diff --git a/interface/lib/classes/listform.inc.php b/interface/lib/classes/listform.inc.php
index ce7b220f0bdfe073ec229a492f6e51068075e1d2..7362fb14cf6d988d69db84472d291e61c2f0602b 100644
--- a/interface/lib/classes/listform.inc.php
+++ b/interface/lib/classes/listform.inc.php
@@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ class listform {
     private $module;
 	private $dateformat = 'd.m.Y';
-    public function loadListDef($file,$module = '')
+    public function loadListDef($file, $module = '')
         global $app,$conf;
-        if(!is_file($file)) die("List-Definition: $file not found.");
+        if(!is_file($file)){
+            die("List-Definition: $file not found.");
+        }
         $this->listDef = $liste;
         $this->module = $module;
diff --git a/interface/web/help/index.php b/interface/web/help/index.php
index ce49d769775e90b890ea36284fbf4c8c936bfff4..93204bc52586a7f8e6c63998048328bdb2402d77 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/index.php
+++ b/interface/web/help/index.php
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
-  <p>&nbsp;
-            </p>
+  <p>&nbsp;</p>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message.lng b/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message.lng
index be03ebdb56c39ae39b499bfbba5833dcefa49ea4..1f9aff1d1ca180c74a65cf7051ac6d91e6e38001 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message.lng
+++ b/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message.lng
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$wb["recipient_id_txt"] = 'recipient_id';
-$wb["sender_id_txt"] = 'sender_id';
-$wb["subject_txt"] = 'subject';
-$wb["message_txt"] = 'message';
-$wb["tstamp_txt"] = 'tstamp';
-$wb["btn_save_txt"] = 'Save';
-$wb["btn_cancel_txt"] = 'Cancel';
+$wb['recipient_id_txt'] = 'recipient_id';
+$wb['sender_id_txt'] = 'sender_id';
+$wb['subject_txt'] = 'subject';
+$wb['message_txt'] = 'message';
+$wb['tstamp_txt'] = 'tstamp';
+$wb['btn_save_txt'] = 'Save';
+$wb['btn_cancel_txt'] = 'Cancel';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message_list.lng b/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message_list.lng
index 73a1fdab6a5bf0f387a94e2372fdaf2971c8609f..ce62580969b205da35b816808a3565fc2ad64e27 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message_list.lng
+++ b/interface/web/help/lib/lang/en_support_message_list.lng
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-$wb["list_head_txt"] = 'support_message';
-$wb["sender_id_txt"] = 'sender_id';
-$wb["subject_txt"] = 'subject';
-$wb["page_txt"] = 'Page';
-$wb["page_of_txt"] = 'of';
-$wb["page_next_txt"] = 'Next';
-$wb["page_back_txt"] = 'Back';
-$wb["delete_txt"] = 'Delete';
-$wb["filter_txt"] = 'Filter';
+$wb['list_head_txt'] = 'support_message';
+$wb['sender_id_txt'] = 'sender_id';
+$wb['subject_txt'] = 'subject';
+$wb['page_txt'] = 'Page';
+$wb['page_of_txt'] = 'of';
+$wb['page_next_txt'] = 'Next';
+$wb['page_back_txt'] = 'Back';
+$wb['delete_txt'] = 'Delete';
+$wb['filter_txt'] = 'Filter';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/help/lib/module.conf.php b/interface/web/help/lib/module.conf.php
index c6cdfd74c85161fd8179322e0e7ddedc6de12371..36696ffbe04034957b60c273869476d854d49c5d 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/lib/module.conf.php
+++ b/interface/web/help/lib/module.conf.php
@@ -1,42 +1,39 @@
 //* Name of the module. The module name must match the name of the module directory. The module name may not contain spaces.
-$module["name"]      = "help";
+$module['name']      = 'help';
 //* Title of the module. The title is dispalayed in the top navigation.
-$module["title"]     = "Help";
+$module['title']     = 'Help';
 //* The template file of the module. This is always module.tpl.htm if you do not have any special requirements like a 3 column layout.
-$module["template"]  = "module.tpl.htm";
+$module['template']  = 'module.tpl.htm';
 //* The page that is displayed when the module is loaded. the path must is relative to the web directory
-$module["startpage"] = "help/index.php";
+$module['startpage'] = 'help/index.php';
 //* The width of the tab. Normally you should leave this empty and let the browser define the width automatically.
-$module["tab_width"] = '';
+$module['tab_width'] = '';
-- Menu Definition
+//*** Menu Definition *****************************************
 //* make sure that the items array is empty
 $items = array();
-//* Add a menu item with the label "Send message"
+//* Add a menu item with the label 'Send message'
 $items[] = array( 'title'   => 'Send message',
                   'target'  => 'content',
                   'link'    => 'help/support_message_edit.php');
-//* Add a menu item with the label "View messages"
+//* Add a menu item with the label 'View messages'
 $items[] = array( 'title'   => 'View messages',
                   'target'  => 'content',
                   'link'    => 'help/support_message_list.php');
 //* Add the menu items defined above to a menu section labeled 'Support'
-$module["nav"][] = array( 'title' => 'Support',
+$module['nav'][] = array( 'title' => 'Support',
                           'open'  => 1,
                           'items'	=> $items);
diff --git a/interface/web/help/list/support_message.list.php b/interface/web/help/list/support_message.list.php
index 368076db8ace6c129c8592c01e214498955510f3..1f2f8e3c379c915337a46d8347f758f76f0291e0 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/list/support_message.list.php
+++ b/interface/web/help/list/support_message.list.php
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
 //* Name of the list
-$liste["name"] 				= "support_message";
+$liste['name'] 				= 'support_message';
 //* Database table
-$liste["table"] 			= "support_message";
+$liste['table'] 			= 'support_message';
 //* Index index field of the database table
-$liste["table_idx"]			= "support_message_id";
+$liste['table_idx']			= 'support_message_id';
 //* Search Field Prefix
-$liste["search_prefix"] 	= "search_";
+$liste['search_prefix'] 	= 'search_';
 //* Records per page
-$liste["records_per_page"] 	= 15;
+$liste['records_per_page'] 	= 15;
 //* Script File of the list
-$liste["file"]				= "support_message_list.php";
+$liste['file']				= 'support_message_list.php';
 //* Script file of the edit form
-$liste["edit_file"]			= "support_message_edit.php";
+$liste['edit_file']			= 'support_message_edit.php';
 //* Script File of the delete script
-$liste["delete_file"]		= "support_message_del.php";
+$liste['delete_file']		= 'support_message_del.php';
 //* Paging Template
-$liste["paging_tpl"]		= "templates/paging.tpl.htm";
+$liste['paging_tpl']		= 'templates/paging.tpl.htm';
 //* Enable auth
-$liste["auth"]				= "yes";
+$liste['auth']				= 'yes';
 * Search fields
-$liste["item"][] = array(	'field'		=> "sender_id",
-							'datatype'	=> "VARCHAR",
-							'formtype'	=> "SELECT",
-							'op'		=> "=",
-							'prefix'	=> "",
-							'suffix'	=> "",
-							'width'		=> "",
+$liste['item'][] = array(	'field'		=> 'sender_id',
+							'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
+							'formtype'	=> 'SELECT',
+							'op'		=> '=',
+							'prefix'	=> '',
+							'suffix'	=> '',
+							'width'		=> '',
 							'datasource'=> array ( 	'type' => 'SQL',
 										'querystring' 	=> 'SELECT userid,username FROM sys_user WHERE {AUTHSQL} ORDER BY username',
 										'keyfield'		=> 'userid',
 										'valuefield'	=> 'username'
-							'value'		=> "");
-$liste["item"][] = array(	'field'		=> "subject",
-							'datatype'	=> "VARCHAR",
-							'formtype'	=> "TEXT",
-							'op'		=> "like",
-							'prefix'	=> "%",
-							'suffix'	=> "%",
-							'width'		=> "",
-							'value'		=> "");
+							'value'		=> '');
+$liste['item'][] = array(	'field'		=> 'subject',
+							'datatype'	=> 'VARCHAR',
+							'formtype'	=> 'TEXT',
+							'op'		=> 'like',
+							'prefix'	=> '%',
+							'suffix'	=> '%',
+							'width'		=> '',
+							'value'		=> '');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/help/support_message_del.php b/interface/web/help/support_message_del.php
index 1ef035eef2f9bbbfade7080d25051d9379e4baa5..721197c2b0eb6a08e39fffea3db76ac4594c8626 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/support_message_del.php
+++ b/interface/web/help/support_message_del.php
 //* From and List definition files
-$list_def_file = "list/support_message.list.php";
-$tform_def_file = "form/support_message.tform.php";
+$list_def_file = 'list/support_message.list.php';
+$tform_def_file = 'form/support_message.tform.php';
 //* Include the base libraries
 // Check module permissions
-if(!stristr($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["modules"],'help')) {
-	header("Location: ../index.php");
+if(!stristr($_SESSION['s']['user']['modules'], 'help')) {
+	header('Location: ../index.php');
 //* Load the form
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interface/web/help/support_message_edit.php b/interface/web/help/support_message_edit.php
index f97bb88dc0078e77d62789a5b9ade318fecff00a..a36b5dbffaaa5cf7290d25f31c305ba14d993552 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/support_message_edit.php
+++ b/interface/web/help/support_message_edit.php
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 //* Set the path to the form definition file.
-$tform_def_file = "form/support_message.tform.php";
+$tform_def_file = 'form/support_message.tform.php';
 //* include the basic application and configuration files
 //* Checking module permissions
-if(!stristr($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["modules"],'help')) {
+if(!stristr($_SESSION['s']['user']['modules'],'help')) {
 	header("Location: ../index.php");
@@ -21,28 +21,30 @@ $app->load('tform_actions');
 class page_action extends tform_actions {
 	//* Custom onSubmit Event handler
-	function onSubmit() {
+	function onSubmit()
+    {
 		global $app, $conf;
 		//* If the current user is not the admin user
-		if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') {
+		if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] != 'admin') {
 			//* Set the admin as recipient
-			$this->dataRecord["recipient_id"] = 1;
+			$this->dataRecord['recipient_id'] = 1;
-		// Set the sender_id field to the ID of the current user
-		$this->dataRecord["sender_id"] = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"];
+		//* Set the sender_id field to the ID of the current user
+		$this->dataRecord['sender_id'] = $_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'];
 		//* call the onSubmit function of the parent class
 	//* Custom onShow Event handler
-	function onShow() {
+	function onShow() 
+    {
 		global $app, $conf;
 		//* We do not want that messages get edited, so we switch to a 
-		//  read only template  if a existing message is loaded
+		//*  read only template  if a existing message is loaded
 		if($this->id > 0) {
 			$app->tform->formDef['tabs']['message']['template'] = 'templates/support_message_view.htm';
@@ -55,8 +57,6 @@ class page_action extends tform_actions {
 //* Create the new page object
 $page = new page_action();
 //* Start the page rendering and action handling
diff --git a/interface/web/help/support_message_list.php b/interface/web/help/support_message_list.php
index 5fc45e5ce45f71a5c58dbc543f70f342cc169716..ce990e4df73439420f9df89052c31de6d823adc3 100644
--- a/interface/web/help/support_message_list.php
+++ b/interface/web/help/support_message_list.php
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ require_once('../../lib/app.inc.php');
 $list_def_file = "list/support_message.list.php";
 //* Check the module permissions
-if(!stristr($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["modules"],'help')) {
-	header("Location: ../index.php");
+if(!stristr($_SESSION['s']['user']["modules"], 'help')) {
+	header('Location: ../index.php');