load('tform_base'); class tform extends tform_base { /* This function checks if a user has the parmissions $perm for the data record with the ID $record_id If record_id = 0, the the permissions are tested against the defaults of the form file. */ function checkPerm($record_id, $perm) { global $app; $record_id = $app->functions->intval($record_id); if($record_id > 0) { // Add backticks for incomplete table names. if(stristr($this->formDef['db_table'], '.')) { $escape = ''; } else { $escape = '`'; } $sql = "SELECT ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." FROM ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." WHERE ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." = ".$record_id." AND ".$this->getAuthSQL($perm); if($record = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $result = false; if(@$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["userid"] == $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"] && stristr($perm, $this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_user"])) $result = true; if(@$this->formDef["auth_preset"]["groupid"] == $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["groupid"] && stristr($perm, $this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_group"])) $result = true; if(@stristr($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_other"], $perm)) $result = true; // if preset == 0, everyone can insert a record of this type if($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["userid"] == 0 and $this->formDef["auth_preset"]["groupid"] == 0 and (@stristr($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_user"], $perm) or @stristr($this->formDef["auth_preset"]["perm_group"], $perm))) $result = true; return $result; } } function getNextTab() { // Which tab is shown if($this->errorMessage == '') { // If there is no error if(isset($_REQUEST["next_tab"]) && $_REQUEST["next_tab"] != '') { // If the next tab is known $active_tab = $_REQUEST["next_tab"]; } else { // else use the default tab $active_tab = $this->formDef['tab_default']; } } else { // Show the same tab again in case of an error $active_tab = $_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"]; } return $active_tab; } function getCurrentTab() { return $_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"]; } function isReadonlyTab($tab, $primary_id) { global $app, $conf; // Add backticks for incomplete table names. if(stristr($this->formDef['db_table'], '.')) { $escape = ''; } else { $escape = '`'; } $sql = "SELECT sys_userid FROM ".$escape.$this->formDef['db_table'].$escape." WHERE ".$this->formDef['db_table_idx']." = ".$primary_id; $record = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); // return true if the readonly flag of the form is set and the current loggedin user is not the owner of the record. if(isset($this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['readonly']) && $this->formDef['tabs'][$tab]['readonly'] == true && $record['sys_userid'] != $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["userid"]) { return true; } else { return false; } } // translation function for forms, tries the form wordbook first and if this fails, it tries the global wordbook function lng($msg) { global $app, $conf; if(isset($this->wordbook[$msg])) { return $this->wordbook[$msg]; } else { return $app->lng($msg); } } function checkClientLimit($limit_name, $sql_where = '') { global $app; $check_passed = true; $limit_name = $app->db->quote($limit_name); if($limit_name == '') $app->error('Limit name missing in function checkClientLimit.'); // Get the limits of the client that is currently logged in $client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT $limit_name as number, parent_client_id FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); // Check if the user may add another item if($client["number"] >= 0) { $sql = "SELECT count(".$this->formDef['db_table_idx'].") as number FROM ".$this->formDef['db_table']." WHERE ".$this->getAuthSQL('u'); if($sql_where != '') $sql .= ' and '.$sql_where; $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); if($tmp["number"] >= $client["number"]) $check_passed = false; } return $check_passed; } function checkResellerLimit($limit_name, $sql_where = '') { global $app; $check_passed = true; $limit_name = $app->db->quote($limit_name); if($limit_name == '') $app->error('Limit name missing in function checkClientLimit.'); // Get the limits of the client that is currently logged in $client_group_id = $app->functions->intval($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]); $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT parent_client_id FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id"); //* If the client belongs to a reseller, we will check against the reseller Limit too if($client['parent_client_id'] != 0) { //* first we need to know the groups of this reseller $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT userid, groups FROM sys_user WHERE client_id = ".$client['parent_client_id']); $reseller_groups = $tmp["groups"]; $reseller_userid = $tmp["userid"]; // Get the limits of the reseller of the logged in client $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"]; $reseller = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT $limit_name as number FROM client WHERE client_id = ".$client['parent_client_id']); // Check if the user may add another item if($reseller["number"] >= 0) { $sql = "SELECT count(".$this->formDef['db_table_idx'].") as number FROM ".$this->formDef['db_table']." WHERE (sys_groupid IN (".$reseller_groups.") or sys_userid = ".$reseller_userid.")"; if($sql_where != '') $sql .= ' and '.$sql_where; $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql); if($tmp["number"] >= $reseller["number"]) $check_passed = false; } } return $check_passed; } //* get the difference record of two arrays function getDiffRecord($record_old, $record_new) { if(is_array($record_new) && count($record_new) > 0) { foreach($record_new as $key => $val) { if(@$record_old[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec[$key] = array( 'old' => @$record_old[$key], 'new' => $val); } } } elseif(is_array($record_old)) { foreach($record_old as $key => $val) { if($record_new[$key] != $val) { // Record has changed $diffrec[$key] = array( 'new' => $record_new[$key], 'old' => $val); } } } return $diffrec; } /** * Generate HTML for DATETIME fields. * * @access private * @param string $form_element Name of the form element. * @param string $default_value Selected value for fields. * @param bool $display_secons Include seconds selection. * @return string HTML */ function _getDateTimeHTML($form_element, $default_value, $display_seconds=false) { $_datetime = ($default_value && $default_value != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? strtotime($default_value) : false); $_showdate = ($_datetime === false) ? false : true; $dselect = array('day', 'month', 'year', 'hour', 'minute'); if ($display_seconds === true) { $dselect[] = 'second'; } $out = ''; foreach ($dselect as $dt_element) { $dt_options = array(); $dt_space = 1; switch ($dt_element) { case 'day': for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $dt_options[] = array('name' => sprintf('%02d', $i), 'value' => sprintf('%d', $i)); } $selected_value = date('d', $_datetime); break; case 'month': for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $dt_options[] = array('name' => strftime('%b', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000)), 'value' => strftime('%m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000))); } $selected_value = date('n', $_datetime); break; case 'year': $start_year = strftime("%Y"); $years = range((int)$start_year, (int)($start_year+3)); foreach ($years as $year) { $dt_options[] = array('name' => $year, 'value' => $year); } $selected_value = date('Y', $_datetime); $dt_space = 2; break; case 'hour': foreach(range(0, 23) as $hour) { $dt_options[] = array('name' => sprintf('%02d', $hour), 'value' => sprintf('%d', $hour)); } $selected_value = date('G', $_datetime); break; case 'minute': foreach(range(0, 59) as $minute) { if (($minute % 5) == 0) { $dt_options[] = array('name' => sprintf('%02d', $minute), 'value' => sprintf('%d', $minute)); } } $selected_value = (int)floor(date('i', $_datetime)); break; case 'second': foreach(range(0, 59) as $second) { $dt_options[] = array('name' => sprintf('%02d', $second), 'value' => sprintf('%d', $second)); } $selected_value = (int)floor(date('s', $_datetime)); break; } $out .= "' . str_repeat(' ', $dt_space); } return $out; } } ?>