auth->check_module_permissions('admin'); // Loading classes $app->uses('tpl,tform,tform_actions'); $app->load('tform_actions'); class page_action extends tform_actions { //var $_js_changed = false; function onShowEdit() { global $app, $conf; if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') die('This function needs admin priveliges'); if($app->tform->errorMessage == '') { $app->uses('ini_parser,getconf'); $section = $this->active_tab; $server_id = $this->id; $this->dataRecord = $app->getconf->get_global_config($section); if ($section == 'domains'){ if (isset($this->dataRecord['use_domain_module'])){ $_SESSION['use_domain_module_old_value'] = $this->dataRecord['use_domain_module']; } } } $record = $app->tform->getHTML($this->dataRecord, $this->active_tab, 'EDIT'); $record['warning'] = $app->tform->lng('warning'); $record['id'] = $this->id; $app->tpl->setVar($record); } function onShowEnd() { global $app, $conf; // available dashlets $available_dashlets_txt = ''; $handle = @opendir(ISPC_WEB_PATH.'/dashboard/dashlets'); while ($file = @readdir($handle)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !is_dir($file)) { $available_dashlets_txt .= '['.substr($file, 0, -4).'] '; } } if($available_dashlets_txt == '') $available_dashlets_txt = '------'; $app->tpl->setVar("available_dashlets_txt", $available_dashlets_txt); parent::onShowEnd(); } function onSubmit() { global $app; $app->uses('ini_parser,getconf'); $section = $app->tform->getCurrentTab(); $server_config_array = $app->getconf->get_global_config(); $new_config = $app->tform->encode($this->dataRecord, $section); if($section == 'mail') { if($new_config['smtp_pass'] == '') $new_config['smtp_pass'] = $server_config_array['smtp_pass']; if($new_config['smtp_enabled'] == 'y' && ($new_config['admin_mail'] == '' || $new_config['admin_name'] == '')) { $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->lng("smtp_missing_admin_mail_txt"); } } parent::onSubmit(); } function onUpdateSave($sql) { global $app, $conf; if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] != 'admin') die('This function needs admin priveliges'); $app->uses('ini_parser,getconf'); $section = $app->tform->getCurrentTab(); $server_config_array = $app->getconf->get_global_config(); foreach($app->tform->formDef['tabs'][$section]['fields'] as $key => $field) { if ($field['formtype'] == 'CHECKBOX') { if($this->dataRecord[$key] == '') { // if a checkbox is not set, we set it to the unchecked value $this->dataRecord[$key] = $field['value'][0]; } } } /* if((isset($this->dataRecord['use_loadindicator']) && $this->dataRecord['use_loadindicator'] != $server_config_array[$section]['use_loadindicator']) || (isset($this->dataRecord['use_combobox']) && $this->dataRecord['use_combobox'] != $server_config_array[$section]['use_combobox'])){ $this->_js_changed = true; } */ $new_config = $app->tform->encode($this->dataRecord, $section); if($section == 'sites' && $new_config['vhost_subdomains'] != 'y' && $server_config_array['sites']['vhost_subdomains'] == 'y') { // check for existing vhost subdomains, if found the mode cannot be disabled $check = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT COUNT(*) as `cnt` FROM `web_domain` WHERE `type` = 'vhostsubdomain'"); if($check['cnt'] > 0) { $new_config['vhost_subdomains'] = 'y'; } } elseif($section == 'mail') { if($new_config['smtp_pass'] == '') $new_config['smtp_pass'] = $server_config_array['mail']['smtp_pass']; } elseif($section == 'misc' && $new_config['session_timeout'] != $server_config_array['misc']['session_timeout']) { $app->db->query("DELETE FROM sys_config WHERE `config_id` = 2 AND `group` = 'interface' AND `name` = 'session_timeout'"); $app->db->query("INSERT INTO sys_config (`config_id`, `group`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (2, 'interface', 'session_timeout', '" . intval($new_config['session_timeout']) . "')"); } $server_config_array[$section] = $new_config; $server_config_str = $app->ini_parser->get_ini_string($server_config_array); //$sql = "UPDATE sys_ini SET config = '".$app->db->quote($server_config_str)."' WHERE sysini_id = 1"; //if($conf['demo_mode'] != true) $app->db->query($sql); if($conf['demo_mode'] != true) $app->db->datalogUpdate('sys_ini', "config = '".$app->db->quote($server_config_str)."'", 'sysini_id', 1); /* * If we should use the domain-module, we have to insert all existing domains into the table * (only the first time!) */ if (($section == 'domains') && ($_SESSION['use_domain_module_old_value'] == '') && ($server_config_array['domains']['use_domain_module'] == 'y')){ $sql = "REPLACE INTO domain (sys_userid, sys_groupid, sys_perm_user, sys_perm_group, sys_perm_other, domain ) " . "SELECT sys_userid, sys_groupid, sys_perm_user, sys_perm_group, sys_perm_other, domain " . "FROM mail_domain"; $app->db->query($sql); $sql = "REPLACE INTO domain (sys_userid, sys_groupid, sys_perm_user, sys_perm_group, sys_perm_other, domain ) " . "SELECT sys_userid, sys_groupid, sys_perm_user, sys_perm_group, sys_perm_other, domain " . "FROM web_domain WHERE type NOT IN ('subdomain','vhostsubdomain')"; $app->db->query($sql); } // Maintenance mode if($server_config_array['misc']['maintenance_mode'] == 'y'){ //print_r($_SESSION); //echo $_SESSION['s']['id']; $app->db->query("DELETE FROM sys_session WHERE session_id != '".$app->db->quote($_SESSION['s']['id'])."'"); } } /* function onAfterUpdate() { if($this->_js_changed == true) { // not the best way, but it works header('Content-Type: text/html'); print ''; exit; } } */ } $app->tform_actions = new page_action; $app->tform_actions->onLoad(); ?>