<?php /* Copyright (c) 2005, Till Brehm, projektfarm Gmbh All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of ISPConfig nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ class db extends mysqli { private $dbHost = ''; // hostname of the MySQL server private $dbName = ''; // logical database name on that server private $dbUser = ''; // database authorized user private $dbPass = ''; // user's password private $dbCharset = 'utf8';// Database charset private $dbNewLink = false; // Return a new linkID when connect is called again private $dbClientFlags = 0; // MySQL Client falgs private $linkId = 0; // last result of mysqli_connect() private $queryId = 0; // last result of mysqli_query() private $record = array(); // last record fetched private $autoCommit = 1; // Autocommit Transactions private $currentRow; // current row number private $errorNumber = 0; // last error number public $errorMessage = ''; // last error message private $errorLocation = '';// last error location public $show_error_messages = false; // false in server, true in interface private $isConnected = false; // needed to know if we have a valid mysqli object from the constructor // constructor public function __construct($prefix = '') { global $conf; if($prefix != '') $prefix .= '_'; $this->dbHost = $conf[$prefix.'db_host']; $this->dbName = $conf[$prefix.'db_database']; $this->dbUser = $conf[$prefix.'db_user']; $this->dbPass = $conf[$prefix.'db_password']; $this->dbCharset = $conf[$prefix.'db_charset']; $this->dbNewLink = $conf[$prefix.'db_new_link']; $this->dbClientFlags = $conf[$prefix.'db_client_flags']; parent::__construct($conf[$prefix.'db_host'], $conf[$prefix.'db_user'], $conf[$prefix.'db_password'], $conf[$prefix.'db_database']); $try = 0; //while(!is_null($this->connect_error) && $try < 5) { while(mysqli_connect_error() && $try < 5) { if($try > 0) sleep(1); $try++; $this->updateError('DB::__construct'); parent::__construct($conf[$prefix.'db_host'], $conf[$prefix.'db_user'], $conf[$prefix.'db_password'], $conf[$prefix.'db_database']); } //if(is_null($this->connect_error)) $this->isConnected = true; //else return false; if(!mysqli_connect_error()) $this->isConnected = true; else return false; $this->setCharacterEncoding(); } public function __destruct() { $this->close(); // helps avoid memory leaks, and persitent connections that don't go away. } // error handler public function updateError($location) { global $app, $conf; /* if(!is_null($this->connect_error)) { $this->errorNumber = $this->connect_errno; $this->errorMessage = $this->connect_error; } else { $this->errorNumber = $this->errno; $this->errorMessage = $this->error; } */ if(mysqli_connect_error()) { $this->errorNumber = mysqli_connect_errno(); $this->errorMessage = mysqli_connect_error(); } else { $this->errorNumber = mysqli_errno($this); $this->errorMessage = mysqli_error($this); } $this->errorLocation = $location; if($this->errorNumber) { $error_msg = $this->errorLocation .' '. $this->errorMessage; // This right here will allow us to use the same file for server & interface if($this->show_error_messages && $conf['demo_mode'] === false) { echo $error_msg; } else if(is_object($app) && method_exists($app, 'log')) { $app->log($error_msg, LOGLEVEL_WARN); } } } private function setCharacterEncoding() { if($this->isConnected == false) return false; parent::query( 'SET NAMES '.$this->dbCharset); parent::query( "SET character_set_results = '".$this->dbCharset."', character_set_client = '".$this->dbCharset."', character_set_connection = '".$this->dbCharset."', character_set_database = '".$this->dbCharset."', character_set_server = '".$this->dbCharset."'"); } public function query($queryString) { global $conf; if($this->isConnected == false) return false; $try = 0; do { $try++; $ok = $this->ping(); if(!$ok) { if(!$this->real_connect($this->dbHost, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass, $this->dbName)) { if($try > 4) { $this->updateError('DB::query -> reconnect'); return false; } else { sleep(1); } } else { $this->setCharacterEncoding(); $ok = true; } } } while($ok == false); $this->queryId = parent::query($queryString); $this->updateError('DB::query('.$queryString.') -> mysqli_query'); if($this->errorNumber && $conf['demo_mode'] === false) debug_print_backtrace(); if(!$this->queryId) { return false; } $this->currentRow = 0; return $this->queryId; } // returns all records in an array public function queryAllRecords($queryString) { if(!$this->query($queryString)) { return false; } $ret = array(); while($line = $this->nextRecord()) { $ret[] = $line; } return $ret; } // returns one record in an array public function queryOneRecord($queryString) { if(!$this->query($queryString) || $this->numRows() == 0) { return false; } return $this->nextRecord(); } // returns the next record in an array public function nextRecord() { $this->record = $this->queryId->fetch_assoc(); $this->updateError('DB::nextRecord()-> mysql_fetch_array'); if(!$this->record || !is_array($this->record)) { return false; } $this->currentRow++; return $this->record; } // returns number of rows returned by the last select query public function numRows() { return intval($this->queryId->num_rows); } public function affectedRows() { return intval($this->queryId->affected_rows); } // returns mySQL insert id public function insertID() { return $this->insert_id; } //* Function to quote strings public function quote($formfield) { return $this->escape_string($formfield); } //* Function to unquotae strings public function unquote($formfield) { return stripslashes($formfield); } public function toLower($record) { if(is_array($record)) { foreach($record as $key => $val) { $key = strtolower($key); $out[$key] = $val; } } return $out; } public function diffrec($record_old, $record_new) { $diffrec_full = array(); $diff_num = 0; if(is_array($record_old) && count($record_old) > 0) { foreach($record_old as $key => $val) { // if(!isset($record_new[$key]) || $record_new[$key] != $val) { if(@$record_new[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = @$record_new[$key]; $diff_num++; } else { $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = $val; } } } elseif(is_array($record_new)) { foreach($record_new as $key => $val) { if(isset($record_new[$key]) && @$record_old[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = @$record_old[$key]; $diff_num++; } else { $diffrec_full['new'][$key] = $val; $diffrec_full['old'][$key] = $val; } } } return array('diff_num' => $diff_num, 'diff_rec' => $diffrec_full); } //** Function to fill the datalog with a full differential record. public function datalogSave($db_table, $action, $primary_field, $primary_id, $record_old, $record_new, $force_update = false) { global $app, $conf; // Insert backticks only for incomplete table names. if(stristr($db_table, '.')) { $escape = ''; } else { $escape = '`'; } if($force_update == true) { //* We force a update even if no record has changed $diffrec_full = array('new' => $record_new, 'old' => $record_old); $diff_num = count($record_new); } else { //* get the difference record between old and new record $tmp = $this->diffrec($record_old, $record_new); $diffrec_full = $tmp['diff_rec']; $diff_num = $tmp['diff_num']; unset($tmp); } // Insert the server_id, if the record has a server_id $server_id = (isset($record_old['server_id']) && $record_old['server_id'] > 0)?$record_old['server_id']:0; if(isset($record_new['server_id'])) $server_id = $record_new['server_id']; $server_id = intval($server_id); if($diff_num > 0) { //print_r($diff_num); //print_r($diffrec_full); $diffstr = $app->db->quote(serialize($diffrec_full)); $username = $app->db->quote($_SESSION['s']['user']['username']); $dbidx = $primary_field.':'.$primary_id; if($action == 'INSERT') $action = 'i'; if($action == 'UPDATE') $action = 'u'; if($action == 'DELETE') $action = 'd'; $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_datalog (dbtable,dbidx,server_id,action,tstamp,user,data) VALUES ('".$db_table."','$dbidx','$server_id','$action','".time()."','$username','$diffstr')"; $app->db->query($sql); } return true; } //** Inserts a record and saves the changes into the datalog public function datalogInsert($tablename, $insert_data, $index_field) { global $app; $tablename = $this->quote($tablename); $index_field = $this->quote($index_field); if(is_array($insert_data)) { $key_str = ''; $val_str = ''; foreach($insert_data as $key => $val) { $key_str .= "`".$key ."`,"; $val_str .= "'".$this->quote($val)."',"; } $key_str = substr($key_str, 0, -1); $val_str = substr($val_str, 0, -1); $insert_data_str = '('.$key_str.') VALUES ('.$val_str.')'; } else { $insert_data_str = $insert_data; } $old_rec = array(); $this->query("INSERT INTO $tablename $insert_data_str"); $index_value = $this->insertID(); $new_rec = $this->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE $index_field = '$index_value'"); $this->datalogSave($tablename, 'INSERT', $index_field, $index_value, $old_rec, $new_rec); return $index_value; } //** Updates a record and saves the changes into the datalog public function datalogUpdate($tablename, $update_data, $index_field, $index_value, $force_update = false) { global $app; $tablename = $this->quote($tablename); $index_field = $this->quote($index_field); $index_value = $this->quote($index_value); $old_rec = $this->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE $index_field = '$index_value'"); if(is_array($update_data)) { $update_data_str = ''; foreach($update_data as $key => $val) { $update_data_str .= "`".$key ."` = '".$this->quote($val)."',"; } $update_data_str = substr($update_data_str, 0, -1); } else { $update_data_str = $update_data; } $this->query("UPDATE $tablename SET $update_data_str WHERE $index_field = '$index_value'"); $new_rec = $this->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE $index_field = '$index_value'"); $this->datalogSave($tablename, 'UPDATE', $index_field, $index_value, $old_rec, $new_rec, $force_update); return true; } //** Deletes a record and saves the changes into the datalog public function datalogDelete($tablename, $index_field, $index_value) { global $app; $tablename = $this->quote($tablename); $index_field = $this->quote($index_field); $index_value = $this->quote($index_value); $old_rec = $this->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE $index_field = '$index_value'"); $this->query("DELETE FROM $tablename WHERE $index_field = '$index_value'"); $new_rec = array(); $this->datalogSave($tablename, 'DELETE', $index_field, $index_value, $old_rec, $new_rec); return true; } //* get the current datalog status for the specified login (or currently logged in user) public function datalogStatus($login = '') { global $app; $return = array('count' => 0, 'entries' => array()); if($_SESSION['s']['user']['typ'] == 'admin') return $return; // these information should not be displayed to admin users if($login == '' && isset($_SESSION['s']['user'])) { $login = $_SESSION['s']['user']['username']; } $result = $this->queryAllRecords("SELECT COUNT( * ) AS cnt, sys_datalog.action, sys_datalog.dbtable FROM sys_datalog, server WHERE server.server_id = sys_datalog.server_id AND sys_datalog.user = '" . $this->quote($login) . "' AND sys_datalog.datalog_id > server.updated GROUP BY sys_datalog.dbtable, sys_datalog.action"); foreach($result as $row) { if(!$row['dbtable'] || in_array($row['dbtable'], array('aps_instances', 'aps_instances_settings', 'mail_access', 'mail_content_filter'))) continue; // ignore some entries, maybe more to come $return['entries'][] = array('table' => $row['dbtable'], 'action' => $row['action'], 'count' => $row['cnt'], 'text' => $app->lng('datalog_status_' . $row['action'] . '_' . $row['dbtable'])); $return['count'] += $row['cnt']; } unset($result); return $return; } public function freeResult($query) { if(is_object($query) && (get_class($query) == "mysqli_result")) { $query->free(); return true; } else { return false; } } /* TODO: Does anything use this? */ public function delete() { } /* TODO: Does anything use this? */ public function Transaction($action) { //action = begin, commit oder rollback } /* $columns = array(action => add | alter | drop name => Spaltenname name_new => neuer Spaltenname, nur bei 'alter' belegt type => 42go-Meta-Type: int16, int32, int64, double, char, varchar, text, blob typeValue => Wert z.B. bei Varchar defaultValue => Default Wert notNull => true | false autoInc => true | false option => unique | primary | index) */ public function createTable($table_name, $columns) { $index = ''; $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name ("; foreach($columns as $col){ $sql .= $col['name'].' '.$this->mapType($col['type'], $col['typeValue']).' '; if($col['defaultValue'] != '') $sql .= "DEFAULT '".$col['defaultValue']."' "; if($col['notNull'] == true) { $sql .= 'NOT NULL '; } else { $sql .= 'NULL '; } if($col['autoInc'] == true) $sql .= 'auto_increment '; $sql.= ','; // key Definitionen if($col['option'] == 'primary') $index .= 'PRIMARY KEY ('.$col['name'].'),'; if($col['option'] == 'index') $index .= 'INDEX ('.$col['name'].'),'; if($col['option'] == 'unique') $index .= 'UNIQUE ('.$col['name'].'),'; } $sql .= $index; $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); $sql .= ')'; $this->query($sql); return true; } /* $columns = array(action => add | alter | drop name => Spaltenname name_new => neuer Spaltenname, nur bei 'alter' belegt type => 42go-Meta-Type: int16, int32, int64, double, char, varchar, text, blob typeValue => Wert z.B. bei Varchar defaultValue => Default Wert notNull => true | false autoInc => true | false option => unique | primary | index) */ public function alterTable($table_name, $columns) { $index = ''; $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table_name "; foreach($columns as $col){ if($col['action'] == 'add') { $sql .= 'ADD '.$col['name'].' '.$this->mapType($col['type'], $col['typeValue']).' '; } elseif ($col['action'] == 'alter') { $sql .= 'CHANGE '.$col['name'].' '.$col['name_new'].' '.$this->mapType($col['type'], $col['typeValue']).' '; } elseif ($col['action'] == 'drop') { $sql .= 'DROP '.$col['name'].' '; } if($col['action'] != 'drop') { if($col['defaultValue'] != '') $sql .= "DEFAULT '".$col['defaultValue']."' "; if($col['notNull'] == true) { $sql .= 'NOT NULL '; } else { $sql .= 'NULL '; } if($col['autoInc'] == true) $sql .= 'auto_increment '; $sql.= ','; // Index definitions if($col['option'] == 'primary') $index .= 'PRIMARY KEY ('.$col['name'].'),'; if($col['option'] == 'index') $index .= 'INDEX ('.$col['name'].'),'; if($col['option'] == 'unique') $index .= 'UNIQUE ('.$col['name'].'),'; } } $sql .= $index; $sql = substr($sql, 0, -1); //die($sql); $this->query($sql); return true; } public function dropTable($table_name) { $this->check($table_name); $sql = "DROP TABLE '". $table_name."'"; return $this->query($sql); } // gibt Array mit Tabellennamen zur�ck public function getTables($database_name = '') { if($this->isConnected == false) return false; if($database_name == '') $database_name = $this->dbName; $result = parent::query("SHOW TABLES FROM $database_name"); for ($i = 0; $i < $result->num_rows; $i++) { $tb_names[$i] = (($result->data_seek( $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = $result->fetch_row()) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false); } return $tb_names; } // gibt Feldinformationen zur Tabelle zur�ck /* $columns = array(action => add | alter | drop name => Spaltenname name_new => neuer Spaltenname, nur bei 'alter' belegt type => 42go-Meta-Type: int16, int32, int64, double, char, varchar, text, blob typeValue => Wert z.B. bei Varchar defaultValue => Default Wert notNull => true | false autoInc => true | false option => unique | primary | index) */ function tableInfo($table_name) { global $go_api, $go_info, $app; // Tabellenfelder einlesen if($rows = $app->db->queryAllRecords('SHOW FIELDS FROM '.$table_name)){ foreach($rows as $row) { /* $name = $row[0]; $default = $row[4]; $key = $row[3]; $extra = $row[5]; $isnull = $row[2]; $type = $row[1]; */ $name = $row['Field']; $default = $row['Default']; $key = $row['Key']; $extra = $row['Extra']; $isnull = $row['Null']; $type = $row['Type']; $column = array(); $column['name'] = $name; //$column['type'] = $type; $column['defaultValue'] = $default; if(stristr($key, 'PRI')) $column['option'] = 'primary'; if(stristr($isnull, 'YES')) { $column['notNull'] = false; } else { $column['notNull'] = true; } if($extra == 'auto_increment') $column['autoInc'] = true; // Type in Metatype umsetzen if(stristr($type, 'int(')) $metaType = 'int32'; if(stristr($type, 'bigint')) $metaType = 'int64'; if(stristr($type, 'char')) { $metaType = 'char'; $tmp_typeValue = explode('(', $type); $column['typeValue'] = substr($tmp_typeValue[1], 0, -1); } if(stristr($type, 'varchar')) { $metaType = 'varchar'; $tmp_typeValue = explode('(', $type); $column['typeValue'] = substr($tmp_typeValue[1], 0, -1); } if(stristr($type, 'text')) $metaType = 'text'; if(stristr($type, 'double')) $metaType = 'double'; if(stristr($type, 'blob')) $metaType = 'blob'; $column['type'] = $metaType; $columns[] = $column; } return $columns; } else { return false; } //$this->createTable('tester',$columns); /* $result = mysql_list_fields($go_info["server"]["db_name"],$table_name); $fields = mysql_num_fields ($result); $i = 0; $table = mysql_field_table ($result, $i); while ($i < $fields) { $name = mysql_field_name ($result, $i); $type = mysql_field_type ($result, $i); $len = mysql_field_len ($result, $i); $flags = mysql_field_flags ($result, $i); print_r($flags); $columns = array(name => $name, type => "", defaultValue => "", isnull => 1, option => ""); $returnvar[] = $columns; $i++; } */ } public function mapType($metaType, $typeValue) { global $go_api; $metaType = strtolower($metaType); switch ($metaType) { case 'int16': return 'smallint'; break; case 'int32': return 'int'; break; case 'int64': return 'bigint'; break; case 'double': return 'double'; break; case 'char': return 'char'; break; case 'varchar': if($typeValue < 1) die('Database failure: Lenght required for these data types.'); return 'varchar('.$typeValue.')'; break; case 'text': return 'text'; break; case 'blob': return 'blob'; break; } } } ?>