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Commit 238326c6 authored by Marius Burkard's avatar Marius Burkard
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Merge branch 'master' into 'master'

maindomain of aps-instance changeable and ordered rewrite rules in apache-vhost-conf

1. maindomain in apsinstance:
Posibility to change main-domain of aps-instance over remote (in interface maind…omain is always the websites domain but over remote it's now possible to set an alias oder subdomain, that will be used in instance-settings. Important if e.g. wordpress-installation should run unter an aliasdomain instead of the websites domain)

2. append *-Rewrite-Rules to the end of rewrite-rules. With this it is possible to use 
- sub.domain.tld
- *.domain.tld
together with different subdir-redirects (with the usage of redirect-type L for sub.domain.tld). Before this change it was never possible to get it always working, because it depended on the order in database if it worked or not. 

See merge request !255
parents 982cb630 a639ee6c
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