$file) { include_once $plugins_dir.$file; if($this->debug) $app->log('Loading plugin: '.$plugin_name, LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $app->loaded_plugins[$plugin_name] = new $plugin_name; $app->loaded_plugins[$plugin_name]->onLoad(); } } else { $app->log('Unable to open the plugins directory: '.$plugins_dir, LOGLEVEL_ERROR); } } else { $app->log('Plugins directory missing: '.$plugins_dir, LOGLEVEL_ERROR); } } } /* This function is called by the plugin to register for an event which is saved into the plugin cache for faster lookups without the need to load all plugins for every page. */ public function registerEvent($event_name, $plugin_name, $function_name, $module_name = '') { global $app; $_SESSION['s']['plugin_cache'][$event_name][] = array('plugin' => $plugin_name, 'function' => $function_name, 'module' => $module_name); if($this->debug) $app->log("Plugin '$plugin_name' has registered the function '$function_name' for the event '$event_name'", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } /* This function is called when a certian action occurs, e.g. a form gets saved or a user is logged in. */ public function raiseEvent($event_name, $data) { global $app; if(!isset($_SESSION['s']['plugin_cache'])) { $this->loadPluginCache(); if($this->debug) $app->log('Loaded the plugin cache.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } $sub_events = explode(':', $event_name); if(is_array($sub_events)) { if(count($sub_events) == 3) { $tmp_event = $sub_events[2]; if($this->debug) $app->log("Called Event '$tmp_event'", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $this->callPluginEvent($tmp_event, $data); $tmp_event = $sub_events[0].':'.$sub_events[2]; if($this->debug) $app->log("Called Event '$tmp_event'", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $this->callPluginEvent($tmp_event, $data); $tmp_event = $sub_events[0].':'.$sub_events[1].':'.$sub_events[2]; if($this->debug) $app->log("Called Event '$tmp_event'", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $this->callPluginEvent($tmp_event, $data); /*$sub_events = array_reverse($sub_events); $tmp_event = ''; foreach($sub_events as $n => $sub_event) { $tmp_event = ($n == 0)?$sub_event:$sub_event.':'.$tmp_event; if($this->debug) $app->log("Called Event '$tmp_event'",LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $this->callPluginEvent($tmp_event,$data); } */ } else { if($this->debug) $app->log("Called Event '$sub_events[0]'", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); $this->callPluginEvent($sub_events[0], $data); } } } // end function raiseEvent //* Internal function to load the plugin and call the event function in the plugin. private function callPluginEvent($event_name, $data) { global $app; //* execute the functions for the events if(@is_array($_SESSION['s']['plugin_cache'][$event_name])) { foreach($_SESSION['s']['plugin_cache'][$event_name] as $rec) { $plugin_name = $rec['plugin']; $function_name = $rec['function']; $module_name = $rec['module']; if($module_name != '') { if(strpos($module_name, '..') !== false || strpos($module_name, '/') !== false) { if($this->debug) $app->log('Module name ' . $module_name . ' contains illegal characters.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); continue; } $plugin_file = ISPC_WEB_PATH . FS_DIV . $module_name . FS_DIV . 'lib' . FS_DIV . 'plugin.d' . FS_DIV . $plugin_name . '.inc.php'; } else { $plugin_file = ISPC_LIB_PATH . FS_DIV . 'plugins' . FS_DIV . $plugin_name . '.inc.php'; } if(is_file($plugin_file)) { if(!isset($app->loaded_plugins[$plugin_name])) { include_once $plugin_file; $app->loaded_plugins[$plugin_name] = new $plugin_name; } if($this->debug) $app->log("Called method: '$function_name' in plugin '$plugin_name' for event '$event_name'", LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); // call_user_method($function_name,$app->loaded_plugins[$plugin_name],$event_name,$data); call_user_func(array($app->loaded_plugins[$plugin_name], $function_name), $event_name, $data); } } } } // end functiom callPluginEvent } ?>