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<h1>dns_srv_get(<span class="var">$session_id</span>, <span class="var">$primary_id</span>);</h1>
<p class="headgrp">Description: </p>
<p class="margin"> Retrieves information about target dns srv resource record.</p><br>
<p class="headgrp">Input Variables: </p> 
<p class="margin"> <span class="var">$session_id</span>, <span class="var">$primary_id</span></p>
<p class="headgrp">Parameters (in <span class="var">$params</span>): </p>
<p class="margin"> None</p>
<p class="headgrp">Output: </p> 
<p class="margin"> Returns all fields and values of the chosen dns srv resource record.</p>
<p style="margin-left:100px">Gives a record of </p> -->
