diff --git a/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.10.txt b/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.10.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96a932dba04c7a0260fcc279b500fda6754ebccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+It is recommended to use a clean (fresh) Ubuntu 8.04 LTS install where you selected no additional packages or servers during setup. Then follow the steps below to setup your server with ISPConfig 3:
+1) Prepare your OS
+Become root user by executing:
+sudo su
+and entering the password of the user that you created during setup.
+Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the line beginning with "deb cdrom:....", then run:
+apt-get update
+apt-get -u upgrade
+1.1) Change The Default Shell
+There are alway Shell-Scripts which are not POSIX-compatible and only run when using BASH instead of DASH!
+sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
+                           <-- ANSWER WITH: No
+1.1) Install some software
+apt-get install wget
+2) Install Postfix, Courier, Saslauthd, MySQL, phpMyAdmin
+(1 line!)
+apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql postfix-doc mysql-client mysql-server courier-authdaemon courier-authlib-mysql courier-pop courier-pop-ssl courier-imap courier-imap-ssl libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-sql sasl2-bin libpam-mysql openssl maildrop getmail4
+Answer the questions from the package manager as follows.
+Enter the mysql root password. <-- Enter your mysql-root Password
+Create directories for web-based administration ? <-- No
+General type of configuration? <-- Internet site
+Mail name? <-- server1.mydomain.tld
+SSL certificate required <-- Ok
+... use your own domain name of course ;)
+Authentication will be done by saslauthd. We have to change a few things to make it work properly. Because Postfix runs chrooted in /var/spool/postfix  we have to do the following:
+echo 'pwcheck_method: saslauthd' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf
+echo 'mech_list: plain login' >> /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf
+mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd
+chmod 4755 /var/run/courier/authdaemon
+Now we have to edit /etc/default/saslauthd in order to activate saslauthd. Set
+and change the line OPTIONS="-c -m /var/run/saslauthd" to
+OPTIONS="-c -m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r"
+Next add the postfix user to the sasl group (this makes sure that Postfix has the permission to access saslauthd):
+adduser postfix sasl
+Now restart Postfix and start saslauthd:
+/etc/init.d/postfix restart
+/etc/init.d/saslauthd start
+3) Install Amavisd-new, Spamassassin and Clamav
+(1 line!)
+apt-get install amavisd-new spamassassin clamav clamav-daemon zoo unzip bzip2 arj nomarch lzop cabextract apt-listchanges libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl clamav-docs daemon libio-string-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ident-perl zip libnet-dns-perl
+4) Install apache, PHP5 and phpmyadmin
+(1 line!)
+apt-get install apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-doc apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libexpat1 ssl-cert libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-common php5-gd php5-mysql php5-imap phpmyadmin php5-cli
+Then run the following to enable the Apache modules:
+a2enmod suexec
+a2enmod rewrite
+a2enmod ssl
+a2enmod include
+a2enmod actions
+a2enmod headers
+4.1) Optional: Install SuPHP
+apt-get install libapache2-mod-suphp
+vi /etc/suphp/suphp.conf
+set docroot to:
+Change: application/x-httpd-php=php:/usr/bin/php-cgi to:
+4.2) Optional: Install Fast-CGI
+apt-get install libapache2-mod-fcgid
+5) Install pure-ftpd and quota
+apt-get install pure-ftpd-common pure-ftpd-mysql quota quotatool
+echo 'yes' > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/DontResolve
+6) Install mydns
+apt-get install g++ libc6 gcc gawk make texinfo libmysqlclient15-dev
+cd /tmp
+wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mydns-ng/mydns-
+tar xvfz mydns-
+cd mydns-1.2.8
+make install
+Now create the start / stop script for mydns:
+vi /etc/init.d/mydns
+and enter the following lines (between the "---"-lines):
+#! /bin/bash
+# mydns         Start the MyDNS server
+# Author:       Philipp Kern <phil@philkern.de>.
+#               Based upon skeleton 1.9.4 by Miquel van Smoorenburg
+#               <miquels@cistron.nl> and Ian Murdock <imurdock@gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
+set -e
+DESC="DNS server"
+# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
+test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+        echo -n "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
+        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
+                --exec $DAEMON -- -b
+        echo "."
+        ;;
+  stop)
+        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
+        start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --quiet \
+                --exec $DAEMON
+        echo "."
+        ;;
+  reload|force-reload)
+        echo -n "Reloading $DESC configuration ..."
+        start-stop-daemon --stop --signal HUP --quiet \
+                --exec $DAEMON
+        echo "done."
+        ;;
+  restart)
+        echo -n "Restarting $DESC: $NAME"
+        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo \
+                --exec $DAEMON
+        sleep 1
+        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
+                --exec $DAEMON -- -b
+        echo "."
+        ;;
+  *)
+        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+exit 0
+now execute:
+chmod +x /etc/init.d/mydns
+update-rc.d mydns defaults
+7) Install vlogger, webalizer and firewall
+apt-get install vlogger webalizer bastille
+7.1) OPTIONAL: Installing Jailkit
+apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake1.9 libtool flex bison
+cd /tmp
+wget http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/jailkit-2.5.tar.gz
+tar xvfz jailkit-2.5.tar.gz
+cd jailkit-2.5
+make install
+8) Install ISPConfig 3
+There are two possile scenarios a) or b), but not both:
+a) Installation of beta 3
+cd /tmp
+wget http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ISPConfig-
+tar xvfz ISPConfig_3.0.0.8-rc1.tar.gz
+cd ispconfig3_install/install/
+b) Installation from SVN
+apt-get install subversion
+cd /tmp
+svn export svn://svn.ispconfig.org/ispconfig3/trunk/
+cd trunk/install
+after a) or b)
+proceed with the ISPConfig installation. Now start the installation process by executing:
+php -q install.php
+The installer will configure all services like postfix, sasl, courier, etc. for you. A manual setup as required for ISPConfig 2 (perfect setup guides) is not nescessary. To login to the ISPConfig controlpanel, open the following URL in your browser (replace the IP to match your settings!):
+the default login is:
+user: admin
+password: admin
+In case you get a permission denied error from apache, please restart the apache webserver process.
+8) Further Configuration-Tips
+8.1) Apache
+edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
+change the first lines to match your system.
+Replace with your IP.
+Change Document root to /var/www/apache2-default/
+This directory is now the standard-hompage for your Server.
+	ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
+	DocumentRoot /var/www/apache2-default/
+8.2) Postfix - Aliases
+change /etc/aliases
+# See man 5 aliases for format
+postmaster:    root
+clamav: root
+root: webmaster@yourdomain.tld
+Then run:
+8.3) Php.ini
+I changed the following in the php.ini-Files in the following directorys:
+It is important to search the following parameters in the php.ini and replace them!!!
+Don't just copy the whole stuff to the end of the file.
+memory_limit = 64M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (16MB)
+display_errors = Off
+log_errors = On
+upload_max_filesize = 32M
+allow_url_fopen = On
+allow_url_include = On
+date.timezone = Europe/Berlin
+extension = imap.so
+extension = mcrypt.so
+;Typo3 fast-cgi PHP5 bug fix
+cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0
+add to the end of the file:
+Extension = "htscanner.so"
+config_file = ".htaccess"
+default_docroot = "/var/www"
+9) Additional Software
+9.1) NTP, Denyhosts
+apt-get install ntp denyhosts
+in /etc/ntp.conf replace the server-line with:
+server 0.pool.ntp.org
+server 1.pool.ntp.org
+server 2.pool.ntp.org
+9.2) Typo3 - typo3.org
+apt-get install imagemagick php5-gd php5-imagick gs gs-esp
+There is a bug in the php5-library under Ubuntu 8.04. You can fix it by changing "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0" in the php.ini. Look at 8.4).
+10.2) Horde (Webmail) - horde.org
+First of all, install the horde3 and Imp4 packages (Ubuntu/Debian)
+apt-get install horde3 imp4 gollem kronolith2 mnemo2 nag2 turba2
+pear install --onlyreqdeps Log Mail Mail_Mime MDB2 File Date
+It is then necessary to setup an Alias for Apache. 
+If you want horde only on single pages, that are created with ispc3:
+Add the following line to ISPConfig->Sites->Web Domain->Options->Apache directives
+If you want to access webmail on all pages add the following line to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
+Alias /horde3 /usr/share/horde3
+Allow Apache to write horde configuration files :
+chown -R www-data:www-data /etc/horde
+Important parameters to change are (in Horde setup) :
+Horde URL (change it to /horde3)
+Enable Database Access. Do Not use MySQL Improved (4+), my attempts at using it failed. MySQL Standard runs fine however
+Enable Authentication. I recommend IMAP authentication (something like {localhost:143/imap/notls}. Do not forget the /notls, not specifying failed on my setup). Also make sure to add your username to the list of Administrators, otherwise, you won’t have access to horde/imp4 parameters. Using anything else than IMAP seeemed to fail on my setup
+Generate the configuration
+Horde should now be setup. You now have to configure imp4
+generate a configuration using the horde administration panel
+modify the /etc/horde/imp4/servers.php file. Instruction are given inside the file concerning the syntax. If you run Courier-IMAP, and want Imp to automatically authenticate using horde credentials :
+$servers[’imap’] = array(
+‘name’ => ‘IMAP Server’,
+’server’ => ‘localhost’,
+‘hordeauth’ => true,
+‘protocol’ => ‘imap/notls’,
+‘port’ => 143,
+‘folders’ => ‘INBOX.’,
+‘namespace’ => ‘’,
+‘maildomain’ => ‘domain.com’,
+’smtphost’ => ‘localhost’,
+’smtpport’ => 25,
+‘realm’ => ‘’,
+‘preferred’ => ‘’,
+‘dotfiles’ => false,
+‘hierarchies’ => array()
+11) have fun and drink a cup of coffee
diff --git a/interface/web/client/client_edit.php b/interface/web/client/client_edit.php
index 2b19afa6f02b4ebf7870836c2794c56e79f24905..085b6e0ee6e991456ec2e755296d4652bcdcad49 100644
--- a/interface/web/client/client_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/client/client_edit.php
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 		// reseller status changed
-		if(isset($this->dataRecord["limit_client"])) {
+		if(isset($this->dataRecord["limit_client"]) && $this->dataRecord["limit_client"] != $this->oldDataRecord["limit_client"]) {
 			if($this->dataRecord["limit_client"] > 0) $modules .= ',client';
 			$modules = $app->db->quote($modules);