auth->check_module_permissions('dns'); $msg = ''; $error = ''; // Loading the template $app->uses('tpl,validate_dns'); $app->tpl->newTemplate("form.tpl.htm"); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl', 'templates/dns_import.htm'); $app->load_language_file('/web/dns/lib/lang/'.$_SESSION['s']['language'].'_dns_wizard.lng'); // import variables $template_id = (isset($_POST['template_id']))?$app->functions->intval($_POST['template_id']):0; $sys_groupid = (isset($_POST['client_group_id']))?$app->functions->intval($_POST['client_group_id']):0; $domain = (isset($_POST['domain'])&&!empty($_POST['domain']))?$_POST['domain']:NULL; // get the correct server_id if (isset($_POST['server_id'])) { $server_id = $app->functions->intval($_POST['server_id']); $post_server_id = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['server_id_value'])) { $server_id = $app->functions->intval($_POST['server_id_value']); $post_server_id = true; } else { $server_id = 1; $post_server_id = false; } // Load the templates $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM dns_template WHERE visible = 'Y'"); $template_id_option = ''; $n = 0; foreach($records as $rec){ $checked = ($rec['template_id'] == $template_id)?' SELECTED':''; $template_id_option .= ''; if($n == 0 && $template_id == 0) $template_id = $rec['template_id']; $n++; } unset($n); $app->tpl->setVar("template_id_option", $template_id_option); // If the user is administrator if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') { // Load the list of servers $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT server_id, server_name FROM server WHERE mirror_server_id = 0 AND dns_server = 1 ORDER BY server_name"); $server_id_option = ''; foreach($records as $rec){ $checked = ($rec['server_id'] == $server_id)?' SELECTED':''; $server_id_option .= ''; } $app->tpl->setVar("server_id", $server_id_option); // load the list of clients $sql = "SELECT sys_group.groupid,, CONCAT(IF(client.company_name != '', CONCAT(client.company_name, ' :: '), ''), client.contact_name, ' (', client.username, IF(client.customer_no != '', CONCAT(', ', client.customer_no), ''), ')') as contactname FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id AND sys_group.client_id > 0 ORDER BY client.company_name, client.contact_name,"; $clients = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $client_select = ''; if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin') $client_select .= ""; if(is_array($clients)) { foreach( $clients as $client) { $selected = ($client["groupid"] == $sys_groupid)?'SELECTED':''; $client_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("client_group_id", $client_select); } if ($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin' && $app->auth->has_clients($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'])) { // Get the limits of the client $client_group_id = intval($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT client.client_id, client.contact_name, CONCAT(IF(client.company_name != '', CONCAT(client.company_name, ' :: '), ''), client.contact_name, ' (', client.username, IF(client.customer_no != '', CONCAT(', ', client.customer_no), ''), ')') as contactname, FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); // load the list of clients $sql = "SELECT sys_group.groupid,, CONCAT(IF(client.company_name != '', CONCAT(client.company_name, ' :: '), ''), client.contact_name, ' (', client.username, IF(client.customer_no != '', CONCAT(', ', client.customer_no), ''), ')') as contactname FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id AND client.parent_client_id = ".intval($client['client_id'])." ORDER BY client.company_name, client.contact_name,"; $clients = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT groupid FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ".intval($client['client_id'])); $client_select = ''; if(is_array($clients)) { foreach( $clients as $client) { $selected = ($client["groupid"] == $sys_groupid)?'SELECTED':''; $client_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("client_group_id", $client_select); } if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') { $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $client_dns = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT dns_servers FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); $client_dns['dns_servers_ids'] = explode(',', $client_dns['dns_servers']); $only_one_server = count($client_dns['dns_servers_ids']) === 1; $app->tpl->setVar('only_one_server', $only_one_server); if ($only_one_server) { $app->tpl->setVar('server_id_value', $client_dns['dns_servers_ids'][0]); } $sql = "SELECT server_id, server_name FROM server WHERE server_id IN (" . $client_dns['dns_servers'] . ");"; $dns_servers = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $options_dns_servers = ""; foreach ($dns_servers as $dns_server) { $options_dns_servers .= ""; } $app->tpl->setVar("server_id", $options_dns_servers); unset($options_dns_servers); } /* * Now we have to check, if we should use the domain-module to select the domain * or not */ $app->uses('ini_parser,getconf'); $settings = $app->getconf->get_global_config('domains'); if ($settings['use_domain_module'] == 'y') { /* * The domain-module is in use. */ $domains = $app->tools_sites->getDomainModuleDomains(); /* * We can leave domain empty if domain is filename */ $domain_select = "\r\n"; if(is_array($domains) && sizeof($domains) > 0) { /* We have domains in the list, so create the drop-down-list */ foreach( $domains as $domain) { $domain_select .= "\r\n"; } } $app->tpl->setVar("domain_option", $domain_select); /* check if the selected domain can be used! */ if ($domain) { $domain_check = $app->tools_sites->checkDomainModuleDomain($domain); if(!$domain_check) { // invalid domain selected $domain = NULL; } else { $domain = $domain_check; } } } $lng_file = 'lib/lang/'.$_SESSION['s']['language'].'_dns_import.lng'; include $lng_file; $app->tpl->setVar($wb); // Import the zone-file //if(1=="1") if(isset($_FILES['file']['name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])){ $valid_zone_file = FALSE; $sql = "SELECT server_name FROM `server` WHERE server_id=".$app->functions->intval($server_id)." OR mirror_server_id=".$app->functions->intval($server_id)." ORDER BY server_name ASC"; $servers = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); for ($i=0;$ifunctions->intval(substr($parts[1], 0, -1)); break; case 'm': $soa['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[1], 0, -1)) * 60; break; case 'h': $soa['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[1], 0, -1)) * 3600; break; case 'd': $soa['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[1], 0, -1)) * 86400; break; case 'w': $soa['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[1], 0, -1)) * 604800; break; default: $soa['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[1]); } unset($time_format); } // SOA if(in_array("soa", $parts)){ $soa['mbox'] = array_pop($parts); //$soa['ns'] = array_pop($parts); $soa['ns'] = $servers[0]['server_name']; // if domain is part of SOA, overwrite $soa['name'] if($parts[0] != '@' && $parts[0] != 'in' && $parts[0] != 'soa' && $origin_exists === FALSE){ $soa['name'] = $parts[0]; } $soa_array_key = $i; $valid_zone_file = TRUE; } // SERIAL if($i == ($soa_array_key + 1)) $soa['serial'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[0]); // REFRESH if($i == ($soa_array_key + 2)){ $time_format = strtolower(substr($parts[0], -1)); switch ($time_format) { case 's': $soa['refresh'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)); break; case 'm': $soa['refresh'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 60; break; case 'h': $soa['refresh'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 3600; break; case 'd': $soa['refresh'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 86400; break; case 'w': $soa['refresh'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 604800; break; default: $soa['refresh'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[0]); } unset($time_format); } // RETRY if($i == ($soa_array_key + 3)){ $time_format = strtolower(substr($parts[0], -1)); switch ($time_format) { case 's': $soa['retry'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)); break; case 'm': $soa['retry'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 60; break; case 'h': $soa['retry'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 3600; break; case 'd': $soa['retry'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 86400; break; case 'w': $soa['retry'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 604800; break; default: $soa['retry'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[0]); } unset($time_format); } // EXPIRE if($i == ($soa_array_key + 4)){ $time_format = strtolower(substr($parts[0], -1)); switch ($time_format) { case 's': $soa['expire'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)); break; case 'm': $soa['expire'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 60; break; case 'h': $soa['expire'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 3600; break; case 'd': $soa['expire'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 86400; break; case 'w': $soa['expire'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 604800; break; default: $soa['expire'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[0]); } unset($time_format); } // MINIMUM if($i == ($soa_array_key + 5)){ $time_format = strtolower(substr($parts[0], -1)); switch ($time_format) { case 's': $soa['minimum'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)); break; case 'm': $soa['minimum'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 60; break; case 'h': $soa['minimum'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 3600; break; case 'd': $soa['minimum'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 86400; break; case 'w': $soa['minimum'] = $app->functions->intval(substr($parts[0], 0, -1)) * 604800; break; default: $soa['minimum'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[0]); } unset($time_format); } // RESOURCE RECORDS if($i > ($soa_array_key + 5)){ if(substr($parts[0], -1) == '.' || $parts[0] == '@' || ($parts[0] != 'a' && $parts[0] != 'aaaa' && $parts[0] != 'ns' && $parts[0] != 'cname' && $parts[0] != 'hinfo' && $parts[0] != 'mx' && $parts[0] != 'naptr' && $parts[0] != 'ptr' && $parts[0] != 'rp' && $parts[0] != 'srv' && $parts[0] != 'txt')){ if(is_numeric($parts[1])){ if($parts[2] == 'in'){ $resource_type = $parts[3]; $pkey = 3; } else { $resource_type = $parts[2]; $pkey = 2; } } else { if($parts[1] == 'in'){ $resource_type = $parts[2]; $pkey = 2; } else { $resource_type = $parts[1]; $pkey = 1; } } $dns_rr[$r]['type'] = $resource_type; if($parts[0] == '@' || $parts[0] == '.'){ $dns_rr[$r]['name'] = $soa['name']; } else { $dns_rr[$r]['name'] = $parts[0]; } if(is_numeric($parts[1])){ $dns_rr[$r]['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[1]); } else { $dns_rr[$r]['ttl'] = $soa['ttl']; } switch ($resource_type) { case 'mx': case 'srv': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[$pkey+1]); $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+2)); break; case 'txt': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, 1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 1); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], -1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, -1); break; default: $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); } } else { // a 3600 IN A if(is_numeric($parts[1]) && $parts[2] == 'in' && ($parts[3] == 'a' || $parts[3] == 'aaaa' || $parts[3] == 'ns'|| $parts[3] == 'cname' || $parts[3] == 'hinfo' || $parts[3] == 'mx' || $parts[3] == 'naptr' || $parts[3] == 'ptr' || $parts[3] == 'rp' || $parts[3] == 'srv' || $parts[3] == 'txt')){ $resource_type = $parts[3]; $pkey = 3; $dns_rr[$r]['type'] = $resource_type; $dns_rr[$r]['name'] = $parts[0]; $dns_rr[$r]['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[1]); switch ($resource_type) { case 'mx': case 'srv': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[$pkey+1]); $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+2)); break; case 'txt': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, 1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 1); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], -1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, -1); break; default: $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); } } // a IN A elseif($parts[1] == 'in' && ($parts[2] == 'a' || $parts[2] == 'aaaa' || $parts[2] == 'ns'|| $parts[2] == 'cname' || $parts[2] == 'hinfo' || $parts[2] == 'mx' || $parts[2] == 'naptr' || $parts[2] == 'ptr' || $parts[2] == 'rp' || $parts[2] == 'srv' || $parts[2] == 'txt')){ $resource_type = $parts[2]; $pkey = 2; $dns_rr[$r]['type'] = $resource_type; $dns_rr[$r]['name'] = $parts[0]; $dns_rr[$r]['ttl'] = $soa['ttl']; switch ($resource_type) { case 'mx': case 'srv': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[$pkey+1]); $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+2)); break; case 'txt': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, 1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 1); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], -1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, -1); break; default: $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); } } // a 3600 A elseif(is_numeric($parts[1]) && ($parts[2] == 'a' || $parts[2] == 'aaaa' || $parts[2] == 'ns'|| $parts[2] == 'cname' || $parts[2] == 'hinfo' || $parts[2] == 'mx' || $parts[2] == 'naptr' || $parts[2] == 'ptr' || $parts[2] == 'rp' || $parts[2] == 'srv' || $parts[2] == 'txt')){ $resource_type = $parts[2]; $pkey = 2; $dns_rr[$r]['type'] = $resource_type; $dns_rr[$r]['name'] = $parts[0]; $dns_rr[$r]['ttl'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[1]); switch ($resource_type) { case 'mx': case 'srv': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[$pkey+1]); $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+2)); break; case 'txt': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, 1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 1); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], -1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, -1); break; default: $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); } } // A // MX 10 mail // TXT "v=spf1 a mx ptr -all" else { $resource_type = $parts[0]; $pkey = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['type'] = $resource_type; $dns_rr[$r]['name'] = $soa['name']; $dns_rr[$r]['ttl'] = $soa['ttl']; switch ($resource_type) { case 'mx': case 'srv': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = $app->functions->intval($parts[$pkey+1]); $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+2)); break; case 'txt': $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, 1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 1); if(substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], -1) == '"') $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = substr($dns_rr[$r]['data'], 0, -1); break; default: $dns_rr[$r]['aux'] = 0; $dns_rr[$r]['data'] = implode(' ', array_slice($parts, $pkey+1)); } } } $dns_rr[$r]['type'] = strtoupper($dns_rr[$r]['type']); if($dns_rr[$r]['type'] == 'NS' && $dns_rr[$r]['name'] == $soa['name']){ unset($dns_rr[$r]); } $r++; } $i++; } /* $i = 0; $r = 0; $s = 0; $dns_rr = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if ($line != '' && substr($line,0,1) != ';' && substr($line,0,1) != '$') { $line = str_replace("\n",NULL,$line); $i++; // TODO - Find a better way to parse the SOA record. Lazy checking. if ($i <= 7) { if ($i > 1) { $s++; $line = str_replace("\t",NULL,$line); if (!empty($line)) { print(strpos(";",$line)); $line = substr($line,0,strpos($line,";")); if ($s == 1) $soa['serial'] = $line; else if ($s == 2) $soa['refresh'] = $line; else if ($s == 3) $soa['retry'] = $line; else if ($s == 4) $soa['expire'] = $line; else if ($s == 5) $soa['minimum'] = $line; } } else { $line = str_replace("\t",",",$line); $line = str_replace(" ",",",$line); $recs = explode(",",$line); foreach ($recs as $key => $rec) { $rec = trim($rec); if($rec == '') continue; //name type data aux ttl active if ($key == 0) { if ($rec == '@') { $rec = $name; } $soa['name'] = $rec; } if ($key != 0 && strtolower($rec) == 'soa') { $typekeys[$s] = $key; } else if ($key > $typekey[$r]) { if ($rec != "" && $rec != "(") { $rec = explode(" ",$rec); $soa['ns'] = $servers[0]['server_name']; $soa['mbox'] = $rec[1]; } } } } } else { $line = str_replace("\n","",trim($line)); if (!empty($line)) { preg_match_all('/(.*?)\s*IN\s*(A|CNAME|MX|TXT|NS|AAAA)\s*(.*)/',$line, $recs); if ($recs[1][0] == '@' || trim($recs[1][0]) == "") { $recs[1][0] = $name; } $dns_rr[$r]['name'] = $recs[1][0]; $dns_rr[$r]['type'] = $recs[2][0]; if (strtolower($dns_rr[$r]['type'])=='mx') { $recs[3][0] = str_replace(" ","\t",$recs[3][0]); $mx[$r] = explode("\t",$recs[3][0]); for ($m=1;$m'); //print_r($dns_rr); //print(''); // Insert the soa record $sys_userid = $_SESSION['s']['user']['userid']; $origin = $app->db->quote($soa['name']); $ns = $app->db->quote($soa['ns']); $mbox = $app->db->quote($soa['mbox']); $refresh = $app->db->quote($soa['refresh']); $retry = $app->db->quote($soa['retry']); $expire = $app->db->quote($soa['expire']); $minimum = $app->db->quote($soa['minimum']); $ttl = $app->db->quote($soa['ttl']); $xfer = $app->db->quote(''); $serial = $app->db->quote($app->functions->intval($soa['serial'])+1); //print_r($soa); //die(); if($valid_zone_file){ $insert_data = "(`sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `origin`, `ns`, `mbox`, `serial`, `refresh`, `retry`, `expire`, `minimum`, `ttl`, `active`, `xfer`) VALUES ('$sys_userid', '$sys_groupid', 'riud', 'riud', '', '$server_id', '$origin', '$ns', '$mbox', '$serial', '$refresh', '$retry', '$expire', '$minimum', '$ttl', 'Y', '$xfer')"; $dns_soa_id = $app->db->datalogInsert('dns_soa', $insert_data, 'id'); // Insert the dns_rr records if(is_array($dns_rr) && $dns_soa_id > 0) { foreach($dns_rr as $rr) { $insert_data = "(`sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `zone`, `name`, `type`, `data`, `aux`, `ttl`, `active`) VALUES ('$sys_userid', '$sys_groupid', 'riud', 'riud', '', '$server_id', '$dns_soa_id', '".$app->db->quote($rr['name'])."', '".$app->db->quote($rr['type'])."', '".$app->db->quote($rr['data'])."', '".$app->db->quote($rr['aux'])."', '".$app->db->quote($rr['ttl'])."', 'Y')"; $dns_rr_id = $app->db->datalogInsert('dns_rr', $insert_data, 'id'); } } $msg .= $wb['zone_file_successfully_imported_txt']; } else { $error .= $wb['error_no_valid_zone_file_txt']; } //header('Location: /dns/dns_soa_edit.php?id='.$dns_soa_id); } else { if(isset($_FILES['file']['name'])) { $error = $wb['no_file_uploaded_error']; } } $app->tpl->setVar('msg', $msg); $app->tpl->setVar('error', $error); $app->tpl_defaults(); $app->tpl->pparse(); ?>