copy->insert * command (swap) for when the inserted segment is exactly the same * as the deleted one, and with only a copy operation in between. * TODO: How often this case occurs? Is it worth it? Can only * be done as a postprocessing method (->optimize()?) */ abstract class FineDiffOp { abstract public function getFromLen(); abstract public function getToLen(); abstract public function getOpcode(); } class FineDiffDeleteOp extends FineDiffOp { public function __construct($len) { $this->fromLen = $len; } public function getFromLen() { return $this->fromLen; } public function getToLen() { return 0; } public function getOpcode() { if ( $this->fromLen === 1 ) { return 'd'; } return "d{$this->fromLen}"; } } class FineDiffInsertOp extends FineDiffOp { public function __construct($text) { $this->text = $text; } public function getFromLen() { return 0; } public function getToLen() { return strlen($this->text); } public function getText() { return $this->text; } public function getOpcode() { $to_len = strlen($this->text); if ( $to_len === 1 ) { return "i:{$this->text}"; } return "i{$to_len}:{$this->text}"; } } class FineDiffReplaceOp extends FineDiffOp { public function __construct($fromLen, $text) { $this->fromLen = $fromLen; $this->text = $text; } public function getFromLen() { return $this->fromLen; } public function getToLen() { return strlen($this->text); } public function getText() { return $this->text; } public function getOpcode() { if ( $this->fromLen === 1 ) { $del_opcode = 'd'; } else { $del_opcode = "d{$this->fromLen}"; } $to_len = strlen($this->text); if ( $to_len === 1 ) { return "{$del_opcode}i:{$this->text}"; } return "{$del_opcode}i{$to_len}:{$this->text}"; } } class FineDiffCopyOp extends FineDiffOp { public function __construct($len) { $this->len = $len; } public function getFromLen() { return $this->len; } public function getToLen() { return $this->len; } public function getOpcode() { if ( $this->len === 1 ) { return 'c'; } return "c{$this->len}"; } public function increase($size) { return $this->len += $size; } } /** * FineDiff ops * * Collection of ops */ class FineDiffOps { public function appendOpcode($opcode, $from, $from_offset, $from_len) { if ( $opcode === 'c' ) { $edits[] = new FineDiffCopyOp($from_len); } else if ( $opcode === 'd' ) { $edits[] = new FineDiffDeleteOp($from_len); } else /* if ( $opcode === 'i' ) */ { $edits[] = new FineDiffInsertOp(substr($from, $from_offset, $from_len)); } } public $edits = array(); } /** * FineDiff class * * TODO: Document * */ class FineDiff { /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Public section * */ /** * Constructor * ... * The $granularityStack allows FineDiff to be configurable so that * a particular stack tailored to the specific content of a document can * be passed. */ public function __construct($from_text = '', $to_text = '', $granularityStack = null) { // setup stack for generic text documents by default $this->granularityStack = $granularityStack ? $granularityStack : FineDiff::$characterGranularity; $this->edits = array(); $this->from_text = $from_text; $this->doDiff($from_text, $to_text); } public function getOps() { return $this->edits; } public function getOpcodes() { $opcodes = array(); foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { $opcodes[] = $edit->getOpcode(); } return implode('', $opcodes); } public function renderDiffToHTML() { $in_offset = 0; ob_start(); foreach ( $this->edits as $edit ) { $n = $edit->getFromLen(); if ( $edit instanceof FineDiffCopyOp ) { FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode('c', $this->from_text, $in_offset, $n); } else if ( $edit instanceof FineDiffDeleteOp ) { FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode('d', $this->from_text, $in_offset, $n); } else if ( $edit instanceof FineDiffInsertOp ) { FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode('i', $edit->getText(), 0, $edit->getToLen()); } else /* if ( $edit instanceof FineDiffReplaceOp ) */ { FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode('d', $this->from_text, $in_offset, $n); FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode('i', $edit->getText(), 0, $edit->getToLen()); } $in_offset += $n; } return ob_get_clean(); } /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Return an opcodes string describing the diff between a "From" and a * "To" string */ public static function getDiffOpcodes($from, $to, $granularities = null) { $diff = new FineDiff($from, $to, $granularities); return $diff->getOpcodes(); } /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Return an iterable collection of diff ops from an opcodes string */ public static function getDiffOpsFromOpcodes($opcodes) { $diffops = new FineDiffOps(); FineDiff::renderFromOpcodes(null, $opcodes, array($diffops,'appendOpcode')); return $diffops->edits; } /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Re-create the "To" string from the "From" string and an "Opcodes" string */ public static function renderToTextFromOpcodes($from, $opcodes) { ob_start(); FineDiff::renderFromOpcodes($from, $opcodes, array('FineDiff','renderToTextFromOpcode')); return ob_get_clean(); } /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Render the diff to an HTML string -- UTF8 unsafe */ public static function renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcodes($from, $opcodes) { ob_start(); FineDiff::renderFromOpcodes($from, $opcodes, array('FineDiff','renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode')); return ob_get_clean(); } /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Render the diff to an HTML string -- UTF8 safe */ public static function renderUTF8DiffToHTMLFromOpcodes($from, $opcodes) { ob_start(); FineDiff::renderUTF8FromOpcode($from, $opcodes, array('FineDiff','renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode')); return ob_get_clean(); } /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Generic opcodes parser, user must supply callback for handling * single opcode */ public static function renderFromOpcodes($from, $opcodes, $callback) { if ( !is_callable($callback) ) { return; } $opcodes_len = strlen($opcodes); $from_offset = $opcodes_offset = 0; while ( $opcodes_offset < $opcodes_len ) { $opcode = substr($opcodes, $opcodes_offset, 1); $opcodes_offset++; $n = intval(substr($opcodes, $opcodes_offset)); if ( $n ) { $opcodes_offset += strlen(strval($n)); } else { $n = 1; } if ( $opcode === 'c' ) { // copy n characters from source call_user_func($callback, 'c', $from, $from_offset, $n, ''); $from_offset += $n; } else if ( $opcode === 'd' ) { // delete n characters from source call_user_func($callback, 'd', $from, $from_offset, $n, ''); $from_offset += $n; } else /* if ( $opcode === 'i' ) */ { // insert n characters from opcodes call_user_func($callback, 'i', $opcodes, $opcodes_offset + 1, $n); $opcodes_offset += 1 + $n; } } } /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Generic opcodes parser, user must supply callback for handling * single opcode */ private static function renderUTF8FromOpcode($from, $opcodes, $callback) { if ( !is_callable($callback) ) { return; } $from_len = strlen($from); $opcodes_len = strlen($opcodes); $from_offset = $opcodes_offset = 0; $last_to_chars = ''; while ( $opcodes_offset < $opcodes_len ) { $opcode = substr($opcodes, $opcodes_offset, 1); $opcodes_offset++; $n = intval(substr($opcodes, $opcodes_offset)); if ( $n ) { $opcodes_offset += strlen(strval($n)); } else { $n = 1; } if ( $opcode === 'c' || $opcode === 'd' ) { $beg = $from_offset; $end = $from_offset + $n; while ( $beg > 0 && (ord($from[$beg]) & 0xC0) === 0x80 ) { $beg--; } while ( $end < $from_len && (ord($from[$end]) & 0xC0) === 0x80 ) { $end++; } if ( $opcode === 'c' ) { // copy n characters from source call_user_func($callback, 'c', $from, $beg, $end - $beg, ''); $last_to_chars = substr($from, $beg, $end - $beg); } else /* if ( $opcode === 'd' ) */ { // delete n characters from source call_user_func($callback, 'd', $from, $beg, $end - $beg, ''); } $from_offset += $n; } else /* if ( $opcode === 'i' ) */ { // insert n characters from opcodes $opcodes_offset += 1; if ( strlen($last_to_chars) > 0 && (ord($opcodes[$opcodes_offset]) & 0xC0) === 0x80 ) { $beg = strlen($last_to_chars) - 1; while ( $beg > 0 && (ord($last_to_chars[$beg]) & 0xC0) === 0x80 ) { $beg--; } $prefix = substr($last_to_chars, $beg); } else { $prefix = ''; } $end = $from_offset; while ( $end < $from_len && (ord($from[$end]) & 0xC0) === 0x80 ) { $end++; } $toInsert = $prefix . substr($opcodes, $opcodes_offset, $n) . substr($from, $end, $end - $from_offset); call_user_func($callback, 'i', $toInsert, 0, strlen($toInsert)); $opcodes_offset += $n; $last_to_chars = $toInsert; } } } /** * Stock granularity stacks and delimiters */ const paragraphDelimiters = "\n\r"; public static $paragraphGranularity = array( FineDiff::paragraphDelimiters ); const sentenceDelimiters = ".\n\r"; public static $sentenceGranularity = array( FineDiff::paragraphDelimiters, FineDiff::sentenceDelimiters ); const wordDelimiters = " \t.\n\r"; public static $wordGranularity = array( FineDiff::paragraphDelimiters, FineDiff::sentenceDelimiters, FineDiff::wordDelimiters ); const characterDelimiters = ""; public static $characterGranularity = array( FineDiff::paragraphDelimiters, FineDiff::sentenceDelimiters, FineDiff::wordDelimiters, FineDiff::characterDelimiters ); public static $textStack = array( ".", " \t.\n\r", "" ); /**------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Private section * */ /** * Entry point to compute the diff. */ private function doDiff($from_text, $to_text) { $this->last_edit = false; $this->stackpointer = 0; $this->from_text = $from_text; $this->from_offset = 0; // can't diff without at least one granularity specifier if ( empty($this->granularityStack) ) { return; } $this->_processGranularity($from_text, $to_text); } /** * This is the recursive function which is responsible for * handling/increasing granularity. * * Incrementally increasing the granularity is key to compute the * overall diff in a very efficient way. */ private function _processGranularity($from_segment, $to_segment) { $delimiters = $this->granularityStack[$this->stackpointer++]; $has_next_stage = $this->stackpointer < count($this->granularityStack); foreach ( FineDiff::doFragmentDiff($from_segment, $to_segment, $delimiters) as $fragment_edit ) { // increase granularity if ( $fragment_edit instanceof FineDiffReplaceOp && $has_next_stage ) { $this->_processGranularity( substr($this->from_text, $this->from_offset, $fragment_edit->getFromLen()), $fragment_edit->getText() ); } // fuse copy ops whenever possible else if ( $fragment_edit instanceof FineDiffCopyOp && $this->last_edit instanceof FineDiffCopyOp ) { $this->edits[count($this->edits)-1]->increase($fragment_edit->getFromLen()); $this->from_offset += $fragment_edit->getFromLen(); } else { /* $fragment_edit instanceof FineDiffCopyOp */ /* $fragment_edit instanceof FineDiffDeleteOp */ /* $fragment_edit instanceof FineDiffInsertOp */ $this->edits[] = $this->last_edit = $fragment_edit; $this->from_offset += $fragment_edit->getFromLen(); } } $this->stackpointer--; } /** * This is the core algorithm which actually perform the diff itself, * fragmenting the strings as per specified delimiters. * * This function is naturally recursive, however for performance purpose * a local job queue is used instead of outright recursivity. */ private static function doFragmentDiff($from_text, $to_text, $delimiters) { // Empty delimiter means character-level diffing. // In such case, use code path optimized for character-level // diffing. if ( empty($delimiters) ) { return FineDiff::doCharDiff($from_text, $to_text); } $result = array(); // fragment-level diffing $from_text_len = strlen($from_text); $to_text_len = strlen($to_text); $from_fragments = FineDiff::extractFragments($from_text, $delimiters); $to_fragments = FineDiff::extractFragments($to_text, $delimiters); $jobs = array(array(0, $from_text_len, 0, $to_text_len)); $cached_array_keys = array(); while ( $job = array_pop($jobs) ) { // get the segments which must be diff'ed list($from_segment_start, $from_segment_end, $to_segment_start, $to_segment_end) = $job; // catch easy cases first $from_segment_length = $from_segment_end - $from_segment_start; $to_segment_length = $to_segment_end - $to_segment_start; if ( !$from_segment_length || !$to_segment_length ) { if ( $from_segment_length ) { $result[$from_segment_start * 4] = new FineDiffDeleteOp($from_segment_length); } else if ( $to_segment_length ) { $result[$from_segment_start * 4 + 1] = new FineDiffInsertOp(substr($to_text, $to_segment_start, $to_segment_length)); } continue; } // find longest copy operation for the current segments $best_copy_length = 0; $from_base_fragment_index = $from_segment_start; $cached_array_keys_for_current_segment = array(); while ( $from_base_fragment_index < $from_segment_end ) { $from_base_fragment = $from_fragments[$from_base_fragment_index]; $from_base_fragment_length = strlen($from_base_fragment); // performance boost: cache array keys if ( !isset($cached_array_keys_for_current_segment[$from_base_fragment]) ) { if ( !isset($cached_array_keys[$from_base_fragment]) ) { $to_all_fragment_indices = $cached_array_keys[$from_base_fragment] = array_keys($to_fragments, $from_base_fragment, true); } else { $to_all_fragment_indices = $cached_array_keys[$from_base_fragment]; } // get only indices which falls within current segment if ( $to_segment_start > 0 || $to_segment_end < $to_text_len ) { $to_fragment_indices = array(); foreach ( $to_all_fragment_indices as $to_fragment_index ) { if ( $to_fragment_index < $to_segment_start ) { continue; } if ( $to_fragment_index >= $to_segment_end ) { break; } $to_fragment_indices[] = $to_fragment_index; } $cached_array_keys_for_current_segment[$from_base_fragment] = $to_fragment_indices; } else { $to_fragment_indices = $to_all_fragment_indices; } } else { $to_fragment_indices = $cached_array_keys_for_current_segment[$from_base_fragment]; } // iterate through collected indices foreach ( $to_fragment_indices as $to_base_fragment_index ) { $fragment_index_offset = $from_base_fragment_length; // iterate until no more match for (;;) { $fragment_from_index = $from_base_fragment_index + $fragment_index_offset; if ( $fragment_from_index >= $from_segment_end ) { break; } $fragment_to_index = $to_base_fragment_index + $fragment_index_offset; if ( $fragment_to_index >= $to_segment_end ) { break; } if ( $from_fragments[$fragment_from_index] !== $to_fragments[$fragment_to_index] ) { break; } $fragment_length = strlen($from_fragments[$fragment_from_index]); $fragment_index_offset += $fragment_length; } if ( $fragment_index_offset > $best_copy_length ) { $best_copy_length = $fragment_index_offset; $best_from_start = $from_base_fragment_index; $best_to_start = $to_base_fragment_index; } } $from_base_fragment_index += strlen($from_base_fragment); // If match is larger than half segment size, no point trying to find better // TODO: Really? if ( $best_copy_length >= $from_segment_length / 2) { break; } // no point to keep looking if what is left is less than // current best match if ( $from_base_fragment_index + $best_copy_length >= $from_segment_end ) { break; } } if ( $best_copy_length ) { $jobs[] = array($from_segment_start, $best_from_start, $to_segment_start, $best_to_start); $result[$best_from_start * 4 + 2] = new FineDiffCopyOp($best_copy_length); $jobs[] = array($best_from_start + $best_copy_length, $from_segment_end, $best_to_start + $best_copy_length, $to_segment_end); } else { $result[$from_segment_start * 4 ] = new FineDiffReplaceOp($from_segment_length, substr($to_text, $to_segment_start, $to_segment_length)); } } ksort($result, SORT_NUMERIC); return array_values($result); } /** * Perform a character-level diff. * * The algorithm is quite similar to doFragmentDiff(), except that * the code path is optimized for character-level diff -- strpos() is * used to find out the longest common subequence of characters. * * We try to find a match using the longest possible subsequence, which * is at most the length of the shortest of the two strings, then incrementally * reduce the size until a match is found. * * I still need to study more the performance of this function. It * appears that for long strings, the generic doFragmentDiff() is more * performant. For word-sized strings, doCharDiff() is somewhat more * performant. */ private static function doCharDiff($from_text, $to_text) { $result = array(); $jobs = array(array(0, strlen($from_text), 0, strlen($to_text))); while ( $job = array_pop($jobs) ) { // get the segments which must be diff'ed list($from_segment_start, $from_segment_end, $to_segment_start, $to_segment_end) = $job; $from_segment_len = $from_segment_end - $from_segment_start; $to_segment_len = $to_segment_end - $to_segment_start; // catch easy cases first if ( !$from_segment_len || !$to_segment_len ) { if ( $from_segment_len ) { $result[$from_segment_start * 4 + 0] = new FineDiffDeleteOp($from_segment_len); } else if ( $to_segment_len ) { $result[$from_segment_start * 4 + 1] = new FineDiffInsertOp(substr($to_text, $to_segment_start, $to_segment_len)); } continue; } if ( $from_segment_len >= $to_segment_len ) { $copy_len = $to_segment_len; while ( $copy_len ) { $to_copy_start = $to_segment_start; $to_copy_start_max = $to_segment_end - $copy_len; while ( $to_copy_start <= $to_copy_start_max ) { $from_copy_start = strpos(substr($from_text, $from_segment_start, $from_segment_len), substr($to_text, $to_copy_start, $copy_len)); if ( $from_copy_start !== false ) { $from_copy_start += $from_segment_start; break 2; } $to_copy_start++; } $copy_len--; } } else { $copy_len = $from_segment_len; while ( $copy_len ) { $from_copy_start = $from_segment_start; $from_copy_start_max = $from_segment_end - $copy_len; while ( $from_copy_start <= $from_copy_start_max ) { $to_copy_start = strpos(substr($to_text, $to_segment_start, $to_segment_len), substr($from_text, $from_copy_start, $copy_len)); if ( $to_copy_start !== false ) { $to_copy_start += $to_segment_start; break 2; } $from_copy_start++; } $copy_len--; } } // match found if ( $copy_len ) { $jobs[] = array($from_segment_start, $from_copy_start, $to_segment_start, $to_copy_start); $result[$from_copy_start * 4 + 2] = new FineDiffCopyOp($copy_len); $jobs[] = array($from_copy_start + $copy_len, $from_segment_end, $to_copy_start + $copy_len, $to_segment_end); } // no match, so delete all, insert all else { $result[$from_segment_start * 4] = new FineDiffReplaceOp($from_segment_len, substr($to_text, $to_segment_start, $to_segment_len)); } } ksort($result, SORT_NUMERIC); return array_values($result); } /** * Efficiently fragment the text into an array according to * specified delimiters. * No delimiters means fragment into single character. * The array indices are the offset of the fragments into * the input string. * A sentinel empty fragment is always added at the end. * Careful: No check is performed as to the validity of the * delimiters. */ private static function extractFragments($text, $delimiters) { // special case: split into characters if ( empty($delimiters) ) { $chars = str_split($text, 1); $chars[strlen($text)] = ''; return $chars; } $fragments = array(); $start = $end = 0; for (;;) { $end += strcspn($text, $delimiters, $end); $end += strspn($text, $delimiters, $end); if ( $end === $start ) { break; } $fragments[$start] = substr($text, $start, $end - $start); $start = $end; } $fragments[$start] = ''; return $fragments; } /** * Stock opcode renderers */ private static function renderToTextFromOpcode($opcode, $from, $from_offset, $from_len) { if ( $opcode === 'c' || $opcode === 'i' ) { echo substr($from, $from_offset, $from_len); } } private static function renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcode($opcode, $from, $from_offset, $from_len) { if ( $opcode === 'c' ) { echo htmlspecialchars(substr($from, $from_offset, $from_len)); } else if ( $opcode === 'd' ) { $deletion = substr($from, $from_offset, $from_len); if ( strcspn($deletion, " \n\r") === 0 ) { $deletion = str_replace(array("\n","\r"), array('\n','\r'), $deletion); } echo '', htmlspecialchars($deletion), ''; } else /* if ( $opcode === 'i' ) */ { echo '', htmlspecialchars(substr($from, $from_offset, $from_len)), ''; } } }