auth->check_module_permissions('client'); // Loading classes $app->uses('tpl,tform,tform_actions'); $app->load('tform_actions'); class page_action extends tform_actions { /* This function is called automatically right after the data was successful inserted in the database. */ function onAfterInsert() { global $app; // Create the group for the client $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_group (name,description,client_id) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($this->dataRecord["username"])."','',".$this->id.")"; $app->db->query($sql); $groupid = $app->db->insertID(); $groups = $groupid; $username = mysql_real_escape_string($this->dataRecord["username"]); $password = mysql_real_escape_string($this->dataRecord["password"]); $modules = ISPC_INTERFACE_MODULES_ENABLED; if($this->dataRecord["limit_client"] > 0) $modules .= ',client'; $startmodule = 'mail'; $usertheme = mysql_real_escape_string($this->dataRecord["usertheme"]); $type = 'user'; $active = 1; $language = mysql_real_escape_string($this->dataRecord["language"]); // Create the controlpaneluser for the client $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_user (username,passwort,modules,startmodule,app_theme,typ,active,language,groups,default_group,client_id) VALUES ('$username',md5('$password'),'$modules','$startmodule','$usertheme','$type','$active','$language',$groups,$groupid,".$this->id.")"; $app->db->query($sql); //* If the user who inserted the client is a reseller (not admin), we will have to add this new client group //* to his groups, so he can administrate the records of this client. if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'user') { $app->auth->add_group_to_user($_SESSION['s']['user']['userid'],$groupid); $app->db->query("UPDATE client SET parent_client_id = ".intval($_SESSION['s']['user']['client_id'])." WHERE client_id = ".$this->id); } } /* This function is called automatically right after the data was successful updated in the database. */ function onAfterUpdate() { global $app; // username changed if(isset($app->tform->diffrec['username'])) { $username = mysql_real_escape_string($this->dataRecord["username"]); $client_id = $this->id; $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET username = '$username' WHERE client_id = $client_id"; $app->db->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE sys_group SET name = '$username' WHERE client_id = $client_id"; $app->db->query($sql); } // password changed if(isset($this->dataRecord["password"]) && $this->dataRecord["password"] != '') { $password = mysql_real_escape_string($this->dataRecord["password"]); $client_id = $this->id; $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET passwort = md5('$password') WHERE client_id = $client_id"; $app->db->query($sql); } // reseller status changed if(isset($this->dataRecord["limit_client"])) { $modules = ISPC_INTERFACE_MODULES_ENABLED; if($this->dataRecord["limit_client"] > 0) $modules .= ',client'; $modules = mysql_real_escape_string($modules); $client_id = $this->id; $sql = "UPDATE sys_user SET modules = '$modules' WHERE client_id = $client_id"; $app->db->query($sql); } } } $page = new page_action; $page->onLoad(); ?>