db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM server WHERE update = 1 AND server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]); if($server_db_record == false) { $app->log("Nothing to update for server_id ".$conf["server_id"]); die(); } else { // Set update status to 0, so we dont start the update process twice $app->db->query("UPDATE server SET update = 0 WHERE server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]); $app->log("Begin update."); } */ //* Load the server configuration if($app->dbmaster->connect()) { // get the dalaog_id of the last performed record $server_db_record = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM server WHERE server_id = ".$conf['server_id']); $conf['last_datalog_id'] = (int)$server_db_record['updated']; $conf['mirror_server_id'] = (int)$server_db_record['mirror_server_id']; // Load the ini_parser $app->uses('ini_parser'); // Get server configuration $conf['serverconfig'] = $app->ini_parser->parse_ini_string(stripslashes($server_db_record['config'])); // Set the loglevel $conf['log_priority'] = intval($conf['serverconfig']['server']['loglevel']); unset($server_db_record); } // Check whether another instance of this script is already running if(is_file($conf['temppath'].$conf['fs_div'].'.ispconfig_lock')){ clearstatcache(); for($i=0;$i<120;$i++){ // Wait max. 1200 sec, then retry if(is_file($conf['temppath'].$conf['fs_div'].'.ispconfig_lock')){ exec("ps aux | grep '/usr/local/ispconfig/server/[s]erver.php' | wc -l", $check); if(intval($check[0]) > 1) { // 1 because this is 2nd instance! $app->log('There is already an instance of server.php running. Exiting.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); exit; } $app->log('There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); sleep(10); clearstatcache(); } } } // Set Lockfile @touch($conf['temppath'].$conf['fs_div'].'.ispconfig_lock'); $app->log('Set Lock: '.$conf['temppath'].$conf['fs_div'].'.ispconfig_lock', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); if($app->db->connect() && $app->dbmaster->connect()) { // Check if there is anything to update if($conf['mirror_server_id'] > 0) { $tmp_rec = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(server_id) as number from sys_datalog WHERE datalog_id > ".$conf['last_datalog_id']." AND (server_id = ".$conf['server_id']." OR server_id = ".$conf['mirror_server_id']." OR server_id = 0)"); } else { $tmp_rec = $app->dbmaster->queryOneRecord("SELECT count(server_id) as number from sys_datalog WHERE datalog_id > ".$conf['last_datalog_id']." AND (server_id = ".$conf['server_id']." OR server_id = 0)"); } $tmp_num_records = $tmp_rec['number']; unset($tmp_rec); if($tmp_num_records > 0) { /* There is something to do, triggert by the database -> do it! */ // Write the Log $app->log("Found $tmp_num_records changes, starting update process.", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); // Load required base-classes $app->uses('modules,plugins,file,services'); // Load the modules that are in the mods-enabled folder $app->modules->loadModules('all'); // Load the plugins that are in the plugins-enabled folder $app->plugins->loadPlugins('all'); // Go through the sys_datalog table and call the processing functions // from the modules that are hooked on to the table actions $app->modules->processDatalog(); // Restart services that need to after configuration $app->services->processDelayedActions(); } else { /* There is no trigger inside the database -> load only the core, maybe they have to do something */ // Write the log $app->log('No Updated records found, starting only the core.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); // Load required base-classes $app->uses('modules,plugins,file,services'); // Load the modules that are im the mods-core folder $app->modules->loadModules('core'); // Load the plugins that are in the plugins-core folder $app->plugins->loadPlugins('core'); } } else { if(!$app->db->connect()) { $app->log('Unable to connect to local server.'.$app->db->errorMessage,LOGLEVEL_WARN); } else { $app->log('Unable to connect to master server.'.$app->dbmaster->errorMessage,LOGLEVEL_WARN); } } // Remove lock @unlink($conf['temppath'].$conf['fs_div'].'.ispconfig_lock'); $app->log('Remove Lock: '.$conf['temppath'].$conf['fs_div'].'.ispconfig_lock',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); die("finished.\n"); ?>