diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ar_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ar_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ar_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ar_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/bg_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/bg_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/bg_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/bg_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/br_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/br_dns_spf.lng
index bbf571c3b78143a1c03668e1fd658c0d403af95d..13722f66961395bbccd6348cd3e066403e0a0f01 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/br_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/br_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'O limite de registros dns para esta conta foi alcançado.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'Você não tem permissão para adicionar registros dns nesta zona.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'O TTL mínimo são 60 segundos.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ca_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ca_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ca_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ca_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/cz_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/cz_dns_spf.lng
index a5691ee3409f32e7f9e0f8f09915583c8585a867..637d0ca7677fe53ced0314be012f3e4ed55d70c2 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/cz_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/cz_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'Byl dosažen max. počet DNS záznamů pro váš účet.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'Nemáte oprávnění přidat záznam do této zóny DNS.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL doba je 60 sekund.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/de_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/de_dns_spf.lng
index a4f0f7827f4056c2d614837f303dd6fc1427fb14..9bf5e676ece594235a5840a895a764734bf72c49 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/de_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/de_dns_spf.lng
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ $wb['record_exists_txt'] = 'DNS-Eintrag existiert bereits';
 $wb['spf_record_exists_txt'] = 'SPF-Record already exists for hostname "{hostname}". Do you want to <a href="#" data-load-content="dns/dns_spf_edit.php?id={existing_record_id}">edit the existing record</a>?';
 $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname "{hostname}". This will cause recipients to reject your mail! Delete or merge duplicate existing records and try again.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time ist 60 Sekunden.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'Die maximale Anzahl an DNS Einträgen für Ihr Konto wurde erreicht.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, einen Eintrag zu dieser DNS Zone hinzuzufügen.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/dk_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/dk_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/dk_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/dk_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/el_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/el_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/el_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/el_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/en_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/en_dns_spf.lng
index 455b5ce0abedd7915331e4ac88271d5a2c6d9d91..2518d4f51f5ac41d4b56678c2e350d9e2ea4ad16 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/en_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/en_dns_spf.lng
@@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb["limit_dns_record_txt"] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb["no_zone_perm"] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/es_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/es_dns_spf.lng
index 353134adededa67f3dc5ed8ff65e0725c409bde7..62c60654f0315adcc9ad801d66f627c050696498 100755
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/es_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/es_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_mechanism_txt'] = 'Mecanismo SPF';
 $wb['spf_mx_txt'] = 'Permite a los servidores configurados como MX enviar correos desde este dominio';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'El tiempo mín. de TTL es 60 segundos.';
 $wb['ttl_txt'] = 'TTL';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fi_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fi_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fi_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fi_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fr_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fr_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fr_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/fr_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hr_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hr_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hr_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hr_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hu_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hu_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hu_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/hu_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/id_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/id_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/id_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/id_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/it_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/it_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/it_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/it_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ja_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ja_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ja_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ja_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/nl_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/nl_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/nl_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/nl_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pl_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pl_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pl_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pl_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pt_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pt_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pt_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/pt_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ro_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ro_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ro_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ro_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ru_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ru_dns_spf.lng
index a0e77b41b179675ebbbe0d8f0b68aae2a704b055..2d69c49a326a9eb55da2c6003afde78b664493e5 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ru_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/ru_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'Макс. количество DNS-записей для вашей учетной записи достигнуто.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'У Вас нет прав добавлять эту запись.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Мин. время <b>TTL</b> 60 секунд.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/se_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/se_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/se_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/se_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/sk_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/sk_dns_spf.lng
index 09720321b260004d0b2a32e8b35aef47ae6e9944..0cbf77862f6619ad477913cefb5c4b5e248ddae6 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/sk_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/sk_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'The max. number of DNS records for your account is reached.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'You do not have the permission to add a record to this DNS zone.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'Min. TTL time is 60 seconds.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';
diff --git a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/tr_dns_spf.lng b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/tr_dns_spf.lng
index 2683560275e395bb03f28dcefe93ef055e606179..5ca1e470e389f72efff1099c543c23b711e1bb47 100644
--- a/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/tr_dns_spf.lng
+++ b/interface/web/dns/lib/lang/tr_dns_spf.lng
@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ $wb['spf_record_exists_multiple_txt'] = 'Multiple SPF-Records exist for hostname
 $wb['limit_dns_record_txt'] = 'Hesabınıza ekleyebileceğiniz en fazla DNS kaydı sınırına ulaştınız.';
 $wb['no_zone_perm'] = 'Bu DNS bölgesine kayıt ekleme izniniz yok.';
 $wb['ttl_range_error'] = 'En düşük TTL süresi 60 saniyedir.';
+$wb['name_error_regex'] = 'The hostname has the wrong format.';
 $wb['btn_edit_as_txt_record_txt'] = 'Edit as TXT record';