUES (".$conf['server_id'].",".$web_id.",'web','".$backup_mode."',".time().",'".$app->db->quote($web_backup_file)."')"; $app->db->query($sql); if($app->db->dbHost != $app->dbmaster->dbHost) $app->dbmaster->query($sql); //* Remove old backups $backup_copies = intval($rec['backup_copies']); $dir_handle = dir($web_backup_dir); $files = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $dir_handle->read())) { if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && substr($entry,0,3) == 'web' && is_file($web_backup_dir.'/'.$entry)) { $files[] = $entry; } } $dir_handle->close(); rsort($files); for ($n = $backup_copies; $n <= 10; $n++) { if(isset($files[$n]) && is_file($web_backup_dir.'/'.$files[$n])) { unlink($web_backup_dir.'/'.$files[$n]); //$sql = "SELECT backup_id FROM web_backup WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']." AND parent_domain_id = $web_id AND filename = '".$app->db->quote($files[$n])."'"; //$tmp = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); //$app->dbmaster->datalogDelete('web_backup', 'backup_id', $tmp['backup_id']); //$sql = "DELETE FROM web_backup WHERE backup_id = ".intval($tmp['backup_id']); $sql = "DELETE FROM web_backup WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']." AND parent_domain_id = $web_id AND filename = '".$app->db->quote($files[$n])."'"; $app->db->query($sql); if($app->db->dbHost != $app->dbmaster->dbHost) $app->dbmaster->query($sql); } } unset($files); unset($dir_handle); //* Remove backupdir symlink and create as directory instead $app->uses('system'); $app->system->web_folder_protection($web_path,false); if(is_link($web_path.'/backup')) { unlink($web_path.'/backup'); } if(!is_dir($web_path.'/backup')) { mkdir($web_path.'/backup'); chown($web_path.'/backup', $rec['system_user']); chgrp($web_path.'/backup', $rec['system_group']); } $app->system->web_folder_protection($web_path,true); } /* If backup_interval is set to none and we have a backup directory for the website, then remove the backups */ if($rec['backup_interval'] == 'none') { $web_id = $rec['domain_id']; $web_user = $rec['system_user']; $web_backup_dir = realpath($backup_dir.'/web'.$web_id); if(is_dir($web_backup_dir)) { exec('sudo -u '.escapeshellarg($web_user).' rm -f '.escapeshellarg($web_backup_dir.'/*')); } } } } $sql = "SELECT * FROM web_database WHERE server_id = '".$conf['server_id']."' AND backup_interval != 'none'"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records)) { include('lib/mysql_clientdb.conf'); foreach($records as $rec) { //* Do the database backup if($rec['backup_interval'] == 'daily' or ($rec['backup_interval'] == 'weekly' && date('w') == 0) or ($rec['backup_interval'] == 'monthly' && date('d') == '01')) { $web_id = $rec['parent_domain_id']; $db_backup_dir = $backup_dir.'/web'.$web_id; if(!is_dir($web_backup_dir)) mkdir($web_backup_dir, 0750); chmod($web_backup_dir, 0750); chown($web_backup_dir, 'root'); chgrp($web_backup_dir, 'root'); //* Do the mysql database backup with mysqldump $db_id = $rec['database_id']; $db_name = $rec['database_name']; $db_backup_file = 'db_'.$db_name.'_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i').'.sql'; $command = "mysqldump -h '".escapeshellcmd($clientdb_host)."' -u '".escapeshellcmd($clientdb_user)."' -p'".escapeshellcmd($clientdb_password)."' -c --add-drop-table --create-options --quick --result-file='".$db_backup_dir.'/'.$db_backup_file."' '".$db_name."'"; exec($command); //* Compress the backup with gzip exec("gzip -c '".escapeshellcmd($db_backup_dir.'/'.$db_backup_file)."' > '".escapeshellcmd($db_backup_dir.'/'.$db_backup_file).".gz'"); chmod($db_backup_dir.'/'.$db_backup_file.'.gz', 0750); chown($db_backup_dir.'/'.$db_backup_file.'.gz', fileowner($db_backup_dir)); chgrp($db_backup_dir.'/'.$db_backup_file.'.gz', filegroup($db_backup_dir)); //* Insert web backup record in database //$insert_data = "(server_id,parent_domain_id,backup_type,backup_mode,tstamp,filename) VALUES (".$conf['server_id'].",$web_id,'mysql','sqlgz',".time().",'".$app->db->quote($db_backup_file).".gz')"; //$app->dbmaster->datalogInsert('web_backup', $insert_data, 'backup_id'); $sql = "INSERT INTO web_backup (server_id,parent_domain_id,backup_type,backup_mode,tstamp,filename) VALUES (".$conf['server_id'].",$web_id,'mysql','sqlgz',".time().",'".$app->db->quote($db_backup_file).".gz')"; $app->db->query($sql); if($app->db->dbHost != $app->dbmaster->dbHost) $app->dbmaster->query($sql); //* Remove the uncompressed file unlink($db_backup_dir.'/'.$db_backup_file); //* Remove old backups $backup_copies = intval($rec['backup_copies']); $dir_handle = dir($db_backup_dir); $files = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $dir_handle->read())) { if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && preg_match('/^db_(.*?)_\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}\.sql.gz$/', $entry, $matches) && is_file($db_backup_dir.'/'.$entry)) { if(array_key_exists($matches[1], $files) == false) $files[$matches[1]] = array(); $files[$matches[1]][] = $entry; } } $dir_handle->close(); reset($files); foreach($files as $db_name => $filelist) { rsort($filelist); for ($n = $backup_copies; $n <= 10; $n++) { if(isset($filelist[$n]) && is_file($db_backup_dir.'/'.$filelist[$n])) { unlink($db_backup_dir.'/'.$filelist[$n]); //$sql = "SELECT backup_id FROM web_backup WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']." AND parent_domain_id = $web_id AND filename = '".$app->db->quote($filelist[$n])."'"; //$tmp = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord($sql); //$sql = "DELETE FROM web_backup WHERE backup_id = ".intval($tmp['backup_id']); $sql = "DELETE FROM web_backup WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']." AND parent_domain_id = $web_id AND filename = '".$app->db->quote($filelist[$n])."'"; $app->db->query($sql); if($app->db->dbHost != $app->dbmaster->dbHost) $app->dbmaster->query($sql); } } } unset($files); unset($dir_handle); } } unset($clientdb_host); unset($clientdb_user); unset($clientdb_password); } } die("finished.\n"); ?>