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#### ISPConfig dns_dns_zone_disable_user_plugin
##### Description
This addon prevents non-admin users to **delete** or **change** DNS Zones in ISPConfig. If the user tries to delete a zone the following error will appear:
> You are not allowed to delete DNS Zones.
If the user tries to change DNS Zone settings the following error will appear:
> You are not allowed to change DNS Zonesettings.
##### Installation
Within the folder of this plugin you can find a `` script to automatically install the plugin within ISPConfig. However make sure to `chmod +x` beforehand.
You can also install the plugin manually with these steps:
mv -v /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/plugins
chown ispconfig:ispconfig /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/plugins/
**Note:** In both cases make sure to logout and back in to ISPConfig to load th Plugin.
* dns_dns_zone_disable_user_plugin
* @author pyte_c
class dns_dns_zone_disable_user_plugin {
var $plugin_name = 'dns_dns_zone_disable_user_plugin';
var $class_name = 'dns_dns_zone_disable_user_plugin';
function onLoad() {
global $app;
// Register Events
$app->plugin->registerEvent('dns:dns_soa:on_before_update', 'dns_dns_zone_disable_user_plugin', 'dns_dns_soa_edit');
$app->plugin->registerEvent('dns:dns_soa:on_check_delete', 'dns_dns_zone_disable_user_plugin', 'dns_dns_soa_delete');
function dns_dns_soa_edit($event_name, $page_form) {
global $app;
$tmp = $app->db->diffrec($page_form->oldDataRecord, $app->tform->getDataRecord($page_form->id));
if($tmp['diff_num'] > 0 && !$app->auth->is_admin()) {
$app->error("You are not allowed to change DNS Zonesettings.");
function dns_dns_soa_delete($event_name) {
global $app;
// If user is not admin and event is check_delete -> show error
if($event_name == 'dns:dns_soa:on_check_delete' && !$app->auth->is_admin()) {
$app->error("You are not allowed to delete DNS Zones.");
mv -v /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/plugins
chown ispconfig:ispconfig /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/plugins/