_sMinute = ''; $this->_sHour = ''; $this->_sDay = ''; $this->_sMonth = ''; $this->_sWDay = ''; $this->_bParsed = false; $this->_aValidValues = array('minute' => array(), 'hour' => array(), 'day' => array(), 'month' => array(), 'weekday' => array()); } private function _calcValidValues() { // minute field $this->_aValidValues['minute'] = $this->_calcFieldValues('minute', $this->_sMinute); $this->_aValidValues['hour'] = $this->_calcFieldValues('hour', $this->_sHour); $this->_aValidValues['day'] = $this->_calcFieldValues('day', $this->_sDay); $this->_aValidValues['month'] = $this->_calcFieldValues('month', $this->_sMonth); $this->_aValidValues['weekday'] = $this->_calcFieldValues('weekday', $this->_sWDay); $this->_bParsed = true; } private function _calcFieldValues($sField, $sValue) { global $app; $aValidValues = array(); // global checks $iFrom = 0; $iTo = 0; switch($sField) { case 'minute': $iTo = 59; break; case 'hour': $iTo = 23; break; case 'day': $iFrom = 1; $iTo = 31; break; case 'month': $sValue = strtr($sValue, array('JAN' => 1, 'FEB' => 2, 'MAR' => 3, 'APR' => 4, 'MAY' => 5, 'JUN' => 6, 'JUL' => 7, 'AUG' => 8, 'SEP' => 9, 'OCT' => 10, 'NOV' => 11, 'DEC' => 12) ); $iFrom = 1; $iTo = 12; break; case 'weekday': $sValue = strtr($sValue, array('SUN' => 0, 'MON' => 1, 'TUE' => 2, 'WED' => 3, 'THU' => 4, 'FRI' => 5, 'SAT' => 6, '7' => 0) ); $iTo = 6; break; } $aParts = explode(',', $sValue); for($a = 0; $a < count($aParts); $a++) { $sValue = $aParts[$a]; $iValue = $app->functions->intval($sValue); if($sValue === '*') { // everything is valid for($i = $iFrom; $i <= $iTo; $i++) { $aValidValues[] = $i; } break; // no need to go any further } elseif((string)$iValue == $sValue) { if($iValue >= $iFrom && $iValue <= $iTo) $aValidValues[] = $iValue; } elseif(preg_match('/^([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)(\/([1-9][0-9]*))?$/', $sValue, $aMatch)) { if($aMatch[1] < $iFrom) $aMatch[1] = $iFrom; if($aMatch[2] > $iTo) $aMatch[2] = $iTo; if(isset($aMatch[3])) { for($i = $aMatch[1]; $i <= $aMatch[2]; $i++) { if(($i - $aMatch[1]) % $aMatch[4] == 0) $aValidValues[] = $i; } } else { for($i = $aMatch[1]; $i <= $aMatch[2]; $i++) $aValidValues[] = $i; } } elseif(preg_match('/^\*\/([1-9][0-9]*)$/', $sValue, $aMatch)) { for($i = $iFrom; $i <= $iTo; $i++) { if($i % $aMatch[1] == 0) $aValidValues[] = $i; } } } $aValidValues = array_unique($aValidValues); sort($aValidValues); return $aValidValues; } /**#@-*/ /** * Set the cron field values * * @param string $sMinute the minute field value * @param string $sHour the hour field value * @param string $sDay the day field value * @param string $sWDay the weekday field value * @param string $sMonth the month field value */ public function setCronFields($sMinute = '*', $sHour = '*', $sDay = '*', $sMonth = '*', $sWDay = '*') { $this->_sMinute = $sMinute; $this->_sHour = $sHour; $this->_sDay = $sDay; $this->_sMonth = $sMonth; $this->_sWDay = $sWDay; $this->_bParsed = false; } /** * Parse a line of a cron and set the internal field values * * @param string $sLine cron line */ public function parseCronLine($sLine) { $aFields = preg_split('/[ \t]+/', trim($sLine)); for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if(!isset($aFields[$i])) $aFields[$i] = '*'; } if($aFields[0] == '@yearly' || $aFields[0] == '@annually') $aFields = array(0, 0, 1, 1, '*'); elseif($aFields[0] == '@monthly') $aFields = array(0, 0, 1, '*', '*'); elseif($aFields[0] == '@weekly') $aFields = array(0, 0, '*', '*', 0); elseif($aFields[0] == '@daily' || $aFields[0] == '@midnight') $aFields = array(0, 0, '*', '*', '*'); elseif($aFields[0] == '@hourly') $aFields = array(0, '*', '*', '*', '*'); $this->setCronFields($aFields[0], $aFields[1], $aFields[2], $aFields[3], $aFields[4]); } public function getNextRun($vDate) { global $app; $iTimestamp = ISPConfigDatetime::to_timestamp($vDate); if($iTimestamp === false) return $iTimestamp; if($this->_bParsed == false) $this->_calcValidValues(); // get the field values for the given Date. list($iMinute, $iHour, $iDay, $iWDay, $iMonth, $iYear) = explode(':', ISPConfigDateTime::to_string($vDate, 'custom:i:G:j:w:n:Y')); $bValid = false; $iStartYear = $iYear; while($bValid == false) { $iCurMinute = $this->_getNextValue('minute', $iMinute, true); $iCurHour = $this->_getNextValue('hour', $iHour, true); $iCurDay = $this->_getNextValue('day', $iDay, true); $iCurMonth = $this->_getNextValue('month', $iMonth, true); $iCurWDay = $this->_getNextValue('weekday', $iWDay, true); $iNextMinute = $this->_getNextValue('minute', $iMinute); $iNextHour = $this->_getNextValue('hour', $iHour); $iNextDay = $this->_getNextValue('day', $iDay); $iNextMonth = $this->_getNextValue('month', $iMonth); $iNextWDay = $this->_getNextValue('weekday', $iWDay); if($iNextMinute > $iMinute && $iHour == $iCurHour && $iDay == $iCurDay && $iWDay == $iCurWDay && $iMonth == $iCurMonth) { $iMinute = $iNextMinute; } elseif($iNextHour > $iHour && $iDay == $iCurDay && $iWDay == $iCurWDay && $iMonth == $iCurMonth) { $iMinute = reset($this->_aValidValues['minute']); $iHour = $iNextHour; } elseif($iNextDay > $iDay && ISPConfigDateTime::last_day($iMonth) >= $iNextDay && $iMonth == $iCurMonth) { $iMinute = reset($this->_aValidValues['minute']); $iHour = reset($this->_aValidValues['hour']); $iDay = $iNextDay; } elseif($iNextMonth > $iMonth) { $iMinute = reset($this->_aValidValues['minute']); $iHour = reset($this->_aValidValues['hour']); $iDay = reset($this->_aValidValues['day']); $iMonth = $iNextMonth; } else { $iMinute = reset($this->_aValidValues['minute']); $iHour = reset($this->_aValidValues['hour']); $iDay = reset($this->_aValidValues['day']); $iMonth = reset($this->_aValidValues['month']); $iYear++; } $ts = mktime($iHour, $iMinute, 0, $iMonth, $iDay, $iYear); //print strftime('%d.%m.%Y (%A) %H:%M', $ts) . "\n"; //var_dump($iCurMinute, $iCurHour, $iCurDay, $iCurMonth, $iCurWDay, '--', $iNextMinute, $iNextHour, $iNextDay, $iNextMonth, $iNextWDay); if(ISPConfigDateTime::last_day($iMonth, $iYear) >= $iDay && in_array($app->functions->intval(date('w', $ts)), $this->_aValidValues['weekday'], true) === true) { $bValid = true; } else { if($iYear - $iStartYear > 5) { if(LOG_PRIORITY <= PRIO_ERROR) $portal->log('No valid run dates for schedule ' . $this->_sMinute . ' ' . $this->_sHour . ' ' . $this->_sDay . ' ' . $this->_sMonth . ' ' . $this->_sWDay . ' in the next 5 years!', PRIO_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } } //var_dump($vDate, implode('-', array($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay, $iHour, $iNextMinute, 0)), $this->_sMinute, $this->_sHour, $this->_sDay, $this->_sWDay, $this->_sMonth, $this->_aValidValues); return $iYear . '-' . $iMonth . '-' . $iDay . ' ' . $iHour . ':' . $iNextMinute . ':0'; } private function _getNextValue($sField, $iValue, $bIncludeCurrent = false) { if(!array_key_exists($sField, $this->_aValidValues)) return false; reset($this->_aValidValues[$sField]); foreach($this->_aValidValues[$sField] as $cur) { if($bIncludeCurrent == true && $cur >= $iValue) return $cur; elseif($cur > $iValue) return $cur; } return reset($this->_aValidValues[$sField]); } } ?>