From aeb810f5d9ca64dfd7068956f942f06597173f0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Falko Timme <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 17:25:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] - Added possibility to delete pre-defined locations with the
 "##delete##" string. For example,

location ~ \.php$ { ##delete##

will delete the pre-defined

location ~ \.php$

 server/plugins-available/ | 5622 +++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 2815 insertions(+), 2807 deletions(-)

diff --git a/server/plugins-available/ b/server/plugins-available/
index 62beafb427..e2d927f1bf 100644
--- a/server/plugins-available/
+++ b/server/plugins-available/
@@ -1,2807 +1,2815 @@
-Copyright (c) 2007 - 2012, Till Brehm, projektfarm Gmbh
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-    * Neither the name of ISPConfig nor the names of its contributors
-      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-      specific prior written permission.
-class nginx_plugin {
-	var $plugin_name = 'nginx_plugin';
-	var $class_name = 'nginx_plugin';
-	// private variables
-	var $action = '';
-	var $ssl_certificate_changed = false;
-	//* This function is called during ispconfig installation to determine
-	//  if a symlink shall be created for this plugin.
-	function onInstall() {
-		global $conf;
-		if($conf['services']['web'] == true && !@is_link('/usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-enabled/')) {
-			return true;
-		} else {
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 	This function is called when the plugin is loaded
-	*/
-	function onLoad() {
-		global $app;
-		/*
-		Register for the events
-		*/
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_insert',$this->plugin_name,'ssl');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_update',$this->plugin_name,'ssl');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_delete',$this->plugin_name,'ssl');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_insert',$this->plugin_name,'insert');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_update',$this->plugin_name,'update');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_delete',$this->plugin_name,'delete');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('server_ip_insert',$this->plugin_name,'server_ip');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('server_ip_update',$this->plugin_name,'server_ip');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('server_ip_delete',$this->plugin_name,'server_ip');
-		/*
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('webdav_user_insert',$this->plugin_name,'webdav');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('webdav_user_update',$this->plugin_name,'webdav');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('webdav_user_delete',$this->plugin_name,'webdav');
-		*/
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('client_delete',$this->plugin_name,'client_delete');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_user_insert',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_user');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_user_update',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_user');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_user_delete',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_user');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_update',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_update');
-		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_delete',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_delete');
-	}
-	// Handle the creation of SSL certificates
-	function ssl($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		$app->uses('system');
-		// load the server configuration options
-		$app->uses('getconf');
-		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
-		if ($web_config['CA_path']!='' && !file_exists($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf'))
-			$app->log("CA path error, file does not exist:".$web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf',LOGLEVEL_ERROR);	
-		//* Only vhosts can have a ssl cert
-		if($data["new"]["type"] != "vhost" && $data["new"]["type"] != "vhostsubdomain") return;
-		// if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl')) exec('mkdir -p '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl');
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl');
-		$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
-		$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
-		$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
-		$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
-		$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
-		$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
-		//* Create a SSL Certificate
-		if($data['new']['ssl_action'] == 'create' && $conf['mirror_server_id'] == 0) {
-			$this->ssl_certificate_changed = true;
-			//* Rename files if they exist
-			if(file_exists($key_file)){
-				$app->system->rename($key_file,$key_file.'.bak');
-				$app->system->chmod($key_file.'.bak',0400);
-			}
-			if(file_exists($key_file2)){
-				$app->system->rename($key_file2,$key_file2.'.bak');
-				$app->system->chmod($key_file2.'.bak',0400);
-			}
-			if(file_exists($csr_file)) $app->system->rename($csr_file,$csr_file.'.bak');
-			if(file_exists($crt_file)) $app->system->rename($crt_file,$crt_file.'.bak');
-			$rand_file = $ssl_dir.'/random_file';
-			$rand_data = md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
-			for($i=0; $i<1000; $i++) {
-				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
-				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
-				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
-				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
-			}
-			$app->system->file_put_contents($rand_file, $rand_data);
-			$ssl_password = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime(),1)), 0, 15);
-			$ssl_cnf = "        RANDFILE               = $rand_file
-        [ req ]
-        default_bits           = 2048
-        default_keyfile        = keyfile.pem
-        distinguished_name     = req_distinguished_name
-        attributes             = req_attributes
-        prompt                 = no
-        output_password        = $ssl_password
-        [ req_distinguished_name ]
-        C                      = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_country'])."
-        ST                     = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_state'])."
-        L                      = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_locality'])."
-        O                      = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_organisation'])."
-        OU                     = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_organisation_unit'])."
-        CN                     = $domain
-        emailAddress           = webmaster@".$data['new']['domain']."
-        [ req_attributes ]
-        challengePassword              = A challenge password";
-			$ssl_cnf_file = $ssl_dir.'/openssl.conf';
-			$app->system->file_put_contents($ssl_cnf_file,$ssl_cnf);
-			$rand_file = escapeshellcmd($rand_file);
-			$key_file = escapeshellcmd($key_file);
-			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($key_file, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $key_file = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $key_file); // wildcard certificate
-			$key_file2 = escapeshellcmd($key_file2);
-			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($key_file2, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $key_file2 = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $key_file2); // wildcard certificate
-			$ssl_days = 3650;
-			$csr_file = escapeshellcmd($csr_file);
-			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($csr_file, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $csr_file = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $csr_file); // wildcard certificate
-			$config_file = escapeshellcmd($ssl_cnf_file);
-			$crt_file = escapeshellcmd($crt_file);
-			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($crt_file, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $crt_file = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $crt_file); // wildcard certificate
-			if(is_file($ssl_cnf_file) && !is_link($ssl_cnf_file)) {
-				exec("openssl genrsa -des3 -rand $rand_file -passout pass:$ssl_password -out $key_file 2048");
-				exec("openssl req -new -passin pass:$ssl_password -passout pass:$ssl_password -key $key_file -out $csr_file -days $ssl_days -config $config_file");
-				exec("openssl rsa -passin pass:$ssl_password -in $key_file -out $key_file2");
-				if(file_exists($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf'))
-				{
-					exec("openssl ca -batch -out $crt_file -config ".$web_config['CA_path']."/openssl.cnf -passin pass:".$web_config['CA_pass']." -in $csr_file");
-					$app->log("Creating CA-signed SSL Cert for: $domain",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-					if (filesize($crt_file)==0 || !file_exists($crt_file)) $app->log("CA-Certificate signing failed.  openssl ca -out $crt_file -config ".$web_config['CA_path']."/openssl.cnf -passin pass:".$web_config['CA_pass']." -in $csr_file",LOGLEVEL_ERROR);
-				};
-				if (@filesize($crt_file)==0 || !file_exists($crt_file)){
-					exec("openssl req -x509 -passin pass:$ssl_password -passout pass:$ssl_password -key $key_file -in $csr_file -out $crt_file -days $ssl_days -config $config_file ");
-					$app->log("Creating self-signed SSL Cert for: $domain",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-				};
-			}
-			$app->system->chmod($key_file,0400);
-			$app->system->chmod($key_file2,0400);
-			@$app->system->unlink($config_file);
-			@$app->system->unlink($rand_file);
-			$ssl_request = $app->db->quote($app->system->file_get_contents($csr_file));
-			$ssl_cert = $app->db->quote($app->system->file_get_contents($crt_file));
-			$ssl_key2 = $app->db->quote($app->system->file_get_contents($key_file2));
-			/* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
-			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '$ssl_request', ssl_cert = '$ssl_cert', ssl_key = '$ssl_key2' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			/* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
-			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '$ssl_request', ssl_cert = '$ssl_cert', ssl_key = '$ssl_key2' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-		}
-		//* Save a SSL certificate to disk
-		if($data["new"]["ssl_action"] == 'save') {
-			$this->ssl_certificate_changed = true;
-			$ssl_dir = $data["new"]["document_root"]."/ssl";
-			$domain = ($data["new"]["ssl_domain"] != '')?$data["new"]["ssl_domain"]:$data["new"]["domain"];
-			$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
-			$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
-			$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.".csr";
-			$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.".crt";
-			//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.".bundle";
-			//* Backup files
-			if(file_exists($key_file)){
-				$app->system->copy($key_file,$key_file.'~');
-				$app->system->chmod($key_file.'~',0400);
-			}
-			if(file_exists($key_file2)){
-				$app->system->copy($key_file2,$key_file2.'~');
-				$app->system->chmod($key_file2.'~',0400);
-			}
-			if(file_exists($csr_file)) $app->system->copy($csr_file,$csr_file.'~');
-			if(file_exists($crt_file)) $app->system->copy($crt_file,$crt_file.'~');
-			//if(file_exists($bundle_file)) $app->system->copy($bundle_file,$bundle_file.'~');
-			//* Write new ssl files
-			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_request"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($csr_file,$data["new"]["ssl_request"]);
-			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_cert"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($crt_file,$data["new"]["ssl_cert"]);
-			//if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_bundle"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($bundle_file,$data["new"]["ssl_bundle"]);
-			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_key"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($key_file2,$data["new"]["ssl_key"]);
-			$app->system->chmod($key_file2,0400);
-			// for nginx, bundle files have to be appended to the certificate file
-			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_bundle"]) != ''){				
-				if(file_exists($crt_file)){
-					$crt_file_contents = trim($app->system->file_get_contents($crt_file));
-				} else {
-					$crt_file_contents = '';
-				}
-				if($crt_file_contents != '') $crt_file_contents .= "\n";
-				$crt_file_contents .= $data["new"]["ssl_bundle"];
-				$app->system->file_put_contents($crt_file,$app->file->unix_nl($crt_file_contents));
-				unset($crt_file_contents);
-			}
-			/* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
-			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			/* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
-			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			$app->log('Saving SSL Cert for: '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		//* Delete a SSL certificate
-		if($data['new']['ssl_action'] == 'del') {
-			$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
-			$domain = ($data["new"]["ssl_domain"] != '')?$data["new"]["ssl_domain"]:$data["new"]["domain"];
-			$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
-			$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
-			//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle';
-			if(file_exists($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf') && !is_link($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf'))
-				{
-					exec("openssl ca -batch -config ".$web_config['CA_path']."/openssl.cnf -passin pass:".$web_config['CA_pass']." -revoke $crt_file");
-					$app->log("Revoking CA-signed SSL Cert for: $domain",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-				};
-			$app->system->unlink($csr_file);
-			$app->system->unlink($crt_file);
-			//$app->system->unlink($bundle_file);
-			/* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
-			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '', ssl_cert = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			/* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
-			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '', ssl_cert = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
-			$app->log('Deleting SSL Cert for: '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-	}
-	function insert($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		$this->action = 'insert';
-		// just run the update function
-		$this->update($event_name,$data);
-	}
-	function update($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		//* Check if the apache plugin is enabled
-		if(@is_link('/usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-enabled/')) {
-			$app->log('The nginx plugin cannot be used together with the apache2 plugin.',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if($this->action != 'insert') $this->action = 'update';
-		if($data['new']['type'] != 'vhost' && $data['new']['type'] != 'vhostsubdomain' && $data['new']['parent_domain_id'] > 0) {
-			$old_parent_domain_id = intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id']);
-			$new_parent_domain_id = intval($data['new']['parent_domain_id']);
-			// If the parent_domain_id has been changed, we will have to update the old site as well.
-			if($this->action == 'update' && $data['new']['parent_domain_id'] != $data['old']['parent_domain_id']) {
-				$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.$old_parent_domain_id." AND active = 'y'");
-				$data['new'] = $tmp;
-				$data['old'] = $tmp;
-				$this->action = 'update';
-				$this->update($event_name,$data);
-			}
-			// This is not a vhost, so we need to update the parent record instead.
-			$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.$new_parent_domain_id." AND active = 'y'");
-			$data['new'] = $tmp;
-			$data['old'] = $tmp;
-			$this->action = 'update';
-		}
-		// load the server configuration options
-		$app->uses('getconf');
-		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
-		//* Check if this is a chrooted setup
-		if($web_config['website_basedir'] != '' && @is_file($web_config['website_basedir'].'/etc/passwd')) {
-			$nginx_chrooted = true;
-			$app->log('Info: nginx is chrooted.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		} else {
-			$nginx_chrooted = false;
-		}
-		if($data['new']['document_root'] == '') {
-			if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $app->log('document_root not set',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if($data['new']['system_user'] == 'root' or $data['new']['system_group'] == 'root') {
-			$app->log('Websites cannot be owned by the root user or group.',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if(trim($data['new']['domain']) == '') {
-			$app->log('domain is empty',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-			return 0;
-		}
-        $web_folder = 'web';
-        $log_folder = 'log';
-        if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') {
-            $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `domain` FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.intval($data['new']['parent_domain_id']));
-            $subdomain_host = preg_replace('/^(.*)\.' . preg_quote($tmp['domain'], '/') . '$/', '$1', $data['new']['domain']);
-            if($subdomain_host == '') $subdomain_host = 'web'.$data['new']['domain_id'];
-            $web_folder = $data['new']['web_folder'];
-            $log_folder .= '/' . $subdomain_host;
-            unset($tmp);
-        }
-		// Create group and user, if not exist
-		$app->uses('system');
-		if($web_config['connect_userid_to_webid'] == 'y') {
-			//* Calculate the uid and gid
-			$connect_userid_to_webid_start = ($web_config['connect_userid_to_webid_start'] < 1000)?1000:intval($web_config['connect_userid_to_webid_start']);
-			$fixed_uid_gid = intval($connect_userid_to_webid_start + $data['new']['domain_id']);
-			$fixed_uid_param = '--uid '.$fixed_uid_gid;
-			$fixed_gid_param = '--gid '.$fixed_uid_gid;
-			//* Check if a ispconfigend user and group exists and create them
-			if(!$app->system->is_group('ispconfigend')) {
-				exec('groupadd --gid '.($connect_userid_to_webid_start + 10000).' ispconfigend');
-			}
-			if(!$app->system->is_user('ispconfigend')) {
-				exec('useradd -g ispconfigend -d /usr/local/ispconfig --uid '.($connect_userid_to_webid_start + 10000).' ispconfigend');
-			}
-		} else {
-			$fixed_uid_param = '';
-			$fixed_gid_param = '';
-		}
-		$groupname = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_group']);
-		if($data['new']['system_group'] != '' && !$app->system->is_group($data['new']['system_group'])) {
-			exec('groupadd '.$fixed_gid_param.' '.$groupname);
-			if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' groupadd '.$groupname);
-			$app->log('Adding the group: '.$groupname,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		$username = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']);
-		if($data['new']['system_user'] != '' && !$app->system->is_user($data['new']['system_user'])) {
-			if($web_config['add_web_users_to_sshusers_group'] == 'y') {
-				exec('useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param -G sshusers $username -s /bin/false");
-				if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param -G sshusers $username -s /bin/false");
-			} else {
-				exec('useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param $username -s /bin/false");
-				if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param $username -s /bin/false");
-			}
-			$app->log('Adding the user: '.$username,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		//* If the client of the site has been changed, we have a change of the document root
-		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['new']['document_root'] != $data['old']['document_root']) {
-			//* Get the old client ID
-			$old_client = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord('SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = '.intval($data['old']['sys_groupid']));
-			$old_client_id = intval($old_client['client_id']);
-			unset($old_client);
-			//* Remove the old symlinks
-			$tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
-			if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
-				foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
-					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$old_client_id,$tmp_symlink);
-					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['old']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
-					// Remove trailing slash
-					if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
-					// create the symlinks, if not exist
-					if(is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
-						exec('rm -f '.escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
-						$app->log('Removed symlink: rm -f '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if($data["new"]["type"] != "vhostsubdomain") {
-				//* Move the site data
-				$tmp_docroot = explode('/',$data['new']['document_root']);
-				unset($tmp_docroot[count($tmp_docroot)-1]);
-				$new_dir = implode('/',$tmp_docroot);
-				$tmp_docroot = explode('/',$data['old']['document_root']);
-				unset($tmp_docroot[count($tmp_docroot)-1]);
-				$old_dir = implode('/',$tmp_docroot);
-				//* Check if there is already some data in the new docroot and rename it as we need a clean path to move the existing site to the new path
-				if(@is_dir($data['new']['document_root'])) {
-					$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],false);
-					$app->system->rename($data['new']['document_root'],$data['new']['document_root'].'_bak_'.date('Y_m_d_H_i_s'));
-					$app->log('Renaming existing directory in new docroot location. mv '.$data['new']['document_root'].' '.$data['new']['document_root'].'_bak_'.date('Y_m_d_H_i_s'),LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-				}
-				//* Create new base directory, if it does not exist yet
-				if(!is_dir($new_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($new_dir);
-				$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['old']['document_root'],false);
-				exec('mv '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root']).' '.escapeshellarg($new_dir));
-				//$app->system->rename($data['old']['document_root'],$new_dir);
-				$app->log('Moving site to new document root: mv '.$data['old']['document_root'].' '.$new_dir,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-				// Handle the change in php_open_basedir
-				$data['new']['php_open_basedir'] = str_replace($data['old']['document_root'],$data['new']['document_root'],$data['old']['php_open_basedir']);
-				//* Change the owner of the website files to the new website owner
-				exec('chown --recursive --from='.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_user']).':'.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_group']).' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).':'.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_group']).' '.$new_dir);
-				//* Change the home directory and group of the website user
-				$command = 'killall -u '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).' ; usermod';
-				$command .= ' --home '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']);
-				$command .= ' --gid '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_group']);
-				$command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).' 2>/dev/null';
-				exec($command);
-			}
-			if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' '.$command);
-			//* Change the log mount
-			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
-			$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
-			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].' '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind,nobootwait    0 0';
-			$app->system->replaceLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line,$fstab_line,1,1);
-		}
-		//print_r($data);
-		// Check if the directories are there and create them if necessary.
-		$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],false);
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder)) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder);
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error') and $data['new']['errordocs']) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error');
-		//if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) exec('mkdir -p '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl');
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin');
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp');
-		//if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav');
-		//* Create the new private directory
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/private')) {
-			$app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/private');
-			$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',0710);
-			$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$username);
-			$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$groupname);
-		}
-		// Remove the symlink for the site, if site is renamed
-		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain']) {
-			if(is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'])) exec('rm -rf /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain']);
-			if(is_link($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) $app->system->unlink($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
-			//* remove old log mount
-			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
-			$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
-			//* Unmount log directory
-			exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
-		}
-		//* Create the log dir if nescessary and mount it
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder) || !is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain']) || is_link($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) {
-			if(is_link($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) unlink($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
-			if(!is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'])) exec('mkdir -p /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain']);
-			$app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
-			$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root');
-			$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root');
-			$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,0755);
-			exec('mount --bind '.escapeshellarg('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain']).' '.escapeshellarg($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
-			//* add mountpoint to fstab
-			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].' '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind,nobootwait    0 0';
-			$app->system->replaceLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line,$fstab_line,1,1);
-		}
-		$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],true);
-		// Get the client ID
-		$client = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord('SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = '.intval($data['new']['sys_groupid']));
-		$client_id = intval($client['client_id']);
-		unset($client);
-		// Remove old symlinks, if site is renamed
-		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain']) {
-			$tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
-			if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
-				foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
-					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$client_id,$tmp_symlink);
-					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['old']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
-					// Remove trailing slash
-					if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
-					// remove the symlinks, if not exist
-					if(is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
-						exec('rm -f '.escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
-						$app->log('Removed symlink: rm -f '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Create the symlinks for the sites
-		$tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
-		if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
-			foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
-				$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$client_id,$tmp_symlink);
-				$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['new']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
-				// Remove trailing slash
-				if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
-				//* Remove symlink if target folder has been changed.
-				if($data['old']['document_root'] != '' && $data['old']['document_root'] != $data['new']['document_root'] && is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
-					$app->system->unlink($tmp_symlink);
-				}
-				// create the symlinks, if not exist
-				if(!is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
-//					exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($data["new"]["document_root"])."/ ".escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
-					if ($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') {
-						$this->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($data["new"]["document_root"]), escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
-					} else {
-						exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($data["new"]["document_root"])."/ ".escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
-					}
-					$app->log('Creating symlink: ln -s '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/ '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-        // Install the Standard or Custom Error, Index and other related files
-        // /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf is for the standard files
-        // /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom is for the custom files
-        // setting a local var here
-        // normally $conf['templates'] = "/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf";
-		if($this->action == 'insert' && ($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain')) {
-            // Copy the error pages
-			if($data['new']['errordocs']) {
-				$error_page_path = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/error/';
-				if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2))) {
-					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
-				}
-				else {
-					if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/400.html')) {
-						exec('cp '. $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/*.html '.$error_page_path);
-					}
-					else {
-						exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
-					}
-				}
-				exec('chmod -R a+r '.$error_page_path);
-			}
-			if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html_'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2))) {
-				exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html_'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/index.html');
-			if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/favicon.ico')) {
-                exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/favicon.ico '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
-            }
-			if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/robots.txt')) {
-                exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/robots.txt '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
-                }
-                if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/.htaccess')) {
-                    exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/.htaccess '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
-                }
-            }
-			else {
-				if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html')) {
-					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/index.html');
-				}
-				else {
-					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/standard_index.html_'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/index.html');
-					if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/favicon.ico')) exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/favicon.ico '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
-					if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/robots.txt')) exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/robots.txt '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
-					if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/.htaccess')) exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/.htaccess '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
-				}
-			}
-			exec('chmod -R a+r '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
-			//** Copy the error documents on update when the error document checkbox has been activated and was deactivated before
-		} elseif ($this->action == 'update' && ($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') && $data['old']['errordocs'] == 0 && $data['new']['errordocs'] == 1) {
-			$error_page_path = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/error/';
-			if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2))) {
-				exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
-			}
-			else {
-				if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/400.html')) {
-					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/*.html '.$error_page_path);
-				}
-				else {
-					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
-				}
-			}
-			exec('chmod -R a+r '.$error_page_path);
-			exec('chown -R '.$data['new']['system_user'].':'.$data['new']['system_group'].' '.$error_page_path);
-		}  // end copy error docs
-		// Set the quota for the user, but only for vhosts, not vhostsubdomains
-		if($username != '' && $app->system->is_user($username) && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') {
-			if($data['new']['hd_quota'] > 0) {
-				$blocks_soft = $data['new']['hd_quota'] * 1024;
-				$blocks_hard = $blocks_soft + 1024;
-			} else {
-				$blocks_soft = $blocks_hard = 0;
-			}
-			exec("setquota -u $username $blocks_soft $blocks_hard 0 0 -a &> /dev/null");
-			exec('setquota -T -u '.$username.' 604800 604800 -a &> /dev/null');
-		}
-		if($this->action == 'insert' || $data["new"]["system_user"] != $data["old"]["system_user"]) {
-			// Chown and chmod the directories below the document root
-			$this->_exec('chown -R '.$username.':'.$groupname.' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder);
-			// The document root itself has to be owned by root in normal level and by the web owner in security level 20
-			if($web_config['security_level'] == 20) {
-				$this->_exec('chown '.$username.':'.$groupname.' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder);
-			} else {
-				$this->_exec('chown root:root '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder);
-			}
-		}
-		//* add the nginx user to the client group if this is a vhost and security level is set to high, no matter if this is an insert or update and regardless of set_folder_permissions_on_update
-		if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' && $web_config['security_level'] == 20) $app->system->add_user_to_group($groupname, escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_user']));
-		//* If the security level is set to high
-		if(($this->action == 'insert' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') or ($web_config['set_folder_permissions_on_update'] == 'y' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhost')) {
-			$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],false);
-			//* Check if we have the new private folder and create it if nescessary
-			if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/private')) $app->system->mkdir($data['new']['document_root'].'/private');
-			if($web_config['security_level'] == 20) {
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'],0755);
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',0710);
-				//$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',0710);
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',0710);
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl',0755);
-				// make tmp directory writable for nginx and the website users
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',0777);
-				// Set Log directory to 755 to make the logs accessible by the FTP user
-				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
-					$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,0755);
-				}
-				if($web_config['add_web_users_to_sshusers_group'] == 'y') {
-					$command = 'usermod';
-					$command .= ' --groups sshusers';
-					$command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).' 2>/dev/null';
-					$this->_exec($command);
-				}
-				//* if we have a chrooted nginx environment
-				if($nginx_chrooted) {
-					$this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' '.$command);
-					//* add the nginx user to the client group in the chroot environment
-					$tmp_groupfile = $app->system->server_conf['group_datei'];
-					$app->system->server_conf['group_datei'] = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/etc/group';
-					$app->system->add_user_to_group($groupname, escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_user']));
-					$app->system->server_conf['group_datei'] = $tmp_groupfile;
-					unset($tmp_groupfile);
-				}
-				//* Chown all default directories
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$groupname);
-				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
-					$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root',false);
-					$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,$groupname,false);
-				}
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$groupname);
-				//$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$username);
-				//$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$groupname);
-				// If the security Level is set to medium
-			} else {
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'],0755);
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',0755);
-				//$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',0755);
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl',0755);
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',0755);
-				// make temp directory writable for nginx and the website users
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',0777);
-				// Set Log directory to 755 to make the logs accessible by the FTP user
-				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
-					$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,0755);
-				}
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$groupname);
-				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
-					$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root',false);
-					$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,$groupname,false);
-				}
-                $app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$groupname);
-				//$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$username);
-				//$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$groupname);
-			}
-		} elseif(($this->action == 'insert' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') or ($web_config['set_folder_permissions_on_update'] == 'y' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain')) {
-			if($web_config['security_level'] == 20) {
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,0710);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$groupname);
-            } else {
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,0755);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$groupname);
-				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$username);
-				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$groupname);
-            }
-        }
-		//* Protect web folders
-		$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],true);
-		if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') {
-            // Change the ownership of the error log to the root user
-            if(!@is_file('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log')) exec('touch '.escapeshellcmd('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log'));
-            $app->system->chown('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log','root');
-            $app->system->chgrp('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log','root');
-        }
-		// Change the ownership of the error log to the owner of the website
-		/*
-		if(!@is_file($data['new']['document_root'].'/log/error.log')) exec('touch '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/log/error.log');
-		$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/log/error.log',$username);
-		$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/log/error.log',$groupname);
-		*/
-		/*
-		//* Write the custom php.ini file, if custom_php_ini filed is not empty
-		$custom_php_ini_dir = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/conf/'.$data['new']['system_user'];
-		if(!is_dir($web_config['website_basedir'].'/conf')) mkdir($web_config['website_basedir'].'/conf');
-		if(trim($data['new']['custom_php_ini']) != '') {
-			$has_custom_php_ini = true;
-			if(!is_dir($custom_php_ini_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($custom_php_ini_dir);
-			$php_ini_content = '';
-			if($data['new']['php'] == 'mod') {
-				$master_php_ini_path = $web_config['php_ini_path_apache'];
-			} else {
-				if($data["new"]['php'] == 'fast-cgi' && file_exists($fastcgi_config["fastcgi_phpini_path"])) {
-					$master_php_ini_path = $fastcgi_config["fastcgi_phpini_path"];
-				} else {
-					$master_php_ini_path = $web_config['php_ini_path_cgi'];
-				}
-			}
-			if($master_php_ini_path != '' && substr($master_php_ini_path,-7) == 'php.ini' && is_file($master_php_ini_path)) {
-				$php_ini_content .= $app->system->file_get_contents($master_php_ini_path)."\n";
-			}
-			$php_ini_content .= str_replace("\r",'',trim($data['new']['custom_php_ini']));
-			$app->system->file_put_contents($custom_php_ini_dir.'/php.ini',$php_ini_content);
-		} else {
-			$has_custom_php_ini = false;
-			if(is_file($custom_php_ini_dir.'/php.ini')) $app->system->unlink($custom_php_ini_dir.'/php.ini');
-		}
-		*/
-		//* Create the vhost config file
-		$app->load('tpl');
-		$tpl = new tpl();
-		$tpl->newTemplate('nginx_vhost.conf.master');
-		$vhost_data = $data['new'];
-		//unset($vhost_data['ip_address']);
-		$vhost_data['web_document_root'] = $data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder;
-		$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/' . $web_folder;
-		$vhost_data['web_basedir'] = $web_config['website_basedir'];
-		// IPv6
-		if($data['new']['ipv6_address'] != ''){
-			$tpl->setVar('ipv6_enabled', 1);
-			if ($conf['serverconfig']['web']['vhost_rewrite_v6'] == 'y') {
-				if (isset($conf['serverconfig']['server']['v6_prefix']) && $conf['serverconfig']['server']['v6_prefix'] <> '') {
-					$explode_v6prefix=explode(':',$conf['serverconfig']['server']['v6_prefix']);
-					$explode_v6=explode(':',$data['new']['ipv6_address']);
-					for ( $i = 0; $i <= count($explode_v6prefix)-3; $i++ ) {
-				        $explode_v6[$i] = $explode_v6prefix[$i];
-					}
-					$data['new']['ipv6_address'] = implode(':',$explode_v6);
-					$vhost_data['ipv6_address'] = $data['new']['ipv6_address'];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// PHP-FPM
-		// Support for multiple PHP versions
-		/*
-		if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
-			$default_php_fpm = false;
-			list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
-			if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
-		} else {
-			$default_php_fpm = true;
-		}
-		*/
-		if($data['new']['php'] != 'no'){
-			if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
-				$default_php_fpm = false;
-				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
-				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
-			} else {
-				$default_php_fpm = true;
-			}
-		} else {
-			if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
-				$default_php_fpm = false;
-				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
-				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
-			} else {
-				$default_php_fpm = true;
-			}
-		}
-		if($default_php_fpm){
-			$pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
-		} else {
-			$pool_dir = $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir;
-		}
-		if(substr($pool_dir,-1) != '/') $pool_dir .= '/';
-		$pool_name = 'web'.$data['new']['domain_id'];
-		$socket_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_socket_dir']);
-		if(substr($socket_dir,-1) != '/') $socket_dir .= '/';
-		if($data['new']['php_fpm_use_socket'] == 'y'){
-			$use_tcp = 0;
-			$use_socket = 1;
-		} else {
-			$use_tcp = 1;
-			$use_socket = 0;
-		}
-		$tpl->setVar('use_tcp', $use_tcp);
-		$tpl->setVar('use_socket', $use_socket);
-		$fpm_socket = $socket_dir.$pool_name.'.sock';
-		$tpl->setVar('fpm_socket', $fpm_socket);
-		$tpl->setVar('rnd_php_dummy_file', '/'.md5(uniqid(microtime(),1)).'.htm');
-		$vhost_data['fpm_port'] = $web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] - 1;
-		// backwards compatibility; since ISPConfig 3.0.5, the PHP mode for nginx is called 'php-fpm' instead of 'fast-cgi'. The following line makes sure that old web sites that have 'fast-cgi' in the database still get PHP-FPM support.
-		if($vhost_data['php'] == 'fast-cgi') $vhost_data['php'] = 'php-fpm';
-		// Custom rewrite rules
-		/*
-		$final_rewrite_rules = array();
-		$custom_rewrite_rules = $data['new']['rewrite_rules'];
-		// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
-		$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
-		$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
-		$custom_rewrite_rule_lines = explode("\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
-		if(is_array($custom_rewrite_rule_lines) && !empty($custom_rewrite_rule_lines)){
-			foreach($custom_rewrite_rule_lines as $custom_rewrite_rule_line){
-				$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-			}
-		}
-		$tpl->setLoop('rewrite_rules', $final_rewrite_rules);
-		*/
-		// Custom rewrite rules
-		$final_rewrite_rules = array();
-		if(isset($data['new']['rewrite_rules']) && trim($data['new']['rewrite_rules']) != '') {
-			$custom_rewrite_rules = trim($data['new']['rewrite_rules']);
-			$custom_rewrites_are_valid = true;
-			// use this counter to make sure all curly brackets are properly closed
-			$if_level = 0;
-			// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
-			$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
-			$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
-			$custom_rewrite_rule_lines = explode("\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
-			if(is_array($custom_rewrite_rule_lines) && !empty($custom_rewrite_rule_lines)){
-				foreach($custom_rewrite_rule_lines as $custom_rewrite_rule_line){
-					// ignore comments
-					if(substr(ltrim($custom_rewrite_rule_line),0,1) == '#'){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						continue;
-					}
-					// empty lines
-					if(trim($custom_rewrite_rule_line) == ''){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						continue;
-					}
-					// rewrite
-					if(preg_match('@^\s*rewrite\s+(^/)?\S+(\$)?\s+\S+(\s+(last|break|redirect|permanent|))?\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						continue;
-					}
-					// if
-					if(preg_match('@^\s*if\s+\(\s*\$\S+(\s+(\!?(=|~|~\*))\s+(\S+|\".+\"))?\s*\)\s*\{\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						$if_level += 1;
-						continue;
-					}
-					// if - check for files, directories, etc.
-					if(preg_match('@^\s*if\s+\(\s*\!?-(f|d|e|x)\s+\S+\s*\)\s*\{\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						$if_level += 1;
-						continue;
-					}
-					// break
-					if(preg_match('@^\s*break\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						continue;
-					}
-					// return code [ text ]
-					if(preg_match('@^\s*return\s+\d\d\d.*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						continue;
-					}
-					// return code URL
-					// return URL
-					if(preg_match('@^\s*return(\s+\d\d\d)?\s+(http|https|ftp)\://([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+(\:[a-zA-Z0-9\.&%\$\-]+)*\@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])|localhost|([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(\:[0-9]+)*(/($|[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\?\'\\\+&%\$#\=~_\-]+))*\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						continue;
-					}
-					// set
-					if(preg_match('@^\s*set\s+\$\S+\s+\S+\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						continue;
-					}
-					// closing curly bracket
-					if(trim($custom_rewrite_rule_line) == '}'){
-						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
-						$if_level -= 1;
-						continue;
-					}
-					$custom_rewrites_are_valid = false;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if(!$custom_rewrites_are_valid || $if_level != 0){
-				$final_rewrite_rules = array();
-			}
-		}
-		$tpl->setLoop('rewrite_rules', $final_rewrite_rules);
-		// Custom nginx directives
-		$final_nginx_directives = array();
-		$nginx_directives = $data['new']['nginx_directives'];
-		// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
-		$nginx_directives = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $nginx_directives);
-		$nginx_directives = str_replace("\r", "\n", $nginx_directives);
-		$nginx_directive_lines = explode("\n", $nginx_directives);
-		if(is_array($nginx_directive_lines) && !empty($nginx_directive_lines)){
-			foreach($nginx_directive_lines as $nginx_directive_line){
-				$final_nginx_directives[] = array('nginx_directive' => $nginx_directive_line);
-			}
-		}
-		$tpl->setLoop('nginx_directives', $final_nginx_directives);
-		// Check if a SSL cert exists
-		$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
-		$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
-		$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
-		$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
-		if($domain!='' && $data['new']['ssl'] == 'y' && @is_file($crt_file) && @is_file($key_file) && (@filesize($crt_file)>0)  && (@filesize($key_file)>0)) {
-			$vhost_data['ssl_enabled'] = 1;
-			$app->log('Enable SSL for: '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		} else {
-			$vhost_data['ssl_enabled'] = 0;
-			$app->log('SSL Disabled. '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		// Set SEO Redirect
-		if($data['new']['seo_redirect'] != ''){
-			$vhost_data['seo_redirect_enabled'] = 1;
-			$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($data['new']);
-			if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
-				foreach($tmp_seo_redirects as $key => $val){
-					$vhost_data[$key] = $val;
-				}
-			} else {
-				$vhost_data['seo_redirect_enabled'] = 0;
-			}
-		} else {
-			$vhost_data['seo_redirect_enabled'] = 0;
-		}
-		// Rewrite rules
-		$own_rewrite_rules = array();
-		$rewrite_rules = array();
-		$local_rewrite_rules = array();
-		if($data['new']['redirect_type'] != '' && $data['new']['redirect_path'] != '') {
-			if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],-1) != '/') $data['new']['redirect_path'] .= '/';
-			if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,8) == '[scheme]'){
-				if($data['new']['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
-					$data['new']['redirect_path'] = '$scheme'.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],8);
-				} else {
-					$data['new']['redirect_path'] = 'http'.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],8);
-				}
-			}
-			// Custom proxy directives
-			if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' && trim($data['new']['proxy_directives'] != '')){
-				$final_proxy_directives = array();
-				$proxy_directives = $data['new']['proxy_directives'];
-				// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
-				$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $proxy_directives);
-				$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r", "\n", $proxy_directives);
-				$proxy_directive_lines = explode("\n", $proxy_directives);
-				if(is_array($proxy_directive_lines) && !empty($proxy_directive_lines)){
-					foreach($proxy_directive_lines as $proxy_directive_line){
-						$final_proxy_directives[] = array('proxy_directive' => $proxy_directive_line);
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				$final_proxy_directives = false;
-			}
-			switch($data['new']['subdomain']) {
-				case 'www':
-					$exclude_own_hostname = '';
-					if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/'){ // relative path
-						if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
-							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,-1);
-							break;
-						}
-						$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
-					} else { // URL - check if URL is local
-						$tmp_redirect_path = $data['new']['redirect_path'];
-						if(substr($tmp_redirect_path,0,7) == '$scheme') $tmp_redirect_path = 'http'.substr($tmp_redirect_path,7);
-						$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
-						if(($tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'] == $data['new']['domain'] || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'] == 'www.'.$data['new']['domain']) && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
-							// URL is local
-							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],-1) == '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,-1);
-							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,1) != '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = '/'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-							//$rewrite_exclude = '((?!'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'].'))';
-							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
-								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								break;
-							} else {
-								$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1).(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
-								$exclude_own_hostname = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'];
-							}
-						} else {
-							// external URL
-							$rewrite_exclude = '(.?)/';
-							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$vhost_data['use_proxy'] = 'y';
-								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
-								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
-							}
-						}
-						unset($tmp_redirect_path);
-						unset($tmp_redirect_path_parts);
-					}
-					$own_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> '^'.$this->_rewrite_quote($data['new']['domain']),
-						'rewrite_type' 		=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$data['new']['redirect_type'],
-						'rewrite_target' 	=> $data['new']['redirect_path'],
-						'rewrite_exclude'	=> $rewrite_exclude,
-						'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
-						'exclude_own_hostname' => $exclude_own_hostname,
-						'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
-						'use_rewrite'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
-						'use_proxy'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false));
-					break;
-				case '*':
-					$exclude_own_hostname = '';
-					if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/'){ // relative path
-						if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
-							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,-1);
-							break;
-						}
-						$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
-					} else { // URL - check if URL is local
-						$tmp_redirect_path = $data['new']['redirect_path'];
-						if(substr($tmp_redirect_path,0,7) == '$scheme') $tmp_redirect_path = 'http'.substr($tmp_redirect_path,7);
-						$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
-						//if($is_serveralias && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
-						if($this->url_is_local($tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'], $data['new']['domain_id']) && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
-							// URL is local
-							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],-1) == '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,-1);
-							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,1) != '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = '/'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-							//$rewrite_exclude = '((?!'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'].'))';
-							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
-								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								break;
-							} else {
-								$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1).(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
-								$exclude_own_hostname = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'];
-							}
-						} else {
-							// external URL
-							$rewrite_exclude = '(.?)/';
-							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$vhost_data['use_proxy'] = 'y';
-								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
-								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
-							}
-						}
-						unset($tmp_redirect_path);
-						unset($tmp_redirect_path_parts);
-					}
-					$own_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> '(^|\.)'.$this->_rewrite_quote($data['new']['domain']),
-						'rewrite_type' 		=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$data['new']['redirect_type'],
-						'rewrite_target' 	=> $data['new']['redirect_path'],
-						'rewrite_exclude'	=> $rewrite_exclude,
-						'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
-						'exclude_own_hostname' => $exclude_own_hostname,
-						'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
-						'use_rewrite'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
-						'use_proxy'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false));
-					break;
-				default:
-					if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/'){ // relative path
-						$exclude_own_hostname = '';
-						if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
-							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,-1);
-							break;
-						}
-						$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
-					} else { // URL - check if URL is local
-						$tmp_redirect_path = $data['new']['redirect_path'];
-						if(substr($tmp_redirect_path,0,7) == '$scheme') $tmp_redirect_path = 'http'.substr($tmp_redirect_path,7);
-						$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
-						if($tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'] == $data['new']['domain'] && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
-							// URL is local
-							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],-1) == '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,-1);
-							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,1) != '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = '/'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-							//$rewrite_exclude = '((?!'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'].'))';
-							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
-								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								break;
-							} else {
-								$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1).(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
-								$exclude_own_hostname = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'];
-							}
-						} else {
-							// external URL
-							$rewrite_exclude = '(.?)/';
-							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$vhost_data['use_proxy'] = 'y';
-								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
-								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
-							}
-						}
-						unset($tmp_redirect_path);
-						unset($tmp_redirect_path_parts);
-					}
-					$own_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> '^'.$this->_rewrite_quote($data['new']['domain']),
-						'rewrite_type' 		=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$data['new']['redirect_type'],
-						'rewrite_target' 	=> $data['new']['redirect_path'],
-						'rewrite_exclude'	=> $rewrite_exclude,
-						'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
-						'exclude_own_hostname' => $exclude_own_hostname,
-						'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
-						'use_rewrite'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
-						'use_proxy'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false));
-			}
-		}
-		$tpl->setVar($vhost_data);
-		$server_alias = array();
-		// get autoalias
-		$auto_alias = $web_config['website_autoalias'];
-		if($auto_alias != '') {
-			// get the client username
-			$client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `username` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = '" . intval($client_id) . "'");
-			$aa_search = array('[client_id]', '[website_id]', '[client_username]', '[website_domain]');
-			$aa_replace = array($client_id, $data['new']['domain_id'], $client['username'], $data['new']['domain']);
-			$auto_alias = str_replace($aa_search, $aa_replace, $auto_alias);
-			unset($client);
-			unset($aa_search);
-			unset($aa_replace);
-			$server_alias[] .= $auto_alias.' ';
-		}
-		switch($data['new']['subdomain']) {
-			case 'www':
-				$server_alias[] = 'www.'.$data['new']['domain'].' ';
-				break;
-			case '*':
-				$server_alias[] = '*.'.$data['new']['domain'].' ';
-				break;
-		}
-		// get alias domains (co-domains and subdomains)
-		$aliases = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = '.$data['new']['domain_id']." AND active = 'y' AND type != 'vhostsubdomain'");
-		$alias_seo_redirects = array();
-		if(is_array($aliases)) {
-			foreach($aliases as $alias) {
-				// Custom proxy directives
-				if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' && trim($alias['proxy_directives'] != '')){
-					$final_proxy_directives = array();
-					$proxy_directives = $alias['proxy_directives'];
-					// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
-					$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $proxy_directives);
-					$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r", "\n", $proxy_directives);
-					$proxy_directive_lines = explode("\n", $proxy_directives);
-					if(is_array($proxy_directive_lines) && !empty($proxy_directive_lines)){
-						foreach($proxy_directive_lines as $proxy_directive_line){
-							$final_proxy_directives[] = array('proxy_directive' => $proxy_directive_line);
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					$final_proxy_directives = false;
-				}
-				if($alias['redirect_type'] == '' || $alias['redirect_path'] == '' || substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/') {
-					switch($alias['subdomain']) {
-						case 'www':
-							$server_alias[] = 'www.'.$alias['domain'].' '.$alias['domain'].' ';
-							break;
-						case '*':
-							$server_alias[] = '*.'.$alias['domain'].' '.$alias['domain'].' ';
-							break;
-						default:
-							$server_alias[] = $alias['domain'].' ';
-							break;
-					}
-					$app->log('Add server alias: '.$alias['domain'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-					// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
-					if($alias['seo_redirect'] != '' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_to_www_domain_tld' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_to_domain_tld' && ($alias['type'] == 'alias' || ($alias['type'] == 'subdomain' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_domain_tld_to_www_domain_tld' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_domain_tld_to_domain_tld'))){
-						$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_');
-						if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
-							$alias_seo_redirects[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				// Local Rewriting (inside vhost server {} container)
-				if($alias['redirect_type'] != '' && substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/' && $alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy') {  // proxy makes no sense with local path
-					if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) != '/') $alias['redirect_path'] .= '/';
-					$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($alias['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($alias['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
-					switch($alias['subdomain']) {
-						case 'www':
-							//
-							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'],
-								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '=',
-								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
-								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
-							//
-							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> 'www.'.$alias['domain'],
-								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '=',
-								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
-								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
-							break;
-						case '*':
-							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> '^('.str_replace('.', '\.', $alias['domain']).'|.+\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $alias['domain']).')$',
-								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '~*',
-								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
-								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
-							break;
-						default:
-							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'],
-								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '=',
-								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
-								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
-					}
-				}
-				// External Rewriting (extra server {} containers)
-				if($alias['redirect_type'] != '' && $alias['redirect_path'] != '' && substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,1) != '/') {
-					if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) != '/') $alias['redirect_path'] .= '/';
-					if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,8) == '[scheme]'){
-						if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
-							$alias['redirect_path'] = '$scheme'.substr($alias['redirect_path'],8);
-						} else {
-							$alias['redirect_path'] = 'http'.substr($alias['redirect_path'],8);
-						}
-					}
-					switch($alias['subdomain']) {
-						case 'www':
-							if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$tmp_redirect_path = $alias['redirect_path'];
-								$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
-								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
-								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
-							}
-							if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
-								if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) == '/') $alias['redirect_path'] = substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,-1);
-							}
-							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
-							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
-							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
-								$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_', 'none');
-								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
-									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
-								}
-							}
-							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'],
-								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
-								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
-								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
-								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
-								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
-								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
-							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
-							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
-							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
-								$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_', 'www');
-								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
-									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
-								}
-							}
-							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> 'www.'.$alias['domain'],
-								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
-								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
-								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
-								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
-								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
-								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
-							break;
-						case '*':
-							if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$tmp_redirect_path = $alias['redirect_path'];
-								$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
-								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
-								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
-							}
-							if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
-								if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) == '/') $alias['redirect_path'] = substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,-1);
-							}
-							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
-							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
-							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
-								$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_');
-								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
-									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
-								}
-							}
-							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'].' *.'.$alias['domain'],
-								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
-								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
-								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
-								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
-								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
-								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
-							break;
-						default:
-							if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
-								$tmp_redirect_path = $alias['redirect_path'];
-								$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
-								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
-								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
-								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
-							}
-							if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
-								if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) == '/') $alias['redirect_path'] = substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,-1);
-							}
-                            if(substr($alias['domain'], 0, 2) === '*.') $domain_rule = '*.'.substr($alias['domain'], 2);
-                            else $domain_rule = $alias['domain'];
-							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
-							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
-							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
-								if(substr($alias['domain'], 0, 2) === '*.'){
-									$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_');
-								} else {
-									$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_', 'none');
-								}
-								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
-									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
-								}
-							}
-							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> $domain_rule,
-								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
-								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
-								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
-								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
-								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
-								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
-								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//* If we have some alias records
-		if(count($server_alias) > 0) {
-			$server_alias_str = '';
-			$n = 0;
-			foreach($server_alias as $tmp_alias) {
-				$server_alias_str .= $tmp_alias;
-			}
-			unset($tmp_alias);
-			$tpl->setVar('alias',trim($server_alias_str));
-		} else {
-			$tpl->setVar('alias','');
-		}
-		if(count($rewrite_rules) > 0) {
-			$tpl->setLoop('redirects',$rewrite_rules);
-		}
-		if(count($own_rewrite_rules) > 0) {
-			$tpl->setLoop('own_redirects',$own_rewrite_rules);
-		}
-		if(count($local_rewrite_rules) > 0) {
-			$tpl->setLoop('local_redirects',$local_rewrite_rules);
-		}
-		if(count($alias_seo_redirects) > 0) {
-			$tpl->setLoop('alias_seo_redirects',$alias_seo_redirects);
-		}
-		//* Create basic http auth for website statistics
-		$tpl->setVar('stats_auth_passwd_file', $data['new']['document_root']."/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats");
-		// Create basic http auth for other directories
-		$basic_auth_locations = $this->_create_web_folder_auth_configuration($data['new']);
-		if(is_array($basic_auth_locations) && !empty($basic_auth_locations)) $tpl->setLoop('basic_auth_locations', $basic_auth_locations);
-		$vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
-		//* Make a backup copy of vhost file
-		if(file_exists($vhost_file)) copy($vhost_file,$vhost_file.'~');
-		//* Write vhost file
-		$app->system->file_put_contents($vhost_file,$this->nginx_merge_locations($tpl->grab()));
-		$app->log('Writing the vhost file: '.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		unset($tpl);
-		//* Set the symlink to enable the vhost
-		//* First we check if there is a old type of symlink and remove it
-		$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
-		if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) unlink($vhost_symlink);
-		//* Remove old or changed symlinks
-		if($data['new']['subdomain'] != $data['old']['subdomain'] or $data['new']['active'] == 'n') {
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-		}
-		//* New symlink
-		if($data['new']['subdomain'] == '*') {
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
-		} else {
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
-		}
-		if($data['new']['active'] == 'y' && !is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
-			symlink($vhost_file,$vhost_symlink);
-			$app->log('Creating symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		// remove old symlink and vhost file, if domain name of the site has changed
-		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain']) {
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			$vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			$app->system->unlink($vhost_file);
-			$app->log('Removing file: '.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		// create password file for stats directory
-		if(!is_file($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats') || $data['new']['stats_password'] != $data['old']['stats_password']) {
-			if(trim($data['new']['stats_password']) != '') {
-				$htp_file = 'admin:'.trim($data['new']['stats_password']);
-				$app->system->file_put_contents($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats',$htp_file);
-				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats',0755);
-				unset($htp_file);
-			}
-		}
-		//* Create awstats configuration
-		if($data['new']['stats_type'] == 'awstats' && ($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain')) {
-			$this->awstats_update($data,$web_config);
-		}
-		$this->php_fpm_pool_update($data,$web_config,$pool_dir,$pool_name,$socket_dir);
-		if($web_config['check_apache_config'] == 'y') {
-			//* Test if nginx starts with the new configuration file
-			$nginx_online_status_before_restart = $this->_checkTcp('localhost',80);
-			$app->log('nginx status is: '.($nginx_online_status_before_restart === true? 'running' : 'down'),LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			$retval = $app->services->restartService('httpd','restart'); // $retval['retval'] is 0 on success and > 0 on failure
-			$app->log('nginx restart return value is: '.$retval['retval'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			// wait a few seconds, before we test the apache status again
-			sleep(2);
-			//* Check if nginx restarted successfully if it was online before
-			$nginx_online_status_after_restart = $this->_checkTcp('localhost',80);
-			$app->log('nginx online status after restart is: '.($nginx_online_status_after_restart === true? 'running' : 'down'),LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			if($nginx_online_status_before_restart && !$nginx_online_status_after_restart || $retval['retval'] > 0) { 
-				$app->log('nginx did not restart after the configuration change for website '.$data['new']['domain'].'. Reverting the configuration. Saved non-working config as '.$vhost_file.'.err',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-				if(is_array($retval['output']) && !empty($retval['output'])){
-					$app->log('Reason for nginx restart failure: '.implode("\n", $retval['output']),LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-					$app->dbmaster->datalogError(implode("\n", $retval['output']));
-				} else {
-					// if no output is given, check again
-					exec('nginx -t 2>&1', $tmp_output, $tmp_retval);
-					if($tmp_retval > 0 && is_array($tmp_output) && !empty($tmp_output)){
-						$app->log('Reason for nginx restart failure: '.implode("\n", $tmp_output),LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-						$app->dbmaster->datalogError(implode("\n", $tmp_output));
-					}
-					unset($tmp_output, $tmp_retval);
-				}
-				$app->system->copy($vhost_file,$vhost_file.'.err');
-				if(is_file($vhost_file.'~')) {
-					//* Copy back the last backup file
-					$app->system->copy($vhost_file.'~',$vhost_file);
-				} else {
-					//* There is no backup file, so we create a empty vhost file with a warning message inside
-					$app->system->file_put_contents($vhost_file,"# nginx did not start after modifying this vhost file.\n# Please check file $vhost_file.err for syntax errors.");
-				}
-				if($this->ssl_certificate_changed === true) {
-					$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
-					$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
-					$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
-					$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
-					$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
-					$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
-					//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle';
-					//* Backup the files that might have caused the error
-					if(is_file($key_file)){
-						$app->system->copy($key_file,$key_file.'.err');
-						$app->system->chmod($key_file.'.err',0400);
-					}
-					if(is_file($key_file2)){
-						$app->system->copy($key_file2,$key_file2.'.err');
-						$app->system->chmod($key_file2.'.err',0400);
-					}
-					if(is_file($csr_file)) $app->system->copy($csr_file,$csr_file.'.err');
-					if(is_file($crt_file)) $app->system->copy($crt_file,$crt_file.'.err');
-					//if(is_file($bundle_file)) $app->system->copy($bundle_file,$bundle_file.'.err');
-					//* Restore the ~ backup files
-					if(is_file($key_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($key_file.'~',$key_file);
-					if(is_file($key_file2.'~')) $app->system->copy($key_file2.'~',$key_file2);
-					if(is_file($crt_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($crt_file.'~',$crt_file);
-					if(is_file($csr_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($csr_file.'~',$csr_file);
-					//if(is_file($bundle_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($bundle_file.'~',$bundle_file);
-					$app->log('nginx did not restart after the configuration change for website '.$data['new']['domain'].' Reverting the SSL configuration. Saved non-working SSL files with .err extension.',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
-				}
-				$app->services->restartService('httpd','restart');
-			}
-		} else {
-			//* We do not check the nginx config after changes (is faster)
-			$app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd','reload');
-		}
-		//* The vhost is written and apache has been restarted, so we 
-		// can reset the ssl changed var to false and cleanup some files
-		$this->ssl_certificate_changed = false;
-		$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
-		$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
-		$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
-		$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
-		$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
-		$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
-		//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle';
-		if(@is_file($key_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($key_file.'~');
-		if(@is_file($key2_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($key2_file.'~');
-		if(@is_file($crt_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($crt_file.'~');
-		if(@is_file($csr_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($csr_file.'~');
-		//if(@is_file($bundle_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($bundle_file.'~');
-		// Remove the backup copy of the config file.
-		if(@is_file($vhost_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($vhost_file.'~');
-		//* Unset action to clean it for next processed vhost.
-		$this->action = '';
-	}
-	function delete($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		// load the server configuration options
-		$app->uses('getconf');
-		$app->uses('system');
-		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
-		if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $app->system->web_folder_protection($data['old']['document_root'],false);
-		//* Check if this is a chrooted setup
-		if($web_config['website_basedir'] != '' && @is_file($web_config['website_basedir'].'/etc/passwd')) {
-			$nginx_chrooted = true;
-		} else {
-			$nginx_chrooted = false;
-		}
-		//* Remove the mounts
-		$log_folder = 'log';
-        $web_folder = '';
-        if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') {
-            $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `domain`,`document_root` FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id']));
-			if($tmp['domain'] != ''){
-				$subdomain_host = preg_replace('/^(.*)\.' . preg_quote($tmp['domain'], '/') . '$/', '$1', $data['old']['domain']);
-			} else {
-				// get log folder from /etc/fstab
-				/*
-				$bind_mounts = $app->system->file_get_contents('/etc/fstab');
-				$bind_mount_lines = explode("\n", $bind_mounts);
-				if(is_array($bind_mount_lines) && !empty($bind_mount_lines)){
-					foreach($bind_mount_lines as $bind_mount_line){
-						$bind_mount_line = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $bind_mount_line);
-						$bind_mount_parts = explode(' ', $bind_mount_line);
-						if(is_array($bind_mount_parts) && !empty($bind_mount_parts)){
-							if($bind_mount_parts[0] == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'] && $bind_mount_parts[2] == 'none' && strpos($bind_mount_parts[3], 'bind') !== false){
-								$subdomain_host = str_replace($data['old']['document_root'].'/log/', '', $bind_mount_parts[1]);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				*/
-				// we are deleting the parent domain, so we can delete everything in the log directory
-				$subdomain_hosts = array();
-				$files = array_diff(scandir($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder), array('.','..'));
-				if(is_array($files) && !empty($files)){
-					foreach($files as $file){
-						if(is_dir($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'/'.$file)){
-							$subdomain_hosts[] = $file;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if(is_array($subdomain_hosts) && !empty($subdomain_hosts)){
-				$log_folders = array();
-				foreach($subdomain_hosts as $subdomain_host){
-					$log_folders[] = $log_folder.'/'.$subdomain_host;
-				}
-			} else {
-				if($subdomain_host == '') $subdomain_host = 'web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
-				$log_folder .= '/' . $subdomain_host;
-			}
-			$web_folder = $data['old']['web_folder'];
-            unset($tmp);
-			unset($subdomain_hosts);
-		}
-		if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain'){
-			if(is_array($log_folders) && !empty($log_folders)){
-				foreach($log_folders as $log_folder){
-					//if($app->system->is_mounted($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
-					exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder).' 2>/dev/null');
-				}
-			} else {
-				//if($app->system->is_mounted($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
-				exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder).' 2>/dev/null');
-			}
-		}
-		//* remove mountpoint from fstab
-		if(is_array($log_folders) && !empty($log_folders)){
-			foreach($log_folders as $log_folder){
-				$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
-				$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
-			}
-		} else {
-			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
-			$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
-		}
-		unset($log_folders);
-		if($data['old']['type'] != 'vhost' && $data['old']['type'] != 'vhostsubdomain' && $data['old']['parent_domain_id'] > 0) {
-			//* This is a alias domain or subdomain, so we have to update the website instead
-			$parent_domain_id = intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id']);
-			$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.$parent_domain_id." AND active = 'y'");
-			$data['new'] = $tmp;
-			$data['old'] = $tmp;
-			$this->action = 'update';
-			// just run the update function
-			$this->update($event_name,$data);
-		} else {
-			//* This is a website
-			// Deleting the vhost file, symlink and the data directory			
-			$vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)){
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)){
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
-			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)){
-				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
-				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			$app->system->unlink($vhost_file);
-			$app->log('Removing vhost file: '.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-            if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') {
-                $docroot = escapeshellcmd($data['old']['document_root']);
-                if($docroot != '' && !stristr($docroot,'..')) {
-                    if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
-                        // this is a vhost - we delete everything in here.
-                        exec('rm -rf '.$docroot);
-                    } elseif(!stristr($data['old']['web_folder'], '..')) {
-                        // this is a vhost subdomain
-                        // IMPORTANT: do some folder checks before we delete this!
-                        $do_delete = true;
-                        $delete_folder = preg_replace('/[\/]{2,}/', '/', $web_folder); // replace / occuring multiple times
-                        if(substr($delete_folder, 0, 1) === '/') $delete_folder = substr($delete_folder, 1);
-                        if(substr($delete_folder, -1) === '/') $delete_folder = substr($delete_folder, 0, -1);
-                        $path_elements = explode('/', $delete_folder);
-                        if($path_elements[0] == 'web' || $path_elements[0] === '') {
-                            // paths beginning with /web should NEVER EVER be deleted, empty paths should NEVER occur - but for safety reasons we check it here!
-                            // we use strict check as otherwise directories named '0' may not be deleted
-                            $do_delete = false;
-                        } else {
-                            // read all vhost subdomains with same parent domain
-                            $used_paths = array();
-                            $tmp = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT `web_folder` FROM web_domain WHERE type = 'vhostsubdomain' AND parent_domain_id = ".intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id'])." AND domain_id != ".intval($data['old']['domain_id']));
-                            foreach($tmp as $tmprec) {
-                                // we normalize the folder entries because we need to compare them
-                                $tmp_folder = preg_replace('/[\/]{2,}/', '/', $tmprec['web_folder']); // replace / occuring multiple times
-                                if(substr($tmp_folder, 0, 1) === '/') $tmp_folder = substr($tmp_folder, 1);
-                                if(substr($tmp_folder, -1) === '/') $tmp_folder = substr($tmp_folder, 0, -1);
-                                // add this path and it's parent paths to used_paths array
-                                while(strpos($tmp_folder, '/') !== false) {
-                                    if(in_array($tmp_folder, $used_paths) == false) $used_paths[] = $tmp_folder;
-                                    $tmp_folder = substr($tmp_folder, 0, strrpos($tmp_folder, '/'));
-                                }
-                                if(in_array($tmp_folder, $used_paths) == false) $used_paths[] = $tmp_folder;
-                            }
-                            unset($tmp);
-                            // loop and check if the path is still used and stop at first used one
-                            // set do_delete to false so nothing gets deleted if the web_folder itself is still used
-                            $do_delete = false;
-                            while(count($path_elements) > 0) {
-                                $tmp_folder = implode('/', $path_elements);
-                                if(in_array($tmp_folder, $used_paths) == true) break;
-                                // this path is not used - set it as path to delete, strip the last element from the array and set do_delete to true
-                                $delete_folder = $tmp_folder;
-                                $do_delete = true;
-                                array_pop($path_elements);
-                            }
-                            unset($tmp_folder);
-                            unset($used_paths);
-                        }
-                        if($do_delete === true && $delete_folder !== '') exec('rm -rf '.$docroot.'/'.$delete_folder);
-                        unset($delete_folder);
-                        unset($path_elements);
-                    }
-                }
-                //remove the php fastgi starter script if available
-                if ($data['old']['php'] == 'fast-cgi') {
-					$this->php_fpm_pool_delete($data,$web_config);
-                    $fastcgi_starter_path = str_replace('[system_user]',$data['old']['system_user'],$web_config['fastcgi_starter_path']);
-                    if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
-                        if (is_dir($fastcgi_starter_path)) {
-                            exec('rm -rf '.$fastcgi_starter_path);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $fcgi_starter_script = $fastcgi_starter_path.$web_config['fastcgi_starter_script'].'_web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
-                        if (file_exists($fcgi_starter_script)) {
-                            exec('rm -f '.$fcgi_starter_script);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // remove PHP-FPM pool
-                if ($data['old']['php'] == 'php-fpm') {
-                    $this->php_fpm_pool_delete($data,$web_config);
-                }
-                //remove the php cgi starter script if available
-                if ($data['old']['php'] == 'cgi') {
-                    // TODO: fetch the date from the server-settings
-                    $web_config['cgi_starter_path'] = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/php-cgi-scripts/[system_user]/';
-                    $cgi_starter_path = str_replace('[system_user]',$data['old']['system_user'],$web_config['cgi_starter_path']);
-                    if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
-                        if (is_dir($cgi_starter_path)) {
-                            exec('rm -rf '.$cgi_starter_path);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        $cgi_starter_script = $cgi_starter_path.'php-cgi-starter_web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
-                        if (file_exists($cgi_starter_script)) {
-                            exec('rm -f '.$cgi_starter_script);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                $app->log('Removing website: '.$docroot,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-                // Delete the symlinks for the sites
-                $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = '.intval($data['old']['sys_groupid']));
-                $client_id = intval($client['client_id']);
-                unset($client);
-                $tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
-                if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
-                    foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
-                        $tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$client_id,$tmp_symlink);
-                        $tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['old']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
-                        // Remove trailing slash
-                        if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
-                        // create the symlinks, if not exist
-                        if(is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
-                            $app->system->unlink($tmp_symlink);
-                            $app->log('Removing symlink: '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // end removing symlinks
-            } else {
-                // vhost subdomain
-            }
-            // Delete the log file directory
-            $vhost_logfile_dir = escapeshellcmd('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain']);
-            if($data['old']['domain'] != '' && !stristr($vhost_logfile_dir,'..')) exec('rm -rf '.$vhost_logfile_dir);
-            $app->log('Removing website logfile directory: '.$vhost_logfile_dir,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-            if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
-                //delete the web user
-                $command = 'killall -u '.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_user']).' ; userdel';
-                $command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_user']);
-                exec($command);
-                if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' '.$command);
-            }
-            //* Remove the awstats configuration file
-            if($data['old']['stats_type'] == 'awstats') {
-                $this->awstats_delete($data,$web_config);
-			}
-			$app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd','reload');
-		}
-		if($data['old']['type'] != 'vhost') $app->system->web_folder_protection($data['old']['document_root'],true);
-	}
-	//* This function is called when a IP on the server is inserted, updated or deleted
-	function server_ip($event_name,$data) {
-		return;
-	}
-	//* Create or update the .htaccess folder protection
-	function web_folder_user($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		$app->uses('system');
-		if($event_name == 'web_folder_user_delete') {
-			$folder_id = $data['old']['web_folder_id'];
-		} else {
-			$folder_id = $data['new']['web_folder_id'];
-		}
-		$folder = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_folder WHERE web_folder_id = ".intval($folder_id));
-		$website = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".intval($folder['parent_domain_id']));
-		if(!is_array($folder) or !is_array($website)) {
-			$app->log('Not able to retrieve folder or website record.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-        $web_folder = 'web';
-        if($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $web_folder = $website['web_folder'];
-		//* Get the folder path.
-		if(substr($folder['path'],0,1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],1);
-		if(substr($folder['path'],-1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],0,-1);
-		$folder_path = escapeshellcmd($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$folder['path']);
-		if(substr($folder_path,-1) != '/') $folder_path .= '/';
-		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
-		if(stristr($folder_path,'..') || stristr($folder_path,'./') || stristr($folder_path,'\\')) {
-			$app->log('Folder path "'.$folder_path.'" contains .. or ./.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-		//* Create the folder path, if it does not exist
-		if(!is_dir($folder_path)) {
-			$app->system->mkdirpath($folder_path);
-			$app->system->chown($folder_path,$website['system_user']);
-			$app->system->chgrp($folder_path,$website['system_group']);
-		}
-		//* Create empty .htpasswd file, if it does not exist
-		if(!is_file($folder_path.'.htpasswd')) {
-			touch($folder_path.'.htpasswd');
-			$app->system->chmod($folder_path.'.htpasswd',0755);
-			$app->system->chown($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$website['system_user']);
-			$app->system->chgrp($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$website['system_group']);
-			$app->log('Created file '.$folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		/*
-		$auth_users = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_folder_user WHERE active = 'y' AND web_folder_id = ".intval($folder_id));
-		$htpasswd_content = '';
-		if(is_array($auth_users) && !empty($auth_users)){
-			foreach($auth_users as $auth_user){
-				$htpasswd_content .= $auth_user['username'].':'.$auth_user['password']."\n";
-			}
-		}
-		$htpasswd_content = trim($htpasswd_content);
-		@file_put_contents($folder_path.'.htpasswd', $htpasswd_content);
-		$app->log('Changed .htpasswd file: '.$folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		*/
-		if(($data['new']['username'] != $data['old']['username'] || $data['new']['active'] == 'n') && $data['old']['username'] != '') {
-			$app->system->removeLine($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$data['old']['username'].':');
-			$app->log('Removed user: '.$data['old']['username'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		//* Add or remove the user from .htpasswd file
-		if($event_name == 'web_folder_user_delete') {
-			$app->system->removeLine($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$data['old']['username'].':');
-			$app->log('Removed user: '.$data['old']['username'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		} else {
-			if($data['new']['active'] == 'y') {
-				$app->system->replaceLine($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$data['new']['username'].':',$data['new']['username'].':'.$data['new']['password'],0,1);
-				$app->log('Added or updated user: '.$data['new']['username'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-		}
-		// write basic auth configuration to vhost file because nginx does not support .htaccess
-		$webdata['new'] = $webdata['old'] = $website;
-		$this->update('web_domain_update', $webdata);
-	}
-	//* Remove .htpasswd file, when folder protection is removed
-	function web_folder_delete($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		$folder_id = $data['old']['web_folder_id'];
-		$folder = $data['old'];
-		$website = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".intval($folder['parent_domain_id']));
-		if(!is_array($folder) or !is_array($website)) {
-			$app->log('Not able to retrieve folder or website record.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-        $web_folder = 'web';
-        if($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $web_folder = $website['web_folder'];
-		//* Get the folder path.
-		if(substr($folder['path'],0,1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],1);
-		if(substr($folder['path'],-1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],0,-1);
-		$folder_path = realpath($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$folder['path']);
-		if(substr($folder_path,-1) != '/') $folder_path .= '/';
-		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
-		if(substr($folder_path,0,strlen($website['document_root'])) != $website['document_root']) {
-			$app->log('Folder path is outside of docroot.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-		//* Remove .htpasswd file
-		if(is_file($folder_path.'.htpasswd')) {
-			$app->system->unlink($folder_path.'.htpasswd');
-			$app->log('Removed file '.$folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		// write basic auth configuration to vhost file because nginx does not support .htaccess
-		$webdata['new'] = $webdata['old'] = $website;
-		$this->update('web_domain_update', $webdata);
-	}
-	//* Update folder protection, when path has been changed
-	function web_folder_update($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		$website = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".intval($data['new']['parent_domain_id']));
-		if(!is_array($website)) {
-			$app->log('Not able to retrieve folder or website record.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-        $web_folder = 'web';
-        if($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $web_folder = $website['web_folder'];
-		//* Get the folder path.
-		if(substr($data['old']['path'],0,1) == '/') $data['old']['path'] = substr($data['old']['path'],1);
-		if(substr($data['old']['path'],-1) == '/') $data['old']['path'] = substr($data['old']['path'],0,-1);
-		$old_folder_path = realpath($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$data['old']['path']);
-		if(substr($old_folder_path,-1) != '/') $old_folder_path .= '/';
-		if(substr($data['new']['path'],0,1) == '/') $data['new']['path'] = substr($data['new']['path'],1);
-		if(substr($data['new']['path'],-1) == '/') $data['new']['path'] = substr($data['new']['path'],0,-1);
-		$new_folder_path = escapeshellcmd($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$data['new']['path']);
-		if(substr($new_folder_path,-1) != '/') $new_folder_path .= '/';
-		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
-		if(stristr($new_folder_path,'..') || stristr($new_folder_path,'./') || stristr($new_folder_path,'\\')) {
-			$app->log('Folder path "'.$new_folder_path.'" contains .. or ./.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-		if(stristr($old_folder_path,'..') || stristr($old_folder_path,'./') || stristr($old_folder_path,'\\')) {
-			$app->log('Folder path "'.$old_folder_path.'" contains .. or ./.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
-		if(substr($old_folder_path,0,strlen($website['document_root'])) != $website['document_root']) {
-			$app->log('Old folder path '.$old_folder_path.' is outside of docroot.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-		if(substr($new_folder_path,0,strlen($website['document_root'])) != $website['document_root']) {
-			$app->log('New folder path '.$new_folder_path.' is outside of docroot.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			return false;
-		}
-		//* Create the folder path, if it does not exist
-		if(!is_dir($new_folder_path)) $app->system->mkdirpath($new_folder_path);
-		if($data['old']['path'] != $data['new']['path']) {
-			//* move .htpasswd file
-			if(is_file($old_folder_path.'.htpasswd')) {
-				$app->system->rename($old_folder_path.'.htpasswd',$new_folder_path.'.htpasswd');
-				$app->log('Moved file '.$old_folder_path.'.htpasswd to '.$new_folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-		}
-		// write basic auth configuration to vhost file because nginx does not support .htaccess
-		$webdata['new'] = $webdata['old'] = $website;
-		$this->update('web_domain_update', $webdata);
-	}
-	function _create_web_folder_auth_configuration($website){
-		global $app, $conf;
-		//* Create the domain.auth file which is included in the vhost configuration file
-		$app->uses('getconf');
-		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
-		$basic_auth_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$website['domain'].'.auth');
-		//$app->load('tpl');
-		//$tpl = new tpl();
-		//$tpl->newTemplate('nginx_http_authentication.auth.master');
-		$website_auth_locations = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_folder WHERE active = 'y' AND parent_domain_id = ".intval($website['domain_id']));
-		$basic_auth_locations = array();
-		if(is_array($website_auth_locations) && !empty($website_auth_locations)){
-			foreach($website_auth_locations as $website_auth_location){
-				if(substr($website_auth_location['path'],0,1) == '/') $website_auth_location['path'] = substr($website_auth_location['path'],1);
-				if(substr($website_auth_location['path'],-1) == '/') $website_auth_location['path'] = substr($website_auth_location['path'],0,-1);
-				if($website_auth_location['path'] != ''){
-					$website_auth_location['path'] .= '/';
-				}
-				$basic_auth_locations[] = array('htpasswd_location' => '/'.$website_auth_location['path'],
-												'htpasswd_path' => $website['document_root'].'/' . ($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain' ? $website['web_folder'] : 'web') . '/'.$website_auth_location['path']);
-			}
-		}
-		return $basic_auth_locations;
-		//$tpl->setLoop('basic_auth_locations', $basic_auth_locations);
-		//file_put_contents($basic_auth_file,$tpl->grab());
-		//$app->log('Writing the http basic authentication file: '.$basic_auth_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		//unset($tpl);
-		//$app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd','reload');
-	}
-	//* Update the awstats configuration file
-	private function awstats_update ($data,$web_config) {
-		global $app;
-        $web_folder = $data['new']['web_folder'];
-        if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') $web_folder = 'web';
-		$awstats_conf_dir = $web_config['awstats_conf_dir'];
-		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/")) mkdir($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats");
-		if(!@is_file($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['new']['domain'].'.conf') || ($data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain'])) {
-			if ( @is_file($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf') ) {
-				$app->system->unlink($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf');
-			}
-			$content = '';
-			$content .= "Include \"".$awstats_conf_dir."/awstats.conf\"\n";
-			$content .= "LogFile=\"/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/".$data['new']['domain']."/access.log\"\n";
-			$content .= "SiteDomain=\"".$data['new']['domain']."\"\n";
-			$content .= "HostAliases=\"www.".$data['new']['domain']."  localhost\"\n";
-			$app->system->file_put_contents($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['new']['domain'].'.conf',$content);
-			$app->log('Created AWStats config file: '.$awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['new']['domain'].'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		if(is_file($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.html")) $app->system->unlink($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.html");
-		if(file_exists("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/awstats_index.php.master")) {
-			$app->system->copy("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/awstats_index.php.master",$data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.php");
-		} else {
-			$app->system->copy("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/awstats_index.php.master",$data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.php");
-		}
-	}
-	//* Delete the awstats configuration file
-	private function awstats_delete ($data,$web_config) {
-		global $app;
-		$awstats_conf_dir = $web_config['awstats_conf_dir'];
-		if ( @is_file($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf') ) {
-			$app->system->unlink($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf');
-			$app->log('Removed AWStats config file: '.$awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-	}
-	//* Update the PHP-FPM pool configuration file
-	private function php_fpm_pool_update ($data,$web_config,$pool_dir,$pool_name,$socket_dir) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		/*
-		if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
-			$default_php_fpm = false;
-			list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
-			if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
-		} else {
-			$default_php_fpm = true;
-		}
-		*/
-		if($data['new']['php'] != 'no'){
-			if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
-				$default_php_fpm = false;
-				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
-				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
-			} else {
-				$default_php_fpm = true;
-			}
-		} else {
-			if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
-				$default_php_fpm = false;
-				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
-				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
-			} else {
-				$default_php_fpm = true;
-			}
-		}
-		$app->uses("getconf");
-		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'web');
-		if($data['new']['php'] == 'no'){
-			if(@is_file($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf')){
-				$app->system->unlink($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
-				//$reload = true;
-			}
-			if($data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
-				if(!$default_php_fpm){
-					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$custom_php_fpm_init_script);
-				} else {
-					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
-				}
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-		$app->load('tpl');
-		$tpl = new tpl();
-		$tpl->newTemplate('php_fpm_pool.conf.master');
-		if($data['new']['php_fpm_use_socket'] == 'y'){
-			$use_tcp = 0;
-			$use_socket = 1;
-			if(!is_dir($socket_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($socket_dir);
-		} else {
-			$use_tcp = 1;
-			$use_socket = 0;
-		}
-		$tpl->setVar('use_tcp', $use_tcp);
-		$tpl->setVar('use_socket', $use_socket);
-		$fpm_socket = $socket_dir.$pool_name.'.sock';
-		$tpl->setVar('fpm_socket', $fpm_socket);
-		$tpl->setVar('fpm_pool', $pool_name);
-		$tpl->setVar('fpm_port', $web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] - 1);
-		$tpl->setVar('fpm_user', $data['new']['system_user']);
-		$tpl->setVar('fpm_group', $data['new']['system_group']);
-		$tpl->setVar('pm', $data['new']['pm']);
-		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_children', $data['new']['pm_max_children']);
-		$tpl->setVar('pm_start_servers', $data['new']['pm_start_servers']);
-		$tpl->setVar('pm_min_spare_servers', $data['new']['pm_min_spare_servers']);
-		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_spare_servers', $data['new']['pm_max_spare_servers']);
-		$tpl->setVar('pm_process_idle_timeout', $data['new']['pm_process_idle_timeout']);
-		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_requests', $data['new']['pm_max_requests']);
-		$tpl->setVar('document_root', $data['new']['document_root']);
-		$tpl->setVar('security_level',$web_config['security_level']);
-		$php_open_basedir = ($data['new']['php_open_basedir'] == '')?escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']):escapeshellcmd($data['new']['php_open_basedir']);
-		$tpl->setVar('php_open_basedir', $php_open_basedir);
-		if($php_open_basedir != ''){
-			$tpl->setVar('enable_php_open_basedir', '');
-		} else {
-			$tpl->setVar('enable_php_open_basedir', ';');
-		}
-		// Custom php.ini settings
-		$final_php_ini_settings = array();
-		$custom_php_ini_settings = trim($data['new']['custom_php_ini']);
-		if($custom_php_ini_settings != ''){
-			// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
-			$custom_php_ini_settings = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
-			$custom_php_ini_settings = str_replace("\r", "\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
-			$ini_settings = explode("\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
-			if(is_array($ini_settings) && !empty($ini_settings)){
-				foreach($ini_settings as $ini_setting){
-					$ini_setting = trim($ini_setting);
-					if(substr($ini_setting,0,1) == ';') continue;
-					if(substr($ini_setting,0,1) == '#') continue;
-					if(substr($ini_setting,0,2) == '//') continue;
-					list($key, $value) = explode('=', $ini_setting);
-					if($value){
-						$value = trim($value);
-						$key = trim($key);
-						switch (strtolower($value)) {
-							case '0':
-								// PHP-FPM might complain about invalid boolean value if you use 0
-								$value = 'off';
-							case '1':
-							case 'on':
-							case 'off':
-							case 'true':
-							case 'false':
-							case 'yes':
-							case 'no':
-								$final_php_ini_settings[] = array('ini_setting' => 'php_admin_flag['.$key.'] = '.$value);
-								break;
-							default:
-								$final_php_ini_settings[] = array('ini_setting' => 'php_admin_value['.$key.'] = '.$value);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$tpl->setLoop('custom_php_ini_settings', $final_php_ini_settings);
-		$app->system->file_put_contents($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',$tpl->grab());
-		$app->log('Writing the PHP-FPM config file: '.$pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		unset($tpl);
-		// delete pool in all other PHP versions
-		$default_pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
-		if(substr($default_pool_dir,-1) != '/') $default_pool_dir .= '/';
-		if($default_pool_dir != $pool_dir){
-			if ( @is_file($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
-					$app->system->unlink($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
-					$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
-			}
-		}
-		$php_versions = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]);
-		if(is_array($php_versions) && !empty($php_versions)){
-			foreach($php_versions as $php_version){
-				if(substr($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'],-1) != '/') $php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] .= '/';
-				if($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] != $pool_dir){
-					if ( @is_file($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
-						$app->system->unlink($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf');
-						$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-						$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$php_version['php_fpm_init_script']);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Reload current PHP-FPM after all others
-		sleep(1);
-		if(!$default_php_fpm){
-			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$custom_php_fpm_init_script);
-		} else {
-			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
-		}
-	}
-	//* Delete the PHP-FPM pool configuration file
-	private function php_fpm_pool_delete ($data,$web_config) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
-			$default_php_fpm = false;
-			list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
-			if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
-		} else {
-			$default_php_fpm = true;
-		}
-		if($default_php_fpm){
-			$pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
-		} else {
-			$pool_dir = $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir;
-		}
-		if(substr($pool_dir,-1) != '/') $pool_dir .= '/';
-		$pool_name = 'web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
-		if ( @is_file($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
-			$app->system->unlink($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
-			$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		}
-		// delete pool in all other PHP versions
-		$default_pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
-		if(substr($default_pool_dir,-1) != '/') $default_pool_dir .= '/';
-		if($default_pool_dir != $pool_dir){
-			if ( @is_file($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
-					$app->system->unlink($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
-					$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
-			}
-		}	
-		$php_versions = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = ".$data['old']['server_id']);
-		if(is_array($php_versions) && !empty($php_versions)){
-			foreach($php_versions as $php_version){
-				if(substr($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'],-1) != '/') $php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] .= '/';
-				if($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] != $pool_dir){
-					if ( @is_file($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
-						$app->system->unlink($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf');
-						$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-						$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$php_version['php_fpm_init_script']);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Reload current PHP-FPM after all others
-		sleep(1);
-		if(!$default_php_fpm){
-			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$custom_php_fpm_init_script);
-		} else {
-			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
-		}
-	}
-	private function nginx_replace($matches){
-		$location = 'location'.($matches[1] != '' ? ' '.$matches[1] : '').' '.$matches[2].' '.$matches[3];
-		if($matches[4] == '##merge##' || $matches[7] == '##merge##') $location .= ' ##merge##';
-		$location .= "\n";
-		$location .= $matches[5]."\n";
-		$location .= $matches[6];
-		return $location;
-	}
-	private function nginx_merge_locations($vhost_conf){
-		$lines = explode("\n", $vhost_conf);
-		// if whole location block is in one line, split it up into multiple lines
-		if(is_array($lines) && !empty($lines)){
-			$linecount = sizeof($lines);
-			for($h=0;$h<$linecount;$h++){
-				// remove comments
-				if(substr(trim($lines[$h]),0,1) == '#'){
-					unset($lines[$h]);
-					continue;
-				}
-				$lines[$h] = rtrim($lines[$h]);
-				/*
-				if(substr(ltrim($lines[$h]), 0, 8) == 'location' && strpos($lines[$h], '{') !== false && strpos($lines[$h], ';') !== false){
-					$lines[$h] = str_replace("{", "{\n", $lines[$h]);
-					$lines[$h] = str_replace(";", ";\n", $lines[$h]);
-					if(strpos($lines[$h], '##merge##') !== false){
-						$lines[$h] = str_replace('##merge##', '', $lines[$h]);
-						$lines[$h] = substr($lines[$h],0,strpos($lines[$h], '{')).' ##merge##'.substr($lines[$h],strpos($lines[$h], '{')+1);
-					}
-				}
-				if(substr(ltrim($lines[$h]), 0, 8) == 'location' && strpos($lines[$h], '{') !== false && strpos($lines[$h], '}') !== false && strpos($lines[$h], ';') === false){
-					$lines[$h] = str_replace("{", "{\n", $lines[$h]);
-					if(strpos($lines[$h], '##merge##') !== false){
-						$lines[$h] = str_replace('##merge##', '', $lines[$h]);
-						$lines[$h] = substr($lines[$h],0,strpos($lines[$h], '{')).' ##merge##'.substr($lines[$h],strpos($lines[$h], '{')+1);
-					}
-				}
-				*/
-				$pattern = '/^[^\S\n]*location[^\S\n]+(?:(.+)[^\S\n]+)?(.+)[^\S\n]*(\{)[^\S\n]*(##merge##)?[^\S\n]*(.+)[^\S\n]*(\})[^\S\n]*(##merge##)?[^\S\n]*$/';
-				$lines[$h] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this, 'nginx_replace') ,$lines[$h]);
-			}
-		}
-		$vhost_conf = implode("\n", $lines);
-		unset($lines);
-		unset($linecount);
-		$lines = explode("\n", $vhost_conf);
-		if(is_array($lines) && !empty($lines)){	
-			$locations = array();
-			$islocation = false;
-			$linecount = sizeof($lines);
-			$server_count = 0;
-			for($i=0;$i<$linecount;$i++){
-				$l = trim($lines[$i]);
-				if(substr($l, 0, 8) == 'server {') $server_count += 1;
-				if($server_count > 1) break;
-				if(substr($l, 0, 8) == 'location' && !$islocation){
-					$islocation = true;
-					$level = 0;
-					// Remove unnecessary whitespace
-					$l = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $l);
-					$loc_parts = explode(' ', $l);
-					// see
-					if($loc_parts[1] == '=' || $loc_parts[1] == '~' || $loc_parts[1] == '~*' || $loc_parts[1] == '^~'){
-						$location = $loc_parts[1].' '.$loc_parts[2];
-					} else {
-						$location = $loc_parts[1];
-					}
-					unset($loc_parts);
-					if(!isset($locations[$location]['action'])) $locations[$location]['action'] = 'replace';
-					if(substr($l, -9) == '##merge##'){
-						$locations[$location]['action'] = 'merge';
-					}
-					if(!isset($locations[$location]['open_tag'])) $locations[$location]['open_tag'] = '        location '.$location.' {';
-					if(!isset($locations[$location]['location']) || $locations[$location]['action'] == 'replace') $locations[$location]['location'] = '';
-					if(!isset($locations[$location]['end_tag'])) $locations[$location]['end_tag'] = '        }';
-					if(!isset($locations[$location]['start_line'])) $locations[$location]['start_line'] = $i;
-					unset($lines[$i]);
-				} else {
-					if($islocation){
-						if(strpos($l, '{') !== false){
-							$level += 1;
-						}
-						if(strpos($l, '}') !== false && $level > 0){
-							$level -= 1;
-							$locations[$location]['location'] .= $lines[$i]."\n";
-						} elseif(strpos($l, '}') !== false && $level == 0){
-							$islocation = false;
-						} else {
-							$locations[$location]['location'] .= $lines[$i]."\n";
-						}
-						unset($lines[$i]);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if(is_array($locations) && !empty($locations)){
-				foreach($locations as $key => $val){
-					$new_location = $val['open_tag']."\n".$val['location'].$val['end_tag'];
-					$lines[$val['start_line']] = $new_location;
-				}
-			}
-			ksort($lines);
-			$vhost_conf = implode("\n", $lines);
-		}
-		return trim($vhost_conf);
-	}
-	function client_delete($event_name,$data) {
-		global $app, $conf;
-		$app->uses("getconf");
-		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'web');
-		$client_id = intval($data['old']['client_id']);
-		if($client_id > 0) {
-			$client_dir = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/clients/client'.$client_id;
-			if(is_dir($client_dir) && !stristr($client_dir,'..')) {
-				// remove symlinks from $client_dir
-				$files = array_diff(scandir($client_dir), array('.','..'));
-				if(is_array($files) && !empty($files)){
-					foreach($files as $file){
-						if(is_link($client_dir.'/'.$file)){
-							unlink($client_dir.'/'.$file);
-							$app->log('Removed symlink: '.$client_dir.'/'.$file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				@rmdir($client_dir);
-				$app->log('Removed client directory: '.$client_dir,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-			if($app->system->is_group('client'.$client_id)){
-				$this->_exec('groupdel client'.$client_id);
-				$app->log('Removed group client'.$client_id,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//* Wrapper for exec function for easier debugging
-	private function _exec($command) {
-		global $app;
-		$app->log('exec: '.$command,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
-		exec($command);
-	}
-	private function _checkTcp ($host,$port) {
-		$fp = @fsockopen ($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
-		if ($fp) {
-			fclose($fp);
-			return true;
-		} else {
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	public function create_relative_link($f, $t) {
-		global $app;
-		// $from already exists
-		$from = realpath($f);
-		// realpath requires the traced file to exist - so, lets touch it first, then remove
-		@$app->system->unlink($t); touch($t);
-		$to = realpath($t);
-		@$app->system->unlink($t);
-		// Remove from the left side matching path elements from $from and $to
-		// and get path elements counts
-		$a1 = explode('/', $from); $a2 = explode('/', $to);
-		for ($c = 0; $a1[$c] == $a2[$c]; $c++) {
-			unset($a1[$c]); unset($a2[$c]);
-		}
-		$cfrom = implode('/', $a1);
-		// Check if a path is fully a subpath of another - no way to create symlink in the case
-		if (count($a1) == 0 || count($a2) == 0) return false;
-		// Add ($cnt_to-1) number of "../" elements to left side of $cfrom
-		for ($c = 0; $c < (count($a2)-1); $c++) { $cfrom = '../'.$cfrom; }
-		return symlink($cfrom, $to);
-	}
-    private function _rewrite_quote($string) {
-        return str_replace(array('.', '*', '?', '+'), array('\\.', '\\*', '\\?', '\\+'), $string);
-    }
-	private function url_is_local($hostname, $domain_id){
-		global $app;
-		// ORDER BY clause makes sure wildcard subdomains (*) are listed last in the result array so that we can find direct matches first
-		$webs = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE active = 'y' ORDER BY subdomain ASC");
-		if(is_array($webs) && !empty($webs)){
-			foreach($webs as $web){
-				// web domain doesn't match hostname
-				if(substr($hostname,-strlen($web['domain'])) != $web['domain']) continue;
-				// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
-				//if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') continue;
-				// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
-				//if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') continue;
-				if($web['subdomain'] == '*'){
-					$pattern = '/\.?'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
-				}
-				if($web['subdomain'] == 'none'){
-					if($web['domain'] == $hostname){
-						if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
-							// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
-							if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
-							// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
-							if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
-							return true;
-						} else {
-							return false;
-						}
-					}
-					$pattern = '/^'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
-				}
-				if($web['subdomain'] == 'www'){
-					if($web['domain'] == $hostname || $web['subdomain'].'.'.$web['domain'] == $hostname){
-						if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
-							// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
-							if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
-							// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
-							if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
-							return true;
-						} else {
-							return false;
-						}
-					}
-					$pattern = '/^(www\.)?'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
-				}
-				if(preg_match($pattern, $hostname)){
-					if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
-						// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
-						if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
-						// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
-						if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
-						return true;
-					} else {
-						return false;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	private function get_seo_redirects($web, $prefix = '', $force_subdomain = false){
-		// $force_subdomain = 'none|www'
-		$seo_redirects = array();
-		if(substr($web['domain'], 0, 2) === '*.') $web['subdomain'] = '*';
-		if(($web['subdomain'] == 'www' || $web['subdomain'] == '*') && $force_subdomain != 'www'){
-			if($web['seo_redirect'] == 'non_www_to_www'){
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = $web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '=';
-			}
-			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_domain_tld_to_www_domain_tld'){
-				// ^(example\.com|(?!\bwww\b)\.example\.com)$
-				// ^(example\.com|((?:\w+(?:-\w+)*\.)*)((?!www\.)\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\.example\.com))$
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = '^('.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'|((?:\w+(?:-\w+)*\.)*)((?!www\.)\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'))$';
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '~*';
-			}
-			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_to_www_domain_tld'){
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '!=';
-			}
-		}
-		if($force_subdomain != 'none'){
-			if($web['seo_redirect'] == 'www_to_non_www'){
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '=';
-			}
-			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_domain_tld_to_domain_tld'){
-				// ^(.+)\.example\.com$
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = '^(.+)\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$';
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '~*';
-			}
-			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_to_domain_tld'){
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = $web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
-				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '!=';
-			}
-		}
-		return $seo_redirects;
-	}
-} // end class
+Copyright (c) 2007 - 2012, Till Brehm, projektfarm Gmbh
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of ISPConfig nor the names of its contributors
+      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+      specific prior written permission.
+class nginx_plugin {
+	var $plugin_name = 'nginx_plugin';
+	var $class_name = 'nginx_plugin';
+	// private variables
+	var $action = '';
+	var $ssl_certificate_changed = false;
+	//* This function is called during ispconfig installation to determine
+	//  if a symlink shall be created for this plugin.
+	function onInstall() {
+		global $conf;
+		if($conf['services']['web'] == true && !@is_link('/usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-enabled/')) {
+			return true;
+		} else {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 	This function is called when the plugin is loaded
+	*/
+	function onLoad() {
+		global $app;
+		/*
+		Register for the events
+		*/
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_insert',$this->plugin_name,'ssl');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_update',$this->plugin_name,'ssl');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_delete',$this->plugin_name,'ssl');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_insert',$this->plugin_name,'insert');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_update',$this->plugin_name,'update');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_domain_delete',$this->plugin_name,'delete');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('server_ip_insert',$this->plugin_name,'server_ip');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('server_ip_update',$this->plugin_name,'server_ip');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('server_ip_delete',$this->plugin_name,'server_ip');
+		/*
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('webdav_user_insert',$this->plugin_name,'webdav');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('webdav_user_update',$this->plugin_name,'webdav');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('webdav_user_delete',$this->plugin_name,'webdav');
+		*/
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('client_delete',$this->plugin_name,'client_delete');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_user_insert',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_user');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_user_update',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_user');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_user_delete',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_user');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_update',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_update');
+		$app->plugins->registerEvent('web_folder_delete',$this->plugin_name,'web_folder_delete');
+	}
+	// Handle the creation of SSL certificates
+	function ssl($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		$app->uses('system');
+		// load the server configuration options
+		$app->uses('getconf');
+		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
+		if ($web_config['CA_path']!='' && !file_exists($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf'))
+			$app->log("CA path error, file does not exist:".$web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf',LOGLEVEL_ERROR);	
+		//* Only vhosts can have a ssl cert
+		if($data["new"]["type"] != "vhost" && $data["new"]["type"] != "vhostsubdomain") return;
+		// if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl')) exec('mkdir -p '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl');
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl');
+		$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
+		$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
+		$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
+		$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
+		$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
+		$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
+		//* Create a SSL Certificate
+		if($data['new']['ssl_action'] == 'create' && $conf['mirror_server_id'] == 0) {
+			$this->ssl_certificate_changed = true;
+			//* Rename files if they exist
+			if(file_exists($key_file)){
+				$app->system->rename($key_file,$key_file.'.bak');
+				$app->system->chmod($key_file.'.bak',0400);
+			}
+			if(file_exists($key_file2)){
+				$app->system->rename($key_file2,$key_file2.'.bak');
+				$app->system->chmod($key_file2.'.bak',0400);
+			}
+			if(file_exists($csr_file)) $app->system->rename($csr_file,$csr_file.'.bak');
+			if(file_exists($crt_file)) $app->system->rename($crt_file,$crt_file.'.bak');
+			$rand_file = $ssl_dir.'/random_file';
+			$rand_data = md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
+			for($i=0; $i<1000; $i++) {
+				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
+				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
+				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
+				$rand_data .= md5(uniqid(microtime(),1));
+			}
+			$app->system->file_put_contents($rand_file, $rand_data);
+			$ssl_password = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime(),1)), 0, 15);
+			$ssl_cnf = "        RANDFILE               = $rand_file
+        [ req ]
+        default_bits           = 2048
+        default_keyfile        = keyfile.pem
+        distinguished_name     = req_distinguished_name
+        attributes             = req_attributes
+        prompt                 = no
+        output_password        = $ssl_password
+        [ req_distinguished_name ]
+        C                      = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_country'])."
+        ST                     = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_state'])."
+        L                      = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_locality'])."
+        O                      = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_organisation'])."
+        OU                     = ".trim($data['new']['ssl_organisation_unit'])."
+        CN                     = $domain
+        emailAddress           = webmaster@".$data['new']['domain']."
+        [ req_attributes ]
+        challengePassword              = A challenge password";
+			$ssl_cnf_file = $ssl_dir.'/openssl.conf';
+			$app->system->file_put_contents($ssl_cnf_file,$ssl_cnf);
+			$rand_file = escapeshellcmd($rand_file);
+			$key_file = escapeshellcmd($key_file);
+			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($key_file, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $key_file = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $key_file); // wildcard certificate
+			$key_file2 = escapeshellcmd($key_file2);
+			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($key_file2, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $key_file2 = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $key_file2); // wildcard certificate
+			$ssl_days = 3650;
+			$csr_file = escapeshellcmd($csr_file);
+			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($csr_file, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $csr_file = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $csr_file); // wildcard certificate
+			$config_file = escapeshellcmd($ssl_cnf_file);
+			$crt_file = escapeshellcmd($crt_file);
+			if(substr($domain, 0, 2) == '*.' && strpos($crt_file, '/ssl/\*.') !== false) $crt_file = str_replace('/ssl/\*.', '/ssl/*.', $crt_file); // wildcard certificate
+			if(is_file($ssl_cnf_file) && !is_link($ssl_cnf_file)) {
+				exec("openssl genrsa -des3 -rand $rand_file -passout pass:$ssl_password -out $key_file 2048");
+				exec("openssl req -new -passin pass:$ssl_password -passout pass:$ssl_password -key $key_file -out $csr_file -days $ssl_days -config $config_file");
+				exec("openssl rsa -passin pass:$ssl_password -in $key_file -out $key_file2");
+				if(file_exists($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf'))
+				{
+					exec("openssl ca -batch -out $crt_file -config ".$web_config['CA_path']."/openssl.cnf -passin pass:".$web_config['CA_pass']." -in $csr_file");
+					$app->log("Creating CA-signed SSL Cert for: $domain",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+					if (filesize($crt_file)==0 || !file_exists($crt_file)) $app->log("CA-Certificate signing failed.  openssl ca -out $crt_file -config ".$web_config['CA_path']."/openssl.cnf -passin pass:".$web_config['CA_pass']." -in $csr_file",LOGLEVEL_ERROR);
+				};
+				if (@filesize($crt_file)==0 || !file_exists($crt_file)){
+					exec("openssl req -x509 -passin pass:$ssl_password -passout pass:$ssl_password -key $key_file -in $csr_file -out $crt_file -days $ssl_days -config $config_file ");
+					$app->log("Creating self-signed SSL Cert for: $domain",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+				};
+			}
+			$app->system->chmod($key_file,0400);
+			$app->system->chmod($key_file2,0400);
+			@$app->system->unlink($config_file);
+			@$app->system->unlink($rand_file);
+			$ssl_request = $app->db->quote($app->system->file_get_contents($csr_file));
+			$ssl_cert = $app->db->quote($app->system->file_get_contents($crt_file));
+			$ssl_key2 = $app->db->quote($app->system->file_get_contents($key_file2));
+			/* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
+			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '$ssl_request', ssl_cert = '$ssl_cert', ssl_key = '$ssl_key2' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			/* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
+			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '$ssl_request', ssl_cert = '$ssl_cert', ssl_key = '$ssl_key2' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+		}
+		//* Save a SSL certificate to disk
+		if($data["new"]["ssl_action"] == 'save') {
+			$this->ssl_certificate_changed = true;
+			$ssl_dir = $data["new"]["document_root"]."/ssl";
+			$domain = ($data["new"]["ssl_domain"] != '')?$data["new"]["ssl_domain"]:$data["new"]["domain"];
+			$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
+			$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
+			$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.".csr";
+			$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.".crt";
+			//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.".bundle";
+			//* Backup files
+			if(file_exists($key_file)){
+				$app->system->copy($key_file,$key_file.'~');
+				$app->system->chmod($key_file.'~',0400);
+			}
+			if(file_exists($key_file2)){
+				$app->system->copy($key_file2,$key_file2.'~');
+				$app->system->chmod($key_file2.'~',0400);
+			}
+			if(file_exists($csr_file)) $app->system->copy($csr_file,$csr_file.'~');
+			if(file_exists($crt_file)) $app->system->copy($crt_file,$crt_file.'~');
+			//if(file_exists($bundle_file)) $app->system->copy($bundle_file,$bundle_file.'~');
+			//* Write new ssl files
+			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_request"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($csr_file,$data["new"]["ssl_request"]);
+			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_cert"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($crt_file,$data["new"]["ssl_cert"]);
+			//if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_bundle"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($bundle_file,$data["new"]["ssl_bundle"]);
+			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_key"]) != '') $app->system->file_put_contents($key_file2,$data["new"]["ssl_key"]);
+			$app->system->chmod($key_file2,0400);
+			// for nginx, bundle files have to be appended to the certificate file
+			if(trim($data["new"]["ssl_bundle"]) != ''){				
+				if(file_exists($crt_file)){
+					$crt_file_contents = trim($app->system->file_get_contents($crt_file));
+				} else {
+					$crt_file_contents = '';
+				}
+				if($crt_file_contents != '') $crt_file_contents .= "\n";
+				$crt_file_contents .= $data["new"]["ssl_bundle"];
+				$app->system->file_put_contents($crt_file,$app->file->unix_nl($crt_file_contents));
+				unset($crt_file_contents);
+			}
+			/* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
+			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			/* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
+			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			$app->log('Saving SSL Cert for: '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		//* Delete a SSL certificate
+		if($data['new']['ssl_action'] == 'del') {
+			$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
+			$domain = ($data["new"]["ssl_domain"] != '')?$data["new"]["ssl_domain"]:$data["new"]["domain"];
+			$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
+			$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
+			//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle';
+			if(file_exists($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf') && !is_link($web_config['CA_path'].'/openssl.cnf'))
+				{
+					exec("openssl ca -batch -config ".$web_config['CA_path']."/openssl.cnf -passin pass:".$web_config['CA_pass']." -revoke $crt_file");
+					$app->log("Revoking CA-signed SSL Cert for: $domain",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+				};
+			$app->system->unlink($csr_file);
+			$app->system->unlink($crt_file);
+			//$app->system->unlink($bundle_file);
+			/* Update the DB of the (local) Server */
+			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '', ssl_cert = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			$app->db->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			/* Update also the master-DB of the Server-Farm */
+			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_request = '', ssl_cert = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			$app->dbmaster->query("UPDATE web_domain SET ssl_action = '' WHERE domain = '".$data['new']['domain']."'");
+			$app->log('Deleting SSL Cert for: '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+	}
+	function insert($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		$this->action = 'insert';
+		// just run the update function
+		$this->update($event_name,$data);
+	}
+	function update($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		//* Check if the apache plugin is enabled
+		if(@is_link('/usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-enabled/')) {
+			$app->log('The nginx plugin cannot be used together with the apache2 plugin.',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if($this->action != 'insert') $this->action = 'update';
+		if($data['new']['type'] != 'vhost' && $data['new']['type'] != 'vhostsubdomain' && $data['new']['parent_domain_id'] > 0) {
+			$old_parent_domain_id = intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id']);
+			$new_parent_domain_id = intval($data['new']['parent_domain_id']);
+			// If the parent_domain_id has been changed, we will have to update the old site as well.
+			if($this->action == 'update' && $data['new']['parent_domain_id'] != $data['old']['parent_domain_id']) {
+				$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.$old_parent_domain_id." AND active = 'y'");
+				$data['new'] = $tmp;
+				$data['old'] = $tmp;
+				$this->action = 'update';
+				$this->update($event_name,$data);
+			}
+			// This is not a vhost, so we need to update the parent record instead.
+			$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.$new_parent_domain_id." AND active = 'y'");
+			$data['new'] = $tmp;
+			$data['old'] = $tmp;
+			$this->action = 'update';
+		}
+		// load the server configuration options
+		$app->uses('getconf');
+		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
+		//* Check if this is a chrooted setup
+		if($web_config['website_basedir'] != '' && @is_file($web_config['website_basedir'].'/etc/passwd')) {
+			$nginx_chrooted = true;
+			$app->log('Info: nginx is chrooted.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		} else {
+			$nginx_chrooted = false;
+		}
+		if($data['new']['document_root'] == '') {
+			if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $app->log('document_root not set',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if($data['new']['system_user'] == 'root' or $data['new']['system_group'] == 'root') {
+			$app->log('Websites cannot be owned by the root user or group.',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if(trim($data['new']['domain']) == '') {
+			$app->log('domain is empty',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+			return 0;
+		}
+        $web_folder = 'web';
+        $log_folder = 'log';
+        if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') {
+            $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `domain` FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.intval($data['new']['parent_domain_id']));
+            $subdomain_host = preg_replace('/^(.*)\.' . preg_quote($tmp['domain'], '/') . '$/', '$1', $data['new']['domain']);
+            if($subdomain_host == '') $subdomain_host = 'web'.$data['new']['domain_id'];
+            $web_folder = $data['new']['web_folder'];
+            $log_folder .= '/' . $subdomain_host;
+            unset($tmp);
+        }
+		// Create group and user, if not exist
+		$app->uses('system');
+		if($web_config['connect_userid_to_webid'] == 'y') {
+			//* Calculate the uid and gid
+			$connect_userid_to_webid_start = ($web_config['connect_userid_to_webid_start'] < 1000)?1000:intval($web_config['connect_userid_to_webid_start']);
+			$fixed_uid_gid = intval($connect_userid_to_webid_start + $data['new']['domain_id']);
+			$fixed_uid_param = '--uid '.$fixed_uid_gid;
+			$fixed_gid_param = '--gid '.$fixed_uid_gid;
+			//* Check if a ispconfigend user and group exists and create them
+			if(!$app->system->is_group('ispconfigend')) {
+				exec('groupadd --gid '.($connect_userid_to_webid_start + 10000).' ispconfigend');
+			}
+			if(!$app->system->is_user('ispconfigend')) {
+				exec('useradd -g ispconfigend -d /usr/local/ispconfig --uid '.($connect_userid_to_webid_start + 10000).' ispconfigend');
+			}
+		} else {
+			$fixed_uid_param = '';
+			$fixed_gid_param = '';
+		}
+		$groupname = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_group']);
+		if($data['new']['system_group'] != '' && !$app->system->is_group($data['new']['system_group'])) {
+			exec('groupadd '.$fixed_gid_param.' '.$groupname);
+			if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' groupadd '.$groupname);
+			$app->log('Adding the group: '.$groupname,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		$username = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']);
+		if($data['new']['system_user'] != '' && !$app->system->is_user($data['new']['system_user'])) {
+			if($web_config['add_web_users_to_sshusers_group'] == 'y') {
+				exec('useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param -G sshusers $username -s /bin/false");
+				if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param -G sshusers $username -s /bin/false");
+			} else {
+				exec('useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param $username -s /bin/false");
+				if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' useradd -d '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root'])." -g $groupname $fixed_uid_param $username -s /bin/false");
+			}
+			$app->log('Adding the user: '.$username,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		//* If the client of the site has been changed, we have a change of the document root
+		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['new']['document_root'] != $data['old']['document_root']) {
+			//* Get the old client ID
+			$old_client = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord('SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = '.intval($data['old']['sys_groupid']));
+			$old_client_id = intval($old_client['client_id']);
+			unset($old_client);
+			//* Remove the old symlinks
+			$tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
+			if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
+				foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
+					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$old_client_id,$tmp_symlink);
+					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['old']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
+					// Remove trailing slash
+					if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
+					// create the symlinks, if not exist
+					if(is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
+						exec('rm -f '.escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
+						$app->log('Removed symlink: rm -f '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if($data["new"]["type"] != "vhostsubdomain") {
+				//* Move the site data
+				$tmp_docroot = explode('/',$data['new']['document_root']);
+				unset($tmp_docroot[count($tmp_docroot)-1]);
+				$new_dir = implode('/',$tmp_docroot);
+				$tmp_docroot = explode('/',$data['old']['document_root']);
+				unset($tmp_docroot[count($tmp_docroot)-1]);
+				$old_dir = implode('/',$tmp_docroot);
+				//* Check if there is already some data in the new docroot and rename it as we need a clean path to move the existing site to the new path
+				if(@is_dir($data['new']['document_root'])) {
+					$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],false);
+					$app->system->rename($data['new']['document_root'],$data['new']['document_root'].'_bak_'.date('Y_m_d_H_i_s'));
+					$app->log('Renaming existing directory in new docroot location. mv '.$data['new']['document_root'].' '.$data['new']['document_root'].'_bak_'.date('Y_m_d_H_i_s'),LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+				}
+				//* Create new base directory, if it does not exist yet
+				if(!is_dir($new_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($new_dir);
+				$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['old']['document_root'],false);
+				exec('mv '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root']).' '.escapeshellarg($new_dir));
+				//$app->system->rename($data['old']['document_root'],$new_dir);
+				$app->log('Moving site to new document root: mv '.$data['old']['document_root'].' '.$new_dir,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+				// Handle the change in php_open_basedir
+				$data['new']['php_open_basedir'] = str_replace($data['old']['document_root'],$data['new']['document_root'],$data['old']['php_open_basedir']);
+				//* Change the owner of the website files to the new website owner
+				exec('chown --recursive --from='.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_user']).':'.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_group']).' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).':'.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_group']).' '.$new_dir);
+				//* Change the home directory and group of the website user
+				$command = 'killall -u '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).' ; usermod';
+				$command .= ' --home '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']);
+				$command .= ' --gid '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_group']);
+				$command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).' 2>/dev/null';
+				exec($command);
+			}
+			if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' '.$command);
+			//* Change the log mount
+			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
+			$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
+			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].' '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind,nobootwait    0 0';
+			$app->system->replaceLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line,$fstab_line,1,1);
+		}
+		//print_r($data);
+		// Check if the directories are there and create them if necessary.
+		$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],false);
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder)) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder);
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error') and $data['new']['errordocs']) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error');
+		//if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) exec('mkdir -p '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl');
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin');
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp');
+		//if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav')) $app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav');
+		//* Create the new private directory
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/private')) {
+			$app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/private');
+			$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',0710);
+			$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$username);
+			$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$groupname);
+		}
+		// Remove the symlink for the site, if site is renamed
+		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain']) {
+			if(is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'])) exec('rm -rf /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain']);
+			if(is_link($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) $app->system->unlink($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
+			//* remove old log mount
+			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
+			$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
+			//* Unmount log directory
+			exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
+		}
+		//* Create the log dir if nescessary and mount it
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder) || !is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain']) || is_link($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) {
+			if(is_link($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) unlink($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
+			if(!is_dir('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'])) exec('mkdir -p /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain']);
+			$app->system->mkdirpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder);
+			$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root');
+			$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root');
+			$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,0755);
+			exec('mount --bind '.escapeshellarg('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain']).' '.escapeshellarg($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
+			//* add mountpoint to fstab
+			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].' '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind,nobootwait    0 0';
+			$app->system->replaceLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line,$fstab_line,1,1);
+		}
+		$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],true);
+		// Get the client ID
+		$client = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord('SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = '.intval($data['new']['sys_groupid']));
+		$client_id = intval($client['client_id']);
+		unset($client);
+		// Remove old symlinks, if site is renamed
+		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain']) {
+			$tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
+			if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
+				foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
+					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$client_id,$tmp_symlink);
+					$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['old']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
+					// Remove trailing slash
+					if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
+					// remove the symlinks, if not exist
+					if(is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
+						exec('rm -f '.escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
+						$app->log('Removed symlink: rm -f '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Create the symlinks for the sites
+		$tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
+		if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
+			foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
+				$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$client_id,$tmp_symlink);
+				$tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['new']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
+				// Remove trailing slash
+				if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
+				//* Remove symlink if target folder has been changed.
+				if($data['old']['document_root'] != '' && $data['old']['document_root'] != $data['new']['document_root'] && is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
+					$app->system->unlink($tmp_symlink);
+				}
+				// create the symlinks, if not exist
+				if(!is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
+//					exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($data["new"]["document_root"])."/ ".escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
+					if ($web_config["website_symlinks_rel"] == 'y') {
+						$this->create_relative_link(escapeshellcmd($data["new"]["document_root"]), escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
+					} else {
+						exec("ln -s ".escapeshellcmd($data["new"]["document_root"])."/ ".escapeshellcmd($tmp_symlink));
+					}
+					$app->log('Creating symlink: ln -s '.$data['new']['document_root'].'/ '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+        // Install the Standard or Custom Error, Index and other related files
+        // /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf is for the standard files
+        // /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom is for the custom files
+        // setting a local var here
+        // normally $conf['templates'] = "/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf";
+		if($this->action == 'insert' && ($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain')) {
+            // Copy the error pages
+			if($data['new']['errordocs']) {
+				$error_page_path = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/error/';
+				if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2))) {
+					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
+				}
+				else {
+					if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/400.html')) {
+						exec('cp '. $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/*.html '.$error_page_path);
+					}
+					else {
+						exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
+					}
+				}
+				exec('chmod -R a+r '.$error_page_path);
+			}
+			if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html_'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2))) {
+				exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html_'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/index.html');
+			if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/favicon.ico')) {
+                exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/favicon.ico '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
+            }
+			if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/robots.txt')) {
+                exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/robots.txt '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
+                }
+                if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/.htaccess')) {
+                    exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/.htaccess '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
+                }
+            }
+			else {
+				if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html')) {
+					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/index/standard_index.html '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/index.html');
+				}
+				else {
+					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/standard_index.html_'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/index.html');
+					if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/favicon.ico')) exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/favicon.ico '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
+					if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/robots.txt')) exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/robots.txt '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
+					if(is_file($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/.htaccess')) exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/index/.htaccess '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
+				}
+			}
+			exec('chmod -R a+r '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/');
+			//** Copy the error documents on update when the error document checkbox has been activated and was deactivated before
+		} elseif ($this->action == 'update' && ($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') && $data['old']['errordocs'] == 0 && $data['new']['errordocs'] == 1) {
+			$error_page_path = escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder . '/error/';
+			if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2))) {
+				exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
+			}
+			else {
+				if (file_exists($conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/400.html')) {
+					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf-custom/error/*.html '.$error_page_path);
+				}
+				else {
+					exec('cp ' . $conf['rootpath'] . '/conf/error/'.substr(escapeshellcmd($conf['language']),0,2).'/* '.$error_page_path);
+				}
+			}
+			exec('chmod -R a+r '.$error_page_path);
+			exec('chown -R '.$data['new']['system_user'].':'.$data['new']['system_group'].' '.$error_page_path);
+		}  // end copy error docs
+		// Set the quota for the user, but only for vhosts, not vhostsubdomains
+		if($username != '' && $app->system->is_user($username) && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') {
+			if($data['new']['hd_quota'] > 0) {
+				$blocks_soft = $data['new']['hd_quota'] * 1024;
+				$blocks_hard = $blocks_soft + 1024;
+			} else {
+				$blocks_soft = $blocks_hard = 0;
+			}
+			exec("setquota -u $username $blocks_soft $blocks_hard 0 0 -a &> /dev/null");
+			exec('setquota -T -u '.$username.' 604800 604800 -a &> /dev/null');
+		}
+		if($this->action == 'insert' || $data["new"]["system_user"] != $data["old"]["system_user"]) {
+			// Chown and chmod the directories below the document root
+			$this->_exec('chown -R '.$username.':'.$groupname.' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder);
+			// The document root itself has to be owned by root in normal level and by the web owner in security level 20
+			if($web_config['security_level'] == 20) {
+				$this->_exec('chown '.$username.':'.$groupname.' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder);
+			} else {
+				$this->_exec('chown root:root '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/' . $web_folder);
+			}
+		}
+		//* add the nginx user to the client group if this is a vhost and security level is set to high, no matter if this is an insert or update and regardless of set_folder_permissions_on_update
+		if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' && $web_config['security_level'] == 20) $app->system->add_user_to_group($groupname, escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_user']));
+		//* If the security level is set to high
+		if(($this->action == 'insert' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') or ($web_config['set_folder_permissions_on_update'] == 'y' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhost')) {
+			$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],false);
+			//* Check if we have the new private folder and create it if nescessary
+			if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root'].'/private')) $app->system->mkdir($data['new']['document_root'].'/private');
+			if($web_config['security_level'] == 20) {
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'],0755);
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',0710);
+				//$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',0710);
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',0710);
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl',0755);
+				// make tmp directory writable for nginx and the website users
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',0777);
+				// Set Log directory to 755 to make the logs accessible by the FTP user
+				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
+					$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,0755);
+				}
+				if($web_config['add_web_users_to_sshusers_group'] == 'y') {
+					$command = 'usermod';
+					$command .= ' --groups sshusers';
+					$command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['system_user']).' 2>/dev/null';
+					$this->_exec($command);
+				}
+				//* if we have a chrooted nginx environment
+				if($nginx_chrooted) {
+					$this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' '.$command);
+					//* add the nginx user to the client group in the chroot environment
+					$tmp_groupfile = $app->system->server_conf['group_datei'];
+					$app->system->server_conf['group_datei'] = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/etc/group';
+					$app->system->add_user_to_group($groupname, escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_user']));
+					$app->system->server_conf['group_datei'] = $tmp_groupfile;
+					unset($tmp_groupfile);
+				}
+				//* Chown all default directories
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$groupname);
+				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
+					$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root',false);
+					$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,$groupname,false);
+				}
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$groupname);
+				//$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$username);
+				//$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/private',$groupname);
+				// If the security Level is set to medium
+			} else {
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'],0755);
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',0755);
+				//$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',0755);
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl',0755);
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',0755);
+				// make temp directory writable for nginx and the website users
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',0777);
+				// Set Log directory to 755 to make the logs accessible by the FTP user
+				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
+					$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,0755);
+				}
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'],'root');
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/cgi-bin',$groupname);
+				if(realpath($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder . '/error.log') == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log') {
+					$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,'root',false);
+					$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder,$groupname,false);
+				}
+                $app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl','root');
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/tmp',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/error',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats',$groupname);
+				//$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$username);
+				//$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/webdav',$groupname);
+			}
+		} elseif(($this->action == 'insert' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') or ($web_config['set_folder_permissions_on_update'] == 'y' && $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain')) {
+			if($web_config['security_level'] == 20) {
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,0710);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$groupname);
+            } else {
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,0755);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder,$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/error',$groupname);
+				$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$username);
+				$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/stats',$groupname);
+            }
+        }
+		//* Protect web folders
+		$app->system->web_folder_protection($data['new']['document_root'],true);
+		if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') {
+            // Change the ownership of the error log to the root user
+            if(!@is_file('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log')) exec('touch '.escapeshellcmd('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log'));
+            $app->system->chown('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log','root');
+            $app->system->chgrp('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/error.log','root');
+        }
+		// Change the ownership of the error log to the owner of the website
+		/*
+		if(!@is_file($data['new']['document_root'].'/log/error.log')) exec('touch '.escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']).'/log/error.log');
+		$app->system->chown($data['new']['document_root'].'/log/error.log',$username);
+		$app->system->chgrp($data['new']['document_root'].'/log/error.log',$groupname);
+		*/
+		/*
+		//* Write the custom php.ini file, if custom_php_ini filed is not empty
+		$custom_php_ini_dir = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/conf/'.$data['new']['system_user'];
+		if(!is_dir($web_config['website_basedir'].'/conf')) mkdir($web_config['website_basedir'].'/conf');
+		if(trim($data['new']['custom_php_ini']) != '') {
+			$has_custom_php_ini = true;
+			if(!is_dir($custom_php_ini_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($custom_php_ini_dir);
+			$php_ini_content = '';
+			if($data['new']['php'] == 'mod') {
+				$master_php_ini_path = $web_config['php_ini_path_apache'];
+			} else {
+				if($data["new"]['php'] == 'fast-cgi' && file_exists($fastcgi_config["fastcgi_phpini_path"])) {
+					$master_php_ini_path = $fastcgi_config["fastcgi_phpini_path"];
+				} else {
+					$master_php_ini_path = $web_config['php_ini_path_cgi'];
+				}
+			}
+			if($master_php_ini_path != '' && substr($master_php_ini_path,-7) == 'php.ini' && is_file($master_php_ini_path)) {
+				$php_ini_content .= $app->system->file_get_contents($master_php_ini_path)."\n";
+			}
+			$php_ini_content .= str_replace("\r",'',trim($data['new']['custom_php_ini']));
+			$app->system->file_put_contents($custom_php_ini_dir.'/php.ini',$php_ini_content);
+		} else {
+			$has_custom_php_ini = false;
+			if(is_file($custom_php_ini_dir.'/php.ini')) $app->system->unlink($custom_php_ini_dir.'/php.ini');
+		}
+		*/
+		//* Create the vhost config file
+		$app->load('tpl');
+		$tpl = new tpl();
+		$tpl->newTemplate('nginx_vhost.conf.master');
+		$vhost_data = $data['new'];
+		//unset($vhost_data['ip_address']);
+		$vhost_data['web_document_root'] = $data['new']['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder;
+		$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/'.$data['new']['domain'].'/' . $web_folder;
+		$vhost_data['web_basedir'] = $web_config['website_basedir'];
+		// IPv6
+		if($data['new']['ipv6_address'] != ''){
+			$tpl->setVar('ipv6_enabled', 1);
+			if ($conf['serverconfig']['web']['vhost_rewrite_v6'] == 'y') {
+				if (isset($conf['serverconfig']['server']['v6_prefix']) && $conf['serverconfig']['server']['v6_prefix'] <> '') {
+					$explode_v6prefix=explode(':',$conf['serverconfig']['server']['v6_prefix']);
+					$explode_v6=explode(':',$data['new']['ipv6_address']);
+					for ( $i = 0; $i <= count($explode_v6prefix)-3; $i++ ) {
+				        $explode_v6[$i] = $explode_v6prefix[$i];
+					}
+					$data['new']['ipv6_address'] = implode(':',$explode_v6);
+					$vhost_data['ipv6_address'] = $data['new']['ipv6_address'];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// PHP-FPM
+		// Support for multiple PHP versions
+		/*
+		if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
+			$default_php_fpm = false;
+			list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
+			if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
+		} else {
+			$default_php_fpm = true;
+		}
+		*/
+		if($data['new']['php'] != 'no'){
+			if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
+				$default_php_fpm = false;
+				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
+				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
+			} else {
+				$default_php_fpm = true;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
+				$default_php_fpm = false;
+				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
+				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
+			} else {
+				$default_php_fpm = true;
+			}
+		}
+		if($default_php_fpm){
+			$pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
+		} else {
+			$pool_dir = $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir;
+		}
+		if(substr($pool_dir,-1) != '/') $pool_dir .= '/';
+		$pool_name = 'web'.$data['new']['domain_id'];
+		$socket_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_socket_dir']);
+		if(substr($socket_dir,-1) != '/') $socket_dir .= '/';
+		if($data['new']['php_fpm_use_socket'] == 'y'){
+			$use_tcp = 0;
+			$use_socket = 1;
+		} else {
+			$use_tcp = 1;
+			$use_socket = 0;
+		}
+		$tpl->setVar('use_tcp', $use_tcp);
+		$tpl->setVar('use_socket', $use_socket);
+		$fpm_socket = $socket_dir.$pool_name.'.sock';
+		$tpl->setVar('fpm_socket', $fpm_socket);
+		$tpl->setVar('rnd_php_dummy_file', '/'.md5(uniqid(microtime(),1)).'.htm');
+		$vhost_data['fpm_port'] = $web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] - 1;
+		// backwards compatibility; since ISPConfig 3.0.5, the PHP mode for nginx is called 'php-fpm' instead of 'fast-cgi'. The following line makes sure that old web sites that have 'fast-cgi' in the database still get PHP-FPM support.
+		if($vhost_data['php'] == 'fast-cgi') $vhost_data['php'] = 'php-fpm';
+		// Custom rewrite rules
+		/*
+		$final_rewrite_rules = array();
+		$custom_rewrite_rules = $data['new']['rewrite_rules'];
+		// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
+		$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
+		$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
+		$custom_rewrite_rule_lines = explode("\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
+		if(is_array($custom_rewrite_rule_lines) && !empty($custom_rewrite_rule_lines)){
+			foreach($custom_rewrite_rule_lines as $custom_rewrite_rule_line){
+				$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+			}
+		}
+		$tpl->setLoop('rewrite_rules', $final_rewrite_rules);
+		*/
+		// Custom rewrite rules
+		$final_rewrite_rules = array();
+		if(isset($data['new']['rewrite_rules']) && trim($data['new']['rewrite_rules']) != '') {
+			$custom_rewrite_rules = trim($data['new']['rewrite_rules']);
+			$custom_rewrites_are_valid = true;
+			// use this counter to make sure all curly brackets are properly closed
+			$if_level = 0;
+			// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
+			$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
+			$custom_rewrite_rules = str_replace("\r", "\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
+			$custom_rewrite_rule_lines = explode("\n", $custom_rewrite_rules);
+			if(is_array($custom_rewrite_rule_lines) && !empty($custom_rewrite_rule_lines)){
+				foreach($custom_rewrite_rule_lines as $custom_rewrite_rule_line){
+					// ignore comments
+					if(substr(ltrim($custom_rewrite_rule_line),0,1) == '#'){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						continue;
+					}
+					// empty lines
+					if(trim($custom_rewrite_rule_line) == ''){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						continue;
+					}
+					// rewrite
+					if(preg_match('@^\s*rewrite\s+(^/)?\S+(\$)?\s+\S+(\s+(last|break|redirect|permanent|))?\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						continue;
+					}
+					// if
+					if(preg_match('@^\s*if\s+\(\s*\$\S+(\s+(\!?(=|~|~\*))\s+(\S+|\".+\"))?\s*\)\s*\{\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						$if_level += 1;
+						continue;
+					}
+					// if - check for files, directories, etc.
+					if(preg_match('@^\s*if\s+\(\s*\!?-(f|d|e|x)\s+\S+\s*\)\s*\{\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						$if_level += 1;
+						continue;
+					}
+					// break
+					if(preg_match('@^\s*break\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						continue;
+					}
+					// return code [ text ]
+					if(preg_match('@^\s*return\s+\d\d\d.*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						continue;
+					}
+					// return code URL
+					// return URL
+					if(preg_match('@^\s*return(\s+\d\d\d)?\s+(http|https|ftp)\://([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+(\:[a-zA-Z0-9\.&%\$\-]+)*\@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])|localhost|([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(\:[0-9]+)*(/($|[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\?\'\\\+&%\$#\=~_\-]+))*\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						continue;
+					}
+					// set
+					if(preg_match('@^\s*set\s+\$\S+\s+\S+\s*;\s*$@', $custom_rewrite_rule_line)){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						continue;
+					}
+					// closing curly bracket
+					if(trim($custom_rewrite_rule_line) == '}'){
+						$final_rewrite_rules[] = array('rewrite_rule' => $custom_rewrite_rule_line);
+						$if_level -= 1;
+						continue;
+					}
+					$custom_rewrites_are_valid = false;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if(!$custom_rewrites_are_valid || $if_level != 0){
+				$final_rewrite_rules = array();
+			}
+		}
+		$tpl->setLoop('rewrite_rules', $final_rewrite_rules);
+		// Custom nginx directives
+		$final_nginx_directives = array();
+		$nginx_directives = $data['new']['nginx_directives'];
+		// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
+		$nginx_directives = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $nginx_directives);
+		$nginx_directives = str_replace("\r", "\n", $nginx_directives);
+		$nginx_directive_lines = explode("\n", $nginx_directives);
+		if(is_array($nginx_directive_lines) && !empty($nginx_directive_lines)){
+			foreach($nginx_directive_lines as $nginx_directive_line){
+				$final_nginx_directives[] = array('nginx_directive' => $nginx_directive_line);
+			}
+		}
+		$tpl->setLoop('nginx_directives', $final_nginx_directives);
+		// Check if a SSL cert exists
+		$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
+		$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
+		$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
+		$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
+		if($domain!='' && $data['new']['ssl'] == 'y' && @is_file($crt_file) && @is_file($key_file) && (@filesize($crt_file)>0)  && (@filesize($key_file)>0)) {
+			$vhost_data['ssl_enabled'] = 1;
+			$app->log('Enable SSL for: '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		} else {
+			$vhost_data['ssl_enabled'] = 0;
+			$app->log('SSL Disabled. '.$domain,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		// Set SEO Redirect
+		if($data['new']['seo_redirect'] != ''){
+			$vhost_data['seo_redirect_enabled'] = 1;
+			$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($data['new']);
+			if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
+				foreach($tmp_seo_redirects as $key => $val){
+					$vhost_data[$key] = $val;
+				}
+			} else {
+				$vhost_data['seo_redirect_enabled'] = 0;
+			}
+		} else {
+			$vhost_data['seo_redirect_enabled'] = 0;
+		}
+		// Rewrite rules
+		$own_rewrite_rules = array();
+		$rewrite_rules = array();
+		$local_rewrite_rules = array();
+		if($data['new']['redirect_type'] != '' && $data['new']['redirect_path'] != '') {
+			if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],-1) != '/') $data['new']['redirect_path'] .= '/';
+			if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,8) == '[scheme]'){
+				if($data['new']['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
+					$data['new']['redirect_path'] = '$scheme'.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],8);
+				} else {
+					$data['new']['redirect_path'] = 'http'.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],8);
+				}
+			}
+			// Custom proxy directives
+			if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' && trim($data['new']['proxy_directives'] != '')){
+				$final_proxy_directives = array();
+				$proxy_directives = $data['new']['proxy_directives'];
+				// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
+				$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $proxy_directives);
+				$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r", "\n", $proxy_directives);
+				$proxy_directive_lines = explode("\n", $proxy_directives);
+				if(is_array($proxy_directive_lines) && !empty($proxy_directive_lines)){
+					foreach($proxy_directive_lines as $proxy_directive_line){
+						$final_proxy_directives[] = array('proxy_directive' => $proxy_directive_line);
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				$final_proxy_directives = false;
+			}
+			switch($data['new']['subdomain']) {
+				case 'www':
+					$exclude_own_hostname = '';
+					if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/'){ // relative path
+						if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
+							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,-1);
+							break;
+						}
+						$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
+					} else { // URL - check if URL is local
+						$tmp_redirect_path = $data['new']['redirect_path'];
+						if(substr($tmp_redirect_path,0,7) == '$scheme') $tmp_redirect_path = 'http'.substr($tmp_redirect_path,7);
+						$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
+						if(($tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'] == $data['new']['domain'] || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'] == 'www.'.$data['new']['domain']) && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
+							// URL is local
+							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],-1) == '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,-1);
+							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,1) != '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = '/'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+							//$rewrite_exclude = '((?!'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'].'))';
+							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
+								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								break;
+							} else {
+								$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1).(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
+								$exclude_own_hostname = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'];
+							}
+						} else {
+							// external URL
+							$rewrite_exclude = '(.?)/';
+							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$vhost_data['use_proxy'] = 'y';
+								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
+								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
+							}
+						}
+						unset($tmp_redirect_path);
+						unset($tmp_redirect_path_parts);
+					}
+					$own_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> '^'.$this->_rewrite_quote($data['new']['domain']),
+						'rewrite_type' 		=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$data['new']['redirect_type'],
+						'rewrite_target' 	=> $data['new']['redirect_path'],
+						'rewrite_exclude'	=> $rewrite_exclude,
+						'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
+						'exclude_own_hostname' => $exclude_own_hostname,
+						'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
+						'use_rewrite'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
+						'use_proxy'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false));
+					break;
+				case '*':
+					$exclude_own_hostname = '';
+					if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/'){ // relative path
+						if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
+							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,-1);
+							break;
+						}
+						$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
+					} else { // URL - check if URL is local
+						$tmp_redirect_path = $data['new']['redirect_path'];
+						if(substr($tmp_redirect_path,0,7) == '$scheme') $tmp_redirect_path = 'http'.substr($tmp_redirect_path,7);
+						$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
+						//if($is_serveralias && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
+						if($this->url_is_local($tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'], $data['new']['domain_id']) && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
+							// URL is local
+							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],-1) == '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,-1);
+							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,1) != '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = '/'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+							//$rewrite_exclude = '((?!'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'].'))';
+							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
+								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								break;
+							} else {
+								$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1).(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
+								$exclude_own_hostname = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'];
+							}
+						} else {
+							// external URL
+							$rewrite_exclude = '(.?)/';
+							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$vhost_data['use_proxy'] = 'y';
+								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
+								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
+							}
+						}
+						unset($tmp_redirect_path);
+						unset($tmp_redirect_path_parts);
+					}
+					$own_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> '(^|\.)'.$this->_rewrite_quote($data['new']['domain']),
+						'rewrite_type' 		=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$data['new']['redirect_type'],
+						'rewrite_target' 	=> $data['new']['redirect_path'],
+						'rewrite_exclude'	=> $rewrite_exclude,
+						'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
+						'exclude_own_hostname' => $exclude_own_hostname,
+						'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
+						'use_rewrite'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
+						'use_proxy'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false));
+					break;
+				default:
+					if(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/'){ // relative path
+						$exclude_own_hostname = '';
+						if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
+							$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],0,-1);
+							break;
+						}
+						$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($data['new']['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
+					} else { // URL - check if URL is local
+						$tmp_redirect_path = $data['new']['redirect_path'];
+						if(substr($tmp_redirect_path,0,7) == '$scheme') $tmp_redirect_path = 'http'.substr($tmp_redirect_path,7);
+						$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
+						if($tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'] == $data['new']['domain'] && ($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '80' || $tmp_redirect_path_parts['port'] == '443' || !isset($tmp_redirect_path_parts['port']))){
+							// URL is local
+							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],-1) == '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,-1);
+							if(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],0,1) != '/') $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'] = '/'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+							//$rewrite_exclude = '((?!'.$tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'].'))';
+							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www_proxy'] = 'root '.$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'].';';
+								$vhost_data['web_document_root_www'] .= $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								break;
+							} else {
+								$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1).(substr($tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'],1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
+								$exclude_own_hostname = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['host'];
+							}
+						} else {
+							// external URL
+							$rewrite_exclude = '(.?)/';
+							if($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$vhost_data['use_proxy'] = 'y';
+								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
+								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
+							}
+						}
+						unset($tmp_redirect_path);
+						unset($tmp_redirect_path_parts);
+					}
+					$own_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> '^'.$this->_rewrite_quote($data['new']['domain']),
+						'rewrite_type' 		=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$data['new']['redirect_type'],
+						'rewrite_target' 	=> $data['new']['redirect_path'],
+						'rewrite_exclude'	=> $rewrite_exclude,
+						'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
+						'exclude_own_hostname' => $exclude_own_hostname,
+						'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
+						'use_rewrite'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
+						'use_proxy'	=> ($data['new']['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false));
+			}
+		}
+		$tpl->setVar($vhost_data);
+		$server_alias = array();
+		// get autoalias
+		$auto_alias = $web_config['website_autoalias'];
+		if($auto_alias != '') {
+			// get the client username
+			$client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `username` FROM `client` WHERE `client_id` = '" . intval($client_id) . "'");
+			$aa_search = array('[client_id]', '[website_id]', '[client_username]', '[website_domain]');
+			$aa_replace = array($client_id, $data['new']['domain_id'], $client['username'], $data['new']['domain']);
+			$auto_alias = str_replace($aa_search, $aa_replace, $auto_alias);
+			unset($client);
+			unset($aa_search);
+			unset($aa_replace);
+			$server_alias[] .= $auto_alias.' ';
+		}
+		switch($data['new']['subdomain']) {
+			case 'www':
+				$server_alias[] = 'www.'.$data['new']['domain'].' ';
+				break;
+			case '*':
+				$server_alias[] = '*.'.$data['new']['domain'].' ';
+				break;
+		}
+		// get alias domains (co-domains and subdomains)
+		$aliases = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE parent_domain_id = '.$data['new']['domain_id']." AND active = 'y' AND type != 'vhostsubdomain'");
+		$alias_seo_redirects = array();
+		if(is_array($aliases)) {
+			foreach($aliases as $alias) {
+				// Custom proxy directives
+				if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' && trim($alias['proxy_directives'] != '')){
+					$final_proxy_directives = array();
+					$proxy_directives = $alias['proxy_directives'];
+					// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
+					$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $proxy_directives);
+					$proxy_directives = str_replace("\r", "\n", $proxy_directives);
+					$proxy_directive_lines = explode("\n", $proxy_directives);
+					if(is_array($proxy_directive_lines) && !empty($proxy_directive_lines)){
+						foreach($proxy_directive_lines as $proxy_directive_line){
+							$final_proxy_directives[] = array('proxy_directive' => $proxy_directive_line);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					$final_proxy_directives = false;
+				}
+				if($alias['redirect_type'] == '' || $alias['redirect_path'] == '' || substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/') {
+					switch($alias['subdomain']) {
+						case 'www':
+							$server_alias[] = 'www.'.$alias['domain'].' '.$alias['domain'].' ';
+							break;
+						case '*':
+							$server_alias[] = '*.'.$alias['domain'].' '.$alias['domain'].' ';
+							break;
+						default:
+							$server_alias[] = $alias['domain'].' ';
+							break;
+					}
+					$app->log('Add server alias: '.$alias['domain'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+					// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
+					if($alias['seo_redirect'] != '' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_to_www_domain_tld' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_to_domain_tld' && ($alias['type'] == 'alias' || ($alias['type'] == 'subdomain' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_domain_tld_to_www_domain_tld' && $data['new']['seo_redirect'] != '*_domain_tld_to_domain_tld'))){
+						$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_');
+						if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
+							$alias_seo_redirects[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				// Local Rewriting (inside vhost server {} container)
+				if($alias['redirect_type'] != '' && substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,1) == '/' && $alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy') {  // proxy makes no sense with local path
+					if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) != '/') $alias['redirect_path'] .= '/';
+					$rewrite_exclude = '(?!/\b('.substr($alias['redirect_path'],1,-1).(substr($alias['redirect_path'],1,-1) != ''? '|': '').'stats'.($vhost_data['errordocs'] == 1 ? '|error' : '').')\b)/';
+					switch($alias['subdomain']) {
+						case 'www':
+							//
+							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'],
+								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '=',
+								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
+								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
+							//
+							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> 'www.'.$alias['domain'],
+								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '=',
+								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
+								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
+							break;
+						case '*':
+							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> '^('.str_replace('.', '\.', $alias['domain']).'|.+\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $alias['domain']).')$',
+								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '~*',
+								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
+								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
+							break;
+						default:
+							$local_rewrite_rules[] = array(	'local_redirect_origin_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'],
+								'local_redirect_operator'	=> '=',
+								'local_redirect_exclude' => $rewrite_exclude,
+								'local_redirect_target' => $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'local_redirect_type' => ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type']);
+					}
+				}
+				// External Rewriting (extra server {} containers)
+				if($alias['redirect_type'] != '' && $alias['redirect_path'] != '' && substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,1) != '/') {
+					if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) != '/') $alias['redirect_path'] .= '/';
+					if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,8) == '[scheme]'){
+						if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
+							$alias['redirect_path'] = '$scheme'.substr($alias['redirect_path'],8);
+						} else {
+							$alias['redirect_path'] = 'http'.substr($alias['redirect_path'],8);
+						}
+					}
+					switch($alias['subdomain']) {
+						case 'www':
+							if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$tmp_redirect_path = $alias['redirect_path'];
+								$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
+								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
+								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
+							}
+							if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
+								if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) == '/') $alias['redirect_path'] = substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,-1);
+							}
+							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
+							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
+							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
+								$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_', 'none');
+								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
+									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
+								}
+							}
+							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'],
+								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
+								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
+								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
+								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
+								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
+								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
+							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
+							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
+							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
+								$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_', 'www');
+								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
+									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
+								}
+							}
+							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> 'www.'.$alias['domain'],
+								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
+								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
+								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
+								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
+								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
+								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
+							break;
+						case '*':
+							if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$tmp_redirect_path = $alias['redirect_path'];
+								$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
+								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
+								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
+							}
+							if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
+								if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) == '/') $alias['redirect_path'] = substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,-1);
+							}
+							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
+							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
+							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
+								$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_');
+								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
+									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
+								}
+							}
+							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> $alias['domain'].' *.'.$alias['domain'],
+								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
+								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
+								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
+								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
+								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
+								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
+							break;
+						default:
+							if($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy'){
+								$tmp_redirect_path = $alias['redirect_path'];
+								$tmp_redirect_path_parts = parse_url($tmp_redirect_path);
+								$rewrite_subdir = $tmp_redirect_path_parts['path'];
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,0,1) == '/') $rewrite_subdir = substr($rewrite_subdir,1);
+								if(substr($rewrite_subdir,-1) != '/') $rewrite_subdir .= '/';
+								if($rewrite_subdir == '/') $rewrite_subdir = '';
+							}
+							if($alias['redirect_type'] != 'proxy'){
+								if(substr($alias['redirect_path'],-1) == '/') $alias['redirect_path'] = substr($alias['redirect_path'],0,-1);
+							}
+                            if(substr($alias['domain'], 0, 2) === '*.') $domain_rule = '*.'.substr($alias['domain'], 2);
+                            else $domain_rule = $alias['domain'];
+							// Add SEO redirects for alias domains
+							$alias_seo_redirects2 = array();
+							if($alias['seo_redirect'] != ''){
+								if(substr($alias['domain'], 0, 2) === '*.'){
+									$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_');
+								} else {
+									$tmp_seo_redirects = $this->get_seo_redirects($alias, 'alias_', 'none');
+								}
+								if(is_array($tmp_seo_redirects) && !empty($tmp_seo_redirects)){
+									$alias_seo_redirects2[] = $tmp_seo_redirects;
+								}
+							}
+							$rewrite_rules[] = array(	'rewrite_domain' 	=> $domain_rule,
+								'rewrite_type' 		=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'no')?'':$alias['redirect_type'],
+								'rewrite_target' 	=> $alias['redirect_path'],
+								'rewrite_subdir'	=> $rewrite_subdir,
+								'proxy_directives'	=> $final_proxy_directives,
+								'use_rewrite'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? false:true),
+								'use_proxy'	=> ($alias['redirect_type'] == 'proxy' ? true:false),
+								'alias_seo_redirects2' => (count($alias_seo_redirects2) > 0 ? $alias_seo_redirects2 : false));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//* If we have some alias records
+		if(count($server_alias) > 0) {
+			$server_alias_str = '';
+			$n = 0;
+			foreach($server_alias as $tmp_alias) {
+				$server_alias_str .= $tmp_alias;
+			}
+			unset($tmp_alias);
+			$tpl->setVar('alias',trim($server_alias_str));
+		} else {
+			$tpl->setVar('alias','');
+		}
+		if(count($rewrite_rules) > 0) {
+			$tpl->setLoop('redirects',$rewrite_rules);
+		}
+		if(count($own_rewrite_rules) > 0) {
+			$tpl->setLoop('own_redirects',$own_rewrite_rules);
+		}
+		if(count($local_rewrite_rules) > 0) {
+			$tpl->setLoop('local_redirects',$local_rewrite_rules);
+		}
+		if(count($alias_seo_redirects) > 0) {
+			$tpl->setLoop('alias_seo_redirects',$alias_seo_redirects);
+		}
+		//* Create basic http auth for website statistics
+		$tpl->setVar('stats_auth_passwd_file', $data['new']['document_root']."/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats");
+		// Create basic http auth for other directories
+		$basic_auth_locations = $this->_create_web_folder_auth_configuration($data['new']);
+		if(is_array($basic_auth_locations) && !empty($basic_auth_locations)) $tpl->setLoop('basic_auth_locations', $basic_auth_locations);
+		$vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
+		//* Make a backup copy of vhost file
+		if(file_exists($vhost_file)) copy($vhost_file,$vhost_file.'~');
+		//* Write vhost file
+		$app->system->file_put_contents($vhost_file,$this->nginx_merge_locations($tpl->grab()));
+		$app->log('Writing the vhost file: '.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		unset($tpl);
+		//* Set the symlink to enable the vhost
+		//* First we check if there is a old type of symlink and remove it
+		$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
+		if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) unlink($vhost_symlink);
+		//* Remove old or changed symlinks
+		if($data['new']['subdomain'] != $data['old']['subdomain'] or $data['new']['active'] == 'n') {
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+		}
+		//* New symlink
+		if($data['new']['subdomain'] == '*') {
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
+		} else {
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['new']['domain'].'.vhost');
+		}
+		if($data['new']['active'] == 'y' && !is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
+			symlink($vhost_file,$vhost_symlink);
+			$app->log('Creating symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		// remove old symlink and vhost file, if domain name of the site has changed
+		if($this->action == 'update' && $data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain']) {
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)) {
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			$vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			$app->system->unlink($vhost_file);
+			$app->log('Removing file: '.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		// create password file for stats directory
+		if(!is_file($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats') || $data['new']['stats_password'] != $data['old']['stats_password']) {
+			if(trim($data['new']['stats_password']) != '') {
+				$htp_file = 'admin:'.trim($data['new']['stats_password']);
+				$app->system->file_put_contents($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats',$htp_file);
+				$app->system->chmod($data['new']['document_root'].'/web/stats/.htpasswd_stats',0755);
+				unset($htp_file);
+			}
+		}
+		//* Create awstats configuration
+		if($data['new']['stats_type'] == 'awstats' && ($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['new']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain')) {
+			$this->awstats_update($data,$web_config);
+		}
+		$this->php_fpm_pool_update($data,$web_config,$pool_dir,$pool_name,$socket_dir);
+		if($web_config['check_apache_config'] == 'y') {
+			//* Test if nginx starts with the new configuration file
+			$nginx_online_status_before_restart = $this->_checkTcp('localhost',80);
+			$app->log('nginx status is: '.($nginx_online_status_before_restart === true? 'running' : 'down'),LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			$retval = $app->services->restartService('httpd','restart'); // $retval['retval'] is 0 on success and > 0 on failure
+			$app->log('nginx restart return value is: '.$retval['retval'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			// wait a few seconds, before we test the apache status again
+			sleep(2);
+			//* Check if nginx restarted successfully if it was online before
+			$nginx_online_status_after_restart = $this->_checkTcp('localhost',80);
+			$app->log('nginx online status after restart is: '.($nginx_online_status_after_restart === true? 'running' : 'down'),LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			if($nginx_online_status_before_restart && !$nginx_online_status_after_restart || $retval['retval'] > 0) { 
+				$app->log('nginx did not restart after the configuration change for website '.$data['new']['domain'].'. Reverting the configuration. Saved non-working config as '.$vhost_file.'.err',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+				if(is_array($retval['output']) && !empty($retval['output'])){
+					$app->log('Reason for nginx restart failure: '.implode("\n", $retval['output']),LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+					$app->dbmaster->datalogError(implode("\n", $retval['output']));
+				} else {
+					// if no output is given, check again
+					exec('nginx -t 2>&1', $tmp_output, $tmp_retval);
+					if($tmp_retval > 0 && is_array($tmp_output) && !empty($tmp_output)){
+						$app->log('Reason for nginx restart failure: '.implode("\n", $tmp_output),LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+						$app->dbmaster->datalogError(implode("\n", $tmp_output));
+					}
+					unset($tmp_output, $tmp_retval);
+				}
+				$app->system->copy($vhost_file,$vhost_file.'.err');
+				if(is_file($vhost_file.'~')) {
+					//* Copy back the last backup file
+					$app->system->copy($vhost_file.'~',$vhost_file);
+				} else {
+					//* There is no backup file, so we create a empty vhost file with a warning message inside
+					$app->system->file_put_contents($vhost_file,"# nginx did not start after modifying this vhost file.\n# Please check file $vhost_file.err for syntax errors.");
+				}
+				if($this->ssl_certificate_changed === true) {
+					$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
+					$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
+					$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
+					$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
+					$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
+					$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
+					//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle';
+					//* Backup the files that might have caused the error
+					if(is_file($key_file)){
+						$app->system->copy($key_file,$key_file.'.err');
+						$app->system->chmod($key_file.'.err',0400);
+					}
+					if(is_file($key_file2)){
+						$app->system->copy($key_file2,$key_file2.'.err');
+						$app->system->chmod($key_file2.'.err',0400);
+					}
+					if(is_file($csr_file)) $app->system->copy($csr_file,$csr_file.'.err');
+					if(is_file($crt_file)) $app->system->copy($crt_file,$crt_file.'.err');
+					//if(is_file($bundle_file)) $app->system->copy($bundle_file,$bundle_file.'.err');
+					//* Restore the ~ backup files
+					if(is_file($key_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($key_file.'~',$key_file);
+					if(is_file($key_file2.'~')) $app->system->copy($key_file2.'~',$key_file2);
+					if(is_file($crt_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($crt_file.'~',$crt_file);
+					if(is_file($csr_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($csr_file.'~',$csr_file);
+					//if(is_file($bundle_file.'~')) $app->system->copy($bundle_file.'~',$bundle_file);
+					$app->log('nginx did not restart after the configuration change for website '.$data['new']['domain'].' Reverting the SSL configuration. Saved non-working SSL files with .err extension.',LOGLEVEL_WARN);
+				}
+				$app->services->restartService('httpd','restart');
+			}
+		} else {
+			//* We do not check the nginx config after changes (is faster)
+			$app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd','reload');
+		}
+		//* The vhost is written and apache has been restarted, so we 
+		// can reset the ssl changed var to false and cleanup some files
+		$this->ssl_certificate_changed = false;
+		$ssl_dir = $data['new']['document_root'].'/ssl';
+		$domain = $data['new']['ssl_domain'];
+		$key_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'';
+		$key_file2 = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.key';
+		$csr_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.csr';
+		$crt_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.crt';
+		//$bundle_file = $ssl_dir.'/'.$domain.'.bundle';
+		if(@is_file($key_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($key_file.'~');
+		if(@is_file($key2_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($key2_file.'~');
+		if(@is_file($crt_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($crt_file.'~');
+		if(@is_file($csr_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($csr_file.'~');
+		//if(@is_file($bundle_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($bundle_file.'~');
+		// Remove the backup copy of the config file.
+		if(@is_file($vhost_file.'~')) $app->system->unlink($vhost_file.'~');
+		//* Unset action to clean it for next processed vhost.
+		$this->action = '';
+	}
+	function delete($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		// load the server configuration options
+		$app->uses('getconf');
+		$app->uses('system');
+		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
+		if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $app->system->web_folder_protection($data['old']['document_root'],false);
+		//* Check if this is a chrooted setup
+		if($web_config['website_basedir'] != '' && @is_file($web_config['website_basedir'].'/etc/passwd')) {
+			$nginx_chrooted = true;
+		} else {
+			$nginx_chrooted = false;
+		}
+		//* Remove the mounts
+		$log_folder = 'log';
+        $web_folder = '';
+        if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') {
+            $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT `domain`,`document_root` FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id']));
+			if($tmp['domain'] != ''){
+				$subdomain_host = preg_replace('/^(.*)\.' . preg_quote($tmp['domain'], '/') . '$/', '$1', $data['old']['domain']);
+			} else {
+				// get log folder from /etc/fstab
+				/*
+				$bind_mounts = $app->system->file_get_contents('/etc/fstab');
+				$bind_mount_lines = explode("\n", $bind_mounts);
+				if(is_array($bind_mount_lines) && !empty($bind_mount_lines)){
+					foreach($bind_mount_lines as $bind_mount_line){
+						$bind_mount_line = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $bind_mount_line);
+						$bind_mount_parts = explode(' ', $bind_mount_line);
+						if(is_array($bind_mount_parts) && !empty($bind_mount_parts)){
+							if($bind_mount_parts[0] == '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'] && $bind_mount_parts[2] == 'none' && strpos($bind_mount_parts[3], 'bind') !== false){
+								$subdomain_host = str_replace($data['old']['document_root'].'/log/', '', $bind_mount_parts[1]);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				*/
+				// we are deleting the parent domain, so we can delete everything in the log directory
+				$subdomain_hosts = array();
+				$files = array_diff(scandir($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder), array('.','..'));
+				if(is_array($files) && !empty($files)){
+					foreach($files as $file){
+						if(is_dir($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'/'.$file)){
+							$subdomain_hosts[] = $file;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(is_array($subdomain_hosts) && !empty($subdomain_hosts)){
+				$log_folders = array();
+				foreach($subdomain_hosts as $subdomain_host){
+					$log_folders[] = $log_folder.'/'.$subdomain_host;
+				}
+			} else {
+				if($subdomain_host == '') $subdomain_host = 'web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
+				$log_folder .= '/' . $subdomain_host;
+			}
+			$web_folder = $data['old']['web_folder'];
+            unset($tmp);
+			unset($subdomain_hosts);
+		}
+		if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain'){
+			if(is_array($log_folders) && !empty($log_folders)){
+				foreach($log_folders as $log_folder){
+					//if($app->system->is_mounted($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
+					exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder).' 2>/dev/null');
+				}
+			} else {
+				//if($app->system->is_mounted($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder)) exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder));
+				exec('umount '.escapeshellarg($data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder).' 2>/dev/null');
+			}
+		}
+		//* remove mountpoint from fstab
+		if(is_array($log_folders) && !empty($log_folders)){
+			foreach($log_folders as $log_folder){
+				$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
+				$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
+			}
+		} else {
+			$fstab_line = '/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain'].' '.$data['old']['document_root'].'/'.$log_folder.'    none    bind';
+			$app->system->removeLine('/etc/fstab',$fstab_line);
+		}
+		unset($log_folders);
+		if($data['old']['type'] != 'vhost' && $data['old']['type'] != 'vhostsubdomain' && $data['old']['parent_domain_id'] > 0) {
+			//* This is a alias domain or subdomain, so we have to update the website instead
+			$parent_domain_id = intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id']);
+			$tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = '.$parent_domain_id." AND active = 'y'");
+			$data['new'] = $tmp;
+			$data['old'] = $tmp;
+			$this->action = 'update';
+			// just run the update function
+			$this->update($event_name,$data);
+		} else {
+			//* This is a website
+			// Deleting the vhost file, symlink and the data directory			
+			$vhost_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)){
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/900-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)){
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			$vhost_symlink = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_enabled_dir'].'/100-'.$data['old']['domain'].'.vhost');
+			if(is_link($vhost_symlink)){
+				$app->system->unlink($vhost_symlink);
+				$app->log('Removing symlink: '.$vhost_symlink.'->'.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			$app->system->unlink($vhost_file);
+			$app->log('Removing vhost file: '.$vhost_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+            if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost' || $data['old']['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') {
+                $docroot = escapeshellcmd($data['old']['document_root']);
+                if($docroot != '' && !stristr($docroot,'..')) {
+                    if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
+                        // this is a vhost - we delete everything in here.
+                        exec('rm -rf '.$docroot);
+                    } elseif(!stristr($data['old']['web_folder'], '..')) {
+                        // this is a vhost subdomain
+                        // IMPORTANT: do some folder checks before we delete this!
+                        $do_delete = true;
+                        $delete_folder = preg_replace('/[\/]{2,}/', '/', $web_folder); // replace / occuring multiple times
+                        if(substr($delete_folder, 0, 1) === '/') $delete_folder = substr($delete_folder, 1);
+                        if(substr($delete_folder, -1) === '/') $delete_folder = substr($delete_folder, 0, -1);
+                        $path_elements = explode('/', $delete_folder);
+                        if($path_elements[0] == 'web' || $path_elements[0] === '') {
+                            // paths beginning with /web should NEVER EVER be deleted, empty paths should NEVER occur - but for safety reasons we check it here!
+                            // we use strict check as otherwise directories named '0' may not be deleted
+                            $do_delete = false;
+                        } else {
+                            // read all vhost subdomains with same parent domain
+                            $used_paths = array();
+                            $tmp = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT `web_folder` FROM web_domain WHERE type = 'vhostsubdomain' AND parent_domain_id = ".intval($data['old']['parent_domain_id'])." AND domain_id != ".intval($data['old']['domain_id']));
+                            foreach($tmp as $tmprec) {
+                                // we normalize the folder entries because we need to compare them
+                                $tmp_folder = preg_replace('/[\/]{2,}/', '/', $tmprec['web_folder']); // replace / occuring multiple times
+                                if(substr($tmp_folder, 0, 1) === '/') $tmp_folder = substr($tmp_folder, 1);
+                                if(substr($tmp_folder, -1) === '/') $tmp_folder = substr($tmp_folder, 0, -1);
+                                // add this path and it's parent paths to used_paths array
+                                while(strpos($tmp_folder, '/') !== false) {
+                                    if(in_array($tmp_folder, $used_paths) == false) $used_paths[] = $tmp_folder;
+                                    $tmp_folder = substr($tmp_folder, 0, strrpos($tmp_folder, '/'));
+                                }
+                                if(in_array($tmp_folder, $used_paths) == false) $used_paths[] = $tmp_folder;
+                            }
+                            unset($tmp);
+                            // loop and check if the path is still used and stop at first used one
+                            // set do_delete to false so nothing gets deleted if the web_folder itself is still used
+                            $do_delete = false;
+                            while(count($path_elements) > 0) {
+                                $tmp_folder = implode('/', $path_elements);
+                                if(in_array($tmp_folder, $used_paths) == true) break;
+                                // this path is not used - set it as path to delete, strip the last element from the array and set do_delete to true
+                                $delete_folder = $tmp_folder;
+                                $do_delete = true;
+                                array_pop($path_elements);
+                            }
+                            unset($tmp_folder);
+                            unset($used_paths);
+                        }
+                        if($do_delete === true && $delete_folder !== '') exec('rm -rf '.$docroot.'/'.$delete_folder);
+                        unset($delete_folder);
+                        unset($path_elements);
+                    }
+                }
+                //remove the php fastgi starter script if available
+                if ($data['old']['php'] == 'fast-cgi') {
+					$this->php_fpm_pool_delete($data,$web_config);
+                    $fastcgi_starter_path = str_replace('[system_user]',$data['old']['system_user'],$web_config['fastcgi_starter_path']);
+                    if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
+                        if (is_dir($fastcgi_starter_path)) {
+                            exec('rm -rf '.$fastcgi_starter_path);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $fcgi_starter_script = $fastcgi_starter_path.$web_config['fastcgi_starter_script'].'_web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
+                        if (file_exists($fcgi_starter_script)) {
+                            exec('rm -f '.$fcgi_starter_script);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // remove PHP-FPM pool
+                if ($data['old']['php'] == 'php-fpm') {
+                    $this->php_fpm_pool_delete($data,$web_config);
+                }
+                //remove the php cgi starter script if available
+                if ($data['old']['php'] == 'cgi') {
+                    // TODO: fetch the date from the server-settings
+                    $web_config['cgi_starter_path'] = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/php-cgi-scripts/[system_user]/';
+                    $cgi_starter_path = str_replace('[system_user]',$data['old']['system_user'],$web_config['cgi_starter_path']);
+                    if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
+                        if (is_dir($cgi_starter_path)) {
+                            exec('rm -rf '.$cgi_starter_path);
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        $cgi_starter_script = $cgi_starter_path.'php-cgi-starter_web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
+                        if (file_exists($cgi_starter_script)) {
+                            exec('rm -f '.$cgi_starter_script);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                $app->log('Removing website: '.$docroot,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+                // Delete the symlinks for the sites
+                $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = '.intval($data['old']['sys_groupid']));
+                $client_id = intval($client['client_id']);
+                unset($client);
+                $tmp_symlinks_array = explode(':',$web_config['website_symlinks']);
+                if(is_array($tmp_symlinks_array)) {
+                    foreach($tmp_symlinks_array as $tmp_symlink) {
+                        $tmp_symlink = str_replace('[client_id]',$client_id,$tmp_symlink);
+                        $tmp_symlink = str_replace('[website_domain]',$data['old']['domain'],$tmp_symlink);
+                        // Remove trailing slash
+                        if(substr($tmp_symlink, -1, 1) == '/') $tmp_symlink = substr($tmp_symlink, 0, -1);
+                        // create the symlinks, if not exist
+                        if(is_link($tmp_symlink)) {
+                            $app->system->unlink($tmp_symlink);
+                            $app->log('Removing symlink: '.$tmp_symlink,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // end removing symlinks
+            } else {
+                // vhost subdomain
+            }
+            // Delete the log file directory
+            $vhost_logfile_dir = escapeshellcmd('/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/'.$data['old']['domain']);
+            if($data['old']['domain'] != '' && !stristr($vhost_logfile_dir,'..')) exec('rm -rf '.$vhost_logfile_dir);
+            $app->log('Removing website logfile directory: '.$vhost_logfile_dir,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+            if($data['old']['type'] == 'vhost') {
+                //delete the web user
+                $command = 'killall -u '.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_user']).' ; userdel';
+                $command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($data['old']['system_user']);
+                exec($command);
+                if($nginx_chrooted) $this->_exec('chroot '.escapeshellcmd($web_config['website_basedir']).' '.$command);
+            }
+            //* Remove the awstats configuration file
+            if($data['old']['stats_type'] == 'awstats') {
+                $this->awstats_delete($data,$web_config);
+			}
+			$app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd','reload');
+		}
+		if($data['old']['type'] != 'vhost') $app->system->web_folder_protection($data['old']['document_root'],true);
+	}
+	//* This function is called when a IP on the server is inserted, updated or deleted
+	function server_ip($event_name,$data) {
+		return;
+	}
+	//* Create or update the .htaccess folder protection
+	function web_folder_user($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		$app->uses('system');
+		if($event_name == 'web_folder_user_delete') {
+			$folder_id = $data['old']['web_folder_id'];
+		} else {
+			$folder_id = $data['new']['web_folder_id'];
+		}
+		$folder = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_folder WHERE web_folder_id = ".intval($folder_id));
+		$website = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".intval($folder['parent_domain_id']));
+		if(!is_array($folder) or !is_array($website)) {
+			$app->log('Not able to retrieve folder or website record.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+        $web_folder = 'web';
+        if($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $web_folder = $website['web_folder'];
+		//* Get the folder path.
+		if(substr($folder['path'],0,1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],1);
+		if(substr($folder['path'],-1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],0,-1);
+		$folder_path = escapeshellcmd($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$folder['path']);
+		if(substr($folder_path,-1) != '/') $folder_path .= '/';
+		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
+		if(stristr($folder_path,'..') || stristr($folder_path,'./') || stristr($folder_path,'\\')) {
+			$app->log('Folder path "'.$folder_path.'" contains .. or ./.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+		//* Create the folder path, if it does not exist
+		if(!is_dir($folder_path)) {
+			$app->system->mkdirpath($folder_path);
+			$app->system->chown($folder_path,$website['system_user']);
+			$app->system->chgrp($folder_path,$website['system_group']);
+		}
+		//* Create empty .htpasswd file, if it does not exist
+		if(!is_file($folder_path.'.htpasswd')) {
+			touch($folder_path.'.htpasswd');
+			$app->system->chmod($folder_path.'.htpasswd',0755);
+			$app->system->chown($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$website['system_user']);
+			$app->system->chgrp($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$website['system_group']);
+			$app->log('Created file '.$folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		/*
+		$auth_users = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_folder_user WHERE active = 'y' AND web_folder_id = ".intval($folder_id));
+		$htpasswd_content = '';
+		if(is_array($auth_users) && !empty($auth_users)){
+			foreach($auth_users as $auth_user){
+				$htpasswd_content .= $auth_user['username'].':'.$auth_user['password']."\n";
+			}
+		}
+		$htpasswd_content = trim($htpasswd_content);
+		@file_put_contents($folder_path.'.htpasswd', $htpasswd_content);
+		$app->log('Changed .htpasswd file: '.$folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		*/
+		if(($data['new']['username'] != $data['old']['username'] || $data['new']['active'] == 'n') && $data['old']['username'] != '') {
+			$app->system->removeLine($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$data['old']['username'].':');
+			$app->log('Removed user: '.$data['old']['username'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		//* Add or remove the user from .htpasswd file
+		if($event_name == 'web_folder_user_delete') {
+			$app->system->removeLine($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$data['old']['username'].':');
+			$app->log('Removed user: '.$data['old']['username'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		} else {
+			if($data['new']['active'] == 'y') {
+				$app->system->replaceLine($folder_path.'.htpasswd',$data['new']['username'].':',$data['new']['username'].':'.$data['new']['password'],0,1);
+				$app->log('Added or updated user: '.$data['new']['username'],LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+		}
+		// write basic auth configuration to vhost file because nginx does not support .htaccess
+		$webdata['new'] = $webdata['old'] = $website;
+		$this->update('web_domain_update', $webdata);
+	}
+	//* Remove .htpasswd file, when folder protection is removed
+	function web_folder_delete($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		$folder_id = $data['old']['web_folder_id'];
+		$folder = $data['old'];
+		$website = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".intval($folder['parent_domain_id']));
+		if(!is_array($folder) or !is_array($website)) {
+			$app->log('Not able to retrieve folder or website record.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+        $web_folder = 'web';
+        if($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $web_folder = $website['web_folder'];
+		//* Get the folder path.
+		if(substr($folder['path'],0,1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],1);
+		if(substr($folder['path'],-1) == '/') $folder['path'] = substr($folder['path'],0,-1);
+		$folder_path = realpath($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$folder['path']);
+		if(substr($folder_path,-1) != '/') $folder_path .= '/';
+		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
+		if(substr($folder_path,0,strlen($website['document_root'])) != $website['document_root']) {
+			$app->log('Folder path is outside of docroot.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+		//* Remove .htpasswd file
+		if(is_file($folder_path.'.htpasswd')) {
+			$app->system->unlink($folder_path.'.htpasswd');
+			$app->log('Removed file '.$folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		// write basic auth configuration to vhost file because nginx does not support .htaccess
+		$webdata['new'] = $webdata['old'] = $website;
+		$this->update('web_domain_update', $webdata);
+	}
+	//* Update folder protection, when path has been changed
+	function web_folder_update($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		$website = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain_id = ".intval($data['new']['parent_domain_id']));
+		if(!is_array($website)) {
+			$app->log('Not able to retrieve folder or website record.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+        $web_folder = 'web';
+        if($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') $web_folder = $website['web_folder'];
+		//* Get the folder path.
+		if(substr($data['old']['path'],0,1) == '/') $data['old']['path'] = substr($data['old']['path'],1);
+		if(substr($data['old']['path'],-1) == '/') $data['old']['path'] = substr($data['old']['path'],0,-1);
+		$old_folder_path = realpath($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$data['old']['path']);
+		if(substr($old_folder_path,-1) != '/') $old_folder_path .= '/';
+		if(substr($data['new']['path'],0,1) == '/') $data['new']['path'] = substr($data['new']['path'],1);
+		if(substr($data['new']['path'],-1) == '/') $data['new']['path'] = substr($data['new']['path'],0,-1);
+		$new_folder_path = escapeshellcmd($website['document_root'].'/' . $web_folder . '/'.$data['new']['path']);
+		if(substr($new_folder_path,-1) != '/') $new_folder_path .= '/';
+		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
+		if(stristr($new_folder_path,'..') || stristr($new_folder_path,'./') || stristr($new_folder_path,'\\')) {
+			$app->log('Folder path "'.$new_folder_path.'" contains .. or ./.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+		if(stristr($old_folder_path,'..') || stristr($old_folder_path,'./') || stristr($old_folder_path,'\\')) {
+			$app->log('Folder path "'.$old_folder_path.'" contains .. or ./.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+		//* Check if the resulting path is inside the docroot
+		if(substr($old_folder_path,0,strlen($website['document_root'])) != $website['document_root']) {
+			$app->log('Old folder path '.$old_folder_path.' is outside of docroot.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+		if(substr($new_folder_path,0,strlen($website['document_root'])) != $website['document_root']) {
+			$app->log('New folder path '.$new_folder_path.' is outside of docroot.',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			return false;
+		}
+		//* Create the folder path, if it does not exist
+		if(!is_dir($new_folder_path)) $app->system->mkdirpath($new_folder_path);
+		if($data['old']['path'] != $data['new']['path']) {
+			//* move .htpasswd file
+			if(is_file($old_folder_path.'.htpasswd')) {
+				$app->system->rename($old_folder_path.'.htpasswd',$new_folder_path.'.htpasswd');
+				$app->log('Moved file '.$old_folder_path.'.htpasswd to '.$new_folder_path.'.htpasswd',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+		}
+		// write basic auth configuration to vhost file because nginx does not support .htaccess
+		$webdata['new'] = $webdata['old'] = $website;
+		$this->update('web_domain_update', $webdata);
+	}
+	function _create_web_folder_auth_configuration($website){
+		global $app, $conf;
+		//* Create the domain.auth file which is included in the vhost configuration file
+		$app->uses('getconf');
+		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web');
+		$basic_auth_file = escapeshellcmd($web_config['nginx_vhost_conf_dir'].'/'.$website['domain'].'.auth');
+		//$app->load('tpl');
+		//$tpl = new tpl();
+		//$tpl->newTemplate('nginx_http_authentication.auth.master');
+		$website_auth_locations = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_folder WHERE active = 'y' AND parent_domain_id = ".intval($website['domain_id']));
+		$basic_auth_locations = array();
+		if(is_array($website_auth_locations) && !empty($website_auth_locations)){
+			foreach($website_auth_locations as $website_auth_location){
+				if(substr($website_auth_location['path'],0,1) == '/') $website_auth_location['path'] = substr($website_auth_location['path'],1);
+				if(substr($website_auth_location['path'],-1) == '/') $website_auth_location['path'] = substr($website_auth_location['path'],0,-1);
+				if($website_auth_location['path'] != ''){
+					$website_auth_location['path'] .= '/';
+				}
+				$basic_auth_locations[] = array('htpasswd_location' => '/'.$website_auth_location['path'],
+												'htpasswd_path' => $website['document_root'].'/' . ($website['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain' ? $website['web_folder'] : 'web') . '/'.$website_auth_location['path']);
+			}
+		}
+		return $basic_auth_locations;
+		//$tpl->setLoop('basic_auth_locations', $basic_auth_locations);
+		//file_put_contents($basic_auth_file,$tpl->grab());
+		//$app->log('Writing the http basic authentication file: '.$basic_auth_file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		//unset($tpl);
+		//$app->services->restartServiceDelayed('httpd','reload');
+	}
+	//* Update the awstats configuration file
+	private function awstats_update ($data,$web_config) {
+		global $app;
+        $web_folder = $data['new']['web_folder'];
+        if($data['new']['type'] == 'vhost') $web_folder = 'web';
+		$awstats_conf_dir = $web_config['awstats_conf_dir'];
+		if(!is_dir($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/")) mkdir($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats");
+		if(!@is_file($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['new']['domain'].'.conf') || ($data['old']['domain'] != '' && $data['new']['domain'] != $data['old']['domain'])) {
+			if ( @is_file($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf') ) {
+				$app->system->unlink($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf');
+			}
+			$content = '';
+			$content .= "Include \"".$awstats_conf_dir."/awstats.conf\"\n";
+			$content .= "LogFile=\"/var/log/ispconfig/httpd/".$data['new']['domain']."/access.log\"\n";
+			$content .= "SiteDomain=\"".$data['new']['domain']."\"\n";
+			$content .= "HostAliases=\"www.".$data['new']['domain']."  localhost\"\n";
+			$app->system->file_put_contents($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['new']['domain'].'.conf',$content);
+			$app->log('Created AWStats config file: '.$awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['new']['domain'].'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		if(is_file($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.html")) $app->system->unlink($data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.html");
+		if(file_exists("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/awstats_index.php.master")) {
+			$app->system->copy("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/awstats_index.php.master",$data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.php");
+		} else {
+			$app->system->copy("/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/awstats_index.php.master",$data['new']['document_root']."/" . $web_folder . "/stats/index.php");
+		}
+	}
+	//* Delete the awstats configuration file
+	private function awstats_delete ($data,$web_config) {
+		global $app;
+		$awstats_conf_dir = $web_config['awstats_conf_dir'];
+		if ( @is_file($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf') ) {
+			$app->system->unlink($awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf');
+			$app->log('Removed AWStats config file: '.$awstats_conf_dir.'/awstats.'.$data['old']['domain'].'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+	}
+	//* Update the PHP-FPM pool configuration file
+	private function php_fpm_pool_update ($data,$web_config,$pool_dir,$pool_name,$socket_dir) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		/*
+		if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
+			$default_php_fpm = false;
+			list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
+			if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
+		} else {
+			$default_php_fpm = true;
+		}
+		*/
+		if($data['new']['php'] != 'no'){
+			if(trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']) != ''){
+				$default_php_fpm = false;
+				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['new']['fastcgi_php_version']));
+				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
+			} else {
+				$default_php_fpm = true;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
+				$default_php_fpm = false;
+				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
+				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
+			} else {
+				$default_php_fpm = true;
+			}
+		}
+		$app->uses("getconf");
+		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'web');
+		if($data['new']['php'] == 'no'){
+			if(@is_file($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf')){
+				$app->system->unlink($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
+				//$reload = true;
+			}
+			if($data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
+				if(!$default_php_fpm){
+					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$custom_php_fpm_init_script);
+				} else {
+					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
+				}
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		$app->load('tpl');
+		$tpl = new tpl();
+		$tpl->newTemplate('php_fpm_pool.conf.master');
+		if($data['new']['php_fpm_use_socket'] == 'y'){
+			$use_tcp = 0;
+			$use_socket = 1;
+			if(!is_dir($socket_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($socket_dir);
+		} else {
+			$use_tcp = 1;
+			$use_socket = 0;
+		}
+		$tpl->setVar('use_tcp', $use_tcp);
+		$tpl->setVar('use_socket', $use_socket);
+		$fpm_socket = $socket_dir.$pool_name.'.sock';
+		$tpl->setVar('fpm_socket', $fpm_socket);
+		$tpl->setVar('fpm_pool', $pool_name);
+		$tpl->setVar('fpm_port', $web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] - 1);
+		$tpl->setVar('fpm_user', $data['new']['system_user']);
+		$tpl->setVar('fpm_group', $data['new']['system_group']);
+		$tpl->setVar('pm', $data['new']['pm']);
+		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_children', $data['new']['pm_max_children']);
+		$tpl->setVar('pm_start_servers', $data['new']['pm_start_servers']);
+		$tpl->setVar('pm_min_spare_servers', $data['new']['pm_min_spare_servers']);
+		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_spare_servers', $data['new']['pm_max_spare_servers']);
+		$tpl->setVar('pm_process_idle_timeout', $data['new']['pm_process_idle_timeout']);
+		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_requests', $data['new']['pm_max_requests']);
+		$tpl->setVar('document_root', $data['new']['document_root']);
+		$tpl->setVar('security_level',$web_config['security_level']);
+		$php_open_basedir = ($data['new']['php_open_basedir'] == '')?escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']):escapeshellcmd($data['new']['php_open_basedir']);
+		$tpl->setVar('php_open_basedir', $php_open_basedir);
+		if($php_open_basedir != ''){
+			$tpl->setVar('enable_php_open_basedir', '');
+		} else {
+			$tpl->setVar('enable_php_open_basedir', ';');
+		}
+		// Custom php.ini settings
+		$final_php_ini_settings = array();
+		$custom_php_ini_settings = trim($data['new']['custom_php_ini']);
+		if($custom_php_ini_settings != ''){
+			// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
+			$custom_php_ini_settings = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
+			$custom_php_ini_settings = str_replace("\r", "\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
+			$ini_settings = explode("\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
+			if(is_array($ini_settings) && !empty($ini_settings)){
+				foreach($ini_settings as $ini_setting){
+					$ini_setting = trim($ini_setting);
+					if(substr($ini_setting,0,1) == ';') continue;
+					if(substr($ini_setting,0,1) == '#') continue;
+					if(substr($ini_setting,0,2) == '//') continue;
+					list($key, $value) = explode('=', $ini_setting);
+					if($value){
+						$value = trim($value);
+						$key = trim($key);
+						switch (strtolower($value)) {
+							case '0':
+								// PHP-FPM might complain about invalid boolean value if you use 0
+								$value = 'off';
+							case '1':
+							case 'on':
+							case 'off':
+							case 'true':
+							case 'false':
+							case 'yes':
+							case 'no':
+								$final_php_ini_settings[] = array('ini_setting' => 'php_admin_flag['.$key.'] = '.$value);
+								break;
+							default:
+								$final_php_ini_settings[] = array('ini_setting' => 'php_admin_value['.$key.'] = '.$value);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$tpl->setLoop('custom_php_ini_settings', $final_php_ini_settings);
+		$app->system->file_put_contents($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',$tpl->grab());
+		$app->log('Writing the PHP-FPM config file: '.$pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		unset($tpl);
+		// delete pool in all other PHP versions
+		$default_pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
+		if(substr($default_pool_dir,-1) != '/') $default_pool_dir .= '/';
+		if($default_pool_dir != $pool_dir){
+			if ( @is_file($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
+					$app->system->unlink($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
+					$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
+			}
+		}
+		$php_versions = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]);
+		if(is_array($php_versions) && !empty($php_versions)){
+			foreach($php_versions as $php_version){
+				if(substr($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'],-1) != '/') $php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] .= '/';
+				if($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] != $pool_dir){
+					if ( @is_file($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
+						$app->system->unlink($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf');
+						$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+						$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$php_version['php_fpm_init_script']);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Reload current PHP-FPM after all others
+		sleep(1);
+		if(!$default_php_fpm){
+			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$custom_php_fpm_init_script);
+		} else {
+			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
+		}
+	}
+	//* Delete the PHP-FPM pool configuration file
+	private function php_fpm_pool_delete ($data,$web_config) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
+			$default_php_fpm = false;
+			list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
+			if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
+		} else {
+			$default_php_fpm = true;
+		}
+		if($default_php_fpm){
+			$pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
+		} else {
+			$pool_dir = $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir;
+		}
+		if(substr($pool_dir,-1) != '/') $pool_dir .= '/';
+		$pool_name = 'web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
+		if ( @is_file($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
+			$app->system->unlink($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
+			$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		}
+		// delete pool in all other PHP versions
+		$default_pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
+		if(substr($default_pool_dir,-1) != '/') $default_pool_dir .= '/';
+		if($default_pool_dir != $pool_dir){
+			if ( @is_file($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
+					$app->system->unlink($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf');
+					$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+					$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
+			}
+		}	
+		$php_versions = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = ".$data['old']['server_id']);
+		if(is_array($php_versions) && !empty($php_versions)){
+			foreach($php_versions as $php_version){
+				if(substr($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'],-1) != '/') $php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] .= '/';
+				if($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] != $pool_dir){
+					if ( @is_file($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
+						$app->system->unlink($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf');
+						$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+						$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$php_version['php_fpm_init_script']);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Reload current PHP-FPM after all others
+		sleep(1);
+		if(!$default_php_fpm){
+			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$custom_php_fpm_init_script);
+		} else {
+			$app->services->restartService('php-fpm','reload:'.$conf['init_scripts'].'/'.$web_config['php_fpm_init_script']);
+		}
+	}
+	private function nginx_replace($matches){
+		$location = 'location'.($matches[1] != '' ? ' '.$matches[1] : '').' '.$matches[2].' '.$matches[3];
+		if($matches[4] == '##merge##' || $matches[7] == '##merge##') $location .= ' ##merge##';
+		if($matches[4] == '##delete##' || $matches[7] == '##delete##') $location .= ' ##delete##';
+		$location .= "\n";
+		$location .= $matches[5]."\n";
+		$location .= $matches[6];
+		return $location;
+	}
+	private function nginx_merge_locations($vhost_conf){
+		$lines = explode("\n", $vhost_conf);
+		// if whole location block is in one line, split it up into multiple lines
+		if(is_array($lines) && !empty($lines)){
+			$linecount = sizeof($lines);
+			for($h=0;$h<$linecount;$h++){
+				// remove comments
+				if(substr(trim($lines[$h]),0,1) == '#'){
+					unset($lines[$h]);
+					continue;
+				}
+				$lines[$h] = rtrim($lines[$h]);
+				/*
+				if(substr(ltrim($lines[$h]), 0, 8) == 'location' && strpos($lines[$h], '{') !== false && strpos($lines[$h], ';') !== false){
+					$lines[$h] = str_replace("{", "{\n", $lines[$h]);
+					$lines[$h] = str_replace(";", ";\n", $lines[$h]);
+					if(strpos($lines[$h], '##merge##') !== false){
+						$lines[$h] = str_replace('##merge##', '', $lines[$h]);
+						$lines[$h] = substr($lines[$h],0,strpos($lines[$h], '{')).' ##merge##'.substr($lines[$h],strpos($lines[$h], '{')+1);
+					}
+				}
+				if(substr(ltrim($lines[$h]), 0, 8) == 'location' && strpos($lines[$h], '{') !== false && strpos($lines[$h], '}') !== false && strpos($lines[$h], ';') === false){
+					$lines[$h] = str_replace("{", "{\n", $lines[$h]);
+					if(strpos($lines[$h], '##merge##') !== false){
+						$lines[$h] = str_replace('##merge##', '', $lines[$h]);
+						$lines[$h] = substr($lines[$h],0,strpos($lines[$h], '{')).' ##merge##'.substr($lines[$h],strpos($lines[$h], '{')+1);
+					}
+				}
+				*/
+				$pattern = '/^[^\S\n]*location[^\S\n]+(?:(.+)[^\S\n]+)?(.+)[^\S\n]*(\{)[^\S\n]*(##merge##|##delete##)?[^\S\n]*(.+)[^\S\n]*(\})[^\S\n]*(##merge##|##delete##)?[^\S\n]*$/';
+				$lines[$h] = preg_replace_callback($pattern, array($this, 'nginx_replace') ,$lines[$h]);
+			}
+		}
+		$vhost_conf = implode("\n", $lines);
+		unset($lines);
+		unset($linecount);
+		$lines = explode("\n", $vhost_conf);
+		if(is_array($lines) && !empty($lines)){	
+			$locations = array();
+			$locations_to_delete = array();
+			$islocation = false;
+			$linecount = sizeof($lines);
+			$server_count = 0;
+			for($i=0;$i<$linecount;$i++){
+				$l = trim($lines[$i]);
+				if(substr($l, 0, 8) == 'server {') $server_count += 1;
+				if($server_count > 1) break;
+				if(substr($l, 0, 8) == 'location' && !$islocation){
+					$islocation = true;
+					$level = 0;
+					// Remove unnecessary whitespace
+					$l = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $l);
+					$loc_parts = explode(' ', $l);
+					// see
+					if($loc_parts[1] == '=' || $loc_parts[1] == '~' || $loc_parts[1] == '~*' || $loc_parts[1] == '^~'){
+						$location = $loc_parts[1].' '.$loc_parts[2];
+					} else {
+						$location = $loc_parts[1];
+					}
+					unset($loc_parts);
+					if(!isset($locations[$location]['action'])) $locations[$location]['action'] = 'replace';
+					if(substr($l, -9) == '##merge##') $locations[$location]['action'] = 'merge';
+					if(substr($l, -10) == '##delete##') $locations[$location]['action'] = 'delete';
+					if(!isset($locations[$location]['open_tag'])) $locations[$location]['open_tag'] = '        location '.$location.' {';
+					if(!isset($locations[$location]['location']) || $locations[$location]['action'] == 'replace') $locations[$location]['location'] = '';
+					if($locations[$location]['action'] == 'delete') $locations_to_delete[] = $location;
+					if(!isset($locations[$location]['end_tag'])) $locations[$location]['end_tag'] = '        }';
+					if(!isset($locations[$location]['start_line'])) $locations[$location]['start_line'] = $i;
+					unset($lines[$i]);
+				} else {
+					if($islocation){
+						if(strpos($l, '{') !== false){
+							$level += 1;
+						}
+						if(strpos($l, '}') !== false && $level > 0){
+							$level -= 1;
+							$locations[$location]['location'] .= $lines[$i]."\n";
+						} elseif(strpos($l, '}') !== false && $level == 0){
+							$islocation = false;
+						} else {
+							$locations[$location]['location'] .= $lines[$i]."\n";
+						}
+						unset($lines[$i]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(is_array($locations) && !empty($locations)){
+				if(is_array($locations_to_delete) && !empty($locations_to_delete)){
+					foreach($locations_to_delete as $location_to_delete){
+						if(isset($locations[$location_to_delete])) unset($locations[$location_to_delete]);
+					}
+				}
+				foreach($locations as $key => $val){
+					$new_location = $val['open_tag']."\n".$val['location'].$val['end_tag'];
+					$lines[$val['start_line']] = $new_location;
+				}
+			}
+			ksort($lines);
+			$vhost_conf = implode("\n", $lines);
+		}
+		return trim($vhost_conf);
+	}
+	function client_delete($event_name,$data) {
+		global $app, $conf;
+		$app->uses("getconf");
+		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'web');
+		$client_id = intval($data['old']['client_id']);
+		if($client_id > 0) {
+			$client_dir = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/clients/client'.$client_id;
+			if(is_dir($client_dir) && !stristr($client_dir,'..')) {
+				// remove symlinks from $client_dir
+				$files = array_diff(scandir($client_dir), array('.','..'));
+				if(is_array($files) && !empty($files)){
+					foreach($files as $file){
+						if(is_link($client_dir.'/'.$file)){
+							unlink($client_dir.'/'.$file);
+							$app->log('Removed symlink: '.$client_dir.'/'.$file,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				@rmdir($client_dir);
+				$app->log('Removed client directory: '.$client_dir,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+			if($app->system->is_group('client'.$client_id)){
+				$this->_exec('groupdel client'.$client_id);
+				$app->log('Removed group client'.$client_id,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//* Wrapper for exec function for easier debugging
+	private function _exec($command) {
+		global $app;
+		$app->log('exec: '.$command,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
+		exec($command);
+	}
+	private function _checkTcp ($host,$port) {
+		$fp = @fsockopen ($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
+		if ($fp) {
+			fclose($fp);
+			return true;
+		} else {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	public function create_relative_link($f, $t) {
+		global $app;
+		// $from already exists
+		$from = realpath($f);
+		// realpath requires the traced file to exist - so, lets touch it first, then remove
+		@$app->system->unlink($t); touch($t);
+		$to = realpath($t);
+		@$app->system->unlink($t);
+		// Remove from the left side matching path elements from $from and $to
+		// and get path elements counts
+		$a1 = explode('/', $from); $a2 = explode('/', $to);
+		for ($c = 0; $a1[$c] == $a2[$c]; $c++) {
+			unset($a1[$c]); unset($a2[$c]);
+		}
+		$cfrom = implode('/', $a1);
+		// Check if a path is fully a subpath of another - no way to create symlink in the case
+		if (count($a1) == 0 || count($a2) == 0) return false;
+		// Add ($cnt_to-1) number of "../" elements to left side of $cfrom
+		for ($c = 0; $c < (count($a2)-1); $c++) { $cfrom = '../'.$cfrom; }
+		return symlink($cfrom, $to);
+	}
+    private function _rewrite_quote($string) {
+        return str_replace(array('.', '*', '?', '+'), array('\\.', '\\*', '\\?', '\\+'), $string);
+    }
+	private function url_is_local($hostname, $domain_id){
+		global $app;
+		// ORDER BY clause makes sure wildcard subdomains (*) are listed last in the result array so that we can find direct matches first
+		$webs = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE active = 'y' ORDER BY subdomain ASC");
+		if(is_array($webs) && !empty($webs)){
+			foreach($webs as $web){
+				// web domain doesn't match hostname
+				if(substr($hostname,-strlen($web['domain'])) != $web['domain']) continue;
+				// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
+				//if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') continue;
+				// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
+				//if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') continue;
+				if($web['subdomain'] == '*'){
+					$pattern = '/\.?'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
+				}
+				if($web['subdomain'] == 'none'){
+					if($web['domain'] == $hostname){
+						if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
+							// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
+							if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
+							// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
+							if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
+							return true;
+						} else {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					$pattern = '/^'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
+				}
+				if($web['subdomain'] == 'www'){
+					if($web['domain'] == $hostname || $web['subdomain'].'.'.$web['domain'] == $hostname){
+						if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
+							// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
+							if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
+							// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
+							if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
+							return true;
+						} else {
+							return false;
+						}
+					}
+					$pattern = '/^(www\.)?'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
+				}
+				if(preg_match($pattern, $hostname)){
+					if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
+						// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
+						if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
+						// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
+						if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
+						return true;
+					} else {
+						return false;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	private function get_seo_redirects($web, $prefix = '', $force_subdomain = false){
+		// $force_subdomain = 'none|www'
+		$seo_redirects = array();
+		if(substr($web['domain'], 0, 2) === '*.') $web['subdomain'] = '*';
+		if(($web['subdomain'] == 'www' || $web['subdomain'] == '*') && $force_subdomain != 'www'){
+			if($web['seo_redirect'] == 'non_www_to_www'){
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = $web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '=';
+			}
+			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_domain_tld_to_www_domain_tld'){
+				// ^(example\.com|(?!\bwww\b)\.example\.com)$
+				// ^(example\.com|((?:\w+(?:-\w+)*\.)*)((?!www\.)\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\.example\.com))$
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = '^('.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'|((?:\w+(?:-\w+)*\.)*)((?!www\.)\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'))$';
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '~*';
+			}
+			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_to_www_domain_tld'){
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '!=';
+			}
+		}
+		if($force_subdomain != 'none'){
+			if($web['seo_redirect'] == 'www_to_non_www'){
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '=';
+			}
+			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_domain_tld_to_domain_tld'){
+				// ^(.+)\.example\.com$
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = '^(.+)\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$';
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '~*';
+			}
+			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_to_domain_tld'){
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = $web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
+				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '!=';
+			}
+		}
+		return $seo_redirects;
+	}
+} // end class