auth->check_module_permissions('dns'); // Loading the template $app->uses('tpl,tfrom_base,validate_dns,functions'); $app->tpl->newTemplate("form.tpl.htm"); include 'lib/lang/'.$_SESSION['s']['language'].'_dns_bulk_editor.lng'; $app->tpl->setVar($wb); // Load clients (if admin): if ($app->auth->is_admin()) { $clients = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT sys_group.groupid,CONCAT(IF(client.company_name != '', CONCAT(client.company_name, ' :: '), ''), IF(client.contact_firstname != '', CONCAT(client.contact_firstname, ' '), ''), client.contact_name, ' (', client.username, IF(client.customer_no != '', CONCAT(', ', client.customer_no), ''), ')') as name FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.groupid != 1 AND sys_group.client_id = client.client_id ORDER BY client.company_name, client.contact_name"); $clients_select_options = ''; foreach($clients as $client) { $selected = (intval($_POST["client_group_id"]) == $client['groupid'])?'SELECTED':''; $clients_select_options .= "\r\n"; } $app->tpl->setVar('clients_select_options', $clients_select_options); } // Load zones: if ($app->auth->is_admin()) { if (isset($_POST["client_group_id"])) { $client_group_ids = intval($_POST["client_group_id"]); } } else { $client_group_ids = $_SESSION['s']['user']['groups']; } if(isset($client_group_ids)) { $sql = 'SELECT id, origin FROM dns_soa WHERE sys_groupid IN ('.$client_group_ids.') AND '.$app->tform_base->getAuthSQL('u'); $zones = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); $zones_rows = array(); // All zones (for output) foreach ($zones as $zone) { $zones_rows[] = array( 'zone_id'=>$zone['id'], 'zone_name'=>$zone['origin'], 'zone_selected'=>isset($_POST['zone_'.$zone['id']]), ); } $app->tpl->setLoop('zones_rows', $zones_rows); $app->tpl->setVar('zones_rows_count', count($zones_rows)); $update_zones = array(); // Currently selected zones in form (if any) foreach ($zones as $zone) { if (isset($_POST['zone_'.$zone['id']])) { $update_zones[$zone['id']] = $zone['origin']; } } } else { $app->tpl->setVar('zones_rows_count', 0); } if (isset($_GET['submitted'])) { validate_and_update($update_zones); } $app->tpl_defaults(); if (isset($result)) { $app->tpl->setVar('result', $result); $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl', 'templates/dns_bulk_editor_result.htm'); } else { $app->tpl->setInclude('content_tpl', 'templates/dns_bulk_editor.htm'); } $app->tpl->pparse(); function validate_and_update($update_zones) { global $app, $wb, $client_group_ids, $result; // Validate: if ($client_group_ids == 0) { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_no_client_txt']); return; } if (!isset($_POST['action'])) { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_no_action_txt']); return; } switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'a_records': $app->tpl->setVar('action_a_records', true); $app->tpl->setVar('a_records_search', htmlspecialchars($_POST['a_records_search'])); $app->tpl->setVar('a_records_replace', htmlspecialchars($_POST['a_records_replace'])); if (!validate_ips($_POST['a_records_search'], $_POST['a_records_replace'])) { // Error message is set in validate_ips return; } break; case 'mx_records': $app->tpl->setVar('action_mx_records', true); $app->tpl->setVar('mx_records_search', htmlspecialchars($_POST['mx_records_search'])); $app->tpl->setVar('mx_records_replace', htmlspecialchars($_POST['mx_records_replace'])); if (!validate_zone($_POST['mx_records_search']) || !validate_zone($_POST['mx_records_replace'])) { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_invalid_dns_zone_txt']); return; } break; case 'ttl': $app->tpl->setVar('action_ttl', true); $app->tpl->setVar('ttl', htmlspecialchars($_POST['ttl'])); if (trim($_POST['ttl']) == '' || !is_numeric($_POST['ttl']) || intval($_POST['ttl']) < 60) { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_no_ttl_txt']); return; } break; } if (!(isset($update_zones) && count($update_zones) > 0)) { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_no_zone_txt']); return; } foreach ($update_zones as $id=>$origin) { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM dns_soa WHERE id = ? AND '.$app->tform_base->getAuthSQL('u'); if (!is_array($app->db->queryOneRecord($sql, $id))) { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_invalid_zone_txt']); return; } } // Update: switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'a_records': $result = '


'; foreach ($update_zones as $id=>$origin) { $result .= "

".$wb['zone_txt']." $origin

"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT id, type, name FROM dns_rr WHERE zone = ? AND data = ? AND type IN (\'A\', \'AAAA\') ORDER BY 2,3', $id, $_POST['a_records_search']); if (count($records) == 0) { // Zone has no records or no matching records $result .= $wb['no_matches_txt']; continue; } $result .= ""; if (count($records) > 0) { soa_increase_serial($id); } } break; case 'mx_records': $result = '


'; foreach ($update_zones as $id=>$origin) { $result .= "

".$wb['zone_txt']." $origin

"; $search_zone = normalize_zone($_POST['mx_records_search']); $replace_zone = normalize_zone($_POST['mx_records_replace']); $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT id, type, name FROM dns_rr WHERE zone = ? AND data = ? AND type = \'MX\' ORDER BY 2,3', $id, $search_zone); if (count($records) == 0) { // Zone has no records or no matching records echo 'No matches'; $result .= $wb['no_matches_txt']; continue; } $result .= ""; if (count($records) > 0) { soa_increase_serial($id); } } break; case 'ttl': $result = '


'; $ttl = intval($_POST['ttl']); foreach ($update_zones as $id=>$origin) { $result .= "

".$wb['zone_txt']." $origin

"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SELECT id, type, name FROM dns_rr WHERE zone = ? AND type IN (\'A\', \'AAAA\', \'MX\') ORDER BY 2,3', $id); if (count($records) == 0) { // Zone has no records? $result .= $wb['no_matches_txt']; continue; } $result .= ""; if (count($records) > 0) { soa_increase_serial($id); } } break; } } function validate_ips($search, $replace) { global $app, $wb; if (trim($search) == '' || trim($replace) == '') { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_no_search_replace_txt']); return false; } $search_ip_type = get_ip_type($search); $replace_ip_type = get_ip_type($replace); if ($search_ip_type == 'none' || $replace_ip_type == 'none') { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_invalid_ip_txt']); return false; } if ($search_ip_type != $replace_ip_type) { $app->tpl->setVar('error', $wb['error_ip_type_mismatch_txt']); return false; } return true; } function get_ip_type($s) { if (filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) !== false) return 'IPv4'; if (filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) !== false) return 'IPv6'; return 'none'; } function validate_zone($zone) { $s = normalize_zone($zone); $result = preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\.\-\*]{1,255}$/', $s) === 1; return $result; } function normalize_zone($zone) { global $app; $s = trim($zone); $s = strtolower($s); $s = $app->functions->idn_encode($s); return $s; } function soa_increase_serial($id) { global $app; $soa = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT serial FROM dns_soa WHERE id = ?', $id); $serial = $app->validate_dns->increase_serial($soa['serial']); $app->db->datalogUpdate('dns_soa', "serial=$serial", 'id', $id); } ?>