diff --git a/install/dist/tpl/gentoo/amavisd-ispconfig.conf.master b/install/dist/tpl/gentoo/amavisd-ispconfig.conf.master
index 7e42c8a362b86f9255fbd46aa16c3a546b727a34..c60b50e2fa9aa47e3a9a93b187c701ba7c6d7e34 100644
--- a/install/dist/tpl/gentoo/amavisd-ispconfig.conf.master
+++ b/install/dist/tpl/gentoo/amavisd-ispconfig.conf.master
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ use strict;
 $sql_select_policy =
    'SELECT *,spamfilter_users.id'.
    ' FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy ON spamfilter_users.policy_id=spamfilter_policy.id'.
-   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
+   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) AND spamfilter_users.policy_id != 0'.
+   ' ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
 $sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM spamfilter_wblist'.
diff --git a/install/sql/incremental/upd_dev_collection.sql b/install/sql/incremental/upd_dev_collection.sql
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..2a9a9ffd091f961e8003a7f0bf0c58c8f8db4798 100644
--- a/install/sql/incremental/upd_dev_collection.sql
+++ b/install/sql/incremental/upd_dev_collection.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+-- default spamfilter_users.policy_id to 0
+ALTER TABLE `spamfilter_users` ALTER `policy_id` SET DEFAULT 0;
diff --git a/install/sql/ispconfig3.sql b/install/sql/ispconfig3.sql
index 006beb6b53945de3403408dac1bfcbab8b7bb498..9ebb69090f9a508a39cab80b9dd2df09ed0690fc 100644
--- a/install/sql/ispconfig3.sql
+++ b/install/sql/ispconfig3.sql
@@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `spamfilter_users` (
   `sys_perm_other` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   `server_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   `priority` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '7',
-  `policy_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
+  `policy_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
   `fullname` varchar(64) default NULL,
   `local` varchar(1) default NULL,
diff --git a/install/tpl/amavisd_user_config.master b/install/tpl/amavisd_user_config.master
index 344ea9a152de0ab43982c83b18b6bb7e99525d6c..f764bb3acb0bedd1c884f255662e7782e58b473a 100644
--- a/install/tpl/amavisd_user_config.master
+++ b/install/tpl/amavisd_user_config.master
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ use strict;
 $sql_select_policy =
    'SELECT *,spamfilter_users.id'.
    ' FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy ON spamfilter_users.policy_id=spamfilter_policy.id'.
-   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
+   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) AND spamfilter_users.policy_id != 0'.
+   ' ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
 $sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM spamfilter_wblist'.
diff --git a/install/tpl/fedora_amavisd_conf.master b/install/tpl/fedora_amavisd_conf.master
index 9cf4b801bc669813239dc8d4478729b492623872..2435e6939e06511899dde1377f50c27de15c48b5 100644
--- a/install/tpl/fedora_amavisd_conf.master
+++ b/install/tpl/fedora_amavisd_conf.master
@@ -751,7 +751,8 @@ $banned_filename_re = new_RE(
 $sql_select_policy =
    'SELECT *,spamfilter_users.id'.
    ' FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy ON spamfilter_users.policy_id=spamfilter_policy.id'.
-   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
+   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) AND spamfilter_users.policy_id != 0'.
+   ' ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
 $sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM spamfilter_wblist'.
diff --git a/install/tpl/opensuse_amavisd_conf.master b/install/tpl/opensuse_amavisd_conf.master
index 419eea237c2a81d2bbb939a135ffe0accacfd4c4..7310db9cbf9e45956d5ce6cdbb7aa1dcaf19231d 100644
--- a/install/tpl/opensuse_amavisd_conf.master
+++ b/install/tpl/opensuse_amavisd_conf.master
@@ -746,7 +746,8 @@ $banned_filename_re = new_RE(
 $sql_select_policy =
    'SELECT *,spamfilter_users.id'.
    ' FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy ON spamfilter_users.policy_id=spamfilter_policy.id'.
-   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
+   ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) AND spamfilter_users.policy_id != 0'.
+   ' ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
 $sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM spamfilter_wblist'.
diff --git a/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php b/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php
index 58dcc3119f592413dc93ee658de530b2524dc3ec..5af1592db9347d60932f5f05b44b27d2274a6d05 100644
--- a/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php
+++ b/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/client.inc.php
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ class remoting_client extends remoting {
 			$app->db->query("DELETE FROM sys_user WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id);
 			//* Delete all records (sub-clients, mail, web, etc....)  of this client.
-			$tables = 'cron,dns_rr,dns_soa,dns_slave,ftp_user,mail_access,mail_content_filter,mail_domain,mail_forwarding,mail_get,mail_user,mail_user_filter,shell_user,spamfilter_users,support_message,web_database,web_database_user,web_domain,web_traffic,domain,mail_mailinglist,client';
+			$tables = 'cron,dns_rr,dns_soa,dns_slave,ftp_user,mail_access,mail_content_filter,mail_domain,mail_forwarding,mail_get,mail_user,mail_user_filter,shell_user,spamfilter_users,support_message,web_database,web_database_user,web_domain,web_traffic,domain,mail_mailinglist,client,spamfilter_wblist';
 			$tables_array = explode(',', $tables);
 			$client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($client_group['groupid']);
 			if($client_group_id > 1) {
diff --git a/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/mail.inc.php b/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/mail.inc.php
index c4582c634e43824d632881b2496b5a71930c3ba9..286d6f6c57d6e30d72b4b869b15a0648477e7a3b 100644
--- a/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/mail.inc.php
+++ b/interface/lib/classes/remote.d/mail.inc.php
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ class remoting_mail extends remoting {
 		return $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($primary_id);
-	//* biała lista e-mail
+	//* add spamfilter whitelist entry
 	public function mail_spamfilter_whitelist_add($session_id, $client_id, $params)
 		if (!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'mail_spamfilter_whitelist_add'))
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ class remoting_mail extends remoting {
 		return $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($primary_id);
-	//* filtr spamu użytkowników e-mail
+	//* Add new spamfilter_users
 	public function mail_spamfilter_user_add($session_id, $client_id, $params)
 		if (!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'mail_spamfilter_user_add'))
diff --git a/interface/lib/plugins/mail_mail_domain_plugin.inc.php b/interface/lib/plugins/mail_mail_domain_plugin.inc.php
index 598fe74f09bb75c843b4a9a66a322e454a471957..4ff756f44fb2ec1be22c46313b8c7da649128a99 100644
--- a/interface/lib/plugins/mail_mail_domain_plugin.inc.php
+++ b/interface/lib/plugins/mail_mail_domain_plugin.inc.php
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ class mail_mail_domain_plugin {
             This function is called when the plugin is loaded
-    */
+	 */
 	function onLoad() {
 		global $app;
 		//Register for the events
 		$app->plugin->registerEvent('mail:mail_domain:on_after_insert', 'mail_mail_domain_plugin', 'mail_mail_domain_edit');
 		$app->plugin->registerEvent('mail:mail_domain:on_after_update', 'mail_mail_domain_plugin', 'mail_mail_domain_edit');
@@ -23,13 +24,13 @@ class mail_mail_domain_plugin {
 		Function to create the sites_web_domain rule and insert it into the custom rules
-    */
+	 */
 	function mail_mail_domain_edit($event_name, $page_form) {
 		global $app, $conf;
 		$domain = $app->functions->idn_encode($page_form->dataRecord['domain']);
-		// make sure that the record belongs to the client group and not the admin group when a dmin inserts it
+		// make sure that the record belongs to the client group and not the admin group when admin inserts it
 		// also make sure that the user can not delete entry created by an admin
 		if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin' && isset($page_form->dataRecord["client_group_id"])) {
 			$client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($page_form->dataRecord["client_group_id"]);
@@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ class mail_mail_domain_plugin {
 			$mail_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($page_form->dataRecord["server_id"], 'mail');
+			$old_domain = $app->functions->idn_encode($page_form->oldDataRecord['domain']);
 			//* Update the mailboxes
 			$mailusers = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_user WHERE email like ?", "%@" . $page_form->oldDataRecord['domain']);
 			$sys_groupid = $app->functions->intval((isset($page_form->dataRecord['client_group_id']))?$page_form->dataRecord['client_group_id']:$page_form->oldDataRecord['sys_groupid']);
@@ -76,25 +79,164 @@ class mail_mail_domain_plugin {
 					$maildir = str_replace("[domain]", $domain, $mail_config["maildir_path"]);
 					$maildir = str_replace("[localpart]", $mail_parts[0], $maildir);
 					$email = $mail_parts[0].'@'.$domain;
+					// update spamfilter_users and spamfilter_wblist if email change
+					$skip_spamfilter_users_update = false;
+					if($email != $rec['email']) {
+						$tmp_olduser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $rec['email']);
+						if($tmp_olduser['id'] > 0) {
+							$tmp_newuser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $email);
+							if($tmp_newuser['id'] > 0) {
+								// There is a spamfilter_users for both old and new email, we'll update old wblist entries
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$update_data = array(
+										'rid' => $tmp_newuser['id'],
+										'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+										'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+									);
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+								// now delete old spamfilter_users entry
+								$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+							} else {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'email' => $email,
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								if($tmp_olduser['fullname'] == $app->functions->idn_decode($rec['email'])) {
+									$update_data['fullname'] = $app->functions->idn_decode($email);
+								}
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$skip_spamfilter_users_update = true;
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $email);
+						if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+							// There is already a record that we will update
+							if(!$skip_spamfilter_users_update) {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_user['id']);
+							}
+						} else {
+							// We create a new record
+							$insert_data = array(
+								"sys_userid" => $client_user_id,
+								"sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid,
+								"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+								"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+								"sys_perm_other" => '',
+								"server_id" => $page_form->dataRecord["server_id"],
+								"priority" => 5,
+								"policy_id" => 0,
+								"email" => $email,
+								"fullname" => $app->functions->idn_decode($email),
+								"local" => 'Y'
+							);
+							$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
+						}
+					}
 					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_user', array("maildir" => $maildir, "email" => $email, "sys_userid" => $client_user_id, "sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid), 'mailuser_id', $rec['mailuser_id']);
 			//* Update the aliases
-			$forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source LIKE ? OR destination LIKE ?", "%@" . $page_form->oldDataRecord['domain'], "%@" . $page_form->oldDataRecord['domain']);
+			$forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source like ? OR destination like ?", '%@' . $old_domain, '%@' . $old_domain);
 			if(is_array($forwardings)) {
 				foreach($forwardings as $rec) {
-					$destination = str_replace($page_form->oldDataRecord['domain'], $domain, $rec['destination']);
-					$source = str_replace($page_form->oldDataRecord['domain'], $domain, $rec['source']);
+					$destination = str_replace($old_domain, $domain, $rec['destination']);
+					$source = str_replace($old_domain, $domain, $rec['source']);
+					// update spamfilter_users and spamfilter_wblist if source email changes
+					$skip_spamfilter_users_update = false;
+					if(strpos($rec['source'],'@'.$old_domain) && $source != $rec['source']) {
+						$tmp_olduser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $rec['source']);
+						if($tmp_olduser['id'] > 0) {
+							$tmp_newuser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $source);
+							if($tmp_newuser['id'] > 0) {
+								// There is a spamfilter_users for both old and new email, we'll update old wblist entries
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$update_data = array(
+										'rid' => $tmp_newuser['id'],
+										'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+										'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+									);
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+								// now delete old spamfilter_users entry
+								$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+							} else {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'email' => $source,
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								if($tmp_olduser['fullname'] == $app->functions->idn_decode($rec['source'])) {
+									$update_data['fullname'] = $app->functions->idn_decode($source);
+								}
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$skip_spamfilter_users_update = true;
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $source);
+						if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+							// There is already a record that we will update
+							if(!$skip_spamfilter_users_update) {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_user['id']);
+							}
+						}
+					}
 					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_forwarding', array("source" => $source, "destination" => $destination, "sys_userid" => $client_user_id, "sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid), 'forwarding_id', $rec['forwarding_id']);
 			//* Update the mailinglist
-			$mailing_lists = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT mailinglist_id FROM mail_mailinglist WHERE domain = ?", $page_form->oldDataRecord['domain']);
-			if(is_array($mailing_lists)) {
-				foreach($mailing_lists as $rec) {
-					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_mailinglist', array("sys_userid" => $client_user_id, "sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid), 'mailinglist_id', $rec['mailinglist_id']);
+			$mailinglists = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_mailinglist WHERE domain = ?", $old_domain);
+			if(is_array($mailinglists)) {
+				foreach($mailinglists as $rec) {
+					$update_data = array(
+						'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+						'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+						'domain' => $domain,
+						'email' => str_replace($old_domain, $domain, $rec['email']),
+					);
+					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_mailinglist', $update_data, 'mailinglist_id', $rec['mailinglist_id']);
@@ -107,25 +249,81 @@ class mail_mail_domain_plugin {
-			if ($page_form->oldDataRecord["domain"] != $domain) {
-				//* Delete the old spamfilter record
-				$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", "@" . $page_form->oldDataRecord["domain"]);
-				$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp["id"]);
-				unset($tmp);
+			// Spamfilter policy
+			$policy_id = $app->functions->intval($page_form->dataRecord["policy"]);
+			// If domain changes, update spamfilter_users
+			// and fire spamfilter_wblist_update events so rspamd files are rewritten
+			if ($old_domain != $domain) {
+				$tmp_users = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email LIKE ?", '%@' . $old_domain);
+				if(is_array($tmp_users)) {
+					foreach ($tmp_users as $tmp_old) {
+						$tmp_new = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $domain);
+						if($tmp_new['id'] > 0) {
+							// There is a spamfilter_users for both old and new domain, we'll update old wblist entries
+							$update_data = array(
+								'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+								'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								'rid' => $tmp_new['id'],
+							);
+							$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_old['id']);
+							foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+							}
+							// now delete old spamfilter_users entry
+							$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_old['id']);
+							/// and update the new
+							$update_data = array(
+								'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+								'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+							);
+							$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_old['id']);
+						} else {
+							$update_data = array(
+								'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+								'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								'email' => '@' . $domain,
+							);
+							if($tmp_old['fullname'] == '@' . $old_domain) {
+								$update_data['fullname'] = '@' . $domain;
+							}
+							$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_old['id']);
+						}
+					}
+				}
-			$app->db->query("UPDATE spamfilter_users SET email=REPLACE(email, ?, ?), sys_userid = ?, sys_groupid = ? WHERE email LIKE ?", $page_form->oldDataRecord['domain'], $domain, $client_user_id, $sys_groupid, "%@" . $page_form->oldDataRecord['domain']);
-		} // end if domain name changed
-		//* Force-update the aliases (required for spamfilter changes)
-		$forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source LIKE ? OR destination LIKE ?", "%@" . $domain, "%@" . $domain);
-		if(is_array($forwardings)) {
-			foreach($forwardings as $rec) {
-				$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_forwarding', array("source" => $rec['source']), 'forwarding_id', $rec['forwarding_id'],true);
+			$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $domain);
+			if(isset($tmp_user['id']) && $tmp_user['id'] > 0) {
+				// There is already a record that we will update
+				if($policy_id != $tmp_user['policy_id']) {
+					$update_data = array(
+						'policy_id' => $policy_id,
+					);
+					$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
+				}
+			} else {
+				// We create a new record
+				$insert_data = array(
+					"sys_userid" => $client_user_id,
+					"sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid,
+					"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+					"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+					"sys_perm_other" => '',
+					"server_id" => $page_form->dataRecord["server_id"],
+					"priority" => 5,
+					"policy_id" => $policy_id,
+					"email" => '@' . $domain,
+					"fullname" => '@' . $domain,
+					"local" => 'Y'
+				);
+				$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
-		}
+		} // end if domain name changed
diff --git a/interface/web/client/client_del.php b/interface/web/client/client_del.php
index c018b7a27db50b9686f63aedce827cc8a89b49ef..dadcae0bdff53f2152b17a59e596d0d906902def 100644
--- a/interface/web/client/client_del.php
+++ b/interface/web/client/client_del.php
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		'mail_user' => 'email', 
 		'mail_user_filter' => '', 
 		'shell_user' => 'username', 
-		'spamfilter_users' => '', 'spamfilter_wblist' => '',
+		'spamfilter_users' => '',
+		'spamfilter_wblist' => '',
 		'support_message' => '',
 		'web_domain' => 'domain', 
 		'web_folder' => 'path', 
@@ -208,6 +209,5 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 $page = new page_action;
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/form/spamfilter_users.tform.php b/interface/web/mail/form/spamfilter_users.tform.php
index 65f196b9879be55f37d170b3a447f8395f0ec946..1bb7b5f682f0ce0e221f4e3f00708ad6163ba1d3 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/form/spamfilter_users.tform.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/form/spamfilter_users.tform.php
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ $form["tabs"]['users'] = array (
 		'policy_id' => array (
 			'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
 			'formtype' => 'SELECT',
-			'default' => '5',
+			'default' => '0',
 			'datasource' => array (  'type' => 'SQL',
 				'querystring' => 'SELECT id,policy_name FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE {AUTHSQL} ORDER BY policy_name',
 				'keyfield'=> 'id',
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ar_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ar_spamfilter_users.lng
index efe95b5c7f1bad9138a1a9c141787f1f06141c6d..05d0ca9bd627de80cdd373cfe5fe80af517ff484 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ar_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ar_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/bg_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/bg_spamfilter_users.lng
index efe95b5c7f1bad9138a1a9c141787f1f06141c6d..05d0ca9bd627de80cdd373cfe5fe80af517ff484 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/bg_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/bg_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/br_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/br_spamfilter_users.lng
index d18fbc13a9f29a018258c23b254bd2c2bacb45a4..bdc989833e5bc2af51ba8c3d5fe4b3f06221b59f 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/br_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/br_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'Nome está vazio.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - alta';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - média';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - baixa';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Herdar configuração de domínio -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ca_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ca_spamfilter_users.lng
index 9c7d5bbe7a645145c386eb32654ffc0f50bb72cc..a54e84e6080587f2f4a130ef1f530e3cdfbbe63f 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ca_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ca_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/cz_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/cz_spamfilter_users.lng
index f2fff323f4a71ebb187aa7f983b7593b7b12bed5..8c66a071440a39562bc05da565acbfe804741971 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/cz_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/cz_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,3 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'Jméno nesmí být prázdné.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - nejvyšší';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - střední';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - nejnižší';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Zdědit nastavení od domény -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/de_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/de_spamfilter_users.lng
index 9322c804664200e59122b34b0ab1f1e2d57bf722..d6b148cbe3153ab5343b5faaeffd2b925d0693ac 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/de_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/de_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'Der Name darf nicht leer sein.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - höchste';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - normal';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - niedrigste';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/dk_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/dk_spamfilter_users.lng
index 5b132bc77405cb7d983d9ff638076c44267fa9ca..b6d9a226d0e84031700acdb7e8522fa37975c510 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/dk_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/dk_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'Navn må ikke være tomt.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - højeste';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - laveste';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/el_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/el_spamfilter_users.lng
index b6da2d1e15dc3ea54c0ce3c3d206d80fbd4065c3..fc61aa818dc0ef1d5a0f8ddf64ff703ffaa2b279 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/el_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/el_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/en_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/en_spamfilter_users.lng
index e43b315df6b655a4cc738a77a4a1a328521915f6..05d0ca9bd627de80cdd373cfe5fe80af517ff484 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/en_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/en_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
\ No newline at end of file
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/es_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/es_spamfilter_users.lng
index c5a5a0f9480cb677df0f003378c94d6594ce933d..575c14a9f4cc5df4d0aa0e8c547bc68303ded332 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/es_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/es_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['local_txt'] = 'Local';
 $wb['policy_id_txt'] = 'Directiva';
 $wb['priority_txt'] = 'Prioridad';
 $wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Servidor';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fi_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fi_spamfilter_users.lng
index c4290efbf25f6dce6c23523c2683bcedfec571f5..5c9570d6fb5e7bfb8aa900f23570e9002f23dcda 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fi_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fi_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fr_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fr_spamfilter_users.lng
index e8936b01833f43adb8057bef19b7d566c153b28d..b87fe87ccb6ae51a8f3a79b63b40129754a3db7c 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fr_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/fr_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hr_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hr_spamfilter_users.lng
index 9969ef421d93ae8f4b78ce8b87074b7d5a76b7f4..9e78310d71d13eb020ebd7855635a255c41c54e2 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hr_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hr_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hu_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hu_spamfilter_users.lng
index 573d696182d6451da51b202602229b542aa6cb7a..a5097ddbfde5272c06aa6110de2b12809e4b4fd6 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hu_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/hu_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/id_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/id_spamfilter_users.lng
index f4549c5c46bba8e4afcd30497f0f6b886b253548..4777d33581258ff23d77245ceafde81cb6a0cdab 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/id_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/id_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/it_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/it_spamfilter_users.lng
index cebb20324e774bc92664e93435b23551fee213b1..2f49b05a41afee3b8b92cd7e76918fa3684312fc 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/it_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/it_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be vuoto.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - elevata';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - media';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - minima';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ja_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ja_spamfilter_users.lng
index cd212e941845697a470401501d90929af3856203..5272d3f3e1b2de9e3aba322fd76a2cbbbd62560b 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ja_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ja_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/nl_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/nl_spamfilter_users.lng
index 697e130b35b684598ec557f33e87614e51ad65b5..b9da8e7e4a56c55e18c2203361dd830f6dbaf113 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/nl_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/nl_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pl_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pl_spamfilter_users.lng
index c46589b18d71b76431e6f947bbce3f816432c012..5173099c274b83460b08b8b4416d406f3ddda793 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pl_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pl_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pt_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pt_spamfilter_users.lng
index 0ee8d37d50dcd22c40f553b7f0c985f2dad521d4..adec31f8a1bac31963273aaa04e4291b99b35378 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pt_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/pt_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ro_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ro_spamfilter_users.lng
index c51b0b8182ce1a943fd625812cd1bf09dc847a37..bdc418c92c9a1627a678a4cb1ae50dbdc2a504f2 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ro_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ro_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ru_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ru_spamfilter_users.lng
index 8fcfff421b33e42ac4ec30ba3886c6ccb74a0968..238f3b70480914256aa37f4a0ddb98c0550a1e9d 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ru_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/ru_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'Имя не может быть пустым.'
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - сильный';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - средний';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - слабый';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/se_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/se_spamfilter_users.lng
index ba3b60e273cbac87369962e66c4b75f44f9c0d31..ca3fac06c20f3c748f8374a6f135da6d36346dd9 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/se_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/se_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'Fältet för namn kan inte vara tomt.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - högsta';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lägsta';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/sk_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/sk_spamfilter_users.lng
index 89bc415672edb4dc6fd367015f0560ff3e13e0f9..dfd74a3291eca5b2766e12ab8fd08b8962bef45d 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/sk_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/sk_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'The name must not be empty.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - highest';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - medium';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - lowest';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/tr_spamfilter_users.lng b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/tr_spamfilter_users.lng
index 33ef04c610b94444dce3ce0571056630a08278d2..10144b8232ab2bd2116511e2de960160947a2684 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/tr_spamfilter_users.lng
+++ b/interface/web/mail/lib/lang/tr_spamfilter_users.lng
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ $wb['fullname_error_notempty'] = 'Ad boÅŸ olamaz.';
 $wb['10 - highest'] = '10 - en yüksek';
 $wb['5 - medium'] = '5 - orta';
 $wb['1 - lowest'] = '1 - en düşük';
+$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_del.php b/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_del.php
index bce89695dc53ee1e016aec966a2d5030014b2db9..e4c26399ef110cb0079f6162c0e5ba58f6ce6af4 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_del.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_del.php
@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		// Delete all spamfilters that belong to this domain
 		$records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email like ?", '%@' . $domain);
 		foreach($records as $rec) {
+			$wblists = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $rec['id']);
+			foreach($wblists as $wblist) {
+				$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_wblist', 'wblist_id', $wblist['wblist_id']);
+			}
 			$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $rec['id']);
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_edit.php b/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_edit.php
index 67a724dbaf04b1f9536aa4196b4617928a138311..48f6eb2e4d5f5ec90bd8f27cec7491147301ec62 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/mail_domain_edit.php
@@ -190,19 +190,19 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 			$app->tpl->setVar("domain_module", 0);
-		// Get the spamfilter policys for the user
+		// Get the spamfilter policies for the user
 		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT policy_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $this->dataRecord["domain"]);
 		$sql = "SELECT id, policy_name FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r')." ORDER BY policy_name";
-		$policys = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
-		$policy_select = "<option value='0'>".$app->tform->wordbook["no_policy"]."</option>";
-		if(is_array($policys)) {
-			foreach( $policys as $p) {
+		$policies = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
+		$policy_select = "<option value='0'".(($tmp_user['policy_id'] == 0) ? " SELECTED>":">").$app->tform->wordbook["no_policy"]."</option>";
+		if(is_array($policies)) {
+			foreach( $policies as $p) {
 				$selected = ($p["id"] == $tmp_user["policy_id"])?'SELECTED':'';
 				$policy_select .= "<option value='$p[id]' $selected>" . $app->functions->htmlentities($p['policy_name']) . "</option>\r\n";
 		$app->tpl->setVar("policy", $policy_select);
-		unset($policys);
+		unset($policies);
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		if (!empty($rec['dkim_public'])) $app->tpl->setVar('dns_record', $dns_record, true);
-	}
+	 }
 	function onSubmit() {
 		global $app, $conf;
@@ -334,30 +334,30 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		// Spamfilter policy
 		$policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
-		if($policy_id > 0) {
-			$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $domain);
-			if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-				// There is already a record that we will update
+		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id, policy_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $domain);
+		if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+			// There is already a record that we will update
+			if($policy_id != $tmp_user['policy_id']) {
 				$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-			} else {
-				$tmp_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid FROM mail_domain WHERE domain_id = ?", $this->id);
-				// We create a new record
-				$insert_data = array(
-					"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
-					"sys_groupid" => $tmp_domain["sys_groupid"],
-					"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_other" => '',
-					"server_id" => $this->dataRecord["server_id"],
-					"priority" => 5,
-					"policy_id" => $policy_id,
-					"email" => '@' . $domain,
-					"fullname" => '@' . $domain,
-					"local" => 'Y'
-				);
-				$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
-				unset($tmp_domain);
+		} else {
+			$tmp_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid FROM mail_domain WHERE domain_id = ?", $this->id);
+			// We create a new record
+			$insert_data = array(
+				"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
+				"sys_groupid" => $tmp_domain["sys_groupid"],
+				"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_other" => '',
+				"server_id" => $this->dataRecord["server_id"],
+				"priority" => 5,
+				"policy_id" => $policy_id,
+				"email" => '@' . $domain,
+				"fullname" => '@' . $domain,
+				"local" => 'Y'
+			);
+			$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
+			unset($tmp_domain);
 		} // endif spamfilter policy
 		//* create dns-record with dkim-values if the zone exists
@@ -405,46 +405,74 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		global $app, $conf;
 		$domain = $app->functions->idn_encode($this->dataRecord["domain"]);
+		$old_domain = $app->functions->idn_encode($this->oldDataRecord["domain"]);
 		// Spamfilter policy
 		$policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
+		// If domain changes, update spamfilter_users
+		// and fire spamfilter_wblist_update events so rspamd files are rewritten
+		$skip_spamfilter_users_update = false;
+		if($old_domain != $domain) {
+			$tmp_old = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $old_domain);
+			if($tmp_old['id'] > 0) {
+				$tmp_new = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $domain);
+				if($tmp_new['id'] > 0) {
+					// There is a spamfilter_users for both old and new domain, we'll update old wblist entries
+					$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_old['id']);
+					foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+						$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', array('rid' => $tmp_new['id']), 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+					}
+					// now delete old spamfilter_users entry
+					$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_old['id']);
+				} else {
+					$update_data = array(
+						'email' => '@' . $domain,
+						'policy_id' => $policy_id,
+					);
+					if($tmp_old['fullname'] == '@' . $old_domain) {
+						$update_data['fullname'] = '@' . $domain;
+					}
+					$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_old['id']);
+					$skip_spamfilter_users_update = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
 		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $domain);
-		if($policy_id > 0) {
-			if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-				// There is already a record that we will update
+		if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+			// There is already a record that we will update
+			if((! $skip_spamfilter_users_update) && ($policy_id != $tmp_user['policy_id'])) {
 				$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-			} else {
-				$tmp_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid FROM mail_domain WHERE domain_id = ?", $this->id);
-				// We create a new record
-				$insert_data = array(
-					"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
-					"sys_groupid" => $tmp_domain["sys_groupid"],
-					"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_other" => '',
-					"server_id" => $this->dataRecord["server_id"],
-					"priority" => 5,
-					"policy_id" => $policy_id,
-					"email" => '@' . $domain,
-					"fullname" => '@' . $domain,
-					"local" => 'Y'
-				);
-				$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
-				unset($tmp_domain);
 		} else {
-			if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-				// There is already a record but the user shall have no policy, so we delete it
-				$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-			}
+			$tmp_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid FROM mail_domain WHERE domain_id = ?", $this->id);
+			// We create a new record
+			$insert_data = array(
+				"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
+				"sys_groupid" => $tmp_domain["sys_groupid"],
+				"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_other" => '',
+				"server_id" => $this->dataRecord["server_id"],
+				"priority" => 5,
+				"policy_id" => $policy_id,
+				"email" => '@' . $domain,
+				"fullname" => '@' . $domain,
+				"local" => 'Y'
+			);
+			$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
+			unset($tmp_domain);
 		} // endif spamfilter policy
 		//** If the domain name or owner has been changed, change the domain and owner in all mailbox records
-		if($this->oldDataRecord['domain'] != $domain || (isset($this->dataRecord['client_group_id']) && $this->oldDataRecord['sys_groupid'] != $this->dataRecord['client_group_id'])) {
+		if($old_domain != $domain || (isset($this->dataRecord['client_group_id']) && $this->oldDataRecord['sys_groupid'] != $this->dataRecord['client_group_id'])) {
 			$mail_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($this->dataRecord["server_id"], 'mail');
 			//* Update the mailboxes
-			$mailusers = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_user WHERE email like ?", '%@' . $this->oldDataRecord['domain']);
+			$mailusers = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_user WHERE email like ?", '%@' . $old_domain);
 			$sys_groupid = $app->functions->intval((isset($this->dataRecord['client_group_id']))?$this->dataRecord['client_group_id']:$this->oldDataRecord['sys_groupid']);
 			$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT userid FROM sys_user WHERE default_group = ?", $sys_groupid);
 			$client_user_id = $app->functions->intval(($tmp['userid'] > 0)?$tmp['userid']:1);
@@ -455,37 +483,194 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 					$maildir = str_replace("[domain]", $domain, $mail_config["maildir_path"]);
 					$maildir = str_replace("[localpart]", $mail_parts[0], $maildir);
 					$email = $mail_parts[0].'@'.$this->dataRecord['domain'];
-					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_user', array("maildir" => $maildir, "email" => $email, "sys_userid" => $client_user_id, "sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid), 'mailuser_id', $rec['mailuser_id']);
+					// update spamfilter_users and spamfilter_wblist if email change
+					$skip_spamfilter_users_update = false;
+					if($email != $rec['email']) {
+						$tmp_olduser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $rec['email']);
+						if($tmp_olduser['id'] > 0) {
+							$tmp_newuser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $email);
+							if($tmp_newuser['id'] > 0) {
+								// There is a spamfilter_users for both old and new email, we'll update old wblist entries
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$update_data = array(
+										'rid' => $tmp_newuser['id'],
+										'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+										'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+									);
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+								// now delete old spamfilter_users entry
+								$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+							} else {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'email' => $mail_parts[0].'@'.$this->dataRecord['domain'],
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								if($tmp_olduser['fullname'] == $app->functions->idn_decode($rec['email'])) {
+									$update_data['fullname'] = $app->functions->idn_decode($email);
+								}
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$skip_spamfilter_users_update = true;
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $email);
+						if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+							// There is already a record that we will update
+							if(!$skip_spamfilter_users_update) {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_user['id']);
+							}
+						} else {
+							// We create a new record
+							$insert_data = array(
+								"sys_userid" => $client_user_id,
+								"sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid,
+								"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+								"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+								"sys_perm_other" => '',
+								"server_id" => $this->dataRecord["server_id"],
+								"priority" => 5,
+								"policy_id" => 0,
+								"email" => $email,
+								"fullname" => $app->functions->idn_decode($email),
+								"local" => 'Y'
+							);
+							$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
+						}
+						$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_user', array("maildir" => $maildir, "email" => $email, "sys_userid" => $client_user_id, "sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid), 'mailuser_id', $rec['mailuser_id']);
+					}
 			//* Update the aliases
-			$forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source like ? OR destination like ?", '%@' . $this->oldDataRecord['domain'], '%@' . $this->oldDataRecord['domain']);
+			$forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source like ? OR destination like ?", '%@' . $old_domain, '%@' . $old_domain);
 			if(is_array($forwardings)) {
 				foreach($forwardings as $rec) {
-					$destination = str_replace($this->oldDataRecord['domain'], $domain, $rec['destination']);
-					$source = str_replace($this->oldDataRecord['domain'], $domain, $rec['source']);
+					$destination = str_replace($old_domain, $domain, $rec['destination']);
+					$source = str_replace($old_domain, $domain, $rec['source']);
+					// update spamfilter_users and spamfilter_wblist if source email changes
+					$skip_spamfilter_users_update = false;
+					if(strpos($rec['source'],'@'.$old_domain) && $source != $rec['source']) {
+						$tmp_olduser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $rec['source']);
+						if($tmp_olduser['id'] > 0) {
+							$tmp_newuser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $source);
+							if($tmp_newuser['id'] > 0) {
+								// There is a spamfilter_users for both old and new email, we'll update old wblist entries
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$update_data = array(
+										'rid' => $tmp_newuser['id'],
+										'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+										'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+									);
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+								// now delete old spamfilter_users entry
+								$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+							} else {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'email' => $source,
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								if($tmp_olduser['fullname'] == $app->functions->idn_decode($rec['source'])) {
+									$update_data['fullname'] = $app->functions->idn_decode($source);
+								}
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$skip_spamfilter_users_update = true;
+								$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+									$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $source);
+						if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+							// There is already a record that we will update
+							if(!$skip_spamfilter_users_update) {
+								$update_data = array(
+									'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+									'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+								);
+								$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_user['id']);
+							}
+						/*
+						 * should we insert spamfilter_users with policy_id = 0 for mail_forwardings?
+						 * I think no (see https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/-/issues/6201)
+						 *
+						} else {
+							// We create a new record
+							$insert_data = array(
+								"sys_userid" => $client_user_id,
+								"sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid,
+								"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+								"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+								"sys_perm_other" => '',
+								"server_id" => $this->dataRecord["server_id"],
+								"priority" => 5,
+								"policy_id" => 0,
+								"email" => $source,
+								"fullname" => $app->functions->idn_decode($source),
+								"local" => 'Y'
+							);
+							$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
+						 */
+						}
+					}
 					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_forwarding', array("source" => $source, "destination" => $destination, "sys_userid" => $client_user_id, "sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid), 'forwarding_id', $rec['forwarding_id']);
 			//* Update the mailinglist
-			$app->db->query("UPDATE mail_mailinglist SET sys_userid = ?, sys_groupid = ? WHERE domain = ?", $client_user_id, $sys_groupid, $this->oldDataRecord['domain']);
+			$mailinglists = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_mailinglist WHERE domain = ?", $old_domain);
+			if(is_array($mailinglists)) {
+				foreach($mailinglists as $rec) {
+					$update_data = array(
+						'sys_userid' => $client_user_id,
+						'sys_groupid' => $sys_groupid,
+						'domain' => $domain,
+						'email' => str_replace($old_domain, $domain, $rec['email']),
+					);
+					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_mailinglist', $update_data, 'mailinglist_id', $rec['mailinglist_id']);
+				}
+			}
 			//* Update fetchmail accounts
-			$fetchmail = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_get WHERE destination like ?", '%@' . $this->oldDataRecord['domain']);
+			$fetchmail = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_get WHERE destination like ?", '%@' . $old_domain);
 			if(is_array($fetchmail)) {
 				foreach($fetchmail as $rec) {
-					$destination = str_replace($this->oldDataRecord['domain'], $domain, $rec['destination']);
+					$destination = str_replace($old_domain, $domain, $rec['destination']);
 					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_get', array("destination" => $destination, "sys_userid" => $client_user_id, "sys_groupid" => $sys_groupid), 'mailget_id', $rec['mailget_id']);
-			//* Delete the old spamfilter record
-			$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", '@' . $this->oldDataRecord["domain"]);
-			$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp["id"]);
-			unset($tmp);
 		} // end if domain name changed
 		//* update dns-record when the dkim record was changed
@@ -559,4 +744,3 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 $page = new page_action;
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/mail_user_del.php b/interface/web/mail/mail_user_del.php
index 1f19166ef7c64de361b0bdf0a91d69ddd8403974..d301f5008573892c5c5527907d10de9dbaa1b44d 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/mail_user_del.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/mail_user_del.php
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
+		// delete mail_forwardings with destination == email ?
 		$tmp_filters = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT filter_id FROM mail_user_filter WHERE mailuser_id = ?", $this->id);
 		if(is_array($tmp_filters)) {
 			foreach($tmp_filters as $tmp) {
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/mail_user_edit.php b/interface/web/mail/mail_user_edit.php
index 1dca1db848b93ff78ce9f8c2a9c143579bdf98f7..d8730fa2ebe78c3885af10f785a276e016b7ecfe 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/mail_user_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/mail_user_edit.php
@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
-		// Get the spamfilter policys for the user
+		// Get the spamfilter policies for the user
 		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT policy_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
 		if (isset($_POST['policy'])) $tmp_user['policy_id'] = intval($_POST['policy']);
 		$sql = "SELECT id, policy_name FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r') . " ORDER BY policy_name";
-		$policys = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
-		$policy_select = "<option value='0'>".$app->tform->lng("inherit_policy")."</option>";
-		if(is_array($policys)) {
-			foreach( $policys as $p) {
+		$policies = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
+		$policy_select = "<option value='0'".(($tmp_user['policy_id'] == 0) ? " SELECTED>":">").$app->tform->lng("inherit_policy")."</option>";
+		if(is_array($policies)) {
+			foreach( $policies as $p) {
 				$selected = ($p["id"] == $tmp_user["policy_id"])?'SELECTED':'';
 				$policy_select .= "<option value='$p[id]' $selected>" . $app->functions->htmlentities($p['policy_name']) . "</option>\r\n";
 		$app->tpl->setVar("policy", $policy_select);
-		unset($policys);
+		unset($policies);
@@ -281,42 +281,40 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		// Spamfilter policy
 		$policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
-		if($policy_id > 0) {
-			$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
-			if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-				// There is already a record that we will update
+		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id, policy_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
+		if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+			// There is already a record that we will update
+			if($policy_id != $tmp_user['policy_id']) {
 				$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-			} else {
-				// We create a new record
-				$insert_data = array(
-					"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
-					"sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
-					"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_other" => '',
-					"server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
-					"priority" => 10,
-					"policy_id" => $policy_id,
-					"email" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
-					"fullname" => $app->functions->idn_decode($this->dataRecord["email"]),
-					"local" => 'Y'
-				);
-				$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
-		}  // endif spamfilter policy
+		} else {
+			// We create a new record
+			$insert_data = array(
+				"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
+				"sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
+				"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_other" => '',
+				"server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
+				"priority" => 7,
+				"policy_id" => $policy_id,
+				"email" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
+				"fullname" => $app->functions->idn_decode($this->dataRecord["email"]),
+				"local" => 'Y'
+			);
+			$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
+		}
 		// Set the fields for dovecot
-		if(isset($this->dataRecord["email"])) {
-			$disableimap = ($this->dataRecord["disableimap"])?'y':'n';
-			$disablepop3 = ($this->dataRecord["disablepop3"])?'y':'n';
-			$disablesmtp = ($this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"])?'y':'n';
-			$disabledeliver = ($this->dataRecord["disabledeliver"])?'y':'n';
-			$app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $this->id);
-			$sql = "UPDATE mail_user SET disableimap = ?, disablesieve = ?, disablepop3 = ?, disablesmtp = ?, disabledeliver = ?, disablelda = ?, disablelmtp = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?";
-			$app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $this->id);
-		}
+		$disableimap = ($this->dataRecord["disableimap"])?'y':'n';
+		$disablepop3 = ($this->dataRecord["disablepop3"])?'y':'n';
+		$disablesmtp = ($this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"])?'y':'n';
+		$disabledeliver = ($this->dataRecord["disabledeliver"])?'y':'n';
+		$app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $this->id);
+		$sql = "UPDATE mail_user SET disableimap = ?, disablesieve = ?, disablepop3 = ?, disablesmtp = ?, disabledeliver = ?, disablelda = ?, disablelmtp = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?";
+		$app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $this->id);
 	function onAfterUpdate() {
@@ -326,65 +324,104 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		if(isset($_POST["email_domain"])) {
 			$domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT sys_groupid, server_id FROM mail_domain WHERE domain = ? AND ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r'), $app->functions->idn_encode($_POST["email_domain"]));
 			$app->db->query("UPDATE mail_user SET sys_groupid = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?", $domain["sys_groupid"], $this->id);
-			// Spamfilter policy
-			$policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
-			$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
-			if($policy_id > 0) {
-				if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-					// There is already a record that we will update
-					$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-				} else {
-					// We create a new record
-					$insert_data = array(
-						"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
-						"sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
-						"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
-						"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
-						"sys_perm_other" => '',
-						"server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
-						"priority" => 10,
-						"policy_id" => $policy_id,
-						"email" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
-						"fullname" => $app->functions->idn_decode($this->dataRecord["email"]),
-						"local" => 'Y'
-					);
-					$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
-				}
-			}else {
-				if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-					// There is already a record but the user shall have no policy, so we delete it
-					$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-				}
-			} // endif spamfilter policy
 		// Set the fields for dovecot
-		if(isset($this->dataRecord["email"])) {
-			$disableimap = (isset($this->dataRecord["disableimap"]) && $this->dataRecord["disableimap"])?'y':'n';
-			$disablepop3 = (isset($this->dataRecord["disablepop3"]) && $this->dataRecord["disablepop3"])?'y':'n';
-			$disablesmtp = (isset($this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"]) && $this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"])?'y':'n';
-			$disabledeliver = (isset($this->dataRecord["disabledeliver"]) && $this->dataRecord["disabledeliver"])?'y':'n';
-			$sql = "UPDATE mail_user SET disableimap = ?, disablesieve = ?, `disablesieve-filter` = ?, disablepop3 = ?, disablesmtp = ?, disabledeliver = ?, disablelda = ?, disablelmtp = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?";
-			$app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $this->id);
-		}
+		$disableimap = (isset($this->dataRecord["disableimap"]) && $this->dataRecord["disableimap"])?'y':'n';
+		$disablepop3 = (isset($this->dataRecord["disablepop3"]) && $this->dataRecord["disablepop3"])?'y':'n';
+		$disablesmtp = (isset($this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"]) && $this->dataRecord["disablesmtp"])?'y':'n';
+		$disabledeliver = (isset($this->dataRecord["disabledeliver"]) && $this->dataRecord["disabledeliver"])?'y':'n';
+		$sql = "UPDATE mail_user SET disableimap = ?, disablesieve = ?, `disablesieve-filter` = ?, disablepop3 = ?, disablesmtp = ?, disabledeliver = ?, disablelda = ?, disablelmtp = ? WHERE mailuser_id = ?";
+		$app->db->query($sql, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disableimap, $disablepop3, $disablesmtp, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $disabledeliver, $this->id);
+		// Spamfilter policy
+		$policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
+		$skip_spamfilter_users_update = false;
-		//** If the email address has been changed, change it in all aliases too
+		//** Handle email address change
 		if(isset($this->dataRecord['email']) && $this->oldDataRecord['email'] != $this->dataRecord['email']) {
-			//if($this->oldDataRecord['email'] != $this->dataRecord['email']) {
+			//** Update spamfilter_users and spamfilter_wblist
+			$tmp_olduser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id,fullname FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->oldDataRecord['email']);
+			if($tmp_olduser["id"] > 0) {
+				$tmp_newuser = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord['email']);
+				if($tmp_newuser['id'] > 0) {
+					// There is a spamfilter_users for both old and new email, we'll update old wblist entries
+					$update_data = array(
+						'rid' => $tmp_newuser['id'],
+					);
+					if (isset($domain['sys_groupid'])) {
+						$update_data['sys_groupid'] = $domain['sys_groupid'];
+					}
+					$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $tmp_olduser['id']);
+					foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+						$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', $update_data, 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+					}
+					// now delete old spamfilter_users entry
+					$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+					// we update spamfilter_users for new id below
+				} else {
+					$update_data = array(
+						'email' => $this->dataRecord['email'],
+						'policy_id' => $policy_id,
+					);
+					if (isset($domain['sys_groupid'])) {
+						$update_data['sys_groupid'] = $domain['sys_groupid'];
+					}
+					if($tmp_olduser['fullname'] == $app->functions->idn_decode($this->oldDataRecord['email'])) {
+						$update_data['fullname'] = $app->functions->idn_decode($this->dataRecord['email']);
+					}
+					$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_olduser['id']);
+					$skip_spamfilter_users_update = true;
+				}
+			}
 			//* Update the aliases
 			$forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE destination = ?", $this->oldDataRecord['email']);
 			if(is_array($forwardings)) {
 				foreach($forwardings as $rec) {
 					$destination = $this->dataRecord['email'];
-					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_forwarding', array("destination" => $destination), 'forwarding_id', $rec['forwarding_id']);
+					$update_data = array(
+						'destination' => $destination,
+					);
+					$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_forwarding', $update_data, 'forwarding_id', $rec['forwarding_id']);
 		} // end if email addess changed
+		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord['email']);
+		if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+			// There is already a record that we will update
+			if(!$skip_spamfilter_users_update) {
+				$update_data = array(
+					'policy_id' => $policy_id,
+				);
+				if (isset($domain['sys_groupid'])) {
+					$update_data['sys_groupid'] = $domain['sys_groupid'];
+				}
+				$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', $update_data, 'id', $tmp_user['id']);
+			}
+		} else {
+			// We create a new record
+			$insert_data = array(
+				"sys_userid" => $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"],
+				"sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
+				"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_other" => '',
+				"server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
+				"priority" => 7,
+				"policy_id" => $policy_id,
+				"email" => $this->dataRecord["email"],
+				"fullname" => $app->functions->idn_decode($this->dataRecord["email"]),
+				"local" => 'Y'
+			);
+			$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
+		}
 		//* Change backup options when user mail backup options have been changed
 		if(isset($this->dataRecord['backup_interval']) && ($this->dataRecord['backup_interval'] != $this->oldDataRecord['backup_interval'] || $this->dataRecord['backup_copies'] != $this->oldDataRecord['backup_copies'])) {
 			$backup_interval = $this->dataRecord['backup_interval'];
@@ -401,4 +438,3 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 $app->tform_actions = new page_action;
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_blacklist_edit.php b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_blacklist_edit.php
index b76334b387728ef65e2daaa350a08ff37645d916..c304dafd2b3767ec966361c82372b5e748776c66 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_blacklist_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_blacklist_edit.php
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		} // end if user is not admin
-		// Select and set the server_id so it matches the server_id of the spa,filter_users record
+		// Select and set the server_id so it matches the server_id of the spamfilter_users record
 		$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE id = ?", $this->dataRecord["rid"]);
 		$this->dataRecord["server_id"] = $tmp["server_id"];
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_policy_edit.php b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_policy_edit.php
index 8b15f2fac6637e167a4e266232f1cfb21b4d8c55..e8dd7f74736487f5f105cf345392a5aff2b66796 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_policy_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_policy_edit.php
@@ -113,16 +113,9 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 					// check if this is an email domain
 					if(substr($spamfilter_user['email'],0,1) == '@') {
 						$domain = substr($spamfilter_user['email'],1);
-						$forwardings = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM mail_forwarding WHERE source LIKE ? OR destination LIKE ?", "%@" . $domain, "%@" . $domain);
-						// Force-update aliases and forwards
-						if(is_array($forwardings)) {
-							foreach($forwardings as $rec) {
-								$app->db->datalogUpdate('mail_forwarding', array("source" => $rec['source']), 'forwarding_id', $rec['forwarding_id'],true);
-							}
-						}
-					}
+						// Nothing special to do for a domain
+					}
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_users_edit.php b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_users_edit.php
index b8bc9316c5fffdadff123f8bbf81ef951275e406..c06e31fc72559f1ea7ad9e4d98d37cbb7fa8236f 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_users_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_users_edit.php
@@ -65,6 +65,29 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
+	function onShowEnd() {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		// Get the spamfilter policies for the user
+		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT policy_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $this->dataRecord["email"]);
+		if (isset($_POST['policy_id'])) $tmp_user['policy_id'] = intval($_POST['policy_id']);
+		$sql = "SELECT id, policy_name FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r') . " ORDER BY policy_name";
+		$policies = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
+		$policy_select = "<option value='0'".(($tmp_user['policy_id'] == 0) ? " SELECTED>":">").$app->tform->lng("inherit_policy")."</option>";
+		if(is_array($policies)) {
+			foreach( $policies as $p) {
+				$selected = ($p["id"] == $tmp_user["policy_id"])?'SELECTED':'';
+				$policy_select .= "<option value='$p[id]' $selected>" . $app->functions->htmlentities($p['policy_name']) . "</option>\r\n";
+			}
+		}
+		$app->tpl->setVar("policy_id", $policy_select);
+		unset($policies);
+		unset($policy_select);
+		unset($tmp_user);
+		parent::onShowEnd();
+	}
 	function onBeforeUpdate() {
 		global $app, $conf;
@@ -90,7 +113,7 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 			$client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]);
 			$client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_spamfilter_user FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = ?", $client_group_id);
-			// Check if the user may add another mailbox.
+			// Check if the user may add another spamfilter user.
 			if($this->id == 0 && $client["limit_spamfilter_user"] >= 0) {
 				$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(id) as number FROM spamfilter_users WHERE sys_groupid = ?", $client_group_id);
 				if($tmp["number"] >= $client["limit_spamfilter_user"]) {
@@ -103,10 +126,21 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
+	function onAfterUpdate() {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		// If email changes fire spamfilter_wblist_update events so rspamd files are rewritten
+		if(isset($this->dataRecord['email']) && $this->oldDataRecord['email'] != $this->dataRecord['email']) {
+			$tmp_wblist = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT wblist_id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE rid = ?", $this->dataRecord['id']);
+			foreach ($tmp_wblist as $tmp) {
+				$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_wblist', array('rid' => $this->dataRecord['id']), 'wblist_id', $tmp['wblist_id']);
+			}
+		}
+	}
 $app->tform_actions = new page_action;
diff --git a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_whitelist_edit.php b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_whitelist_edit.php
index a404db0ef1008c7eba45ea9a9be8d7e6951d09bd..bc161e6e554a639ec93a0e669f31cb10503c662a 100644
--- a/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_whitelist_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/mail/spamfilter_whitelist_edit.php
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		} // end if user is not admin
-		// Select and set the server_id so it matches the server_id of the spa,filter_users record
+		// Select and set the server_id so it matches the server_id of the spamfilter_users record
 		$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE id = ?", $this->dataRecord["rid"]);
 		$this->dataRecord["server_id"] = $tmp["server_id"];
diff --git a/interface/web/mailuser/mail_user_spamfilter_edit.php b/interface/web/mailuser/mail_user_spamfilter_edit.php
index 8d1e70ba203c5eaf9603b141ea180561897c8912..2c8759b7954de6304b02a97e45c2dc7e3f450ad9 100644
--- a/interface/web/mailuser/mail_user_spamfilter_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/mailuser/mail_user_spamfilter_edit.php
@@ -79,32 +79,25 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		// Spamfilter policy
 		$policy_id = $app->functions->intval($this->dataRecord["policy"]);
 		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $rec["email"]);
-		if($policy_id > 0) {
-			if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-				// There is already a record that we will update
-				$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-			} else {
-				// We create a new record
-				$insert_data = array(
-					"sys_userid" => $domain["sys_userid"],
-					"sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
-					"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
-					"sys_perm_other" => '',
-					"server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
-					"priority" => 10,
-					"policy_id" => $policy_id,
-					"email" => $rec["email"],
-					"fullname" => $rec["email"],
-					"local" => 'Y'
-				);
-				$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
-			}
-		}else {
-			if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
-				// There is already a record but the user shall have no policy, so we delete it
-				$app->db->datalogDelete('spamfilter_users', 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
-			}
+		if($tmp_user["id"] > 0) {
+			// There is already a record that we will update
+			$app->db->datalogUpdate('spamfilter_users', array("policy_id" => $policy_id), 'id', $tmp_user["id"]);
+		} else {
+			// We create a new record
+			$insert_data = array(
+				"sys_userid" => $domain["sys_userid"],
+				"sys_groupid" => $domain["sys_groupid"],
+				"sys_perm_user" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_group" => 'riud',
+				"sys_perm_other" => '',
+				"server_id" => $domain["server_id"],
+				"priority" => 7,
+				"policy_id" => $policy_id,
+				"email" => $rec["email"],
+				"fullname" => $rec["email"],
+				"local" => 'Y'
+			);
+			$app->db->datalogInsert('spamfilter_users', $insert_data, 'id');
 		} // endif spamfilter policy
@@ -114,26 +107,25 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		$rec = $app->tform->getDataRecord($this->id);
 		$app->tpl->setVar("email", $app->functions->idn_decode($rec['email']), true);
-		// Get the spamfilter policys for the user
+		// Get the spamfilter policies for the user
 		$tmp_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT policy_id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE email = ?", $rec['email']);
 		$sql = "SELECT id, policy_name FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE ".$app->tform->getAuthSQL('r');
-		$policys = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
-		$policy_select = "<option value='0'>".$app->tform->lng("inherit_policy")."</option>";
-		if(is_array($policys)) {
-			foreach( $policys as $p) {
+		$policies = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql);
+		$policy_select = "<option value='0'".(($tmp_user['policy_id'] == 0)?" SELECTED>":">").$app->tform->lng("inherit_policy")."</option>";
+		if(is_array($policies)) {
+			foreach( $policies as $p) {
 				$selected = ($p["id"] == $tmp_user["policy_id"])?'SELECTED':'';
 				$policy_select .= "<option value='$p[id]' $selected>" . $app->functions->htmlentities($p['policy_name']) . "</option>\r\n";
 		$app->tpl->setVar("policy", $policy_select);
-		unset($policys);
+		unset($policies);
 $app->tform_actions = new page_action;
diff --git a/interface/web/tools/resync.php b/interface/web/tools/resync.php
index ec947421b7bea0044291e94fedb69e3ae82bbd93..0aa6677ac3497d92b95f77377d0243428dbadba7 100644
--- a/interface/web/tools/resync.php
+++ b/interface/web/tools/resync.php
@@ -93,34 +93,34 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		if($type == 'mail') {
 			$server_data = array (
-    			'mail_domain' => array (
-        			'index_field' => 'domain_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
+				'mail_domain' => array (
+					'index_field' => 'domain_id',
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
+				),
 				'mail_get' => array (
 					'index_field' =>  'mailget_id',
 					'server_type' => 'mail',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			'mail_mailinglist' => array (
-        			'index_field' =>  'mailinglist_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
+				'mail_mailinglist' => array (
+					'index_field' =>  'mailinglist_id',
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
-    			'mail_user' => array (
-        			'index_field' =>  'mailuser_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
+				),
+				'mail_user' => array (
+					'index_field' =>  'mailuser_id',
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			'mail_transport' => array (
-        			'index_field' =>  'transport_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
+				'mail_transport' => array (
+					'index_field' =>  'transport_id',
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			'mail_relay' => array (
-        			'index_field' =>  'relay_recipient_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
+				'mail_relay' => array (
+					'index_field' =>  'relay_recipient_id',
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
@@ -129,17 +129,17 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 			$server_data = array (
 				'mail_access' => array (
 					'index_field' => 'access_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
+				),
 				'mail_content_filter' => array (
 					'index_field' => 'content_filter_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
-    			),
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
+				),
 				'mail_user_filter' => array (
 					'index_field' => 'filter_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'mail',
-    			),
+					'server_type' => 'mail',
+				),
 				'spamfilter_policy' => array (
 					'index_field' => 'id',
 					'server_type' => 'mail',
@@ -158,26 +158,26 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		if($type == 'web'  ) {
 			$server_data = array (
-    			'web_domain' => array (
-        			'index_field' => 'domain_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'web',
+				'web_domain' => array (
+					'index_field' => 'domain_id',
+					'server_type' => 'web',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
-    			'shell_user' => array (
-        			'index_field' => 'shell_user_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'web',
+				),
+				'shell_user' => array (
+					'index_field' => 'shell_user_id',
+					'server_type' => 'web',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
-    			'cron' => array (
-        			'index_field' => 'id',
-        			'server_type' => 'cron',
+				),
+				'cron' => array (
+					'index_field' => 'id',
+					'server_type' => 'cron',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
-    			'ftp_user' => array (
-        			'index_field' => 'ftp_user_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'web',
+				),
+				'ftp_user' => array (
+					'index_field' => 'ftp_user_id',
+					'server_type' => 'web',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
+				),
 		if($type == 'dns' ) {
@@ -191,11 +191,11 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		if($type == 'file' ) {
 			$server_data = array (
-    			'webdav_user' => array (
-        			'index_field' => 'webdav_user_id',
-        			'server_type' => 'file',
+				'webdav_user' => array (
+					'index_field' => 'webdav_user_id',
+					'server_type' => 'file',
 					'server_id' => $server_id,
-    			),
+				),
 		if($type == 'db' ) {
diff --git a/server/lib/classes/cron.d/600-file_cleanup.inc.php b/server/lib/classes/cron.d/600-file_cleanup.inc.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..765b0910414bc588b59af5148a7112bfcdb139ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/lib/classes/cron.d/600-file_cleanup.inc.php
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+Copyright (c) 2021, Jesse Norell
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of ISPConfig nor the names of its contributors
+      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+      specific prior written permission.
+class cronjob_file_cleanup extends cronjob {
+	// job schedule
+	protected $_schedule = '* * * * *';
+	protected $_run_at_new = true;
+	public function onBeforeRun() {
+		global $app;
+		/* currently we only cleanup rspamd config files, so bail if not needed */
+		if (! is_dir("/etc/rspamd/local.d/users/")) {
+			return false;
+		}
+		return parent::onBeforeRun();
+	}
+	public function onRunJob() {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		$server_id = $conf['server_id'];
+		/* rspamd config file cleanup */
+		if (is_dir("/etc/rspamd/local.d/users/")) {
+			$mail_access = array();
+			$sql = "SELECT access_id as id FROM mail_access WHERE active = 'y' AND server_id = ?";
+			$records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $server_id);
+			if(is_array($records)) {
+				foreach($records as $rec){
+					$mail_access[$rec['id']] = $rec['id'];
+				}
+			}
+			$spamfilter_wblist = array();
+			$sql = "SELECT wblist_id as id FROM spamfilter_wblist WHERE active = 'y' AND server_id = ?";
+			$records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $server_id);
+			if(is_array($records)) {
+				foreach($records as $rec){
+					$spamfilter_wblist[$rec['id']] = $rec['id'];
+				}
+			}
+			$spamfilter_users = array();
+			$sql = "SELECT id FROM spamfilter_users WHERE policy_id != 0 AND server_id = ?";
+			$records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $server_id);
+			if(is_array($records)) {
+				foreach($records as $rec){
+					$spamfilter_users[$rec['id']] = $rec['id'];
+				}
+			}
+			$mail_user = array();
+			$sql = "SELECT mailuser_id as id FROM mail_user WHERE postfix = 'y' AND server_id = ?";
+			$records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $server_id);
+			if(is_array($records)) {
+				foreach($records as $rec){
+					$mail_user[$rec['id']] = $rec['id'];
+				}
+			}
+			$mail_forwarding = array();
+			$sql = "SELECT forwarding_id as id FROM mail_forwarding WHERE active = 'y' AND server_id = ?";
+			$records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql, $server_id);
+			if(is_array($records)) {
+				foreach($records as $rec){
+					$mail_forwarding[$rec['id']] = $rec['id'];
+				}
+			}
+			foreach (glob('/etc/rspamd/local.d/users/*.conf') as $file) {
+				if($handle = fopen($file, 'r')) {
+					if(($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
+						if(preg_match('/^((?:global|spamfilter)_wblist|ispc_(spamfilter_user|mail_user|mail_forwarding))[_-](\d+)\s/', $line, $matches)) {
+							switch($matches[1]) {
+							case 'global_wblist':
+								$remove = isset($mail_access[$matches[3]]) ? false : true;
+								break;
+							case 'spamfilter_wblist':
+								$remove = isset($spamfilter_wblist[$matches[3]]) ? false : true;
+								break;
+							case 'ispc_spamfilter_user':
+								$remove = isset($spamfilter_users[$matches[3]]) ? false : true;
+								break;
+							case 'ispc_mail_user':
+								$remove = isset($mail_user[$matches[3]]) ? false : true;
+								break;
+							case 'ispc_mail_forwarding':
+								$remove = isset($mail_forwarding[$matches[3]]) ? false : true;
+								break;
+							default:
+								$app->log("conf file has unhandled rule naming convention, ignoring: $file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+								$remove = false;
+							}
+							if($remove) {
+								$app->log("$matches[1] id $matches[3] not found, removing $file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+								unlink($file);
+								$this->restartServiceDelayed('rspamd', 'reload');
+							}
+						} else {
+							$app->log("conf file has unknown rule naming convention, ignoring: $file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+						}
+					}
+					fclose($handle);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		parent::onRunJob();
+	}
diff --git a/server/lib/classes/cronjob.inc.php b/server/lib/classes/cronjob.inc.php
index 61d45749a841fb2d8826b0a82dd96588fd816f49..df410042db0c5be4afff122a08747858a42154e1 100644
--- a/server/lib/classes/cronjob.inc.php
+++ b/server/lib/classes/cronjob.inc.php
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ class cronjob {
 	protected $_next_run = null;
 	private $_running = false;
+	// services for delayed restart/reload
+	private $_delayed_restart_services = array();
 	/** return schedule */
@@ -178,6 +181,12 @@ class cronjob {
 		global $app, $conf;
 		if($conf['log_priority'] <= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) print "Called onAfterRun() for class " . get_class($this) . "\n";
+		if(is_array($this->_delayed_restart_services)) {
+			foreach ($this->_delayed_restart_services as $service => $mode) {
+				$this->restartService($service, $mode);
+			}
+		}
 	// child classes may NOT override this!
@@ -188,6 +197,29 @@ class cronjob {
 		$app->db->query("UPDATE `sys_cron` SET `running` = 0 WHERE `name` = ?", get_class($this));
+	// child classes may NOT override this!
+	protected function restartService($service, $action='restart') {
+		global $app;
+		$app->uses('system');
+		$retval = array('output' => '', 'retval' => 0);
+		if($action == 'reload') {
+			exec($app->system->getinitcommand($service, 'reload').' 2>&1', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']);
+		} else {
+			exec($app->system->getinitcommand($service, 'restart').' 2>&1', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']);
+		}
+		return $retval;
+	}
+	// child classes may NOT override this!
+	protected function restartServiceDelayed($service, $action='restart') {
+		$action = ($action == 'reload' ? 'reload' : 'restart');
+		if (is_array($this->_delayed_restart_services)) {
+			$this->_delayed_restart_services[$service] = $action;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/server/plugins-available/mail_plugin.inc.php b/server/plugins-available/mail_plugin.inc.php
index 0d2e52c4fcae3042047f4aa68ae338f8912e12d6..2baf07ec7dd07ad69f7203b77924bb166cf1f8f9 100644
--- a/server/plugins-available/mail_plugin.inc.php
+++ b/server/plugins-available/mail_plugin.inc.php
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class mail_plugin {
 				$app->log('Moved invalid maildir to corrupted Maildirs folder: '.$data['new']['maildir'], LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-			//* Create the maildir, if it doesn not exist, set permissions, set quota.
+			//* Create the maildir, if it does not exist, set permissions, set quota.
 			if(!empty($maildomain_path) && !is_dir($maildomain_path.'/new')) {
 				$app->system->maildirmake($maildomain_path, $user, '', $group);
diff --git a/server/plugins-available/rspamd_plugin.inc.php b/server/plugins-available/rspamd_plugin.inc.php
index 9d34ac8a36fdd6b14a907881623c949067342121..112020deb7119f6c1c99dc018737239dfc148274 100644
--- a/server/plugins-available/rspamd_plugin.inc.php
+++ b/server/plugins-available/rspamd_plugin.inc.php
@@ -243,17 +243,7 @@ class rspamd_plugin {
 		$settings_file = $this->users_config_dir . str_replace('@', '_', $settings_name) . '.conf';
 		//$app->log('Settings file for rspamd is ' . $settings_file, LOGLEVEL_WARN);
 		if($mode === 'delete') {
-			$delete_file = true;
-			if($type === 'spamfilter_user') {
-				$search_for_policy[] = $email_address;
-				$search_for_policy[] = substr($email_address, strpos($email_address, '@'));
-				$policy = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT p.* FROM spamfilter_users as u INNER JOIN spamfilter_policy as p ON (p.id = u.policy_id) WHERE u.server_id = ? AND u.email IN ? ORDER BY u.priority DESC", $conf['server_id'], $search_for_policy);
-				if($policy) {
-					$delete_file = false;
-				}
-			}
-			if($delete_file === true && is_file($settings_file)) {
+			if(is_file($settings_file)) {
 		} else {
@@ -265,7 +255,12 @@ class rspamd_plugin {
 			// get policy for entry
 			if($type === 'spamfilter_user') {
-				$policy = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE id = ?", intval($data['new']['policy_id']));
+				if (intval($data['new']['policy_id']) > 0) {
+					$policy = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM spamfilter_policy WHERE id = ?", intval($data['new']['policy_id']));
+				} else {
+					$domain = substr($data['new']['email'], strpos($data['new']['email'], '@'));
+					$policy = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT p.* FROM spamfilter_users as u INNER JOIN spamfilter_policy as p ON (p.id = u.policy_id) WHERE u.server_id = ? AND u.email = ?", $conf['server_id'], $domain);
+				}
 				$check = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `greylisting` FROM `mail_user` WHERE `server_id` = ? AND `email` = ? UNION SELECT `greylisting` FROM `mail_forwarding` WHERE `server_id` = ? AND `source` = ? ORDER BY (`greylisting` = ?) DESC', $conf['server_id'], $email_address, $conf['server_id'], $email_address, 'y');
 				if($check) {
@@ -286,7 +281,7 @@ class rspamd_plugin {
-			if(!$this->isValidEmail($app->functions->idn_encode($email_address))) {
+			if((!$this->isValidEmail($app->functions->idn_encode($email_address))) || intval($data['new']['policy_id']) == 0) {
 				if(is_file($settings_file)) {
@@ -310,11 +305,13 @@ class rspamd_plugin {
 					} else {
 						$tpl->setVar('from_email', $app->functions->idn_encode($email_address));
+					// unneded? $spamfilter appears unused
 					$spamfilter = $data[$use_data];
 				} else {
 					$tpl->setVar('to_email', $app->functions->idn_encode($email_address));
 					// need to get matching spamfilter user if any
+					// unneded? $spamfilter appears unused
 					$spamfilter = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM spamfilter_users WHERE `email` = ?', $email_address);
@@ -399,6 +396,7 @@ class rspamd_plugin {
 			} else {
 				$record_id = intval($data['new']['wblist_id']);
 				$wblist_file = $this->users_config_dir.'spamfilter_wblist_'.$record_id.'.conf';
 				$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT email FROM spamfilter_users WHERE id = ?", intval($data['new']['rid']));
 				if($tmp && !empty($tmp)) {
 					$filter = array(