auth->check_module_permissions('mail'); // Loading classes $app->uses('tpl,tform,tform_actions'); $app->load('tform_actions'); class page_action extends tform_actions { function onShowNew() { global $app, $conf; // we will check only users, not admins if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'user') { // Get the limits of the client $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_mailcatchall FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); // Check if the user may add another mailbox. if($client["limit_mailforward"] >= 0) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(forwarding_id) as number FROM mail_forwarding WHERE sys_groupid = $client_group_id and type = 'catchall'"); if($tmp["number"] >= $client["limit_mailcatchall"]) { $app->error($app->tform->wordbook["limit_mailcatchall_txt"]); } } } parent::onShowNew(); } function onShowEnd() { global $app, $conf; $email = $this->dataRecord["source"]; $email_parts = explode("@",$email); $app->tpl->setVar("email_local_part",$email_parts[0]); // Getting Domains of the user $sql = "SELECT domain FROM mail_domain WHERE ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r'); $domains = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $domain_select = ''; if(is_array($domains)) { foreach( $domains as $domain) { $selected = ($domain["domain"] == $email_parts[1])?'SELECTED':''; $domain_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("email_domain",$domain_select); parent::onShowEnd(); } function onSubmit() { global $app, $conf; // Check if Domain belongs to user $domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id, domain FROM mail_domain WHERE domain = '".$app->db->quote($_POST["email_domain"])."' AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r')); if($domain["domain"] != $_POST["email_domain"]) $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->wordbook["no_domain_perm"]; // Check the client limits, if user is not the admin if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') { // if user is not admin // Get the limits of the client $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_mailcatchall FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); // Check if the user may add another mailbox. if($this->id == 0 && $client["limit_mailcatchall"] >= 0) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(forwarding_id) as number FROM mail_forwarding WHERE sys_groupid = $client_group_id AND type = 'catchall'"); if($tmp["number"] >= $client["limit_mailcatchall"]) { $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->wordbook["limit_mailcatchall_txt"]."
"; } unset($tmp); } } // end if user is not admin // compose the email field $this->dataRecord["source"] = "@".$_POST["email_domain"]; // Set the server id of the mailbox = server ID of mail domain. $this->dataRecord["server_id"] = $domain["server_id"]; //unset($this->dataRecord["email_local_part"]); unset($this->dataRecord["email_domain"]); parent::onSubmit(); } } $page = new page_action; $page->onLoad(); ?>