From 476a60908e004bd330a111a0e6028d61053fafa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vogelor <vogelor@ispconfig3>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 18:48:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added fail2ban - Log to the monitor (if installed at the
 server). Updated installation-Instruction for debian

 INSTALL_DEBIAN_4.0.txt                        | 18 ++--
 INSTALL_DEBIAN_LENNY.txt                      | 41 +++++-----
 interface/web/monitor/lib/module.conf.php     |  4 +
 interface/web/monitor/show_data.php           |  7 ++
 interface/web/monitor/           | 38 ++++++++-
 .../               | 82 ++++++++++++++++---
 6 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/INSTALL_DEBIAN_4.0.txt b/INSTALL_DEBIAN_4.0.txt
index 2323b8095d..7012b35766 100644
--- a/INSTALL_DEBIAN_4.0.txt
+++ b/INSTALL_DEBIAN_4.0.txt
@@ -133,21 +133,26 @@ make
 make install
 rm -rf jailkit-2.5*
+8) Install fail2ban (optional but recomended, because the monitor tries to show the log)
+More info at:
-8) Install ISPConfig 3
+apt-get install fail2ban
+9) Install ISPConfig 3
 There are two possile scenarios, but not both:
-8.1) Install the latest released version 
-8.2) Install directly from SVN
+9.1) Install the latest released version 
+9.2) Install directly from SVN
-8.1) Installation of last version from tar.gz
+9.1) Installation of last version from tar.gz
   cd /tmp
   tar xvfz ISPConfig-
   cd ispconfig3_install/install/
-8.2) Installation from SVN
+9.2) Installation from SVN
   apt-get install subversion
   cd /tmp
@@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ There are two possile scenarios, but not both:
   cd trunk/install
-8.1+8.2) Now proceed with the ISPConfig installation.
+9.1+9.2) Now proceed with the ISPConfig installation.
 Now start the installation process by executing:
@@ -205,5 +210,4 @@ done
 Optional packages recommended:
 denyhosts - a utility to help sys admins thwart ssh crackers
-fail2ban - Preventing Brute Force Attacks -
 rsync - fast remote file copy program (for backup)
\ No newline at end of file
index 5c8e4db83a..03000a38f6 100644
@@ -232,21 +232,37 @@ update-rc.d mydns defaults
 apt-get install vlogger webalizer
+7) Install Jailkit (optional, only needed if you want to use chrroting for SSH users)
-7) Install ISPConfig 3
+apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake1.9 libtool flex bison
+cd /tmp
+tar xvfz jailkit-2.5.tar.gz
+cd jailkit-2.5
+make install
+rm -rf jailkit-2.5*
+8) Install fail2ban (optional but recomended, because the monitor tries to show the log)
+More info at:
+apt-get install fail2ban
+9) Install ISPConfig 3
 # There are two possile scenarios, but not both:
-7.1) Install the latest released version 
-7.2) Install directly from SVN
+9.1) Install the latest released version 
+9.2) Install directly from SVN
-7.1) Installation of last version from tar.gz
+9.1) Installation of last version from tar.gz
   cd /tmp
   tar xvfz ISPConfig-
   cd ispconfig3_install/install/
-7.2) Installation from SVN
+9.2) Installation from SVN
   apt-get install subversion
   cd /tmp
@@ -254,7 +270,7 @@ apt-get install vlogger webalizer
   cd trunk/install
-7.1+7.2) Now proceed with the ISPConfig installation.
+9.1+9.2) Now proceed with the ISPConfig installation.
 # Now start the installation process by executing:
@@ -304,21 +320,8 @@ done
-Installing Jailkit:
-apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake1.9 libtool flex bison
-cd /tmp
-tar xvfz jailkit-2.5.tar.gz
-cd jailkit-2.5
-make install
-rm -rf jailkit-2.5*
 Optional recommended packages:
 denyhosts - a utility to help sys admins thwart ssh crackers
-fail2ban - Like denyhosts but updates firewall rules to reject/drop the IP address and supports many more apps
 rsync - fast remote file copy program (for backup)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/monitor/lib/module.conf.php b/interface/web/monitor/lib/module.conf.php
index dd68504afa..58d849b88d 100644
--- a/interface/web/monitor/lib/module.conf.php
+++ b/interface/web/monitor/lib/module.conf.php
@@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ $items[] = array( 'title' 	=> "Show RKHunter-Log",
                   'target' 	=> 'content',
                   'link'	=> 'monitor/show_data.php?type=rkhunter');
+$items[] = array( 'title' 	=> "Show fail2ban-Log",
+                  'target' 	=> 'content',
+                  'link'	=> 'monitor/show_data.php?type=fail2ban');
 $module["nav"][] = array(	'title'	=> 'Logfiles',
                             'open' 	=> 1,
                             'items'	=> $items);
diff --git a/interface/web/monitor/show_data.php b/interface/web/monitor/show_data.php
index be95a3d1c6..cf39e90c4c 100644
--- a/interface/web/monitor/show_data.php
+++ b/interface/web/monitor/show_data.php
@@ -110,6 +110,13 @@ switch($dataType) {
         $title = $app->lng("monitor_title_rkhunterlog_txt"). ' ('. $monTransSrv .' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')';
         $description = '';
+    case 'fail2ban':
+        $template = 'templates/show_data.htm';
+        $output .= showFail2ban();
+        $time = getDataTime('fail2ban');
+        $title = 'fail2ban - Log (' . $monTransSrv . ' : ' . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_name'] . ')';
+        $description = '';
+        break;
         $template = '';
diff --git a/interface/web/monitor/ b/interface/web/monitor/
index 8a365875d7..08007585ff 100644
--- a/interface/web/monitor/
+++ b/interface/web/monitor/
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ function showRKHunter()
          * First, we have to detect, if there is any monitoring-data.
-         * If not (because the destribution is not supported) show this.
+         * If not (because rkhunter is not installed) show this.
         $data = unserialize($record['data']);
         if ($data['output'] == ''){
@@ -392,6 +392,42 @@ function showRKHunter()
     return $html;
+function showFail2ban()
+    global $app;
+    /* fetch the Data from the DB */
+    $record = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT data, state FROM monitor_data WHERE type = 'log_fail2ban' and server_id = " . $_SESSION['monitor']['server_id'] . " order by created desc");
+    if(isset($record['data'])) {
+        $html =
+           '<div class="systemmonitor-state state-'.$record['state'].'">
+            <div class="systemmonitor-content icons32 ico-'.$record['state'].'">';
+        /*
+         * First, we have to detect, if there is any monitoring-data.
+         * If not (because fail2ban is not installed) show this.
+         */
+        $data = unserialize($record['data']);
+        if ($data == ''){
+            $html .= '<p>'.
+			'fail2ban is not installed at this server.<br />' .
+			'See more (for debian) <a href="" target="htf">here...</a>'.
+			'</p>';
+        }
+        else {
+            $html .= nl2br($data);
+        }
+        $html .= '</div></div>';
+    } else {
+        $html = '<p>There is no data available at the moment.</p>';
+    }
+    return $html;
 function showMailq()
     global $app;
diff --git a/server/mods-available/ b/server/mods-available/
index cf263a2645..5633539c52 100644
--- a/server/mods-available/
+++ b/server/mods-available/
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ class monitor_core_module {
+		$this->monitorFail2ban();
@@ -748,6 +749,58 @@ class monitor_core_module {
         $this->_delOldRecords($type, 0, 2);
+    function monitorFail2ban(){
+        global $app;
+        global $conf;
+        /* the id of the server as int */
+        $server_id = intval($conf["server_id"]);
+        /** The type of the data */
+        $type = 'log_fail2ban';
+        /* This monitoring is only available if fail2ban is installed */
+        $location = shell_exec('which fail2ban-client');
+        if($location != ''){
+			/*  Get the data of the log */
+			$data = $this->_getLogData($type);
+            /*
+             * At this moment, there is no state (maybe later)
+             */
+            $state = 'no_state';
+        }
+        else {
+            /*
+             * fail2ban is not installed, so there is no data and no state
+             *
+             * no_state, NOT unknown, because "unknown" is shown as state
+             * inside the GUI. no_state is hidden.
+             *
+             * We have to write NO DATA inside the DB, because the GUI
+             * could not know, if there is any dat, or not...
+             */
+            $state = 'no_state';
+            $data = '';
+        }
+        /*
+         * Insert the data into the database
+         */
+        $sql = "INSERT INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) " .
+            "VALUES (".
+        $server_id . ", " .
+            "'" . $app->dbmaster->quote($type) . "', " .
+        time() . ", " .
+            "'" . $app->dbmaster->quote(serialize($data)) . "', " .
+            "'" . $state . "'" .
+            ")";
+        $app->dbmaster->query($sql);
+        /* The new data is written, now we can delete the old one */
+        $this->_delOldRecords($type, 10);
+    }
     function monitorSysLog(){
         global $app;
         global $conf;
@@ -758,19 +811,19 @@ class monitor_core_module {
         /** The type of the data */
         $type = 'sys_log';
-	/*
-	 * is there any warning or error for this server?
-	 */
-	$state = 'ok';
+		/*
+		 * is there any warning or error for this server?
+		 */
+		$state = 'ok';
         $dbData = $app->dbmaster->queryAllRecords("SELECT loglevel FROM sys_log WHERE server_id = " . $server_id . " AND loglevel > 0");
-	if (is_array($dbData)) {
-	    foreach($dbData as $item){
-		if ($item['loglevel'] == 1) $state = $this->_setState($state, 'warning');
-		if ($item['loglevel'] == 2) $state = $this->_setState($state, 'error');
-	    }
-	}
-	/** There is no monitor-data because the data is in the sys_log table */
+		if (is_array($dbData)) {
+		    foreach($dbData as $item){
+			if ($item['loglevel'] == 1) $state = $this->_setState($state, 'warning');
+			if ($item['loglevel'] == 2) $state = $this->_setState($state, 'error');
+		    }
+		}
+		/** There is no monitor-data because the data is in the sys_log table */
         $data['output']= '';
@@ -790,7 +843,7 @@ class monitor_core_module {
         $this->_delOldRecords($type, 10);
-function monitorMailLog()
+	function monitorMailLog()
         global $app;
         global $conf;
@@ -1140,6 +1193,9 @@ function monitorMailLog()
             case 'log_clamav':
                 $logfile = '/var/log/clamav/clamav.log';
+            case 'log_fail2ban':
+                $logfile = '/var/log/fail2ban.log';
+                break;
             case 'log_ispconfig':
                 $logfile = '/var/log/ispconfig/ispconfig.log';