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$wb['conf_format_dateshort'] = 'Y-m-d';
$wb['conf_format_datelong'] = 'l dS of F Y';
$wb['conf_format_timeshort'] = 'H:i';
$wb['conf_format_timelong'] = 'H:i:s';
$wb['conf_format_datetime'] = 'Y-m-d H:i';
$wb['301'] = 'Modul nie je povolen pre existujceho pouivatela.';
$wb['302'] = 'Module neplatn.';
$wb['1001'] = 'Uvatelsk meno a heslo nesmie byt przdne !';
$wb['1002'] = 'Uvatelsk meno a/alebo heslo nie je sprvne !';
$wb['1003'] = 'Uvatelsk meno je deaktivovan';
$wb['delete_confirmation'] = 'Naozaj chcete zmazat tento zznam?';
$wb['error_no_view_permission'] = 'Nemte oprvnenie pre prezeranie tohto zznamu alebo tento zznam neexistuje!';
$wb['error_no_delete_permission'] = 'Nemte oprvnenie zmaza? tento zznam!';
$wb['page_txt'] = 'Strana';
$wb['page_of_txt'] = 'z';
$wb['page_next_txt'] = '?al';
$wb['page_back_txt'] = 'Sp?';
$wb['delete_txt'] = 'Zmaza?';
$wb['filter_txt'] = 'Filter';
$wb['add_new_record_txt'] = 'Prida? zznam';
$wb['btn_save_txt'] = 'Uloi?';
$wb['btn_cancel_txt'] = 'Sp?';
$wb['System'] = 'Systm';
$wb['Client'] = 'Klient';
$wb['Email'] = 'Email';
$wb['Monitor'] = 'Monitor';
$wb['Sites'] = 'Webstrnky';
$wb['DNS'] = 'DNS';
$wb['Tools'] = 'Nstroje';
$wb['Help'] = 'Pomoc';
$wb['toolsarea_head_txt'] = 'Nstroje';
$wb['page_and_txt'] = 'and';