tform->wordbook[$errmsg])) { return $app->tform->wordbook[$errmsg]."
\r\n"; } else { return $errmsg."
\r\n"; } } /* Validator function to check if a given cron command is in correct form (url only). */ function command_format($field_name, $field_value, $validator) { if(preg_match("'^(\w+):\/\/'", $field_value, $matches)) { $parsed = parse_url($field_value); if($parsed === false) return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); if($parsed["scheme"] != "http" && $parsed["scheme"] != "https") return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); if(preg_match("'^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,62}\.)+([a-z]{2,4})$'i", $parsed["host"]) == false) return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); } } /* Validator function to check if a given cron time is in correct form. */ function run_time_format($field_name, $field_value, $validator) { global $app; //* check general form $is_ok = true; $field_value = str_replace(" ", "", $field_value); // spaces are not needed $used_times = array(); if(preg_match("'^[0-9\-\,\/\*]+$'", $field_value) == false) return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); // allowed characters are 0-9, comma, *, -, / elseif(preg_match("'[\-\,\/][\-\,\/]'", $field_value) == true) return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); // comma, - and / never stand together //* now split list and check each entry. store used values in array for later limit-check $time_list = split(",", $field_value); if(count($time_list) < 1) return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); $max_entry = 0; $min_entry = 0; $in_minutes = 1; //* get maximum value of entry for each field type (name) switch($field_name) { case "run_min": $max_entry = 59; break; case "run_hour": $max_entry = 23; $in_minutes = 60; break; case "run_mday": $max_entry = 31; $min_entry = 1; $in_minutes = 1440; break; case "run_month": $max_entry = 12; $min_entry = 1; $in_minutes = 1440 * 28; // not exactly but enough break; case "run_wday": $max_entry = 7; $in_minutes = 1440; break; } if($max_entry == 0) return $this->get_error('unknown_fieldtype_error'); foreach($time_list as $entry) { //* possible value combinations: //* x => ^(\d+)$ //* x-y => ^(\d+)\-(\d+)$ //* x/y => ^(\d+)\/([1-9]\d*)$ //* x-y/z => ^(\d+)\-(\d+)\/([1-9]\d*)$ //* */x => ^\*\/([1-9]\d*)$ //* combined regex => ^(\d+|\*)(\-(\d+))?(\/([1-9]\d*))?$ if(preg_match("'^(((\d+)(\-(\d+))?)|\*)(\/([1-9]\d*))?$'", $entry, $matches) == false) { return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); } //* matches contains: //* 1 => * or value or x-y range //* 2 => unused //* 3 => value if [1] != * //* 4 => empty if no range was used //* 5 => 2nd value of range if [1] != * and range was used //* 6 => empty if step was not used //* 7 => step $loop_step = 1; $loop_from = $min_entry; $loop_to = $max_entry; //* calculate used values if($matches[1] == "*") { //* not to check } else { if($matches[3] < $min_entry || $matches[3] > $max_entry) { //* check if value is in allowed range return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); } elseif($matches[4] && ($matches[5] < $min_entry || $matches[5] > $max_entry || $matches[5] <= $matches[3])) { //* check if value is in allowed range and not less or equal to first value return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); } $loop_from = $matches[3]; $loop_to = $matches[3]; if($matches[4]) $loop_to = $matches[5]; } if($matches[6] && ($matches[7] < 2 || $matches[7] > $max_entry - 1)) { //* check if step value is valid return $this->get_error($validator['errmsg']); } if($matches[7]) $loop_step = $matches[7]; //* loop through values to set used times for($t = $loop_from; $t <= $loop_to; $t = $t + $loop_step) { $used_times[] = $t; } } //* end foreach entry loop //* sort used times and erase doubles sort($used_times); $used_times = array_unique($used_times); //* get minimum frequency and store it in $app->tform->cron_min_freq for usage in onUpdateSave and onInsertSave! $min_freq = -1; $prev_time = -1; foreach($used_times as $curtime) { if($prev_time != -1) { $freq = $curtime - $prev_time; if($min_freq == -1 || $freq < $min_freq) $min_freq = $freq; } $prev_time = $curtime; } //* check last against first (needed because e.g. wday 1,4,7 has diff 1 not 3 $prev_time = $used_times[0]; $freq = ($prev_time - $min_entry) + ($max_entry - $curtime) + 1; if($min_freq == -1 || $freq < $min_freq) $min_freq = $freq; if($min_freq > 0 && $min_freq <= $max_entry) { //* only store if > 1 && < $max_entry! $min_freq = $min_freq * $in_minutes; // we have to overwrite $app->tform->cron_min_freq if this is higher value if(!$app->tform->cron_min_freq || $app->tform->cron_min_freq > $min_freq) $app->tform->cron_min_freq = $min_freq; } //return "DEBUG: " . $app->tform->cron_min_freq . " ($min_freq) --- " . var_export($used_times, true) . "
"; } }