diff --git a/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/en_user_quota_stats_list.lng b/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/en_user_quota_stats_list.lng
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..943c13babc3b469c5ddf7f4c953c3974c60cec04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/en_user_quota_stats_list.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+$wb["list_head_txt"] = 'Website harddisk quota';
+$wb["domain_txt"] = 'Domain / Website';
+$wb["system_user_txt"] = 'Linux user';
+$wb["used_txt"] = 'Used space';
+$wb["hard_txt"] = 'Hard limit';
+$wb["soft_txt"] = 'Soft limit';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/sites/lib/module.conf.php b/interface/web/sites/lib/module.conf.php
index 3b727ee04c65ac90e8bbbfb608460bc94ad2e8d9..7311d6173f4dabf587eefda2ecd414f5ae55c758 100644
--- a/interface/web/sites/lib/module.conf.php
+++ b/interface/web/sites/lib/module.conf.php
@@ -124,6 +124,11 @@ $items[] = array( 'title'   => 'Web traffic',
 		'link'    => 'sites/web_sites_stats.php',
 		'html_id' => 'websites_stats');
+$items[] = array( 'title'   => 'Website quota (Harddisk)',
+		'target'  => 'content',
+		'link'    => 'sites/user_quota_stats.php',
+		'html_id' => 'user_quota_stats');
 $module['nav'][] = array(   'title' => 'Statistics',
 		'open'  => 1,
diff --git a/interface/web/sites/list/user_quota_stats.list.php b/interface/web/sites/list/user_quota_stats.list.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3b58d19c2ff2e42e183a2761ea20f4933f10f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/web/sites/list/user_quota_stats.list.php
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+	Datatypes:
+	- TEXT
+	- DATE
+// Name of the list
+$liste["name"] 				= "user_quota_stats";
+// Database table
+$liste["table"] 			= "web_domain";
+// Index index field of the database table
+$liste["table_idx"]			= "domain_id";
+// Search Field Prefix
+$liste["search_prefix"] 	= "search_";
+// Records per page
+$liste["records_per_page"] 	= 15;
+// Script File of the list
+$liste["file"]				= "user_quota_stats.php";
+// Script file of the edit form
+$liste["edit_file"]			= "web_domain_edit.php";
+// Script File of the delete script
+$liste["delete_file"]		= "web_domain_del.php";
+// Paging Template
+$liste["paging_tpl"]		= "templates/paging.tpl.htm";
+// Enable auth
+$liste["auth"]				= "yes";
+* Suchfelder
+$liste["item"][] = array(	'field'		=> "domain",
+							'datatype'	=> "VARCHAR",
+							'formtype'	=> "TEXT",
+							'op'		=> "like",
+							'prefix'	=> "%",
+							'suffix'	=> "%",
+							'width'		=> "",
+							'value'		=> "");
+$liste["item"][] = array(	'field'		=> "system_user",
+							'datatype'	=> "VARCHAR",
+							'formtype'	=> "TEXT",
+							'op'		=> "like",
+							'prefix'	=> "%",
+							'suffix'	=> "%",
+							'width'		=> "",
+							'value'		=> "");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/sites/templates/user_quota_stats_list.htm b/interface/web/sites/templates/user_quota_stats_list.htm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acee81043c7b24a799de1e91c83be7e6cd0dd4ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/web/sites/templates/user_quota_stats_list.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<h2><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></h2>
+<div class="panel panel_list_user_quota_stats">
+  <div class="pnl_listarea">
+    <fieldset><legend><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></legend>
+      <table class="list">
+        <thead>
+          <tr>
+            <th class="tbl_col_domain" scope="col"><tmpl_var name="domain_txt"></th>
+            <th class="tbl_col_system_user" scope="col"><tmpl_var name="system_user_txt"></th>
+			<th class="tbl_col_system_user" scope="col"><tmpl_var name="used_txt"></th>
+			<th class="tbl_col_system_user" scope="col"><tmpl_var name="soft_txt"></th>
+			<th class="tbl_col_system_user" scope="col"><tmpl_var name="hard_txt"></th>
+            <th class="tbl_col_buttons" scope="col">&nbsp;</th>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td class="tbl_col_domain"><input type="text" name="search_domain" value="{tmpl_var name='search_domain'}" /></td>
+            <td class="tbl_col_system_user"><input type="text" name="search_system_user" value="{tmpl_var name='search_system_user'}" /></td>
+			<td class="tbl_col_system_user">&nbsp;</td>
+			<td class="tbl_col_system_user">&nbsp;</td>
+			<td class="tbl_col_system_user">&nbsp;</td>
+            <td class="tbl_col_buttons"><div class="buttons"><button type="button" class="icons16 icoFilter" name="Filter" id="Filter" value="{tmpl_var name="filter_txt"}" onClick="submitForm('pageForm','sites/user_quota_stats.php');"><span>{tmpl_var name="filter_txt"}</span></button></div></td>
+          </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+          <tmpl_loop name="records">
+          <tr class="tbl_row_<tmpl_if name='__EVEN__'}even<tmpl_else>uneven</tmpl_if>">
+            <td class="tbl_col_domain"><a href="#" onClick="loadContent('sites/web_domain_edit.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}');">{tmpl_var name="domain"}</a></td>
+            <td class="tbl_col_system_user"><a href="#" onClick="loadContent('sites/web_domain_edit.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}');">{tmpl_var name="system_user"}</a></td>
+			<td class="tbl_col_used"><a href="#" onClick="loadContent('sites/web_domain_edit.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}');">{tmpl_var name="used"}</a></td>
+			<td class="tbl_col_soft"><a href="#" onClick="loadContent('sites/web_domain_edit.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}');">{tmpl_var name="soft"}</a></td>
+			<td class="tbl_col_hard"><a href="#" onClick="loadContent('sites/web_domain_edit.php?id={tmpl_var name='id'}');">{tmpl_var name="hard"}</a></td>
+            <td class="tbl_col_buttons">
+              <div class="buttons icons16">    
+                &nbsp;
+              </div>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          </tmpl_loop>
+        </tbody>
+        <tfoot>
+          <tr>
+            <td class="tbl_footer tbl_paging" colspan="6"><tmpl_var name="paging"></td>
+          </tr>
+        </tfoot>
+      </table>
+    </fieldset>
+  </div>
diff --git a/interface/web/sites/user_quota_stats.php b/interface/web/sites/user_quota_stats.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ce2c3bc37c9369c26d1f57261fac9dd0e7345197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface/web/sites/user_quota_stats.php
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+* Begin Form configuration
+$list_def_file = "list/user_quota_stats.list.php";
+* End Form configuration
+//* Check permissions for module
+$tmp_rec = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT data from monitor_data WHERE type = 'harddisk_quota' ORDER BY created DESC");
+$monitor_data = unserialize($app->db->unquote($tmp_rec['data']));
+class list_action extends listform_actions {
+	function prepareDataRow($rec)
+    {
+		global $app,$monitor_data;
+		$rec = $app->listform->decode($rec);
+		//* Alternating datarow colors
+		$this->DataRowColor = ($this->DataRowColor == '#FFFFFF') ? '#EEEEEE' : '#FFFFFF';
+		$rec['bgcolor'] = $this->DataRowColor;
+		$username = $rec['system_user'];
+		$rec['used'] = $monitor_data['user'][$username]['used'];
+		$rec['soft'] = $monitor_data['user'][$username]['soft'];
+		$rec['hard'] = $monitor_data['user'][$username]['hard'];
+		if($rec['soft'] == '0K') $rec['soft'] = $app->lng('unlimited');
+		if($rec['hard'] == '0K') $rec['hard'] = $app->lng('unlimited');
+		//* The variable "id" contains always the index variable
+		$rec['id'] = $rec[$this->idx_key];
+		return $rec;
+	}
+$list = new list_action;
+$list->SQLExtWhere = "type = 'vhost'";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/sites/web_sites_stats.php b/interface/web/sites/web_sites_stats.php
index b9533e869db80157b099c9d9534581e6fe16f4d2..076858bcb9b14feb9656357e0380dab638a5058b 100644
--- a/interface/web/sites/web_sites_stats.php
+++ b/interface/web/sites/web_sites_stats.php
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ class list_action extends listform_actions {
 $list = new list_action;
+$list->SQLExtWhere = "type = 'vhost'";
diff --git a/server/mods-available/monitor_core_module.inc.php b/server/mods-available/monitor_core_module.inc.php
index da509e6f1113749e080600376273a08867fd7fb9..29dea267ad3d117b18b90e8c8c126f30f735ae4f 100644
--- a/server/mods-available/monitor_core_module.inc.php
+++ b/server/mods-available/monitor_core_module.inc.php
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ class monitor_core_module {
 	// TODO: what monitoring is done should be a config-var
 	function doMonitor() {
 		/* Calls the single Monitoring steps */
+		$this->monitorHDQuota();
@@ -219,7 +220,84 @@ class monitor_core_module {
+	function monitorHDQuota() {
+		global $app;
+		global $conf;
+		/* Initialize data array */
+		$data = array();
+		/* the id of the server as int */
+		$server_id = intval($conf["server_id"]);
+		/** The type of the data */
+		$type = 'harddisk_quota';
+		/** The state of the harddisk_quota. */
+		$state = 'ok';
+		/** Fetch the data for all users*/
+		$dfData = shell_exec("repquota -asu");
+		// split into array
+		$df = explode("\n", $dfData);
+		/*
+         * ignore the first 5 lines, process the rest
+		*/
+		for($i=5; $i <= sizeof($df); $i++) {
+			if ($df[$i] != '') {
+				/*
+                 * Make a array of the data
+				*/
+				$s = preg_split ("/[\s]+/", $df[$i]);
+				$username = $s[0];
+				$data['user'][$username]['used'] = $s[2];
+				$data['user'][$username]['soft'] = $s[3];
+				$data['user'][$username]['hard'] = $s[4];
+			}
+		}
+		/** Fetch the data for all users*/
+		$dfData = shell_exec("repquota -asg");
+		// split into array
+		$df = explode("\n", $dfData);
+		/*
+         * ignore the first 5 lines, process the rest
+		*/
+		for($i=5; $i <= sizeof($df); $i++) {
+			if ($df[$i] != '') {
+				/*
+                 * Make a array of the data
+				*/
+				$s = preg_split ("/[\s]+/", $df[$i]);
+				$groupname = $s[0];
+				$data['group'][$groupname]['used'] = $s[1];
+				$data['group'][$groupname]['soft'] = $s[2];
+				$data['group'][$groupname]['hard'] = $s[3];
+			}
+		}
+		/*
+        Insert the data into the database
+		*/
+		$sql = "INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) " .
+				"VALUES (".
+				$server_id . ", " .
+				"'" . $app->dbmaster->quote($type) . "', " .
+				time() . ", " .
+				"'" . $app->dbmaster->quote(serialize($data)) . "', " .
+				"'" . $state . "'" .
+				")";
+		$app->dbmaster->query($sql);
+		/* The new data is written, now we can delete the old one */
+		$this->_delOldRecords($type, 4);
+	}
 	function monitorServer() {
 		global $app;
 		global $conf;