server_id = $go_info['isp']['server_id']; //$this->server_conf = $go_info['isp']['server_conf']; $this->server_conf['passwd_datei'] = '/etc/passwd'; $this->server_conf['shadow_datei'] = '/etc/shadow'; $this->server_conf['group_datei'] = '/etc/group'; } /** * Get the hostname from the server * * @return string */ public function hostname(){ $dist = $this->server_conf['dist']; ob_start(); passthru('hostname'); $hostname = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $hostname = trim($hostname); ob_start(); if(!strstr($dist, 'freebsd')){ passthru('dnsdomainname'); } else { passthru('domainname'); } $domainname = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $domainname = trim($domainname); if($domainname != ""){ if(!strstr($hostname, $domainname)) $hostname .= ".".$domainname; } return $hostname; } /** * Add an user to the system * */ public function adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort = '*'){ global $app; if($this->is_user($user_username)){ return false; } else { if(trim($user_username) != '') { $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf['shadow_datei']; $shell = realpath($shell); if(trim($passwort) == '') $passwort = '*'; $new_user = "\n$user_username:x:$uid:$gid:$username:$homedir:$shell\n"; $app->log->msg('USER: '.$new_user); $app->file->af($user_datei, $new_user); if($shadow_datei == '/etc/shadow'){ $datum = time(); $tage = floor($datum/86400); $new_passwd = "\n$user_username:$passwort:$tage:0:99999:7:::\n"; } else { $new_passwd = "\n$user_username:$passwort:$uid:$gid::0:0:$username:$homedir:$shell\n"; } $app->file->af($shadow_datei, $new_passwd); // TB: leere Zeilen entfernen $app->file->remove_blank_lines($shadow_datei); $app->file->remove_blank_lines($user_datei); // TB: user Sortierung deaktiviert //$this->order_users_groups(); if($shadow_datei != '/etc/shadow'){ $app->file->af($shadow_datei, "\n"); // TB: leere Zeilen entfernen $app->file->remove_blank_lines($shadow_datei); $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__); } return true; } } } /** * Update users when someone edit it * */ function updateuser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort = '*'){ //* First delete the users $this->deluser($user_username); //* Add the user again $this->adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort); } /** * Lock the user * */ function deactivateuser($user_username){ $passwort = str_rot13($this->getpasswd($user_username)); $user_attr = $this->get_user_attributes($user_username); $uid = $user_attr['uid']; $gid = $user_attr['gid']; $username = $user_attr['name']; $homedir = $user_attr['homedir']; $shell = '/dev/null'; $this->deluser($user_username); $this->adduser($user_username, $uid, $gid, $username, $homedir, $shell, $passwort); } /** * Delete a user from the system * */ function deluser($user_username){ global $app; if($this->is_user($user_username)){ $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf['shadow_datei']; $users = $app->file->rf($user_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $users); if(is_array($lines)){ $num_lines = sizeof($lines); for($i=0;$i<$num_lines;$i++){ if(trim($lines[$i]) != ''){ list($f1, ) = explode(':', $lines[$i]); if($f1 != $user_username) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i]; } } $new_users = implode("\n", $new_lines); $app->file->wf($user_datei, $new_users); unset($new_lines); unset($lines); unset($new_users); } $app->file->remove_blank_lines($user_datei); $passwds = $app->file->rf($shadow_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $passwds); if(is_array($lines)){ $num_lines = sizeof($lines); for($i=0;$i<$num_lines;$i++){ if(trim($lines[$i]) != ''){ list($f1, ) = explode(':', $lines[$i]); if($f1 != $user_username) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i]; } } $new_passwds = implode("\n", $new_lines); $app->file->wf($shadow_datei, $new_passwds); unset($new_lines); unset($lines); unset($new_passwds); } $app->file->remove_blank_lines($shadow_datei); $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf['group_datei']); $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file); foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){ if(trim($group_file_line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $group_file_line); $group_users = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $f4)); if(in_array($user_username, $group_users)){ $g_users = array(); foreach($group_users as $group_user){ if($group_user != $user_username) $g_users[] = $group_user; } $f4 = implode(',', $g_users); } $new_group_file[] = $f1.':'.$f2.':'.$f3.':'.$f4; } } $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file); $app->file->wf($this->server_conf['group_datei'], $new_group_file); // TB: auskommentiert //$this->order_users_groups(); if($shadow_datei != '/etc/shadow'){ $app->file->af($shadow_datei, "\n"); $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Add a usergroup to the system * */ function addgroup($group, $gid, $members = ''){ global $app; if($this->is_group($group)){ return false; } else { $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf['shadow_datei']; $new_group = "\n$group:x:$gid:$members\n"; $app->file->af($group_datei, $new_group); // TB: auskommentiert //$this->order_users_groups(); if($shadow_datei != '/etc/shadow'){ $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__); } return true; } } /** * Update usersgroup in way to delete and add it again * */ function updategroup($group, $gid, $members = ''){ $this->delgroup($group); $this->addgroup($group, $gid, $members); } /** * Delete a usergroup from the system * */ function delgroup($group){ global $app; if($this->is_group($group)){ $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf['shadow_datei']; $groups = $app->file->rf($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ $num_lines = sizeof($lines); for($i=0;$i<$num_lines;$i++){ if(trim($lines[$i]) != ''){ list($f1, ) = explode(':', $lines[$i]); if($f1 != $group) $new_lines[] = $lines[$i]; } } $new_groups = implode("\n", $new_lines); $app->file->wf($group_datei, $new_groups); unset($new_lines); unset($lines); unset($new_groups); } // TB: auskommentiert //$this->order_users_groups(); if($shadow_datei != '/etc/shadow'){ $app->log->caselog("pwd_mkdb $shadow_datei &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Order usergroups * */ function order_users_groups(){ global $app; $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf['shadow_datei']; $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $line); $arr[$f3] = $line; } } } ksort($arr); reset($arr); if($shadow_datei != '/etc/shadow'){ $app->file->wf($group_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0)."\n"); }else { $app->file->wf($group_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0)); } unset($arr); $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $users); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ""){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, ) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 != 'toor'){ $arr[$f3] = $line; } else { $arr[70000] = $line; } } } } ksort($arr); reset($arr); $app->file->wf($user_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0)); unset($arr); $passwds = $app->file->no_comments($shadow_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $passwds); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, ) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 != 'toor'){ $uid = $this->getuid($f1); if(!is_bool($uid)) $arr[$uid] = $line; } else { $arr[70000] = $line; } } } } ksort($arr); reset($arr); $app->file->wf($shadow_datei, $app->file->remove_blank_lines(implode("\n", $arr), 0)); unset($arr); } /** * Find a user / group id * */ function find_uid_gid($min, $max){ global $app; if($min < $max && $min >= 0 && $max >= 0 && $min <= 65536 && $max <= 65536 && is_int($min) && is_int($max)){ for($i=$min;$i<=$max;$i++){ $uid_arr[$i] = $gid_arr[$i] = 1; } $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $users); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(':', $line); if($f3 >= $min && $f3 <= $max) unset($uid_arr[$f3]); } } if(!empty($uid_arr)){ foreach($uid_arr as $key => $val){ $uids[] = $key; } $min_uid = min($uids); unset($uid_arr); } else { return false; } } $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $line); if($f3 >= $min && $f3 <= $max) unset($gid_arr[$f3]); } } if(!empty($gid_arr)){ foreach($gid_arr as $key => $val){ $gids[] = $key; } $min_gid = min($gids); unset($gid_arr); } else { return false; } } $result = array_intersect($uids, $gids); $new_id = (max($result)); unset($uids); unset($gids); unset($result); if($new_id <= $max){ return $new_id; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Check if the users is really a user into the system * */ function is_user($user){ global $app; $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $users); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 == $user) return true; } } } return false; } /** * Check if the group is on this system * */ function is_group($group){ global $app; $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ""){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 == $group) return true; } } } return false; } /* // Alternative implementation of the is_group function. Should be faster then the old one To be tested. function is_group($group) { $groupfile = '/etc/group'; if(is_file($groupfile)) { $handle = fopen ($groupfile, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $line = trim(fgets($handle, 4096)); if($line != ""){ $parts = explode(":", $line); if($parts[0] == $group) { fclose ($handle); return true; } } } fclose ($handle); } return false; } */ function root_group(){ global $app; $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $line); if($f3 == 0) return $f1; } } } return false; } /** * Get the groups of an user * */ function get_user_groups($username){ global $app; $user_groups = array(); $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $line); if(intval($f3) < intval($this->server_conf['groupid_von']) && trim($f1) != 'users'){ $tmp_group_users = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $f4)); if(in_array($username, $tmp_group_users) && trim($f1) != '') $user_groups[] = $f1; unset($tmp_group_users); } } } } if(!empty($user_groups)) return implode(',', $user_groups); return ''; } /** * Get a user password * */ function getpasswd($user){ global $app; if($this->is_user($user)){ $shadow_datei = $this->server_conf['shadow_datei']; $passwds = $app->file->no_comments($shadow_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $passwds); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, ) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 == $user) return $f2; } } } } else { return false; } } /** * Get the user from an user id * */ function getuser($uid){ global $app; $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $users); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3,) = explode(':', $line); if($f3 == $uid) return $f1; } } } return false; } /** * Get the user id from an user * */ function getuid($user){ global $app; if($this->is_user($user)){ $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $users); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, ) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 == $user) return $f3; } } } } else { return false; } } /** * Get the group from a group id * */ function getgroup($gid){ global $app; $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ""){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $line); if($f3 == $gid) return $f1; } } } return false; } /** * Get the group id from an group * */ function getgid($group){ global $app; if($this->is_group($group)){ $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $groups = $app->file->no_comments($group_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $groups); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ""){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 == $group) return $f3; } } } } else { return false; } } /** * Return info about a group by name * */ function posix_getgrnam($group) { if(!function_exists('posix_getgrnam')){ $group_datei = $this->server_conf['group_datei']; $cmd = 'grep -m 1 ? ?'; $this->exec_safe($cmd, '^'.$group.':', $group_datei); $output = $this->last_exec_out(); $return_var = $this->last_exec_retcode(); if($return_var != 0 || !$output[0]) return false; list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $output[0]); $f2 = trim($f2); $f3 = trim($f3); $f4 = trim($f4); if($f4 != ''){ $members = explode(',', $f4); } else { $members = array(); } $group_details = array( 'name' => $group, 'passwd' => $f2, 'members' => $members, 'gid' => $f3); return $group_details; } else { return posix_getgrnam($group); } } /** * Get all information from a user * */ function get_user_attributes($user){ global $app; if($this->is_user($user)){ $user_datei = $this->server_conf['passwd_datei']; $users = $app->file->no_comments($user_datei); $lines = explode("\n", $users); if(is_array($lines)){ foreach($lines as $line){ if(trim($line) != ''){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4, $f5, $f6, $f7) = explode(':', $line); if($f1 == $user){ $user_attr['username'] = $f1; $user_attr['x'] = $f2; $user_attr['uid'] = $f3; $user_attr['gid'] = $f4; $user_attr['name'] = $f5; $user_attr['homedir'] = $f6; $user_attr['shell'] = $f7; return $user_attr; } } } } } else { return false; } } /** * Edit the owner of a file * */ function chown($file, $owner, $allow_symlink = false){ global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && $this->checkpath($file) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $file", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(file_exists($file)) { if(@chown($file, $owner)) { return true; } else { $app->log("chown failed: $file : $owner", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } } } function chgrp($file, $group = '', $allow_symlink = false){ global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && $this->checkpath($file) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $file", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(file_exists($file)) { if(@chgrp($file, $group)) { return true; } else { $app->log("chgrp failed: $file : $group", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } } } //* Change the mode of a file function chmod($file, $mode, $allow_symlink = false) { global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && $this->checkpath($file) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $file", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(@chmod($file, $mode)) { return true; } else { $app->log("chmod failed: $file : $mode", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } } function file_put_contents($filename, $data, $allow_symlink = false, $run_as_user = null) { global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && $this->checkpath($filename) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $filename", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if($run_as_user !== null && $run_as_user !== 'root') { if(!$this->check_run_as_user($run_as_user)) { $app->log("Action aborted, invalid run-as-user: $run_as_user", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(file_exists($filename)) { $cmd = $this->get_sudo_command('rm ' . escapeshellarg($filename), $run_as_user); $this->exec_safe($cmd); } $cmd = $this->get_sudo_command('cat - > ' . escapeshellarg($filename), $run_as_user); $retval = null; $stderr = ''; $this->pipe_exec($cmd, $data, $retval, $stderr); if($retval > 0) { $app->log("Safe file_put_contents failed: $stderr", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } else { $size = filesize($filename); return $size; } } else { if(file_exists($filename)) unlink($filename); return file_put_contents($filename, $data); } } function file_get_contents($filename, $allow_symlink = false, $run_as_user = null) { global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && $this->checkpath($filename) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $filename", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if($run_as_user !== null && $run_as_user !== 'root') { if(!$this->check_run_as_user($run_as_user)) { $app->log("Action aborted, invalid run-as-user: $run_as_user", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } $cmd = $this->get_sudo_command('cat ' . escapeshellarg($filename), $run_as_user) . ' 2>/dev/null'; return $this->system_safe($cmd); } else { return file_get_contents($filename); } } function rename($filename, $new_filename, $allow_symlink = false) { global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && $this->checkpath($filename) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $filename", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } return rename($filename, $new_filename); } function mkdir($dirname, $allow_symlink = false, $mode = 0777, $recursive = false, $run_as_user = null) { global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && $this->checkpath($dirname) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $dirname", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if($run_as_user !== null && !$this->check_run_as_user($run_as_user)) { $app->log("Action aborted, invalid run-as-user: $run_as_user", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } $success = false; if($run_as_user !== null && $run_as_user !== 'root') { $cmd = $this->get_sudo_command('mkdir ' . ($recursive ? '-p ' : '') . escapeshellarg($dirname), $run_as_user) . ' >/dev/null 2>&1'; $this->exec_safe($cmd); if($this->last_exec_retcode() != 0) { $success = false; } else { $success = true; } } else { $success = @mkdir($dirname, $mode, $recursive); } if($success) { return true; } else { $app->log("mkdir failed: $dirname", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } } function unlink($filename) { if(file_exists($filename) || is_link($filename)) { return unlink($filename); } } function copy($file1, $file2) { return copy($file1, $file2); } function move($file1, $file2) { $cmd = 'mv ? ?'; $this->exec_safe($cmd, $file1, $file2); $return_var = $this->last_exec_retcode(); return $return_var == 0 ? true : false; } function rmdir($dir, $recursive=false) { // Disallow operating on root directory if(realpath($dir) == '/') { $app->log("rmdir: afraid I might delete root: $dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } $dir = rtrim($dir, '/'); if (is_dir($dir)) { $objects = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..')); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($recursive) { if (is_dir("$dir/$object")) { $this->rmdir("$dir/$object", $recursive); } else { unlink ("$dir/$object"); } } } return rmdir($dir); } return false; } function touch($file, $allow_symlink = false){ global $app; if($allow_symlink == false && @file_exists($file) && $this->checkpath($file) == false) { $this->unlink($file); } if(@touch($file)) { return true; } else { $app->log("touch failed: $file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } } public function create_relative_link($f, $t) { global $app; // $from already exists $from = realpath($f); // realpath requires the traced file to exist - so, lets touch it first, then remove @$app->system->unlink($t); touch($t); $to = realpath($t); @$app->system->unlink($t); // Remove from the left side matching path elements from $from and $to // and get path elements counts $a1 = explode('/', $from); $a2 = explode('/', $to); for ($c = 0; $a1[$c] == $a2[$c]; $c++) { unset($a1[$c]); unset($a2[$c]); } $cfrom = implode('/', $a1); // Check if a path is fully a subpath of another - no way to create symlink in the case if (count($a1) == 0 || count($a2) == 0) return false; // Add ($cnt_to-1) number of "../" elements to left side of $cfrom for ($c = 0; $c < (count($a2)-1); $c++) { $cfrom = '../'.$cfrom; } //if(strstr($to,'/etc/letsencrypt/archive/')) $to = str_replace('/etc/letsencrypt/archive/','/etc/letsencrypt/live/',$to); return symlink($cfrom, $to); } function checkpath($path) { $path = trim($path); //* We allow only absolute paths if(substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') return false; //* We allow only some characters in the path // * is allowed, for example it is part of wildcard certificates/keys: * if(!preg_match('@^/[-a-zA-Z0-9_/.*]{1,}[~]?$@', $path)) return false; //* Check path for symlinks $path_parts = explode('/', $path); $testpath = ''; foreach($path_parts as $p) { $testpath .= '/'.$p; if(is_link($testpath)) return false; } return true; } /** * This function checks the free space for a given directory * @param path check path * @param limit min. free space in bytes * @return bool - true when the the free space is above limit ohterwise false, opt. available disk-space */ function check_free_space($path, $limit = 0, &$free_space = 0) { $path = rtrim($path, '/'); /** * Make sure that we have only existing directories in the path. * Given a file name instead of a directory, the behaviour of the disk_free_space function is unspecified and may differ between operating systems and PHP versions. */ while(!is_dir($path) && $path != '/') $path = realpath(dirname($path)); $free_space = disk_free_space($out); if (!$free_space) { $free_space = 0; return false; } if ($free_space >= $limit) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Add an user to a specific group * */ function add_user_to_group($group, $user = 'admispconfig'){ global $app; $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf['group_datei']); $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file); foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){ list($group_name, $group_x, $group_id, $group_users) = explode(':', $group_file_line); if($group_name == $group){ $group_users = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $group_users)); if(!in_array($user, $group_users)){ $group_users[] = $user; } $group_users = implode(',', $group_users); if(substr($group_users, 0, 1) == ',') $group_users = substr($group_users, 1); $group_file_line = $group_name.':'.$group_x.':'.$group_id.':'.$group_users; } $new_group_file[] = $group_file_line; } $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file); $app->file->wf($this->server_conf['group_datei'], $new_group_file); $app->file->remove_blank_lines($this->server_conf['group_datei']); if($this->server_conf['shadow_datei'] != '/etc/shadow'){ $app->log->caselog('pwd_mkdb '.$this->server_conf['shadow_datei'].' &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } } /* function usermod($user, $groups){ global $app; if($this->is_user($user)){ $groups = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $groups)); $group_file = $app->file->rf($this->server_conf['group_datei']); $group_file_lines = explode("\n", $group_file); foreach($group_file_lines as $group_file_line){ if(trim($group_file_line) != ""){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode(':', $group_file_line); $group_users = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $f4)); if(!in_array($f1, $groups)){ if(in_array($user, $group_users)){ $g_users = array(); foreach($group_users as $group_user){ if($group_user != $user) $g_users[] = $group_user; } $f4 = implode(',', $g_users); } } else { if(!in_array($user, $group_users)){ if(trim($group_users[0]) == '') unset($group_users); $group_users[] = $user; } $f4 = implode(',', $group_users); } $new_group_file[] = $f1.':'.$f2.':'.$f3.':'.$f4; } } $new_group_file = implode("\n", $new_group_file); $app->file->wf($this->server_conf['group_datei'], $new_group_file); $app->file->remove_blank_lines($this->server_conf['group_datei']); if($this->server_conf['shadow_datei'] != '/etc/shadow'){ $app->log->caselog('pwd_mkdb '.$this->server_conf['shadow_datei'].' &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } return true; } else { return false; } } */ /**boot autostart etc * */ function rc_edit($service, $rl, $action){ // $action = "on|off"; global $app; $dist_init_scripts = $app->system->server_conf['dist_init_scripts']; $dist_runlevel = $app->system->server_conf['dist_runlevel']; $dist = $app->system->server_conf['dist']; if(trim($dist_runlevel) == ''){ // falls es keine runlevel gibt (FreeBSD) if($action == 'on'){ @symlink($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$service, $dist_init_scripts.'/'.$service.'.sh'); } if($action == 'off'){ if(is_link($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$service.'.sh')){ unlink($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$service.'.sh'); } else { rename($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$service.'.sh', $dist_init_scripts.'/'.$service); } } } else { // Linux if(substr($dist, 0, 4) == 'suse'){ if($action == 'on'){ $this->exec_safe("chkconfig --add ? &> /dev/null", $service); } if($action == 'off'){ $this->exec_safe("chkconfig --del ? &> /dev/null", $service); } } else { $runlevels = explode(',', $rl); foreach($runlevels as $runlevel){ $runlevel = trim($runlevel); if($runlevel != '' && is_dir($dist_runlevel.'/rc'.$runlevel.'.d')){ $handle=opendir($dist_runlevel.'/rc'.$runlevel.'.d'); while($file = readdir($handle)){ if($file != '.' && $file != '..'){ $target = @readlink($dist_runlevel.'/rc'.$runlevel.'.d/'.$file); if(strstr($file, $service) && strstr($target, $service) && substr($file, 0, 1) == 'S') $ln_arr[$runlevel][] = $dist_runlevel.'/rc'.$runlevel.'.d/'.$file; } } closedir($handle); } if($action == 'on'){ if(!is_array($ln_arr[$runlevel])) @symlink($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$service, $dist_runlevel.'/rc'.$runlevel.'.d/S99'.$service); } if($action == 'off'){ if(is_array($ln_arr[$runlevel])){ foreach($ln_arr[$runlevel] as $link){ unlink($link); } } } } } } } /** * Filter information from the commands * */ function grep($content, $string, $params = ''){ global $app; // params: i, v, w $content = $app->file->unix_nl($content); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach($lines as $line){ if(!strstr($params, 'w')){ if(strstr($params, 'i')){ if(strstr($params, 'v')){ if(!stristr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line; } else { if(stristr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line; } } else { if(strstr($params, 'v')){ if(!strstr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line; } else { if(strstr($line, $string)) $find[] = $line; } } } else { if(strstr($params, 'i')){ if(strstr($params, 'v')){ if(!$app->string->is_word($string, $line, 'i')) $find[] = $line; } else { if($app->string->is_word($string, $line, 'i')) $find[] = $line; } } else { if(strstr($params, 'v')){ if(!$app->string->is_word($string, $line)) $find[] = $line; } else { if($app->string->is_word($string, $line)) $find[] = $line; } } } } if(is_array($find)){ $ret_val = implode("\n", $find); if(substr($ret_val, -1) != "\n") $ret_val .= "\n"; $find = NULL; return $ret_val; } else { return false; } } /** * Strip content from fields * */ function cut($content, $field, $delimiter = ':'){ global $app; $content = $app->file->unix_nl($content); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach($lines as $line){ $elms = explode($delimiter, $line); $find[] = $elms[($field-1)]; } if(is_array($find)){ $ret_val = implode("\n", $find); if(substr($ret_val, -1) != "\n") $ret_val .= "\n"; $find = NULL; return $ret_val; } else { return false; } } /** * Get the content off a file * */ function cat($file){ global $app; return $app->file->rf($file); } /** * Control services to restart etc * */ function daemon_init($daemon, $action){ //* $action = start|stop|restart|reload global $app; $dist = $this->server_conf['dist']; $dist_init_scripts = $this->server_conf['dist_init_scripts']; if(!strstr($dist, 'freebsd')){ $app->log->caselog("$dist_init_scripts/$daemon $action &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__); } else { if(is_file($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.'.sh') || is_link($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.'.sh')){ if($action == 'start' || $action == 'stop'){ $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.'.sh '.$action.' &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } else { $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.'.sh stop &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); sleep(3); $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.'.sh start &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } } else { if(is_file($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon) || is_link($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon)){ if($action == 'start' || $action == 'stop'){ $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.' '.$action.' &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } else { $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.' stop &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); sleep(3); $app->log->caselog($dist_init_scripts.'/'.$daemon.' start &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } } else { if(is_file('/etc/rc.d/'.$daemon) || is_link('/etc/rc.d/'.$daemon)){ if($action == 'start' || $action == 'stop'){ $app->log->caselog('/etc/rc.d/'.$daemon.' '.$action.' &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } else { $app->log->caselog('/etc/rc.d/'.$daemon.' stop &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); sleep(3); $app->log->caselog('/etc/rc.d/'.$daemon.' start &> /dev/null', $this->FILE, __LINE__); } } } } } } function netmask($netmask){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', trim($netmask)); $bin = str_pad(decbin($f1), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $parts = explode('0', $bin); $bin = str_pad($parts[0], 32, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT); $bin = wordwrap($bin, 8, '.', 1); list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', trim($bin)); return bindec($f1).'.'.bindec($f2).'.'.bindec($f3).'.'.bindec($f4); } function binary_netmask($netmask){ list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', trim($netmask)); $bin = str_pad(decbin($f1), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $parts = explode('0', $bin); return substr_count($parts[0], '1'); } function network($ip, $netmask){ $netmask = $this->netmask($netmask); list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', $netmask); $netmask_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', $ip); $ip_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); for($i=0;$i<32;$i++){ $network_bin .= substr($netmask_bin, $i, 1) * substr($ip_bin, $i, 1); } $network_bin = wordwrap($network_bin, 8, '.', 1); list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', trim($network_bin)); return bindec($f1).'.'.bindec($f2).'.'.bindec($f3).'.'.bindec($f4); } /** * Make a broadcast address from an IP number in combination with netmask * */ function broadcast($ip, $netmask){ $netmask = $this->netmask($netmask); $binary_netmask = $this->binary_netmask($netmask); list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', $ip); $ip_bin = str_pad(decbin($f1), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f2), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f3), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(decbin($f4), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $broadcast_bin = str_pad(substr($ip_bin, 0, $binary_netmask), 32, '1', STR_PAD_RIGHT); $broadcast_bin = wordwrap($broadcast_bin, 8, '.', 1); list($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) = explode('.', trim($broadcast_bin)); return bindec($f1).'.'.bindec($f2).'.'.bindec($f3).'.'.bindec($f4); } /** * Get the network address information * */ function network_info(){ $dist = $this->server_conf['dist']; ob_start(); passthru('ifconfig'); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $lines = explode("\n", $output); foreach($lines as $line){ $elms = explode(' ', $line); if(trim($elms[0]) != '' && substr($elms[0], 0, 1) != "\t"){ $elms[0] = trim($elms[0]); if(strstr($dist, 'freebsd')) $elms[0] = substr($elms[0], 0, -1); $interfaces[] = $elms[0]; } } if(!empty($interfaces)){ foreach($interfaces as $interface){ ob_start(); if(!strstr($dist, 'freebsd')){ passthru('ifconfig '.$interface." | grep -iw 'inet' | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f1 -d' '"); } else { passthru('ifconfig '.$interface." | grep -iw 'inet' | grep -iv 'inet6' | cut -f2 -d' '"); } $output = trim(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); if($output != ''){ $ifconfig['INTERFACE'][$interface] = $output; $ifconfig['IP'][$output] = $interface; } } if(!empty($ifconfig)){ return $ifconfig; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Configure the network settings from the system * */ function network_config(){ $ifconfig = $this->network_info(); if($ifconfig){ $main_interface = $ifconfig['IP'][$this->server_conf['server_ip']]; if(strstr($main_interface, ':')){ $parts = explode(':', $main_interface); $main_interface = trim($parts[0]); } if($main_interface != ''){ $ips = $this->data['isp_server_ip']; if(!empty($ips)){ foreach($ips as $ip){ if(!isset($ifconfig['IP'][$ip['server_ip']])){ $to_set[] = $ip['server_ip']; } else { unset($ifconfig['IP'][$ip['server_ip']]); } } if(!empty($ifconfig['IP'])){ foreach($ifconfig['IP'] as $key => $val){ if(!strstr($val, 'lo') && !strstr($val, 'lp') && strstr($val, $main_interface)){ $this->exec_safe('ifconfig ? down &> /dev/null', $val); unset($ifconfig['INTERFACE'][$val]); } } } if(!empty($to_set)){ foreach($to_set as $to){ $i = 0; while($i >= 0){ if(isset($ifconfig['INTERFACE'][$main_interface.':'.$i])){ $i++; } else { $new_interface = $main_interface.':'.$i; $i = -1; } } $this->exec_safe('ifconfig ? ? netmask ? up &> /dev/null', $new_interface, $to, $this->server_conf['server_netzmaske']); $ifconfig['INTERFACE'][$new_interface] = $to; } } } } } } function quota_dirs(){ global $app; $content = $app->file->unix_nl($app->file->no_comments('/etc/fstab')); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach($lines as $line){ $line = trim($line); if($line != ''){ $elms = explode("\t", $line); foreach($elms as $elm){ if(trim($elm) != '') $f[] = $elm; } if(!empty($f) && stristr($f[3], 'userquota') && stristr($f[3], 'groupquota')){ $q_dirs[] = trim($f[1]); } unset($f); } } if(!empty($q_dirs)){ return $q_dirs; } else { return false; } } /** * Scan the trash for virusses infection * */ function make_trashscan(){ global $app; //trashscan erstellen // Template Öffnen $app->tpl->clear_all(); $app->tpl->define( array(table => 'trashscan.master')); if(!isset($this->server_conf['virusadmin']) || trim($this->server_conf['virusadmin']) == '') $this->server_conf['virusadmin'] = 'admispconfig@localhost'; if(substr($this->server_conf['virusadmin'], 0, 1) == '#'){ $notify = 'no'; } else { $notify = 'yes'; } // Variablen zuweisen $app->tpl->assign( array(VIRUSADMIN => $this->server_conf['virusadmin'], NOTIFICATION => $notify)); $app->tpl->parse(TABLE, table); $trashscan_text = $app->tpl->fetch(); $datei = '/home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/clamav/bin/trashscan'; $app->file->wf($datei, $trashscan_text); chmod($datei, 0755); chown($datei, 'admispconfig'); chgrp($datei, 'admispconfig'); } /** * Get the current time * */ function get_time(){ $addr = ''; $timeout = 1; $url_parts = parse_url($addr); $path = $url_parts['path']; $port = 80; $urlHandle = @fsockopen($url_parts['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if ($urlHandle){ socket_set_timeout($urlHandle, $timeout); $urlString = 'GET '.$path." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ".$url_parts['host']."\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n"; if ($user) $urlString .= 'Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($user.':'.$pass)."\r\n"; $urlString .= "\r\n"; fputs($urlHandle, $urlString); $month['Jan'] = '01'; $month['Feb'] = '02'; $month['Mar'] = '03'; $month['Apr'] = '04'; $month['May'] = '05'; $month['Jun'] = '06'; $month['Jul'] = '07'; $month['Aug'] = '08'; $month['Sep'] = '09'; $month['Oct'] = '10'; $month['Nov'] = '11'; $month['Dec'] = '12'; $c = 0; $l = 0; $startzeit = time(); while(!feof($urlHandle) && $c < 2 && $l == 0){ $line = trim(fgets($urlHandle, 128)); $response .= $line; $c = time() - $startzeit; if($line == '' || substr($line, 0, 5) == 'Date:') $l += 1; // nur den Header auslesen if(substr($line, 0, 5) == 'Date:'){ $parts = explode(' ', $line); $tag = $parts[2]; $monat = $month[$parts[3]]; $jahr = $parts[4]; list($stunde, $minute, $sekunde) = explode(':', $parts[5]); $timestamp = mktime($stunde, $minute, $sekunde, $monat, $tag, $jahr); } } @fclose($urlHandle); return $timestamp; } else { @fclose($urlHandle); return false; } } function replaceLine($filename, $search_pattern, $new_line, $strict = 0, $append = 1) { global $app; if($this->checkpath($filename) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $filename", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } $lines = @file($filename); $out = ''; $found = 0; if(is_array($lines)) { foreach($lines as $line) { if($strict == 0 && preg_match('/^REGEX:(.*)$/', $search_pattern)) { if(preg_match(substr($search_pattern, 6), $line)) { $out .= $new_line."\n"; $found = 1; } else { $out .= $line; } } elseif($strict == 0) { if(stristr($line, $search_pattern)) { $out .= $new_line."\n"; $found = 1; } else { $out .= $line; } } else { if(trim($line) == $search_pattern) { $out .= $new_line."\n"; $found = 1; } else { $out .= $line; } } } } if($found == 0) { //* add \n if the last line does not end with \n or \r if(substr($out, -1) != "\n" && substr($out, -1) != "\r" && filesize($filename) > 0) $out .= "\n"; //* add the new line at the end of the file if($append == 1) { $out .= $new_line."\n"; } } file_put_contents($filename, $out); } function removeLine($filename, $search_pattern, $strict = 0) { global $app; if($this->checkpath($filename) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, file is a symlink: $filename", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if($lines = @file($filename)) { $out = ''; foreach($lines as $line) { if($strict == 0 && preg_match('/^REGEX:(.*)$/', $search_pattern)) { if(preg_match(substr($search_pattern, 6), $line)) { $out .= $new_line."\n"; $found = 1; } else { $out .= $line; } } elseif($strict == 0) { if(!stristr($line, $search_pattern)) { $out .= $line; } } else { if(!trim($line) == $search_pattern) { $out .= $line; } } } file_put_contents($filename, $out); } } function maildirmake($maildir_path, $user = '', $subfolder = '', $group = '') { global $app, $conf; // load the server configuration options $app->uses("getconf"); $mail_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'mail'); if($subfolder != '') { $dir = $maildir_path.'/.'.$subfolder; } else { $dir = $maildir_path; } if(!is_dir($dir)) mkdir($dir, 0700, true); if($user != '' && $user != 'root' && $this->is_user($user)) { if(is_dir($dir)) $this->chown($dir, $user); $chown_mdsub = true; } if($group != '' && $group != 'root' && $this->is_group($group)) { if(is_dir($dir)) $this->chgrp($dir, $group); $chgrp_mdsub = true; } $maildirsubs = array('cur', 'new', 'tmp'); foreach ($maildirsubs as $mdsub) { if(!is_dir($dir.'/'.$mdsub)) mkdir($dir.'/'.$mdsub, 0700, true); if ($chown_mdsub) chown($dir.'/'.$mdsub, $user); if ($chgrp_mdsub) chgrp($dir.'/'.$mdsub, $group); } chmod($dir, 0700); //* Add the subfolder to the subscriptions and courierimapsubscribed files if($subfolder != '') { // Courier if($mail_config['pop3_imap_daemon'] == 'courier') { if(!is_file($maildir_path.'/courierimapsubscribed')) { $tmp_file = $maildir_path.'/courierimapsubscribed'; touch($tmp_file); chmod($tmp_file, 0744); chown($tmp_file, 'vmail'); chgrp($tmp_file, 'vmail'); } $this->replaceLine($maildir_path.'/courierimapsubscribed', 'INBOX.'.$subfolder, 'INBOX.'.$subfolder, 1, 1); } // Dovecot if($mail_config['pop3_imap_daemon'] == 'dovecot') { if(!is_file($maildir_path.'/subscriptions')) { $tmp_file = $maildir_path.'/subscriptions'; touch($tmp_file); chmod($tmp_file, 0744); chown($tmp_file, 'vmail'); chgrp($tmp_file, 'vmail'); } $this->replaceLine($maildir_path.'/subscriptions', $subfolder, $subfolder, 1, 1); } } $app->log('Created Maildir '.$maildir_path.' with subfolder: '.$subfolder, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } //* Function to create directory paths and chown them to a user and group function mkdirpath($path, $mode = 0755, $user = '', $group = '', $run_as_user = null) { $path_parts = explode('/', $path); $new_path = ''; if(is_array($path_parts)) { foreach($path_parts as $part) { $new_path .= '/'.$part; if(!@is_dir($new_path)) { $this->mkdir($new_path, false, 0777, false, $run_as_user); $this->chmod($new_path, $mode); if($user != '') $this->chown($new_path, $user); if($group != '') $this->chgrp($new_path, $group); } } } } function _exec($command, $allow_return_codes = null) { global $app; $out = array(); $ret = 0; $app->log('exec: '.$command, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); exec($command, $out, $ret); if(is_array($allow_return_codes) && in_array($ret, $allow_return_codes)) return true; elseif($ret != 0) return false; else return true; } //* Check if a application is installed function is_installed($appname) { $this->exec_safe('which ? 2> /dev/null', $appname); $out = $this->last_exec_out(); $returncode = $this->last_exec_retcode(); if(isset($out[0]) && stristr($out[0], $appname) && $returncode == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function set_immutable($path, $enable = true, $recursive = false) { global $app; if($this->checkpath($path) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, target is a symlink: $path", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } if($path != '' && $path != '/' && strlen($path) > 6 && strpos($path, '..') === false && (is_file($path) || is_dir($path))) { if($enable) { $this->exec_safe('chattr +i ?', $path); } else { $this->exec_safe('chattr -i ?', $path); } if($enable === false && $recursive === true && is_dir($path)) { // only allow when removing immutable $this->exec_safe('chattr -R -i ?', $path); } } } public function is_blacklisted_web_path($path) { $blacklist = array('bin', 'cgi-bin', 'dev', 'etc', 'home', 'lib', 'lib64', 'log', 'ssl', 'usr', 'var', 'proc', 'net', 'sys', 'srv', 'sbin', 'run'); $path = ltrim($path, '/'); $parts = explode('/', $path); if(in_array(strtolower($parts[0]), $blacklist, true)) { return true; } return false; } function web_folder_protection($document_root, $protect) { global $app, $conf; if($this->checkpath($document_root) == false) { $app->log("Action aborted, target is a symlink: $document_root", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } //* load the server configuration options $app->uses('getconf'); $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); if($protect == true && $web_config['web_folder_protection'] == 'y') { //* Add protection if($document_root != '' && $document_root != '/' && strlen($document_root) > 6 && !stristr($document_root, '..')) $this->exec_safe('chattr +i ?', $document_root); } else { //* Remove protection if($document_root != '' && $document_root != '/' && strlen($document_root) > 6 && !stristr($document_root, '..')) $this->exec_safe('chattr -i ?', $document_root); } } function usermod($username, $uid = 0, $gid = 0, $home = '', $shell = '', $password = '', $login = '') { global $app; if($login == '') $login = $username; //* Change values in /etc/passwd $passwd_file_array = file('/etc/passwd'); if(is_array($passwd_file_array)) { foreach($passwd_file_array as $line) { $line = trim($line); $parts = explode(':', $line); if($parts[0] == $username) { if(trim($login) != '' && trim($login) != trim($username)) $parts[0] = trim($login); if(!empty($uid)) $parts[2] = trim($uid); if(!empty($gid)) $parts[3] = trim($gid); if(trim($home) != '') $parts[5] = trim($home); if(trim($shell) != '') $parts[6] = trim($shell); $new_line = implode(':', $parts); copy('/etc/passwd', '/etc/passwd~'); chmod('/etc/passwd~', 0600); $app->uses('system'); $app->system->replaceLine('/etc/passwd', $line, $new_line, 1, 0); } } unset($passwd_file_array); } //* If username != login, change username in group and gshadow file if($username != $login) { $group_file_array = file('/etc/group'); if(is_array($group_file_array)) { foreach($group_file_array as $line) { $line = trim($line); $parts = explode(':', $line); if(strstr($parts[3], $username)) { $uparts = explode(',', $parts[3]); if(is_array($uparts)) { foreach($uparts as $key => $val) { if($val == $username) $uparts[$key] = $login; } } $parts[3] = implode(',', $uparts); $new_line = implode(':', $parts); copy('/etc/group', '/etc/group~'); chmod('/etc/group~', 0600); $app->system->replaceLine('/etc/group', $line, $new_line, 1, 0); } } } unset($group_file_array); $gshadow_file_array = file('/etc/gshadow'); if(is_array($gshadow_file_array)) { foreach($gshadow_file_array as $line) { $line = trim($line); $parts = explode(':', $line); if(strstr($parts[3], $username)) { $uparts = explode(',', $parts[3]); if(is_array($uparts)) { foreach($uparts as $key => $val) { if($val == $username) $uparts[$key] = $login; } } $parts[3] = implode(',', $uparts); $new_line = implode(':', $parts); copy('/etc/gshadow', '/etc/gshadow~'); chmod('/etc/gshadow~', 0600); $app->system->replaceLine('/etc/gshadow', $line, $new_line, 1, 0); } } } unset($group_file_array); } //* When password or login name has been changed if($password != '' || $username != $login) { $shadow_file_array = file('/etc/shadow'); if(is_array($shadow_file_array)) { foreach($shadow_file_array as $line) { $line = trim($line); $parts = explode(':', $line); if($parts[0] == $username) { if(trim($login) != '' && trim($login) != trim($username)) $parts[0] = trim($login); if(trim($password) != '') $parts[1] = trim($password); $new_line = implode(':', $parts); copy('/etc/shadow', '/etc/shadow~'); chmod('/etc/shadow~', 0600); $app->system->replaceLine('/etc/shadow', $line, $new_line, 1, 0); } } } unset($shadow_file_array); } } function intval($string, $force_numeric = false) { if(intval($string) == 2147483647) { if($force_numeric == true) return floatval($string); elseif(preg_match('/^([-]?)[0]*([1-9][0-9]*)([^0-9].*)*$/', $string, $match)) return $match[1].$match[2]; else return 0; } else { return intval($string); } } function is_mounted($mountpoint){ //$cmd = 'df 2>/dev/null | grep " '.$mountpoint.'$"'; $cmd = 'mount 2>/dev/null | grep ?'; $this->exec_safe($cmd, ' on '. $mountpoint . ' type '); $return_var = $this->last_exec_retcode(); return $return_var == 0 ? true : false; } function mount_backup_dir($backup_dir, $mount_cmd = '/usr/local/ispconfig/server/scripts/'){ global $app, $conf; if($this->is_mounted($backup_dir)) return true; $mounted = true; if ( is_file($mount_cmd) && is_executable($mount_cmd) && fileowner($mount_cmd) === 0 ) { if (!$this->is_mounted($backup_dir)){ exec($mount_cmd); sleep(1); if (!$this->is_mounted($backup_dir)) $mounted = false; } } else $mounted = false; if (!$mounted) { //* send email to admin that backup directory could not be mounted $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); if($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''){ $subject = 'Backup directory '.$backup_dir.' could not be mounted'; $message = "Backup directory ".$backup_dir." could not be mounted.\n\nThe command\n\n".$mount_cmd."\n\nfailed."; mail($global_config['admin_mail'], $subject, $message); } } return $mounted; } function umount_backup_dir($backup_dir, $mount_cmd = '/usr/local/ispconfig/server/scripts/'){ global $app, $conf; if ( is_file($mount_cmd) && is_executable($mount_cmd) && fileowner($mount_cmd) === 0 ) { if ($this->is_mounted($backup_dir)){ exec($mount_cmd); sleep(1); $unmounted = $this->is_mounted($backup_dir) == 0 ? true : false; if(!$unmounted) { //* send email to admin that backup directory could not be unmounted $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); if($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''){ $subject = 'Backup directory '.$backup_dir.' could not be unmounted'; $message = "Backup directory ".$backup_dir." could not be unmounted.\n\nThe command\n\n".$mount_cmd."\n\nfailed."; mail($global_config['admin_mail'], $subject, $message); } } } } return $unmounted; } function _getinitcommand($servicename, $action, $init_script_directory = '', $check_service) { global $conf; // upstart if(is_executable('/sbin/initctl')){ exec('/sbin/initctl version 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep -q upstart', $retval['output'], $retval['retval']); if(intval($retval['retval']) == 0) return 'service '.$servicename.' '.$action; } // systemd if(is_executable('/bin/systemd') || is_executable('/usr/bin/systemctl')){ if ($check_service) { $this->exec_safe("systemctl is-enabled ? 2>&1", $servicename); $ret_val = $this->last_exec_retcode(); } if ($ret_val == 0 || !$check_service) { return 'systemctl '.$action.' '.$servicename.'.service'; } } // sysvinit if($init_script_directory == '') $init_script_directory = $conf['init_scripts']; if(substr($init_script_directory, -1) === '/') $init_script_directory = substr($init_script_directory, 0, -1); if($check_service && is_executable($init_script_directory.'/'.$servicename)) { return $init_script_directory.'/'.$servicename.' '.$action; } if (!$check_service) { return $init_script_directory.'/'.$servicename.' '.$action; } } function getinitcommand($servicename, $action, $init_script_directory = '', $check_service=false) { if (is_array($servicename)) { foreach($servicename as $service) { $out = $this->_getinitcommand($service, $action, $init_script_directory, true); if ($out != '') return $out; } } else { return $this->_getinitcommand($servicename, $action, $init_script_directory, $check_service); } } function getapacheversion($get_minor = false) { global $app; $cmd = ''; if($this->is_installed('apache2ctl')) $cmd = 'apache2ctl -v'; elseif($this->is_installed('apachectl')) $cmd = 'apachectl -v'; else { $app->log("Could not check apache version, apachectl not found.", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return '2.2'; } exec($cmd, $output, $return_var); if($return_var != 0 || !$output[0]) { $app->log("Could not check apache version, apachectl did not return any data.", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return '2.2'; } if(preg_match('/version:\s*Apache\/(\d+)(\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))*)?(\D|$)/i', $output[0], $matches)) { return $matches[1] . (isset($matches[3]) ? '.' . $matches[3] : '') . (isset($matches[5]) && $get_minor == true ? '.' . $matches[5] : ''); } else { $app->log("Could not check apache version, did not find version string in apachectl output.", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return '2.2'; } } function getapachemodules() { global $app; $cmd = ''; if($this->is_installed('apache2ctl')) $cmd = 'apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_MODULES'; elseif($this->is_installed('apachectl')) $cmd = 'apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES'; else { $app->log("Could not check apache modules, apachectl not found.", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return array(); } exec($cmd . ' 2>/dev/null', $output, $return_var); if($return_var != 0 || !$output[0]) { $app->log("Could not check apache modules, apachectl did not return any data.", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return array(); } $modules = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($output); $i++) { if(preg_match('/^\s*(\w+)\s+\((shared|static)\)\s*$/', $output[$i], $matches)) { $modules[] = $matches[1]; } } return $modules; } //* ISPConfig mail function public function mail($to, $subject, $text, $from, $filepath = '', $filetype = 'application/pdf', $filename = '', $cc = '', $bcc = '', $from_name = '') { global $app, $conf; if($conf['demo_mode'] == true) $app->error("Mail sending disabled in demo mode."); $app->uses('getconf,ispcmail'); $mail_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); if($mail_config['smtp_enabled'] == 'y') { $mail_config['use_smtp'] = true; $app->ispcmail->setOptions($mail_config); } $app->ispcmail->setSender($from, $from_name); $app->ispcmail->setSubject($subject); $app->ispcmail->setMailText($text); if($filepath != '') { if(!file_exists($filepath)) $app->error("Mail attachement does not exist ".$filepath); $app->ispcmail->readAttachFile($filepath); } if($cc != '') $app->ispcmail->setHeader('Cc', $cc); if($bcc != '') $app->ispcmail->setHeader('Bcc', $bcc); $app->ispcmail->send($to); $app->ispcmail->finish(); return true; } public function is_allowed_user($username, $check_id = true, $restrict_names = false) { global $app; $name_blacklist = array('root','ispconfig','vmail','getmail'); if(in_array($username,$name_blacklist)) return false; if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]{1,32}$/', $username) == false) return false; if($check_id && intval($this->getuid($username)) < $this->min_uid) return false; if($restrict_names == true && preg_match('/^web\d+$/', $username) == false) return false; return true; } public function is_allowed_group($groupname, $check_id = true, $restrict_names = false) { global $app; $name_blacklist = array('root','ispconfig','vmail','getmail'); if(in_array($groupname,$name_blacklist)) return false; if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]{1,32}$/', $groupname) == false) return false; if($check_id && intval($this->getgid($groupname)) < $this->min_gid) return false; if($restrict_names == true && preg_match('/^client\d+$/', $groupname) == false) return false; return true; } public function last_exec_out() { return $this->_last_exec_out; } public function last_exec_retcode() { return $this->_last_exec_retcode; } public function exec_safe($cmd) { global $app; $args = func_get_args(); $arg_count = func_num_args(); if($arg_count != substr_count($cmd, '?') + 1) { trigger_error('Placeholder count not matching argument list.', E_USER_WARNING); return false; } if($arg_count > 1) { array_shift($args); $pos = 0; $a = 0; foreach($args as $value) { $a++; $pos = strpos($cmd, '?', $pos); if($pos === false) { break; } $value = escapeshellarg($value); $cmd = substr_replace($cmd, $value, $pos, 1); $pos += strlen($value); } } $this->_last_exec_out = null; $this->_last_exec_retcode = null; $ret = exec($cmd, $this->_last_exec_out, $this->_last_exec_retcode); $app->log("safe_exec cmd: " . $cmd . " - return code: " . $this->_last_exec_retcode, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return $ret; } public function system_safe($cmd) { call_user_func_array(array($this, 'exec_safe'), func_get_args()); return implode("\n", $this->_last_exec_out); } public function create_jailkit_user($username, $home_dir, $user_home_dir, $shell = '/bin/bash', $p_user = null, $p_user_home_dir = null) { // Disallow operating on root directory if(realpath($home_dir) == '/') { $app->log("create_jailkit_user: invalid home_dir: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } // Check if USERHOMEDIR already exists if(!is_dir($home_dir . '/.' . $user_home_dir)) { $this->mkdirpath($home_dir . '/.' . $user_home_dir, 0755, $username); } // Reconfigure the chroot home directory for the user $cmd = 'usermod --home=? ? 2>/dev/null'; $this->exec_safe($cmd, $home_dir . '/.' . $user_home_dir, $username); // Add the chroot user $cmd = 'jk_jailuser -n -s ? -j ? ?'; $this->exec_safe($cmd, $shell, $home_dir, $username); // We have to reconfigure the chroot home directory for the parent user if($p_user !== null) { $cmd = 'usermod --home=? ? 2>/dev/null'; $this->exec_safe($cmd, $home_dir . '/.' . $p_user_home_dir, $p_user); } return true; } public function create_jailkit_chroot($home_dir, $app_sections = array(), $options = array()) { // Disallow operating on root directory if(realpath($home_dir) == '/') { $app->log("create_jailkit_chroot: invalid home_dir: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(!is_dir($home_dir)) { $app->log("create_jailkit_chroot: jail directory does not exist: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(empty($app_sections)) { return true; } elseif(is_string($app_sections)) { $app_sections = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $app_sections); } // Change ownership of the chroot directory to root $this->chown($home_dir, 'root'); $this->chgrp($home_dir, 'root'); $program_args = ''; foreach ($options as $opt) { switch ($opt) { case '-k|hardlink': $program_args .= ' -k'; break; case '-f|force': $program_args .= ' -f'; break; } } # /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini is the default path, probably not needed? $program_args .= ' -c /etc/jailkit/jk_init.ini -j ?'; foreach($app_sections as $app_section) { # should check that section exists with jk_init --list ? $program_args .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($app_section); } // Initialize the chroot into the specified directory with the specified applications $cmd = 'jk_init' . $program_args; $this->exec_safe($cmd, $home_dir); // Create the temp directory if(!is_dir($home_dir . '/tmp')) { $this->mkdirpath($home_dir . '/tmp', 0770); } else { $this->chmod($home_dir . '/tmp', 0770, true); } // Fix permissions of the root firectory $this->chmod($home_dir . '/bin', 0755, true); // was chmod g-w $CHROOT_HOMEDIR/bin return true; } public function create_jailkit_programs($home_dir, $programs = array(), $options = array()) { // Disallow operating on root directory if(realpath($home_dir) == '/') { $app->log("create_jailkit_programs: invalid home_dir: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(!is_dir($home_dir)) { $app->log("create_jailkit_programs: jail directory does not exist: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(empty($programs)) { return true; } elseif(is_string($programs)) { $programs = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $programs); } # prohibit ill-advised copying paths known to be sensitive/problematic # (easy to bypass if needed, eg. use /./etc) $blacklisted_paths_regex = array( '|^/$|', '|^/proc(/.*)?$|', '|^/sys(/.*)?$|', '|^/etc/?$|', '|^/dev/?$|', '|^/tmp/?$|', '|^/run/?$|', '|^/boot/?$|', '|^/var(/?|/backups?/?)?$|', ); $program_args = ''; foreach ($options as $opt) { switch ($opt) { case '-k|hardlink': $program_args .= ' -k'; break; case '-f|force': $program_args .= ' -f'; break; } } $program_args .= ' -j ?'; $bad_paths = array(); foreach($programs as $prog) { foreach ($blacklisted_paths_regex as $re) { if (preg_match($re, $prog, $matches)) { $bad_paths[] = $matches[0]; } } if (count($bad_paths) > 0) { $app->log("Prohibited path not added to jail $home_dir: " . implode(", ", $bad_paths), LOGLEVEL_WARN); } else { $program_args .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($prog); } } if (count($programs) > count($bad_paths)) { $cmd = 'jk_cp' . $program_args; $this->exec_safe($cmd, $home_dir); } return true; } public function update_jailkit_chroot($home_dir, $sections = array(), $programs = array(), $options = array()) { global $app; $app->uses('ini_parser'); // Disallow operating on root directory if(realpath($home_dir) == '/') { $app->log("update_jailkit_chroot: invalid home_dir: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(!is_dir($home_dir)) { $app->log("update_jailkit_chroot: jail directory does not exist: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } $opts = array(); foreach ($options as $opt) { switch ($opt) { case '-k|hardlink': $opts[] = 'hardlink'; break; case '-f|force': $opts[] = 'force'; break; } } // Change ownership of the chroot directory to root $this->chown($home_dir, 'root'); $this->chgrp($home_dir, 'root'); $jailkit_directories = array( 'bin', 'dev', 'etc', 'lib', 'lib32', 'lib64', 'opt', 'sys', 'usr', 'var', ); $skips = ''; $multiple_links = array(); foreach ($jailkit_directories as $dir) { $root_dir = '/'.$dir; $jail_dir = rtrim($home_dir, '/') . '/'.$dir; if (!is_dir($jail_dir)) { $skips .= " --skip=/$dir"; continue; } // if directory exists in jail but not in root, remove it if (is_dir($jail_dir) && !is_dir($root_dir)) { $this->rmdir($jail_dir, true); $skips .= " --skip=/$dir"; continue; } // save list of hardlinked files if (!in_array($opts, 'hardlink') && !in_array($options, 'allow_hardlink')) { $find_multiple_links = function ( $path ) use ( &$find_multiple_links ) { $found = array(); if (is_dir($path)) { $objects = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..')); foreach ($objects as $object) { $ret = $find_multiple_links( "$path/$object" ); if (count($ret) > 0) { $found = array_merge($found, $ret); } } } else { $stat = stat($path); if ($stat['nlink'] > 1) { $found[$path] = $path; } } return $found; }; $ret = $find_multiple_links( $jail_dir ); if (count($ret) > 0) { $multiple_links = array_merge($multiple_links, $ret); } } // remove dangling symlinks $app->log("TODO: search for and remove dangling symlinks", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } $cmd = 'jk_update --jail='.escapeshellarg($home_dir) . $skips; exec($cmd, $out, $ret); foreach ($out as $line) { if (substr( $line, 0, 4 ) === "skip") { continue; } if (preg_match('|^(? [^ ]+){6}(.+)$'.preg_quote($home_dir, '|').'|', $line, $matches)) { # remove deprecated files that jk_update failed to remove if (is_file($matches[1])) { $app->log("removing deprecated file which jk_update failed to remove: ".$matches[1], LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); unlink($matches[1]); } elseif (is_dir($matches[1])) { $app->log("removing deprecated directory which jk_update failed to remove: ".$matches[1], LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $this->rmdir($matches[1], true); } # unhandled error $app->log("jk_update error for jail $home_dir: ".$matches[1], LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } // reinstall jailkit sections and programs if(!(empty($sections) && empty($programs))) { $this->create_jailkit_chroot($home_dir, $sections, $opts); $this->create_jailkit_programs($home_dir, $programs, $opts); } // Create the temp directory if(!is_dir($home_dir . '/tmp')) { $this->mkdirpath($home_dir . '/tmp', 0770); } else { $this->chmod($home_dir . '/tmp', 0770, true); } // search for any hardlinked files which are now missing if (!in_array($opts, 'hardlink') && !in_array($options, 'allow_hardlink')) { foreach ($multiple_links as $file) { if (!is_file($file)) { // strip $home_dir from $file if (substr($file, 0, strlen(rtrim($home_dir, '/'))) == strlen(rtrim($home_dir, '/'))) { $file = substr($file, strlen(rtrim($home_dir, '/'))); } if (is_file($file)) { // file exists in root $app->log("file with multiple links still missing, running jk_cp to restore: $file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $cmd = 'jk_cp -j ? ' . escapeshellarg($file); $this->exec_safe($cmd, $home_dir); } else { // not necessarily an error $app->log("previously hardlinked file was not found to restore: $file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } } } // Fix permissions of the root firectory $this->chmod($home_dir . '/bin', 0755, true); // was chmod g-w $CHROOT_HOMEDIR/bin // remove non-existent jails from /etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini if (is_file('/etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini')) { $rewrite = false; $jk_socketd_ini = $app->ini_parser->parse_ini_file('/etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini'); foreach ($jk_socketd_ini as $log => $settings) { $jail = preg_replace('|/dev/log$|', '', $log); if ($jail != $log && !is_dir($jail)) { unset($jk_socketd_ini[$log]); $rewrite=true; } } if ($rewrite) { $app->log('update_jailkit_chroot: writing /etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->ini_parse->write_ini_file($jk_socketd_ini, '/etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini'); } } return true; } public function delete_jailkit_chroot($home_dir) { global $app; $app->uses('ini_parser'); // Disallow operating on root directory if(realpath($home_dir) == '/') { $app->log("delete_jailkit_chroot: invalid home_dir: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } if(!is_dir($home_dir)) { $app->log("delete_jailkit_chroot: jail directory does not exist: $home_dir", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } $jailkit_directories = array( 'bin', 'dev', 'etc', 'lib', 'lib32', 'lib64', 'opt', 'sys', 'usr', 'var', ); $removed = ''; foreach ($jailkit_directories as $dir) { $jail_dir = rtrim($home_dir, '/') . '/'.$dir; if (is_dir($jail_dir)) { $this->rmdir($jail_dir, true); $removed .= ' /'.$dir; } } $app->log("delete_jailkit_chroot: removed from jail $home_dir: $removed", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); // handle etc and home special $home = rtrim($home_dir, '/') . '/home'; @rmdir($home); # ok to fail if non-empty $private = rtrim($home_dir, '/') . '/private'; if (is_dir($home) && is_dir($private)) { $archive = $private.'/home-'.date('c'); rename($home, $archive); } // remove $home_dir from /etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini if (is_file('/etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini')) { $jk_socketd_ini = $app->ini_parser->parse_ini_file('/etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini'); $log = $home . '/dev/log'; if (isset($jk_socketd_ini[$log]) { unset($jk_socketd_ini[$log]); $app->log('delete_jailkit_chroot: writing /etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->ini_parse->write_ini_file($jk_socketd_ini, '/etc/jailkit/jk_socketd.ini'); } } return true; } public function pipe_exec($cmd, $stdin, &$retval = null, &$stderr = null) { $descriptors = array( 0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w') ); $result = ''; $pipes = null; $proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes); if(is_resource($proc)) { fwrite($pipes[0], $stdin); fclose($pipes[0]); $result = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); $stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); $retval = proc_close($proc); return $result; } else { return false; } } private function get_sudo_command($cmd, $run_as_user) { return 'sudo -u ' . escapeshellarg($run_as_user) . ' sh -c ' . escapeshellarg($cmd); } private function check_run_as_user($username) { if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/', $username)) { return true; } else{ return false; } } }