auth->check_module_permissions('sites'); // Loading classes $app->uses('tpl,tform,tform_actions'); $app->load('tform_actions'); class page_action extends tform_actions { // Returna a "3/2/1" path hash from a numeric id '123' function id_hash($id,$levels) { $hash = "" . $id % 10 ; $id /= 10 ; $levels -- ; while ( $levels > 0 ) { $hash .= "/" . $id % 10 ; $id /= 10 ; $levels-- ; } return $hash; } function onShowNew() { global $app, $conf; // we will check only users, not admins if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'user') { if(!$app->tform->checkClientLimit('limit_web_domain',"type = 'vhost'")) { $app->error($app->tform->wordbook["limit_web_domain_txt"]); } if(!$app->tform->checkResellerLimit('limit_web_domain',"type = 'vhost'")) { $app->error('Reseller: '.$app->tform->wordbook["limit_web_domain_txt"]); } } parent::onShowNew(); } function onShowEnd() { global $app, $conf; //* Client: If the logged in user is not admin and has no sub clients (no rseller) if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin' && !$app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { // Get the limits of the client $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_web_domain, default_webserver FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); // Set the webserver to the default server of the client $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_name FROM server WHERE server_id = $client[default_webserver]"); $app->tpl->setVar("server_id",""); unset($tmp); // Fill the IP select field with the IP addresses that are allowed for this client // $ip_select = ""; // $app->tpl->setVar("ip_address",$ip_select); $sql = "SELECT ip_address FROM server_ip WHERE server_id = ".$client['default_webserver']; $ips = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $ip_select = ""; //$ip_select = ""; if(is_array($ips)) { foreach( $ips as $ip) { $selected = ($ip["ip_address"] == $this->dataRecord["ip_address"])?'SELECTED':''; $ip_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("ip_address",$ip_select); unset($tmp); unset($ips); //* Reseller: If the logged in user is not admin and has sub clients (is a rseller) } elseif ($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin' && $app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { // Get the limits of the client $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.client_id, limit_web_domain, default_webserver, client.contact_name FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); // Set the webserver to the default server of the client $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_name FROM server WHERE server_id = $client[default_webserver]"); $app->tpl->setVar("server_id",""); unset($tmp); // Fill the client select field $sql = "SELECT groupid, name FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id AND client.parent_client_id = ".$client['client_id']." ORDER BY name"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT groupid FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ".$client['client_id']); $client_select = ''; $tmp_data_record = $app->tform->getDataRecord($this->id); if(is_array($records)) { foreach( $records as $rec) { $selected = @($rec["groupid"] == $tmp_data_record["sys_groupid"])?'SELECTED':''; $client_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("client_group_id",$client_select); // Fill the IP select field with the IP addresses that are allowed for this client //$ip_select = ""; //$app->tpl->setVar("ip_address",$ip_select); $sql = "SELECT ip_address FROM server_ip WHERE server_id = ".$client['default_webserver']; $ips = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $ip_select = ""; //$ip_select = ""; if(is_array($ips)) { foreach( $ips as $ip) { $selected = ($ip["ip_address"] == $this->dataRecord["ip_address"])?'SELECTED':''; $ip_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("ip_address",$ip_select); unset($tmp); unset($ips); //* Admin: If the logged in user is admin } else { // The user is admin, so we fill in all IP addresses of the server if($this->id > 0) { $server_id = @$this->dataRecord["server_id"]; } else { // Get the first server ID $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id FROM server WHERE web_server = 1 ORDER BY server_name LIMIT 0,1"); $server_id = $tmp['server_id']; } $sql = "SELECT ip_address FROM server_ip WHERE server_id = $server_id"; $ips = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $ip_select = ""; //$ip_select = ""; if(is_array($ips)) { foreach( $ips as $ip) { $selected = ($ip["ip_address"] == $this->dataRecord["ip_address"])?'SELECTED':''; $ip_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("ip_address",$ip_select); unset($tmp); unset($ips); // Fill the client select field $sql = "SELECT groupid, name FROM sys_group WHERE client_id > 0 ORDER BY name"; $clients = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $client_select = ""; $tmp_data_record = $app->tform->getDataRecord($this->id); if(is_array($clients)) { foreach( $clients as $client) { $selected = @($client["groupid"] == $tmp_data_record["sys_groupid"])?'SELECTED':''; $client_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("client_group_id",$client_select); } $ssl_domain_select = ''; $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT domain FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); $ssl_domains = array($tmp["domain"],'www.'.$tmp["domain"]); if(is_array($ssl_domains)) { foreach( $ssl_domains as $ssl_domain) { $selected = ($ssl_domain == $this->dataRecord['ssl_domain'])?'SELECTED':''; $ssl_domain_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("ssl_domain",$ssl_domain_select); unset($ssl_domain_select); unset($ssl_domains); unset($ssl_domain); if($this->id > 0) { //* we are editing a existing record $app->tpl->setVar("edit_disabled", 1); $app->tpl->setVar("server_id_value", $this->dataRecord["server_id"]); } else { $app->tpl->setVar("edit_disabled", 0); } $tmp_txt = ($this->dataRecord['traffic_quota_lock'] == 'y')?'('.$app->tform->lng('traffic_quota_exceeded_txt').')':''; $app->tpl->setVar("traffic_quota_exceeded_txt", $tmp_txt); /* * Now we have to check, if we should use the domain-module to select the domain * or not */ $app->uses('ini_parser,getconf'); $settings = $app->getconf->get_global_config('domains'); if ($settings['use_domain_module'] == 'y') { /* * The domain-module is in use. */ $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; /* * The admin can select ALL domains, the user only the domains assigned to him */ $sql = "SELECT domain FROM domain "; if ($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') { $sql .= "WHERE sys_groupid =" . $client_group_id; } $sql .= " ORDER BY domain"; $domains = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $domain_select = ''; if(is_array($domains) && sizeof($domains) > 0) { /* We have domains in the list, so create the drop-down-list */ foreach( $domains as $domain) { $domain_select .= "\r\n"; } $app->tpl->setVar("domain_option",$domain_select); } // Code to display the error log for the site. // Query the logfile name $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT document_root FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); $logfile = $tmp["document_root"]."/log/error.log"; $lines = count(file($logfile)); // the "tail" function $handle = @fopen($logfile, "r"); if ($handle) { while (($buffer = fgets($handle)) !== false) { $lines = $lines -1; // this constant defines how many lines to display if ($lines<60) $tail .= $buffer; // TODO: We need a newline here. } if (!feof($handle)) { $tail = "Error."; } fclose($handle); } // store the tail so it can be displayed in the interface $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET logs = '$tail' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); parent::onShowEnd(); } function onSubmit() { global $app, $conf; // Set a few fixed values $this->dataRecord["parent_domain_id"] = 0; $this->dataRecord["type"] = 'vhost'; $this->dataRecord["vhost_type"] = 'name'; if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') { // Get the limits of the client $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_traffic_quota, limit_web_domain, default_webserver, parent_client_id, limit_web_quota FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); //* Check the website quota of the client if(isset($_POST["hd_quota"]) && $client["limit_web_quota"] >= 0) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sum(hd_quota) as webquota FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id != ".intval($this->id)." AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('u')); $webquota = $tmp["webquota"]; $new_web_quota = intval($this->dataRecord["hd_quota"]); if(($webquota + $new_web_quota > $client["limit_web_quota"]) || ($new_web_quota < 0 && $client["limit_web_quota"] >= 0)) { $max_free_quota = floor($client["limit_web_quota"] - $webquota); if($max_free_quota < 0) $max_free_quota = 0; $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("limit_web_quota_free_txt").": ".$max_free_quota." MB
"; // Set the quota field to the max free space $this->dataRecord["hd_quota"] = $max_free_quota; } unset($tmp); unset($tmp_quota); } //* Check the traffic quota of the client if(isset($_POST["traffic_quota"]) && $client["limit_traffic_quota"] > 0) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sum(traffic_quota) as trafficquota FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id != ".intval($this->id)." AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('u')); $trafficquota = $tmp["trafficquota"]; $new_traffic_quota = intval($this->dataRecord["traffic_quota"]); if(($trafficquota + $new_traffic_quota > $client["limit_traffic_quota"]) || ($new_traffic_quota < 0 && $client["limit_traffic_quota"] >= 0)) { $max_free_quota = floor($client["limit_traffic_quota"] - $trafficquota); if($max_free_quota < 0) $max_free_quota = 0; $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("limit_traffic_quota_free_txt").": ".$max_free_quota." MB
"; // Set the quota field to the max free space $this->dataRecord["traffic_quota"] = $max_free_quota; } unset($tmp); unset($tmp_quota); } if($client['parent_client_id'] > 0) { // Get the limits of the reseller $reseller = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_traffic_quota, limit_web_domain, default_webserver, limit_web_quota FROM client WHERE client_id = ".$client['parent_client_id']); //* Check the website quota of the client if(isset($_POST["hd_quota"]) && $reseller["limit_web_quota"] >= 0) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sum(hd_quota) as webquota FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id != ".intval($this->id)." AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('u')); $webquota = $tmp["webquota"]; $new_web_quota = intval($this->dataRecord["hd_quota"]); if(($webquota + $new_web_quota > $reseller["limit_web_quota"]) || ($new_web_quota < 0 && $reseller["limit_web_quota"] >= 0)) { $max_free_quota = floor($reseller["limit_web_quota"] - $webquota); if($max_free_quota < 0) $max_free_quota = 0; $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("limit_web_quota_free_txt").": ".$max_free_quota." MB
"; // Set the quota field to the max free space $this->dataRecord["hd_quota"] = $max_free_quota; } unset($tmp); unset($tmp_quota); } //* Check the traffic quota of the client if(isset($_POST["traffic_quota"]) && $reseller["limit_traffic_quota"] > 0) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sum(traffic_quota) as trafficquota FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id != ".intval($this->id)." AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('u')); $trafficquota = $tmp["trafficquota"]; $new_traffic_quota = intval($this->dataRecord["traffic_quota"]); if(($trafficquota + $new_traffic_quota > $reseller["limit_traffic_quota"]) || ($new_traffic_quota < 0 && $reseller["limit_traffic_quota"] >= 0)) { $max_free_quota = floor($reseller["limit_traffic_quota"] - $trafficquota); if($max_free_quota < 0) $max_free_quota = 0; $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("limit_traffic_quota_free_txt").": ".$max_free_quota." MB
"; // Set the quota field to the max free space $this->dataRecord["traffic_quota"] = $max_free_quota; } unset($tmp); unset($tmp_quota); } } // When the record is updated if($this->id > 0) { // restore the server ID if the user is not admin and record is edited $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".intval($this->id)); $this->dataRecord["server_id"] = $tmp["server_id"]; unset($tmp); // When the record is inserted } else { // set the server ID to the default mailserver of the client $this->dataRecord["server_id"] = $client["default_webserver"]; // Check if the user may add another web_domain if($client["limit_web_domain"] >= 0) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(domain_id) as number FROM web_domain WHERE sys_groupid = $client_group_id and type = 'vhost'"); if($tmp["number"] >= $client["limit_web_domain"]) { $app->error($app->tform->wordbook["limit_web_domain_txt"]); } } } // Clients may not set the client_group_id, so we unset them if user is not a admin and the client is not a reseller if(!$app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) unset($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]); } //* make sure that the email domain is lowercase if(isset($this->dataRecord["domain"])) $this->dataRecord["domain"] = strtolower($this->dataRecord["domain"]); parent::onSubmit(); } function onAfterInsert() { global $app, $conf; // make sure that the record belongs to the clinet group and not the admin group when admin inserts it // also make sure that the user can not delete domain created by a admin if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin' && isset($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"])) { $client_group_id = intval($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]); $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET sys_groupid = $client_group_id, sys_perm_group = 'ru' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); } if($app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid']) && isset($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"])) { $client_group_id = intval($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]); $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET sys_groupid = $client_group_id, sys_perm_group = 'riud' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); } // Get configuration for the web system $app->uses("getconf"); $web_rec = $app->tform->getDataRecord($this->id); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config(intval($web_rec["server_id"]),'web'); $document_root = str_replace("[website_id]",$this->id,$web_config["website_path"]); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_1]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_2]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_3]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_4]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); // get the ID of the client if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin' && !$app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); $client_id = intval($client["client_id"]); } else { //$client_id = intval($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = ".intval($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"])); $client_id = intval($client["client_id"]); } // Set the values for document_root, system_user and system_group $system_user = $app->db->quote('web'.$this->id); $system_group = $app->db->quote('client'.$client_id); $document_root = str_replace("[client_id]",$client_id,$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_1]",$this->id_hash($client_id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_2]",$this->id_hash($client_id,2),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_3]",$this->id_hash($client_id,3),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_4]",$this->id_hash($client_id,4),$document_root); $document_root = $app->db->quote($document_root); $php_open_basedir = str_replace("[website_path]",$document_root,$web_config["php_open_basedir"]); $php_open_basedir = $app->db->quote(str_replace("[website_domain]",$web_rec['domain'],$php_open_basedir)); $htaccess_allow_override = $app->db->quote($web_config["htaccess_allow_override"]); $sql = "UPDATE web_domain SET system_user = '$system_user', system_group = '$system_group', document_root = '$document_root', allow_override = '$htaccess_allow_override', php_open_basedir = '$php_open_basedir' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id; $app->db->query($sql); } function onBeforeUpdate () { global $app, $conf; //* Check if the server has been changed // We do this only for the admin or reseller users, as normal clients can not change the server ID anyway if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin' || $app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { if (isset($this->dataRecord["server_id"])) { $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id from web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); if($rec['server_id'] != $this->dataRecord["server_id"]) { //* Add a error message and switch back to old server $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->lng('The Server can not be changed.'); $this->dataRecord["server_id"] = $rec['server_id']; } unset($rec); } //* If the user is neither admin nor reseller } else { //* We do not allow users to change a domain which has been created by the admin $rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT domain from web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); if(isset($this->dataRecord["domain"]) && $rec['domain'] != $this->dataRecord["domain"] && $app->tform->checkPerm($this->id,'u')) { //* Add a error message and switch back to old server $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->lng('The Domain can not be changed. Please ask your Administrator if you want to change the domain name.'); $this->dataRecord["domain"] = $rec['domain']; } unset($rec); } //* Check that all fields for the SSL cert creation are filled if(isset($this->dataRecord['ssl_action']) && $this->dataRecord['ssl_action'] == 'create') { if($this->dataRecord['ssl_state'] == '') $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng('error_ssl_state_empty').'
'; if($this->dataRecord['ssl_locality'] == '') $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng('error_ssl_locality_empty').'
'; if($this->dataRecord['ssl_organisation'] == '') $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng('error_ssl_organisation_empty').'
'; if($this->dataRecord['ssl_organisation_unit'] == '') $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng('error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty').'
'; if($this->dataRecord['ssl_country'] == '') $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng('error_ssl_country_empty').'
'; } if(isset($this->dataRecord['ssl_action']) && $this->dataRecord['ssl_action'] == 'save') { if(trim($this->dataRecord['ssl_cert']) == '') $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng('error_ssl_cert_empty').'
'; } } function onAfterUpdate() { global $app, $conf; // make sure that the record belongs to the clinet group and not the admin group when a admin inserts it // also make sure that the user can not delete domain created by a admin if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin' && isset($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"])) { $client_group_id = intval($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]); $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET sys_groupid = $client_group_id, sys_perm_group = 'ru' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); } if($app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid']) && isset($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"])) { $client_group_id = intval($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]); $app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET sys_groupid = $client_group_id, sys_perm_group = 'riud' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id); } // Get configuration for the web system $app->uses("getconf"); $web_rec = $app->tform->getDataRecord($this->id); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config(intval($web_rec["server_id"]),'web'); $document_root = str_replace("[website_id]",$this->id,$web_config["website_path"]); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_1]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_2]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_3]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[website_idhash_4]",$this->id_hash($page_form->id,1),$document_root); // get the ID of the client if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin' && !$app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); $client_id = intval($client["client_id"]); } else { //$client_id = intval(@$web_rec["client_group_id"]); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = ".intval(@$this->dataRecord["client_group_id"])); $client_id = intval($client["client_id"]); } if(($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin' || $app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) && isset($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]) && $this->dataRecord["client_group_id"] != $this->oldDataRecord["sys_groupid"]) { // Set the values for document_root, system_user and system_group $system_user = $app->db->quote('web'.$this->id); $system_group = $app->db->quote('client'.$client_id); $document_root = str_replace("[client_id]",$client_id,$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_1]",$this->id_hash($client_id,1),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_2]",$this->id_hash($client_id,2),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_3]",$this->id_hash($client_id,3),$document_root); $document_root = str_replace("[client_idhash_4]",$this->id_hash($client_id,4),$document_root); $document_root = $app->db->quote($document_root); $sql = "UPDATE web_domain SET system_user = '$system_user', system_group = '$system_group', document_root = '$document_root' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id; //$sql = "UPDATE web_domain SET system_user = '$system_user', system_group = '$system_group' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id; $app->db->query($sql); // Update the FTP user(s) too $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT ftp_user_id FROM ftp_user WHERE parent_domain_id = ".$this->id); foreach($records as $rec) { $app->db->datalogUpdate('ftp_user', "sys_userid = '".$web_rec['sys_userid']."', sys_groupid = '".$web_rec['sys_groupid']."', uid = '$system_user', gid = '$system_group', dir = '$document_root'", 'ftp_user_id', $rec['ftp_user_id']); } unset($records); unset($rec); // Update the Shell user(s) too $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT shell_user_id FROM shell_user WHERE parent_domain_id = ".$this->id); foreach($records as $rec) { $app->db->datalogUpdate('shell_user', "sys_userid = '".$web_rec['sys_userid']."', sys_groupid = '".$web_rec['sys_groupid']."', puser = '$system_user', pgroup = '$system_group', dir = '$document_root'", 'shell_user_id', $rec['shell_user_id']); } unset($records); unset($rec); //* Update all subdomains and alias domains $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT domain_id FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = ".$this->id); foreach($records as $rec) { $app->db->datalogUpdate('web_domain', "sys_userid = '".$web_rec['sys_userid']."', sys_groupid = '".$web_rec['sys_groupid']."'", 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); } unset($records); unset($rec); } //* If the domain name has been changed, we will have to change all subdomains if($this->dataRecord["domain"] != '' && $this->oldDataRecord["domain"] != '' && $this->dataRecord["domain"] != $this->oldDataRecord["domain"]) { $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT domain_id,domain FROM web_domain WHERE type = 'subdomain' AND domain LIKE '%.".$app->db->quote($this->oldDataRecord["domain"])."'"); foreach($records as $rec) { $subdomain = $app->db->quote(str_replace($this->oldDataRecord["domain"],$this->dataRecord["domain"],$rec['domain'])); $app->db->datalogUpdate('web_domain', "domain = '".$subdomain."'", 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); } unset($records); unset($rec); unset($subdomain); } //* Set allow_override if empty if($web_rec['allow_override'] == '') { $sql = "UPDATE web_domain SET allow_override = '".$app->db->quote($web_config["htaccess_allow_override"])."' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id; $app->db->query($sql); } //* Set php_open_basedir if empty or domain or client has been changed if($web_rec['php_open_basedir'] == '' || ($this->dataRecord["domain"] != '' && $this->oldDataRecord["domain"] != '' && $this->dataRecord["domain"] != $this->oldDataRecord["domain"]) || (isset($this->dataRecord["client_group_id"]) && $this->dataRecord["client_group_id"] != $this->oldDataRecord["sys_groupid"])) { $document_root = $app->db->quote(str_replace("[client_id]",$client_id,$document_root)); $php_open_basedir = str_replace("[website_path]",$document_root,$web_config["php_open_basedir"]); $php_open_basedir = $app->db->quote(str_replace("[website_domain]",$web_rec['domain'],$php_open_basedir)); $sql = "UPDATE web_domain SET php_open_basedir = '$php_open_basedir' WHERE domain_id = ".$this->id; $app->db->query($sql); } } function onAfterDelete() { global $app, $conf; // Delete the sub and alias domains $child_domains = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = ".$this->id); foreach($child_domains as $d) { // Saving record to datalog when db_history enabled if($app->tform->formDef["db_history"] == 'yes') { $app->tform->datalogSave('DELETE',$d["domain_id"],$d,array()); } $app->db->query("DELETE FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".$d["domain_id"]." LIMIT 0,1"); } unset($child_domains); unset($d); } } $page = new page_action; $page->onLoad(); ?>