plugins->registerEvent('firewall_insert', $this->plugin_name, 'insert'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_update', $this->plugin_name, 'update'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_delete', $this->plugin_name, 'delete'); } public function insert($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; $this->update($event_name, $data); } public function update($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* load the server configuration options $app->uses('getconf'); $server_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'server'); if($server_config['firewall'] == 'ufw') { $this->ufw_update($event_name, $data); } else { $this->bastille_update($event_name, $data); } } public function delete($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; //* load the server configuration options $app->uses('getconf'); $server_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'server'); if($server_config['firewall'] == 'ufw') { $this->ufw_delete($event_name, $data); } else { $this->bastille_delete($event_name, $data); } } private function ufw_update($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; $app->uses('system'); if(!$app->system->is_installed('ufw')) { $app->log('UFW Firewall is not installed', LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } exec('ufw --version', $out); $parts = explode(' ', $out[0]); $ufwversion = $parts[1]; unset($parts); unset($out); if(version_compare( $ufwversion , '0.30') < 0) { $app->log('The installed UFW Firewall version is too old. Minimum required version 0.30', LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } //* Basic firewall setup when the firewall is added the first time if($event_name == 'firewall_insert') { exec('ufw --force disable'); exec('ufw --force reset'); exec('ufw default deny incoming'); exec('ufw default allow outgoing'); } $tcp_ports_new = $this->clean_ports($data['new']['tcp_port'], ','); $tcp_ports_old = $this->clean_ports($data['old']['tcp_port'], ','); $udp_ports_new = $this->clean_ports($data['new']['udp_port'], ','); $udp_ports_old = $this->clean_ports($data['old']['udp_port'], ','); $tcp_ports_new_array = explode(',', $tcp_ports_new); $tcp_ports_old_array = explode(',', $tcp_ports_old); $udp_ports_new_array = explode(',', $udp_ports_new); $udp_ports_old_array = explode(',', $udp_ports_old); //* add tcp ports foreach($tcp_ports_new_array as $port) { if(!in_array($port, $tcp_ports_old_array) && $port > 0) { exec('ufw allow '.$port.'/tcp'); $app->log('ufw allow '.$port.'/tcp', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); sleep(1); } } //* remove tcp ports foreach($tcp_ports_old_array as $port) { if(!in_array($port, $tcp_ports_new_array) && $port > 0) { exec('ufw delete allow '.$port.'/tcp'); $app->log('ufw delete allow '.$port.'/tcp', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); sleep(1); } } //* add udp ports foreach($udp_ports_new_array as $port) { if(!in_array($port, $udp_ports_old_array) && $port > 0) { exec('ufw allow '.$port.'/udp'); $app->log('ufw allow '.$port.'/udp', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); sleep(1); } } //* remove udp ports foreach($udp_ports_old_array as $port) { if(!in_array($port, $udp_ports_new_array) && $port > 0) { exec('ufw delete allow '.$port.'/udp'); $app->log('ufw delete allow '.$port.'/udp', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); sleep(1); } } /* if($tcp_ports_new != $tcp_ports_old) { exec('ufw allow to any proto tcp port '.$tcp_ports_new); $app->log('ufw allow to any proto tcp port '.$tcp_ports_new,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); if($event_name == 'firewall_update') { exec('ufw delete allow to any proto tcp port '.$tcp_ports_old); $app->log('ufw delete allow to any proto tcp port '.$tcp_ports_old,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } if($udp_ports_new != $udp_ports_old) { exec('ufw allow to any proto udp port '.$udp_ports_new); $app->log('ufw allow to any proto udp port '.$udp_ports_new,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); if($event_name == 'firewall_update') { exec('ufw delete allow to any proto udp port '.$udp_ports_old); $app->log('ufw delete allow to any proto udp port '.$udp_ports_old,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } */ if($data['new']['active'] == 'y') { if($data['new']['active'] == $data['old']['active']) { exec('ufw reload'); $app->log('Reloading the firewall', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { //* Ensure that bastille firewall is stopped exec($conf['init_scripts'] . '/' . 'bastille-firewall stop 2>/dev/null'); if(@is_file('/etc/debian_version')) exec('update-rc.d -f bastille-firewall remove'); //* Start ufw firewall exec('ufw --force enable'); $app->log('Starting the firewall', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } else { exec('ufw disable'); $app->log('Stopping the firewall', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } private function ufw_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; $app->uses('system'); if(!$app->system->is_installed('ufw')) { $app->log('UFW Firewall is not installed', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); return false; } exec('ufw --force reset'); exec('ufw disable'); $app->log('Stopping the firewall', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } private function bastille_update($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; $app->uses('system'); $tcp_ports = $this->clean_ports($data['new']['tcp_port'], ' '); $udp_ports = $this->clean_ports($data['new']['udp_port'], ' '); $app->load('tpl'); $tpl = new tpl(); $tpl->newTemplate('bastille-firewall.cfg.master'); $tpl->setVar('TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES', $tcp_ports); $tpl->setVar('UDP_PUBLIC_SERVICES', $udp_ports); file_put_contents('/etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg', $tpl->grab()); $app->log('Writing firewall configuration /etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); unset($tpl); if($data['new']['active'] == 'y') { //* ensure that ufw firewall is disabled in case both firewalls are installed if($app->system->is_installed('ufw')) { exec('ufw disable'); } exec($conf['init_scripts'] . '/' . 'bastille-firewall restart 2>/dev/null'); if(@is_file('/etc/debian_version')) exec('update-rc.d bastille-firewall defaults'); $app->log('Restarting the firewall', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { exec($conf['init_scripts'] . '/' . 'bastille-firewall stop 2>/dev/null'); if(@is_file('/etc/debian_version')) exec('update-rc.d -f bastille-firewall remove'); $app->log('Stopping the firewall', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } private function bastille_delete($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; exec($conf['init_scripts'] . '/' . 'bastille-firewall stop 2>/dev/null'); if(@is_file('/etc/debian_version')) exec('update-rc.d -f bastille-firewall remove'); $app->log('Stopping the firewall', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } private function clean_ports($portlist, $spacer) { $ports = explode(',', $portlist); $ports_out = ''; if(is_array($ports)) { foreach($ports as $p) { $p_clean = ''; if(strstr($p, ':')) { $p_parts = explode(':', $p); $tmp_lower = intval($p_parts[0]); $tmp_higher = intval($p_parts[1]); if($tmp_lower > 0 && $tmp_lower <= 65535 && $tmp_higher > 0 && $tmp_higher <= 65535 && $tmp_lower < $tmp_higher) { $p_clean = $tmp_lower.':'.$tmp_higher; } } else { $tmp = intval($p); if($tmp > 0 && $tmp <= 65535) { $p_clean = $tmp; } } if($p_clean != '') $ports_out .= $p_clean . $spacer; } } return substr($ports_out, 0, strlen($spacer)*-1); } } // end class ?>