| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: error.php,v 1.1 2003/07/08 12:32:06 platinum Exp $ define('FATAL', E_USER_ERROR); define('WARNING', E_USER_WARNING); define('NOTICE', E_USER_NOTICE); define('KILL', -1); // used for killing inside parsing. /** * Class is used by vlibTemplate. * It handles all of the error reporting for vlibTemplate. * * @author Kelvin Jones * @since 06/03/2002 * @package vLIB * @access private */ class vlibTemplateError { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING IN THIS CLASS IT MAY NOT WORK OTHERWISE | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function raiseError ($code, $level = null, $extra=null) { if (!($level & error_reporting())&& $level != KILL) return; // binary AND checks for reporting level $error_codes = array( 'VT_ERROR_NOFILE' => 'vlibTemplate Error: Template ('.$extra.') file not found.', 'VT_ERROR_PARSE' => 'vlibTemplate Error: Parse error!
To debug this file, use vlibTemplateDebug instead of vlibTemplate in the class instantiation(i.e. new vlibTemplateDebug).', 'VT_NOTICE_INVALID_TAG' => 'vlibTemplate Notice: Invalid tag ('.$extra.').', 'VT_ERROR_INVALID_TAG' => 'vlibTemplate Error: Invalid tag ('.$extra.'). To disable this you must turn of the STRICT option.', 'VT_NOTICE_INVALID_ATT' => 'vlibTemplate Notice: Invalid attribute ('.$extra.').', 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_ARR' => 'vlibTemplate Warning: Invalid loop structure passed to vlibTemplate::setLoop() (loop name: '.$extra.').', 'VT_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE' => 'vlibTemplate Error: Invalid error raised.', 'VT_ERROR_WRONG_NO_PARAMS' => 'vlibTemplate Warning: Wrond parameter count passed to '.$extra.'.', 'VT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VAR' => 'vlibTemplate Error: template var not found.', 'VT_ERROR_NO_CACHE_WRITE' => 'vlibTemplate Error: unable to write to cache file ('.$extra.').', 'VT_ERROR_WRONG_CACHE_TYPE' => 'vlibTemplate Error: non-directory file found in cache root with same name as directory ('.$extra.').', 'VT_ERROR_CACHE_MKDIR_FAILURE' => 'vlibTemplate Error: failed to create directory in cache root ('.$extra.').', 'VT_WARNING_NOT_CACHE_OBJ' => 'vlibTemplate Warning: called a vlibTemplateCache function ('.$extra.') without instantiating the vlibTemplateCache class.', 'VT_WARNING_LOOP_NOT_SET' => 'vlibTemplate Warning: called vlibTemplate::addRow() or vlibTemplate::addLoop() with an invalid loop name.', 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE' => 'vlibTemplate Warning: Invalid resource type passed to vlibTemplate::setDbLoop() for Db "'.$extra.'".', 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_LOOP_DB' => 'vlibTemplate Warning: Invalid Db type passed to vlibTemplate::setDbLoop(), "'.$extra.'" not currently available.', 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_IF_OP' => 'vlibTemplate Warning: The Operator "'.$extra.'" is not supported by vlibTemplate.' ); $error_levels = array( 'VT_ERROR_NOFILE' => FATAL, 'VT_ERROR_PARSE' => FATAL, 'VT_NOTICE_INVALID_TAG' => NOTICE, 'VT_ERROR_INVALID_TAG' => FATAL, 'VT_NOTICE_INVALID_ATT' => NOTICE, 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_ARR' => WARNING, 'VT_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE' => FATAL, 'VT_ERROR_WRONG_NO_PARAMS' => WARNING, 'VT_ERROR_UNKNOWN_VAR' => WARNING, 'VT_ERROR_NO_CACHE_WRITE' => KILL, 'VT_ERROR_WRONG_CACHE_TYPE' => KILL, 'VT_ERROR_CACHE_MKDIR_FAILURE' => KILL, 'VT_WARNING_NOT_CACHE_OBJ' => WARNING, 'VT_WARNING_LOOP_NOT_SET' => WARNING, 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_RESOURCE' => WARNING, 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_LOOP_DB' => WARNING, 'VT_WARNING_INVALID_IF_OP' => WARNING ); ($level === null) and $level = $error_levels[$code]; if ($level == KILL) { die ($error_codes[$code]); } if ($msg = $error_codes[$code]) { trigger_error($msg, $level); } else { $level = $error_levels['VT_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE']; $msg = $error_codes['VT_ERROR_INVALID_ERROR_CODE']; trigger_error($msg, $level); } return; } } ?>