plugins->registerEvent('firewall_insert',$this->plugin_name,'insert_basic'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_update',$this->plugin_name,'update_basic'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_delete',$this->plugin_name,'update_basic'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_forward_insert',$this->plugin_name,'insert_forward'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_forward_update',$this->plugin_name,'update_forward'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_forward_delete',$this->plugin_name,'update_forward'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_filter_insert',$this->plugin_name,'insert_filter'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_filter_update',$this->plugin_name,'update_filter'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('firewall_filter_delete',$this->plugin_name,'delete_filter'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('server_insert',$this->plugin_name,'updateSettings'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('server_update',$this->plugin_name,'updateSettings'); } function insert_basic($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; $this->update_basic($event_name,$data); } function update_basic($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; $tcp_ports = ''; $udp_ports = ''; $delete_rule = ($data["new"]["active"] == "n" ? "delete " : ""); /* $ports = explode(',',$data["new"]["tcp_port"]); if(is_array($ports)) { foreach($ports as $p) { if(strstr($p,':')) { $p_parts = explode(':',$p); $p_clean = intval($p_parts[0]).':'.intval($p_parts[1]); } else { $p_clean = intval($p); } //system("ufw $delete_rule allow " . $p_clean . "/tcp"); } }*/ system("ufw $delete_rule allow out" . $data["new"]["tcp_port"] . "/tcp"); system("ufw $delete_rule allow in" . $data["new"]["tcp_port"] . "/tcp"); system("ufw $delete_rule allow out" . $data["new"]["udp_port"] . "/udp"); system("ufw $delete_rule allow in" . $data["new"]["udp_port"] . "/udp"); //$tcp_ports = trim($tcp_ports); /* $ports = explode(',',$data["new"]["udp_port"]); if(is_array($ports)) { foreach($ports as $p) { if(strstr($p,':')) { $p_parts = explode(':',$p); $p_clean = intval($p_parts[0]).':'.intval($p_parts[1]); } else { $p_clean = intval($p); } } } system("ufw $delete_rule allow " . $p_clean . "/udp"); */ if($data["new"]["active"] == 'y') { exec('/etc/init.d/ufw force-reload'); $app->log('Restarting the firewall',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { exec('/etc/init.d/ufw force-reload'); $app->log('Flushing the firewall',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } function insert_filter($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; $this->update_filter($event_name,$data); } function getCidr($mask) { $long = ip2long($mask); $base = ip2long(''); return 32-log(($long ^ $base)+1,2); } function update_filter($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; $app->uses("getconf"); $server_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'ufw'); $network = $server_config["ufw_network"]; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords( "SELECT protocol, IF (src_from_port=src_to_port, src_from_port, CONCAT(src_from_port, ':',src_to_port)) AS src_port, IF (dst_from_port=dst_to_port, dst_from_port, CONCAT(dst_from_port, ':',dst_to_port)) AS dst_port, IF (src_ip='','any',src_ip) AS src_ip, IF (dst_ip='','any',dst_ip) AS dst_ip, src_netmask, dst_netmask, inbound_policy, outbound_policy, rule_id, active FROM firewall_filter ORDER BY rule_id ASC"); $commands = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $src_netmask = $this->getCidr($record["src_netmask"]); $dst_netmask = $this->getCidr($record["dst_netmask"]); $src_port = ($record["src_port"] == "0:65535" ? "" : " port " .$record["src_port"]); $dst_port = ($record["dst_port"] == "0:65535" ? "" : " port " . $record["dst_port"]); $src_ip = ($record["src_ip"] == "any" ? "any" : $record["src_ip"] . "/" . $src_netmask); $dst_ip = ($record["dst_ip"] == "any" ? "any" : $record["dst_ip"] . "/" . $dst_netmask); //$protocol = $record["protocol"]; $delete = ($record["active"] == "n" ? true : false); //$protocols = array_split($record["protocol"]); //$inbound = ($record["inbound"] == 0 ? "deny " : "allow"); //$outbound = ($record["outbound"] == 0 ? "deny out" : "allow out"); //foreach ($protocols as $protocol) { $ufw = new UFW(); //$ufw->setDelete($record["active"] == "n"); $ufw->setRuleID($record["rule_id"]); $ufw->setSrcIP($src_ip); $ufw->setDstIP($dst_ip); $ufw->setSrcPort($src_port); $ufw->setDstPort($dst_port); $ufw->setInboundPolicy($record["inbound_policy"]); $ufw->setOutboundPolicy($record["outbound_policy"]); $ufw->setProtocol($record["protocol"]); $ufw->setNetwork($network); if ($delete) { $ufw->delete(); } else { $ufw->insert(); } //} /* if ($record["active"] == 'n') { $inbound = ($record["inbound"] == 0 ? "deny " : "allow"); $outbound = ($record["outbound"] == 0 ? "deny out" : "allow out"); array_push($commands, "ufw deny proto udp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); if ($protocol == "tcp/udp") { array_push($commands, "ufw delete $inbound proto udp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw delete $outbound proto udp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw delete $inbound proto tcp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw delete $outbound proto tcp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); } else { array_push($commands, "ufw delete $inbound proto $protocol from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw delete $outbound proto $protocol from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); } } elseif ($record["inbound"] == 0) { if ($protocol == "tcp/udp") { array_push($commands, "ufw deny proto udp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw deny proto tcp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); } else { array_push($commands, "ufw deny proto $protocol from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); } } elseif ($record["outbound"] == 0) { if ($protocol == "tcp/udp") { array_push($commands, "ufw deny out proto udp from $network to any $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw deny out proto tcp from $network to any $dst_port"); } else { array_push($commands, "ufw deny out proto $protocol from $network to any $dst_port"); } }*/ } /* $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords( "SELECT protocol, IF (src_from_port=src_to_port, src_from_port, CONCAT(src_from_port, ':',src_to_port)) AS src_port, IF (dst_from_port=dst_to_port, dst_from_port, CONCAT(dst_from_port, ':',dst_to_port)) AS dst_port, IF (src_ip='','any',src_ip) AS src_ip, IF (dst_ip='','any',dst_ip) AS dst_ip, src_netmask, dst_netmask, inbound, outbound, active FROM firewall_filter WHERE inbound=1 OR outbound=1 AND active='y'"); foreach ($records as $record) { $src_netmask = $this->getCidr($record["src_netmask"]); $dst_netmask = $this->getCidr($record["dst_netmask"]); $src_port = ($record["src_port"] == "0:65535" ? "" : " port " .$record["src_port"]); $dst_port = ($record["dst_port"] == "0:65535" ? "" : " port " . $record["dst_port"]); $src_ip = ($record["src_ip"] == "any" ? "any" : $record["src_ip"] . "/" . $src_netmask); $dst_ip = ($record["dst_ip"] == "any" ? "any" : $record["dst_ip"] . "/" . $dst_netmask); $protocol = $record["protocol"]; $outbound = ($record["outbound"] == 1 ? "out" : ""); if ($record["inbound"] == 1) { if ($protocol == "tcp/udp") { array_push($commands, "ufw allow proto udp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw allow proto tcp from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); } else { array_push($commands, "ufw allow proto $protocol from $src_ip $src_port to $dst_ip $dst_port"); } } elseif ($record["outbound"] == 1) { if ($protocol == "tcp/udp") { array_push($commands, "ufw allow out proto udp from $network to any $dst_port"); array_push($commands, "ufw allow out proto tcp from $network to any $dst_port"); } else { array_push($commands, "ufw allow out proto $protocol from $network to any $dst_port"); } } } foreach ($commands as $command) { system($command); } */ } function insert_forward($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; $this->update_filter($event_name,$data); } function update_forward($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; } //update server config function backupConfigs() { copy('/etc/default/ufw','/etc/default/ufw~'); copy('/etc/ufw/ufw.conf','/etc/ufw/ufw.conf~'); copy('/etc/ufw/before.rules','/etc/ufw/before.rules~'); } function updateSettings($event_name,$data) { global $app, $conf; // get the config $app->uses("getconf"); $server_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'ufw'); if(is_dir('/etc/ufw') && is_file('/etc/default/ufw')) { $this->backupConfigs(); $app->load('tpl'); $ufw_tpl = new tpl(); $ufw_tpl->newTemplate("ufw.conf.master"); $ufw_tpl->setVar('enable',($server_config["ufw_enable"] == "" ? "no" : $server_config["ufw_enable"])); $ufw_tpl->setVar('log_level',$server_config["ufw_log_level"]); file_put_contents('/etc/ufw/ufw.conf',$ufw_tpl->grab()); unset($ufw_tpl); $app->log("Changed UFW settings",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $ufw_tpl = new tpl(); $ufw_tpl->newTemplate("ufw.default.master"); $ufw_tpl->setVar('ipv6',$server_config["ufw_ipv6"] == "" ? "no" : $server_config["ufw_ipv6"]); $ufw_tpl->setVar('default_input_policy',$server_config["ufw_default_input_policy"]); $ufw_tpl->setVar('default_output_policy',$server_config["ufw_default_output_policy"]); $ufw_tpl->setVar('default_forward_policy',$server_config["ufw_default_forward_policy"]); $ufw_tpl->setVar('default_application_policy',$server_config["ufw_default_application_policy"]); $ufw_tpl->setVar('manage_builtins',$server_config["ufw_manage_builtins"] == "" ? "no" : $server_config["ufw_manage_builtins"]); file_put_contents('/etc/default/ufw',$ufw_tpl->grab()); unset($ufw_tpl); $app->log("Changed default UFW settings",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->services->restartServiceDelayed('ufw','--force-reload'); } else { $app->log("Ubuntu Uncomplicated Firewall configuration not available for this linux distribution.",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } } // end class class UFW { var $_delete = false; var $_ufwCmd = "ufw"; var $_inboundPolicy = "allow"; var $_outboundPolicy = "allow"; var $_protocol = "tcp"; var $_ruleID = 1; var $_srcIP; var $_dstIP; var $_srcPort; var $_dstPort; var $_network = ""; function UFW() { } function setDelete($delete) { $this->_delete = $delete; } function setInboundPolicy($policy) { $this->_inboundPolicy = $policy; } function setOutboundPolicy($policy) { $this->_outboundPolicy = $policy; } function setProtocol($protocol) { $this->_outboundPolicy = $protocol; } function setRuleID($id) { $this->_ruleID = $id; } function setSrcIP($ip) { $this->_srcIP = $ip; } function setDstIP($ip) { $this->_dstIP = $ip; } function setSrcPort($port) { $this->_srcPort = $port; } function setDstPort($port) { $this->_dstPort = $port; } function setNetwork($network) { $this->_network = $network; } function insert() { $protocols = split("/",$this->_protocol); foreach ($protocols as $protocol) { $inbound = sprintf("ufw insert %s %s proto %s from %s port %s to %s port %s ", $this->_ruleID, $this->_inboundPolicy, $protocol, $this->_srcIP, $this->_srcPort, $this->_dstIP, $this->_dstPort); $outbound = sprintf("ufw insert %s %s proto %s from %s port %s to %s port %s ", $this->_ruleID, $this->_outboundPolicy, $protocol, $this->_network, $this->_srcPort, $this->_dstIP, $this->_dstPort); echo $inbound."\n"; echo $outbound."\n"; system($inbound); system($outbound); } } function delete() { $protocols = split("/",$this->_protocol); foreach ($protocols as $protocol) { $inbound = sprintf("ufw delete %s proto %s from %s port %s to %s port %s ", $this->_ruleID, $this->_inboundPolicy, $protocol, $this->_srcIP, $this->_srcPort, $this->_dstIP, $this->_dstPort); $outbound = sprintf("ufw delete %s proto %s from %s port %s to %s port %s ", $this->_ruleID, $this->_outboundPolicy, $protocol, $this->_network, $this->_srcPort, $this->_dstIP, $this->_dstPort); echo $inbound."\n"; echo $outbound."\n"; system($inbound); system($outbound); } } } ?>