<?php /* Copyright (c) 2012, ISPConfig UG Contributors: web wack creations, http://www.web-wack.at All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of ISPConfig nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once('aps_base.inc.php'); class ApsGUIController extends ApsBase { /** * Constructor * * @param $app the application instance (db handle) */ public function __construct($app) { parent::__construct($app); } /** * Reads in a package metadata file and registers it's namespaces * * @param $filename the file to read * @return $sxe a SimpleXMLElement handle */ private function readInMetaFile($filename) { $metadata = file_get_contents($filename); $metadata = str_replace("xmlns=", "ns=", $metadata); $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($metadata); $namespaces = $sxe->getDocNamespaces(true); foreach($namespaces as $ns => $url) $sxe->registerXPathNamespace($ns, $url); return $sxe; } /** * Applies a RegEx pattern onto a location path in order to secure it against * code injections and invalid input * * @param $location_unfiltered the file path to secure * @return $location */ private function secureLocation($location_unfiltered) { // Filter invalid slashes from string $location = preg_replace(array('#/+#', '#\.+#', '#\0+#', '#\\\\+#'), array('/', '', '', '/'), $location_unfiltered); // Remove a beginning or trailing slash if(substr($location, -1) == '/') $location = substr($location, 0, strlen($location) - 1); if(substr($location, 0, 1) == '/') $location = substr($location, 1); return $location; } /** * Gets the CustomerID (ClientID) which belongs to a specific domain * * @param $domain the domain * @return $customerid */ private function getCustomerIDFromDomain($domain) { $customerid = 0; $customerdata = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM sys_group, web_domain WHERE web_domain.sys_groupid = sys_group.groupid AND web_domain.domain = '".$this->db->quote($domain)."';"); if(!empty($customerdata)) $customerid = $customerdata['client_id']; return $customerid; } /** * Returns the server_id for an already installed instance. Is actually * just a little helper method to avoid redundant code * * @param $instanceid the instance to process * @return $webserver_id the server_id */ private function getInstanceDataForDatalog($instanceid) { $webserver_id = ''; $websrv = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT server_id FROM web_domain WHERE domain = (SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_domain' AND instance_id = ".$this->db->quote($instanceid).");"); // If $websrv is empty, an error has occured. Domain no longer existing? Settings table damaged? // Anyhow, remove this instance record because it's not useful at all if(empty($websrv)) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM aps_instances WHERE id = ".$this->db->quote($instanceid).";"); $this->db->query("DELETE FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE instance_id = ".$this->db->quote($instanceid).";"); } else $webserver_id = $websrv['server_id']; return $webserver_id; } /** * Finds out if there is a newer package version for * a given (possibly valid) package ID * * @param $id the ID to check * @return $newer_pkg_id the newer package ID */ public function getNewestPackageID($id) { if(preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $id) != 1) return 0; $result = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id, name, CONCAT(version, '-', CAST(`release` AS CHAR)) AS current_version FROM aps_packages WHERE name = (SELECT name FROM aps_packages WHERE id = ".$this->db->quote($id).") ORDER BY REPLACE(version, '.', '')+0 DESC, `release` DESC"); if(!empty($result) && ($id != $result['id'])) return $result['id']; return 0; } /** * Validates a given package ID * * @param $id the ID to check * @param $is_admin a flag to allow locked IDs too (for admin calls) * @return boolean */ public function isValidPackageID($id, $is_admin = false) { if(preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $id) != 1) return false; $sql_ext = (!$is_admin) ? 'package_status = '.PACKAGE_ENABLED.' AND' : '(package_status = '.PACKAGE_ENABLED.' OR package_status = '.PACKAGE_LOCKED.') AND'; $result = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT id FROM aps_packages WHERE ".$sql_ext." id = ".$this->db->quote($id).";"); if(!$result) return false; return true; } /** * Validates a given instance ID * * @param $id the ID to check * @param $client_id the calling client ID * @param $is_admin a flag to ignore the client ID check for admins * @return boolean */ public function isValidInstanceID($id, $client_id, $is_admin = false) { if(preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $id) != 1) return false; // Only filter if not admin $sql_ext = (!$is_admin) ? 'customer_id = '.$this->db->quote($client_id).' AND' : ''; $result = $this->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT id FROM aps_instances WHERE '.$sql_ext.' id = '.$this->db->quote($id).';'); if(!$result) return false; return true; } /** * Creates a new database record for the package instance and * an install task * * @param $settings the settings to enter into the DB * @param $packageid the PackageID */ public function createPackageInstance($settings, $packageid) { global $app; $app->uses('tools_sites'); $webserver_id = 0; $websrv = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '".$this->db->quote($settings['main_domain'])."';"); if(!empty($websrv)) $webserver_id = $websrv['server_id']; $customerid = $this->getCustomerIDFromDomain($settings['main_domain']); if(empty($settings) || empty($webserver_id)) return false; //* Get server config of the web server $this->app->uses("getconf"); $web_config = $this->app->getconf->get_server_config($app->functions->intval($websrv["server_id"]),'web'); //* Set mysql mode to php-fcgi and enable suexec in website on apache servers if($web_config['server_type'] == 'apache') { if($websrv['php'] != 'fast-cgi' || $websrv['suexec'] != 'y') { $app->db->datalogUpdate('web_domain', "php = 'fast-cgi', suexec = 'y'", 'domain_id', $websrv['domain_id']); } } //* Create the MySQL database for the application $pkg = $this->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM aps_packages WHERE id = '.$this->db->quote($packageid).';'); $metafile = $this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$pkg['path'].'/APP-META.xml'; $sxe = $this->readInMetaFile($metafile); $db_id = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//db:id'); if (!empty($db_id)) { $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('sites'); $tmp = array(); $tmp['parent_domain_id'] = $websrv['domain_id']; $tmp['sys_groupid'] = $websrv['sys_groupid']; $dbname_prefix = $app->tools_sites->replacePrefix($global_config['dbname_prefix'], $tmp); $dbuser_prefix = $app->tools_sites->replacePrefix($global_config['dbuser_prefix'], $tmp); unset($tmp); //* get the default database server of the client $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT default_dbserver FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = ".$websrv['sys_groupid']); if(is_array($client) && $client['default_dbserver'] > 0 && $client['default_dbserver'] != $websrv['server_id']) { $mysql_db_server_id = $client['default_dbserver']; $dbserver_config = $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($app->functions->intval($mysql_db_server_id),'server'); $mysql_db_host = $dbserver_config['ip_address']; $mysql_db_remote_access = 'y'; $mysql_db_remote_ips = $dbserver_config['ip_address']; } else { $mysql_db_server_id = $websrv['server_id']; $mysql_db_host = 'localhost'; $mysql_db_remote_access = 'n'; $mysql_db_remote_ips = ''; } //* Find a free db name for the app for($n = 1; $n <= 1000; $n++) { $mysql_db_name = $dbname_prefix.'aps'.$n; $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(database_id) as number FROM web_database WHERE database_name = '".$app->db->quote($mysql_db_name)."'"); if($tmp['number'] == 0) break; } //* Find a free db username for the app for($n = 1; $n <= 1000; $n++) { $mysql_db_user = $dbuser_prefix.'aps'.$n; $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(database_user_id) as number FROM web_database_user WHERE database_user = '".$app->db->quote($mysql_db_user)."'"); if($tmp['number'] == 0) break; } $mysql_db_password = $settings['main_database_password']; //* Create the mysql database user $insert_data = "(`sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `database_user`, `database_password`) VALUES( ".$websrv['sys_userid'].", ".$websrv['sys_groupid'].", 'riud', '".$websrv['sys_perm_group']."', '', 0, '$mysql_db_user', PASSWORD('$mysql_db_password'))"; $mysql_db_user_id = $app->db->datalogInsert('web_database_user', $insert_data, 'database_user_id'); //* Create the mysql database $insert_data = "(`sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `parent_domain_id`, `type`, `database_name`, `database_user_id`, `database_ro_user_id`, `database_charset`, `remote_access`, `remote_ips`, `backup_copies`, `active`, `backup_interval`) VALUES( ".$websrv['sys_userid'].", ".$websrv['sys_groupid'].", 'riud', '".$websrv['sys_perm_group']."', '', $mysql_db_server_id, ".$websrv['domain_id'].", 'mysql', '$mysql_db_name', '$mysql_db_user_id', 0, '', '$mysql_db_remote_access', '$mysql_db_remote_ips', ".$websrv['backup_copies'].", 'y', '".$websrv['backup_interval']."')"; $app->db->datalogInsert('web_database', $insert_data, 'database_id'); //* Add db details to package settings $settings['main_database_host'] = $mysql_db_host; $settings['main_database_name'] = $mysql_db_name; $settings['main_database_login'] = $mysql_db_user; } //* Insert new package instance $insert_data = "(`sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `customer_id`, `package_id`, `instance_status`) VALUES (".$websrv['sys_userid'].", ".$websrv['sys_groupid'].", 'riud', '".$websrv['sys_perm_group']."', '', ".$this->db->quote($webserver_id).",".$this->db->quote($customerid).", ".$this->db->quote($packageid).", ".INSTANCE_PENDING.")"; $InstanceID = $app->db->datalogInsert('aps_instances', $insert_data, 'id'); //* Insert all package settings if(is_array($settings)) { foreach($settings as $key => $value) { $insert_data = "(server_id, instance_id, name, value) VALUES (".$this->db->quote($webserver_id).",".$this->db->quote($InstanceID).", '".$this->db->quote($key)."', '".$this->db->quote($value)."')"; $this->db->datalogInsert('aps_instances_settings', $insert_data, 'id'); } } //* Set package status to install afetr we inserted the settings $app->db->datalogUpdate('aps_instances', "instance_status = ".INSTANCE_INSTALL, 'id', $InstanceID); } /** * Sets the status of an instance to "should be removed" and creates a * datalog entry to give the ISPConfig server a real removal advice * * @param $instanceid the instance to delete */ public function deleteInstance($instanceid) { /* $this->db->query("UPDATE aps_instances SET instance_status = ".INSTANCE_REMOVE." WHERE id = ".$instanceid.";"); $webserver_id = $this->getInstanceDataForDatalog($instanceid); if($webserver_id == '') return; // Create a sys_datalog entry for deletion $datalog = array('Instance_id' => $instanceid, 'server_id' => $webserver_id); $this->db->datalogSave('aps', 'DELETE', 'id', $instanceid, array(), $datalog); */ $sql = "SELECT web_database.database_id as database_id, web_database.database_user_id as `database_user_id` FROM aps_instances_settings, web_database WHERE aps_instances_settings.value = web_database.database_name AND aps_instances_settings.value = aps_instances_settings.name = 'main_database_name' AND aps_instances_settings.instance_id = ".$instanceid." LIMIT 0,1"; $tmp = $this->db->queryOneRecord($sql); if($tmp['database_id'] > 0) $this->db->datalogDelete('web_database', 'database_id', $tmp['database_id']); $database_user = $tmp['database_user_id']; $tmp = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT COUNT(*) as `cnt` FROM `web_database` WHERE `database_user_id` = '" . $app->functions->intval($database_user) . "' OR `database_ro_user_id` = '" . $app->functions->intval($database_user) . "'"); if($tmp['cnt'] < 1) $this->db->datalogDelete('web_database_user', 'database_user_id', $database_user); $this->db->datalogUpdate('aps_instances', "instance_status = ".INSTANCE_REMOVE, 'id', $instanceid); } /** * Sets the status of an instance to "installation planned" and creates a * datalog entry to re-install the package. The existing package is simply overwritten. * * @param $instanceid the instance to delete */ public function reinstallInstance($instanceid) { /* $this->db->query("UPDATE aps_instances SET instance_status = ".INSTANCE_INSTALL." WHERE id = ".$instanceid.";"); $webserver_id = $this->getInstanceDataForDatalog($instanceid); if($webserver_id == '') return; // Create a sys_datalog entry for re-installation $datalog = array('instance_id' => $instanceid, 'server_id' => $webserver_id); $this->db->datalogSave('aps', 'INSERT', 'id', $instanceid, array(), $datalog); */ $sql = "SELECT web_database.database_id as database_id FROM aps_instances_settings, web_database WHERE aps_instances_settings.value = web_database.database_name AND aps_instances_settings.value = aps_instances_settings.name = 'main_database_name' AND aps_instances_settings.instance_id = ".$instanceid." LIMIT 0,1"; $tmp = $this->db->queryOneRecord($sql); if($tmp['database_id'] > 0) $this->db->datalogDelete('web_database', 'database_id', $tmp['database_id']); $this->db->datalogUpdate('aps_instances', "instance_status = ".INSTANCE_INSTALL, 'id', $instanceid); } /** * Read the settings to be filled when installing * * @param $id the internal ID of the package * @return array */ public function getPackageSettings($id) { $pkg = $this->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM aps_packages WHERE id = '.$this->db->quote($id).';'); // Load in meta file if existing and register its namespaces $metafile = $this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$pkg['path'].'/APP-META.xml'; if(!file_exists($metafile)) return array('error' => 'The metafile for '.$settings['Name'].' couldn\'t be found'); $sxe = $this->readInMetaFile($metafile); $groupsettings = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//settings/group/setting', true); if(empty($groupsettings)) return array(); $settings = array(); foreach($groupsettings as $setting) { $setting_id = strval($setting['id']); if($setting['type'] == 'string' || $setting['type'] == 'email' || $setting['type'] == 'integer' || $setting['type'] == 'float' || $setting['type'] == 'domain-name') { $settings[] = array('SettingID' => $setting_id, 'SettingName' => $setting->name, 'SettingDescription' => $setting->description, 'SettingType' => $setting['type'], 'SettingInputType' => 'string', 'SettingDefaultValue' => strval($setting['default-value']), 'SettingRegex' => $setting['regex'], 'SettingMinLength' => $setting['min-length'], 'SettingMaxLength' => $setting['max-length']); } else if($setting['type'] == 'password') { $settings[] = array('SettingID' => $setting_id, 'SettingName' => $setting->name, 'SettingDescription' => $setting->description, 'SettingType' => 'password', 'SettingInputType' => 'password', 'SettingDefaultValue' => '', 'SettingRegex' => $setting['regex'], 'SettingMinLength' => $setting['min-length'], 'SettingMaxLength' => $setting['max-length']); } else if($setting['type'] == 'boolean') { $settings[] = array('SettingID' => $setting_id, 'SettingName' => $setting->name, 'SettingDescription' => $setting->description, 'SettingType' => 'boolean', 'SettingInputType' => 'checkbox', 'SettingDefaultValue' => strval($setting['default-value'])); } else if($setting['type'] == 'enum') { $choices = array(); foreach($setting->choice as $choice) { $choices[] = array('EnumID' => strval($choice['id']), 'EnumName' => $choice->name); } $settings[] = array('SettingID' => $setting_id, 'SettingName' => $setting->name, 'SettingDescription' => $setting->description, 'SettingType' => 'enum', 'SettingInputType' => 'select', 'SettingDefaultValue' => strval($setting['default-value']), 'SettingChoices' => $choices); } } return $settings; } /** * Validates the user input according to the settings array and * delivers errors if occurring * * @param $input the user $_POST array * @param $pkg_details the package details * @param $settings the package settings array * @return array in this structure: * array(2) { * ["input"]=> ... * ["errors"]=> ... * } */ public function validateInstallerInput($postinput, $pkg_details, $domains, $settings = array()) { global $app; $ret = array(); $input = array(); $error = array(); // Main domain (obligatory) if(isset($postinput['main_domain'])) { if(!in_array($postinput['main_domain'], $domains)) $error[] = $this->app->lng('error_main_domain'); else $input['main_domain'] = $postinput['main_domain']; } else $error[] = $this->app->lng('error_main_domain'); // Main location (not obligatory but must be supplied) if(isset($postinput['main_location'])) { $temp_errstr = ''; // It can be empty but if the user did write something, check it $userinput = false; if(strlen($postinput['main_location']) > 0) $userinput = true; // Filter invalid input slashes (twice!) $main_location = $this->secureLocation($postinput['main_location']); $main_location = $this->secureLocation($main_location); // Only allow digits, words, / and - $main_location = preg_replace("/[^\d\w\/\-]/i", "", $main_location); if($userinput && (strlen($main_location) == 0)) $temp_errstr = $this->app->lng('error_inv_main_location'); // Find out document_root and make sure no apps are installed twice to one location if(in_array($postinput['main_domain'], $domains)) { $docroot = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT document_root FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '".$this->db->quote($postinput['main_domain'])."';"); $new_path = $docroot['document_root']; if(substr($new_path, -1) != '/') $new_path .= '/'; $new_path .= $main_location; // Get the $customerid which belongs to the selected domain $customerid = $this->getCustomerIDFromDomain($postinput['main_domain']); // First get all domains used for an install, then their loop them // and get the corresponding document roots as well as the defined // locations. If an existing doc_root + location matches with the // new one -> error $instance_domains = $this->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT instance_id, s.value AS domain FROM aps_instances AS i, aps_instances_settings AS s WHERE i.id = s.instance_id AND s.name = 'main_domain' AND i.customer_id = '".$this->db->quote($customerid)."';"); for($i = 0; $i < count($instance_domains); $i++) { $used_path = ''; $doc_root = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT document_root FROM web_domain WHERE domain = '".$this->db->quote($instance_domains[$i]['domain'])."';"); // Probably the domain settings were changed later, so make sure the doc_root // is not empty for further validation if(!empty($doc_root)) { $used_path = $docroot['document_root']; if(substr($used_path, -1) != '/') $used_path .= '/'; $location_for_domain = $this->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT value FROM aps_instances_settings WHERE name = 'main_location' AND instance_id = '".$this->db->quote($instance_domains[$i]['instance_id'])."';"); // The location might be empty but the DB return must not be false! if($location_for_domain) $used_path .= $location_for_domain['value']; if($new_path == $used_path) { $temp_errstr = $this->app->lng('error_used_location'); break; } } } } else $temp_errstr = $this->app->lng('error_main_domain'); if($temp_errstr == '') $input['main_location'] = htmlspecialchars($main_location); else $error[] = $temp_errstr; } else $error[] = $this->app->lng('error_no_main_location'); // License (the checkbox must be set) if(isset($pkg_details['License need agree']) && $pkg_details['License need agree'] == 'true') { if(isset($postinput['license']) && $postinput['license'] == 'on') $input['license'] = 'true'; else $error[] = $this->app->lng('error_license_agreement'); } // Database if(isset($pkg_details['Requirements Database']) && $pkg_details['Requirements Database'] != '') { if(isset($postinput['main_database_password'])) { if($postinput['main_database_password'] == '') $error[] = $this->app->lng('error_no_database_pw'); else if(strlen($postinput['main_database_password']) > 8) $input['main_database_password'] = htmlspecialchars($postinput['main_database_password']); else $error[] = $this->app->lng('error_short_database_pw'); } else $error[] = $this->app->lng('error_no_database_pw'); } // Validate the package settings foreach($settings as $setting) { $temp_errstr = ''; $setting_id = strval($setting['SettingID']); // We assume that every setting must be set if((isset($postinput[$setting_id]) && ($postinput[$setting_id] != '')) || ($setting['SettingType'] == 'boolean')) { if($setting['SettingType'] == 'string' || $setting['SettingType'] == 'password') { if($app->functions->intval($setting['SettingMinLength'], true) != 0 && strlen($postinput[$setting_id]) < $app->functions->intval($setting['SettingMinLength'], true)) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_short_value_for'), $setting['setting_name']); if($app->functions->intval($setting['SettingMaxLength'], true) != 0 && strlen($postinput[$setting_id]) > $app->functions->intval($setting['SettingMaxLength'], true)) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_long_value_for'), $setting['setting_name']); if(isset($setting['SettingRegex']) && !preg_match("/".$setting['SettingRegex']."/", $postinput[$setting_id])) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_inv_value_for'), $setting['setting_name']); } else if($setting['SettingType'] == 'email') { if(filter_var(strtolower($postinput[$setting_id]), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_inv_email_for'), $setting['setting_name']); } else if($setting['SettingType'] == 'domain-name') { if(!preg_match("^(http|https)\://([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+(\:[a-zA-Z0-9\.&%\$\-]+)*@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])|localhost|([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(\:[0-9]+)*(/($|[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\?\'\\\+&%\$#\=~_\-]+))*$", $postinput[$setting_id])) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_inv_domain_for'), $setting['setting_name']); } else if($setting['SettingType'] == 'integer') { if(filter_var($postinput[$setting_id], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_inv_integer_for'), $setting['setting_name']); } else if($setting['SettingType'] == 'float') { if(filter_var($postinput[$setting_id], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) === false) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_inv_float_for'), $setting['setting_name']); } else if($setting['SettingType'] == 'boolean') { // If we have a boolean value set, it must be either true or false if(!isset($postinput[$setting_id])) $postinput[$setting_id] = 'false'; else if(isset($postinput[$setting_id]) && $postinput[$setting_id] != 'true') $postinput[$setting_id] = 'true'; } else if($setting['SettingType'] == 'enum') { $found = false; for($i = 0; $i < count($setting['SettingChoices']); $i++) { if($setting['SettingChoices'][$i]['EnumID'] == $postinput[$setting_id]) $found = true; } if(!$found) $temp_errstr = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_inv_value_for'), $setting['SettingName']); } if($temp_errstr == '') $input[$setting_id] = $postinput[$setting_id]; else $error[] = $temp_errstr; } else $error[] = sprintf($this->app->lng('error_no_value_for'), $setting['SettingName']); } $ret['input'] = $input; $ret['error'] = array_unique($error); return $ret; } /** * Read the metadata of a package and returns some content * * @param $id the internal ID of the package * @return array */ public function getPackageDetails($id) { $pkg = $this->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM aps_packages WHERE id = '.$this->db->quote($id).';'); // Load in meta file if existing and register its namespaces $metafile = $this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$pkg['path'].'/APP-META.xml'; if(!file_exists($metafile)) return array('error' => 'The metafile for '.$pkg['name'].' couldn\'t be found'); $metadata = file_get_contents($metafile); $metadata = str_replace("xmlns=", "ns=", $metadata); $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($metadata); $namespaces = $sxe->getDocNamespaces(true); foreach($namespaces as $ns => $url) $sxe->registerXPathNamespace($ns, $url); $pkg['Summary'] = htmlspecialchars(parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//summary')); $pkg['Homepage'] = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//homepage'); $pkg['Description'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(trim(parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//description')))); $pkg['Config script'] = strtoupper(parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//configuration-script-language')); $installed_size = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//installed-size'); $pkg['Installed Size'] = (!empty($installed_size)) ? parent::convertSize((int)$installed_size) : ''; // License $pkg['License need agree'] = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//license/@must-accept'); $pkg['License name'] = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//license/text/name'); // might be empty $pkg['License type'] = 'file'; // default type $pkg['License content'] = ''; // default license filename on local system $license_url = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//license/text/url'); if(!empty($license_url)) { $pkg['License type'] = 'url'; $pkg['License content'] = htmlspecialchars($license_url); } else { $lic = @file_get_contents($this->interface_pkg_dir.'/'.$pkg['path'].'/LICENSE'); $pkg['License content'] = htmlentities($lic, ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1'); } // Languages $languages = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//languages/language', true); $pkg['Languages'] = (is_array($languages)) ? implode(' ', $languages) : ''; // Icon $icon = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//icon/@path'); if(!empty($icon)) { // Using parse_url() to filter malformed URLs $path = dirname(parse_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], PHP_URL_PATH)).'/'. basename($this->interface_pkg_dir).'/'.$pkg['path'].'/'.basename((string)$icon); $pkg['Icon'] = $path; } else $pkg['Icon'] = ''; // Screenshots $screenshots = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//screenshot', true); if(!empty($screenshots)) { foreach($screenshots as $screen) { // Using parse_url() to filter malformed URLs $path = dirname(parse_url($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], PHP_URL_PATH)).'/'. basename($this->interface_pkg_dir).'/'.$pkg['path'].'/'.basename((string)$screen['path']); $pkg['Screenshots'][] = array('ScreenPath' => $path, 'ScreenDescription' => htmlspecialchars(trim((string)$screen->description))); } } else $pkg['Screenshots'] = ''; // if no screenshots are available, set the variable though // Changelog $changelog = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//changelog/version', true); if(!empty($changelog)) { foreach($changelog as $change) { $entries = array(); foreach($change->entry as $entry) $entries[] = htmlspecialchars(trim((string)$entry)); $pkg['Changelog'][] = array('ChangelogVersion' => (string)$change['version'], 'ChangelogDescription' => implode('<br />', $entries)); } } else $pkg['Changelog'] = ''; // PHP extensions $php_extensions = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//php:extension', true); $php_ext = ''; if(!empty($php_extensions)) { foreach($php_extensions as $extension) { if(strtolower($extension) == 'php') continue; $php_ext .= $extension.' '; } } $pkg['Requirements PHP extensions'] = trim($php_ext); // PHP bool options $pkg['Requirements PHP settings'] = ''; $php_bool_options = array('allow-url-fopen', 'file-uploads', 'magic-quotes-gpc', 'register-globals', 'safe-mode', 'short-open-tag'); foreach($php_bool_options as $option) { $value = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//php:'.$option); if(!empty($value)) { $option = str_replace('-', '_', $option); $value = str_replace(array('false', 'true'), array('off', 'on'), $value); $pkg['Requirements PHP settings'][] = array('PHPSettingName' => $option, 'PHPSettingValue' => $value); } } // PHP integer value settings $memory_limit = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//php:memory-limit'); if(!empty($memory_limit)) $pkg['Requirements PHP settings'][] = array('PHPSettingName' => 'memory_limit', 'PHPSettingValue' => parent::convertSize((int)$memory_limit)); $max_exec_time = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//php:max-execution-time'); if(!empty($max_exec_time)) $pkg['Requirements PHP settings'][] = array('PHPSettingName' => 'max-execution-time', 'PHPSettingValue' => $max_exec_time); $post_max_size = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//php:post-max-size'); if(!empty($post_max_size)) $pkg['Requirements PHP settings'][] = array('PHPSettingName' => 'post_max_size', 'PHPSettingValue' => parent::convertSize((int)$post_max_size)); // Get supported PHP versions $pkg['Requirements Supported PHP versions'] = ''; $php_min_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//php:version/@min'); $php_max_not_including = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//php:version/@max-not-including'); if(!empty($php_min_version) && !empty($php_max_not_including)) $pkg['Requirements Supported PHP versions'] = $php_min_version.' - '.$php_max_not_including; else if(!empty($php_min_version)) $pkg['Requirements Supported PHP versions'] = '> '.$php_min_version; else if(!empty($php_max_not_including)) $pkg['Requirements Supported PHP versions'] = '< '.$php_min_version; // Database $db_id = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//db:id'); $db_server_type = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//db:server-type'); $db_min_version = parent::getXPathValue($sxe, '//db:server-min-version'); if(!empty($db_id)) { $db_server_type = str_replace('postgresql', 'PostgreSQL', $db_server_type); $db_server_type = str_replace('microsoft:sqlserver', 'MSSQL', $db_server_type); $db_server_type = str_replace('mysql', 'MySQL', $db_server_type); $pkg['Requirements Database'] = $db_server_type; if(!empty($db_min_version)) $pkg['Requirements Database'] .= ' > '.$db_min_version; } else $pkg['Requirements Database'] = ''; return $pkg; } } ?>