From 239490bd2aae216067a906aa3f4d5221917fa246 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: redray <redray@ispconfig3>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 17:12:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] corrected the install manula for ubuntu 8.04 lts

 INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.04.txt            | 65 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 install/lib/installer_base.lib.php |  9 +++--
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.04.txt b/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.04.txt
index c3ba560e66..0317eb06c8 100644
--- a/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.04.txt
+++ b/INSTALL_UBUNTU_8.04.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-It is recommended to use a clean (fresh) Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) install where you selected no additional packages or servers during setup. Then follow the steps below to setup your server with ISPConfig 3:
+It is recommended to use a clean (fresh) Ubuntu 8.04 LTS install where you selected no additional packages or servers during setup. Then follow the steps below to setup your server with ISPConfig 3:
 Now become root user by executing:
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Mail name? <-- server1.mydomain.tld
 ...use your own domain name of course ;)
 2) Install Amavisd-new, Spamassassin and Clamav (1 line!):
 apt-get install amavisd-new spamassassin clamav clamav-daemon zoo unzip bzip2 arj nomarch lzop cabextract apt-listchanges libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl clamav-docs daemon libio-string-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ident-perl zip libnet-dns-perl
@@ -44,7 +45,8 @@ a2enmod suexec
 a2enmod rewrite
 a2enmod ssl
-Optional: Install SuPHP
+3.1) Optional: Install SuPHP
 apt-get install libapache2-mod-suphp
@@ -76,13 +78,14 @@ apt-get install pure-ftpd-common pure-ftpd-mysql quota quotatool
 echo 'yes' > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/DontResolve
 5) Install mydns
 apt-get install g++ libc6 gcc gawk make texinfo libmysqlclient15-dev
 cd /tmp
-tar xvfz mydns-
+tar xvfz mydns-
 cd mydns-1.2.8
@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ vi /etc/init.d/mydns
 and enter the following lines (between the ----- lines):
-#! /bin/sh
+#! /bin/bash
 # mydns         Start the MyDNS server
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ case "$1" in
         echo "."
-        echo -n "Reloading $DESC configuration..."
+        echo -n "Reloading $DESC configuration ..."
         start-stop-daemon --stop --signal HUP --quiet \
                 --exec $DAEMON
         echo "done."
@@ -166,28 +169,25 @@ apt-get install vlogger webalizer
 7) Install ISPConfig 3
-There are two possile scenarios, but not both:
-1) Install the latest alpha 
-2) Install directly from SVN
-apt-get install php5-cli
+There are two possile scenarios a) or b), but not both:
-1) Installation of beta 3
+a) Installation of beta 3
+    cd /tmp
+    wget
+    tar xvfz ISPConfig_3.0.0.7-alpha.tar.gz
+    cd ispconfig3_install/install/
-  cd /tmp
-  wget
-  tar xvfz ISPConfig_3.0.0.5-alpha.tar.gz
-  cd ispconfig3_install/install/
+b) Installation from SVN
-2) Installation from SVN
+    apt-get install subversion
+    cd /tmp
+    svn export svn://
+    cd trunk/install
+after a) or b)
-  apt-get install subversion
-  cd /tmp
-  svn export svn://
-  cd trunk/install
-1+2) Now proceed with the ISPConfig installation.
+proceed with the ISPConfig installation.
 Now start the installation process by executing:
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ php -q install.php
 The installer will configure all services like postfix, sasl, courier, etc. for you. A manual setup as required for ISPConfig 2 (perfect setup guides) is not nescessary. To login to the ISPConfig controlpanel, open the following URL in your browser (replace the IP to match your settings!):
 the default login is:
@@ -205,17 +205,20 @@ password: admin
 In case you get a permission denied error from apache, please restart the apache webserver process.
-8) Once you have restarted Apache you need to fix a quick setting in apache2. 
+8) Apache Fix
+Once you have restarted Apache you need to fix a quick setting in apache2. 
-1) rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
+a) rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
-2) echo "NameVirtualHost *:80">> /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
+b) echo "NameVirtualHost *:80">> /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
-3) /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
+c) /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
+9) Optional packages
-Installing Jailkit:
+9.1) Installing Jailkit:
 apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake1.9 libtool flex bison
 cd /tmp
diff --git a/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php b/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php
index 4c9c20c8b5..d1887588cb 100644
--- a/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php
+++ b/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ class installer_base {
 			'broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes',
 			'smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, check_recipient_access mysql:'.$config_dir.'/, reject_unauth_destination',
 			'smtpd_use_tls = yes',
-			'smtpd_tls_cert_file = '.$config_dir.'/smtpd.cert',
-			'smtpd_tls_key_file = '.$config_dir.'/smtpd.key',
+			'smtpd_tls_cert_file = '.$config_dir.'/ssl/smtpd.cert',
+			'smtpd_tls_key_file = '.$config_dir.'/ssl/smtpd.key',
 			'transport_maps = proxy:mysql:'.$config_dir.'/',
 			'relay_domains = mysql:'.$config_dir.'/',
 			'virtual_create_maildirsize = yes',
@@ -332,12 +332,13 @@ class installer_base {
 		if(!stristr($options,'dont-create-certs')) {
 			//* Create the SSL certificate
-			$command = 'cd '.$config_dir.'; '
+			$command = 'mkdir '.$config_dir.'/ssl; '
+                      .'cd '.$config_dir.'/ssl; '
                       .'openssl req -new -outform PEM -out smtpd.cert -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout '
                       .'smtpd.key -keyform PEM -days 365 -x509';
-			$command = 'chmod o= '.$config_dir.'/smtpd.key';
+			$command = 'chmod o= '.$config_dir.'/ssl/smtpd.key';
 			caselog($command.' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, 'EXECUTED: '.$command, 'Failed to execute the command '.$command);