plugins->registerEvent('cron_insert', $this->plugin_name, 'insert'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('cron_update', $this->plugin_name, 'update'); $app->plugins->registerEvent('cron_delete', $this->plugin_name, 'delete'); } function insert($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; $this->action = 'insert'; // just run the update function $this->update($event_name, $data); } function update($event_name, $data) { global $app, $conf; if($this->action != 'insert') $this->action = 'update'; // load the server configuration options $app->uses("getconf"); if($data["new"]["parent_domain_id"] == '') { $app->log("Parent domain not set", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return 0; } //* get data from web $parent_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `domain_id`, `system_user`, `system_group`, `document_root`, `hd_quota` FROM `web_domain` WHERE `domain_id` = ?", $data["new"]["parent_domain_id"]); if(!$parent_domain["domain_id"]) { $app->log("Parent domain not found", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return 0; } if(!$app->system->is_allowed_user($parent_domain['system_user'], true, true) || !$app->system->is_allowed_group($parent_domain['system_group'], true, true)) { $app->log("Websites (and Crons) cannot be owned by the root user or group.", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return false; } // Get the client ID $client = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT client_id FROM sys_group WHERE sys_group.groupid = ?", $data["new"]["sys_groupid"]); $client_id = intval($client["client_id"]); unset($client); // Create group and user, if not exist $app->uses("system"); $groupname = $parent_domain["system_group"]; if($parent_domain["system_group"] != '' && !$app->system->is_group($parent_domain["system_group"])) { $app->system->exec_safe("groupadd ?", $groupname); $app->log("Adding the group: $groupname", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } $username = $parent_domain["system_user"]; if($parent_domain["system_user"] != '' && !$app->system->is_user($parent_domain["system_user"])) { $app->system->exec_safe("useradd -d ? -g ? ? -s /bin/false", $parent_domain["document_root"], $groupname, $username); $app->log("Adding the user: $username", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } // Set the quota for the user if($username != '' && $app->system->is_user($username)) { if($parent_domain['hd_quota'] > 0) { $blocks_soft = $parent_domain['hd_quota'] * 1024; $mb_soft = $parent_domain['hd_quota']; $blocks_hard = $blocks_soft + 1024; $mb_hard = $mb_soft + 1; } else { $mb_soft = $mb_hard = $blocks_soft = $blocks_hard = 0; } // get the primitive folder for document_root and the filesystem, will need it later. $df_output=explode(" ", $app->system->exec_safe("df -T ?|awk 'END{print \$2,\$NF}'", $parent_domain["document_root"])); $file_system = $df_output[0]; $primitive_root = $df_output[1]; if ( in_array($file_system , array('ext2','ext3','ext4'),true) ) { $app->system->exec_safe('setquota -u ? ? ? 0 0 -a &> /dev/null', $username, $blocks_soft, $blocks_hard); $app->system->exec_safe('setquota -T -u ? 604800 604800 -a &> /dev/null', $username); } elseif ($file_system == 'xfs') { $app->system->exec_safe("xfs_quota -x -c ? ?", "limit -u bsoft=$mb_soft" . 'm'. " bhard=$mb_hard" . 'm'. " $username", $primitive_root); // xfs only supports timers globally, not per user. $app->system->exec_safe("xfs_quota -x -c 'timer -bir -i 604800' ?", $primitive_root); unset($project_uid, $username_position, $xfs_projects); unset($primitive_root, $df_output, $mb_hard, $mb_soft); } } //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record //* Gentoo requires a user to be part of the crontab group. if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { if (strpos($app->system->get_user_groups($username), 'crontab') === false) { $app->system->add_user_to_group('crontab', $username); } } // make temp directory writable for the apache and website users $app->system->chmod($parent_domain["document_root"].'/tmp', 0777); /** TODO READ CRON MASTER **/ $this->parent_domain = $parent_domain; $this->_write_crontab(); $this->action = ''; } function delete($event_name, $data) { global $app; //* get data from web $parent_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT `domain_id`, `system_user`, `system_group`, `document_root`, `hd_quota` FROM `web_domain` WHERE `domain_id` = ?", $data["old"]["parent_domain_id"]); if(!$parent_domain) { $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord('SELECT * FROM sys_datalog WHERE dbtable = ? AND dbidx = ? AND `action` = ? ORDER BY `datalog_id` DESC', 'web_domain', 'domain_id:' . $data['old']['parent_domain_id'], 'd'); if(is_array($tmp) && isset($tmp['data']) && strlen($tmp['data']) > 0) { $tmp = unserialize($tmp['data']); if($tmp && isset($tmp['old'])) { $this->parent_domain = $tmp['old']; } else { $app->log("Parent domain not found", LOGLEVEL_WARN); return 0; } } } else { $this->parent_domain = $parent_domain; } $this->_write_crontab(); } function _write_crontab() { global $app, $conf; //* load the server configuration options $app->uses("getconf"); $cron_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'cron'); //* try to find customer's mail address /** TODO: add possibility for client to choose mail notification! **/ $cron_content = "MAILTO=''\n"; $cron_content .= "SHELL='/bin/sh'\n\n"; $chr_cron_content = "MAILTO=''\n"; $chr_cron_content .= "SHELL='/usr/sbin/jk_chrootsh'\n\n"; $cmd_count = 0; $chr_cmd_count = 0; //* read all active cron jobs from database and write them to file $cron_jobs = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT c.`run_min`, c.`run_hour`, c.`run_mday`, c.`run_month`, c.`run_wday`, c.`command`, c.`type`, c.`log`, `web_domain`.`domain` as `domain` FROM `cron` as c INNER JOIN `web_domain` ON `web_domain`.`domain_id` = c.`parent_domain_id` WHERE c.`parent_domain_id` = ? AND c.`active` = 'y'", $this->parent_domain["domain_id"]); if($cron_jobs && count($cron_jobs) > 0) { foreach($cron_jobs as $job) { if($job['run_month'] == '@reboot') { $cron_line = "@reboot"; } else { $cron_line = str_replace(" ", "", $job['run_min']) . "\t" . str_replace(" ", "", $job['run_hour']) . "\t" . str_replace(" ", "", $job['run_mday']) . "\t" . str_replace(" ", "", $job['run_month']) . "\t" . str_replace(" ", "", $job['run_wday']); } $log_target = ""; $log_wget_target = '/dev/null'; $log_root = ''; if($job['log'] == 'y') { if($job['type'] != 'chrooted') $log_root = $this->parent_domain['document_root']; $log_root .= '/private'; $log_target = '>>' . $log_root . '/cron.log 2>>' . $log_root . '/cron_error.log'; $log_wget_target = $log_root . '/cron_wget.log'; } $cron_line .= "\t{$this->parent_domain['system_user']}"; //* running as user if($job['type'] == 'url') { $cron_line .= "\t{$cron_config['wget']} --no-check-certificate --user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0' -q -t 1 -T 7200 -O " . $log_wget_target . " " . escapeshellarg($job['command']) . " " . $log_target; } else { if(strpos($job['command'], "\n") !== false || strpos($job['command'], "\r") !== false || strpos($job['command'], chr(0)) !== false) { $app->log("Insecure Cron job SKIPPED: " . $job['command'], LOGLEVEL_WARN); continue; } $web_root = ''; if($job['type'] == 'chrooted') { if(substr($job['command'], 0, strlen($this->parent_domain['document_root'])) == $this->parent_domain['document_root']) { //* delete the unneeded path part $job['command'] = substr($job['command'], strlen($this->parent_domain['document_root'])); } } else { $web_root = $this->parent_domain['document_root']; } $web_root .= '/web'; $job['command'] = str_replace('[web_root]', $web_root, $job['command']); $cron_line .= "\t"; //if($job['type'] != 'chrooted' && substr($job['command'], 0, 1) != "/") $cron_line .= $this->parent_domain['document_root'].'/'; $cron_line .= $job['command'] . " " . $log_target; } if($job['type'] == 'chrooted') { $chr_cron_content .= $cron_line . " #{$job['domain']}\n"; $chr_cmd_count++; } else { $cron_content .= $cron_line . " #{$job['domain']}\n"; $cmd_count++; } } } $cron_file = $cron_config["crontab_dir"].'/ispc_'.$this->parent_domain["system_user"]; //TODO : change this when distribution information has been integrated into server record //* Gentoo vixie-cron requires files to end with .cron in the cron.d directory if (file_exists('/etc/gentoo-release')) { $cron_file .= '.cron'; } if($cmd_count > 0) { $app->system->file_put_contents($cron_file, $cron_content); $app->log("Wrote Cron file $cron_file with content:\n$cron_content", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->system->unlink($cron_file); $app->log("Deleted Cron file $cron_file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } $cron_file = $cron_config["crontab_dir"].'/ispc_chrooted_'.$this->parent_domain["system_user"]; if($chr_cmd_count > 0) { $app->system->file_put_contents($cron_file, $chr_cron_content); $app->log("Wrote Cron file $cron_file with content:\n$chr_cron_content", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->system->unlink($cron_file); $app->log("Deleted Cron file $cron_file", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } return 0; } } // end class ?>