auth->check_module_permissions('admin'); // Loading classes $app->uses('tpl,tform,tform_actions'); $app->load('tform_actions'); class page_action extends tform_actions { function onBeforeInsert() { global $app, $conf; //* Security settings check if(isset($this->dataRecord['typ']) && $this->dataRecord['typ'][0] == 'admin') { $app->auth->check_security_permissions('admin_allow_new_admin'); } if(!in_array($this->dataRecord['startmodule'], $this->dataRecord['modules'])) { $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->wordbook['startmodule_err']; } //* Do not add users here if(isset($this->dataRecord['typ']) && $this->dataRecord['typ'][0] == 'user') { $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->wordbook['no_user_insert']; } } function onBeforeUpdate() { global $app, $conf; if($conf['demo_mode'] == true && $_REQUEST['id'] <= 3) $app->error('This function is disabled in demo mode.'); //* Security settings check if(isset($this->dataRecord['typ']) && $this->dataRecord['typ'][0] == 'admin') { $app->auth->check_security_permissions('admin_allow_new_admin'); } if(@is_array($this->dataRecord['modules']) && !in_array($this->dataRecord['startmodule'], $this->dataRecord['modules'])) { $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->wordbook['startmodule_err']; } $this->oldDataRecord = $app->tform->getDataRecord($this->id); //* A user that belongs to a client record (client or reseller) may not have typ admin if(isset($this->dataRecord['typ']) && $this->dataRecord['typ'][0] == 'admin' && $this->oldDataRecord['client_id'] > 0) { $app->tform->errorMessage .= $app->tform->wordbook['client_not_admin_err']; } } /* This function is called automatically right after the data was successful updated in the database. */ function onAfterUpdate() { global $app, $conf; $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM sys_user WHERE userid = ?", $this->id); $client_id = $app->functions->intval($client['client_id']); $username = $this->dataRecord["username"]; $old_username = $this->oldDataRecord['username']; // username changed if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && isset($this->dataRecord['username']) && $this->dataRecord['username'] != '' && $this->oldDataRecord['username'] != $this->dataRecord['username']) { $sql = "UPDATE client SET username = ? WHERE client_id = ? AND username = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $username, $client_id, $old_username); $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM sys_group WHERE client_id = ?", $client_id); $app->db->datalogUpdate("sys_group", array("name" => $username), 'groupid', $tmp['groupid']); unset($tmp); } // password changed if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && isset($this->dataRecord["passwort"]) && $this->dataRecord["passwort"] != '') { $password = $this->dataRecord["passwort"]; $salt="$1$"; $base64_alphabet='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; for ($n=0;$n<8;$n++) { $salt.=$base64_alphabet[mt_rand(0, 63)]; } $salt.="$"; $password = crypt(stripslashes($password), $salt); $sql = "UPDATE client SET password = ? WHERE client_id = ? AND username = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $password, $client_id, $username); } // language changed if(isset($conf['demo_mode']) && $conf['demo_mode'] != true && isset($this->dataRecord['language']) && $this->dataRecord['language'] != '' && $this->oldDataRecord['language'] != $this->dataRecord['language']) { $language = $this->dataRecord["language"]; $sql = "UPDATE client SET language = ? WHERE client_id = ? AND username = ?"; $app->db->query($sql, $language, $client_id, $username); } parent::onAfterUpdate(); } } $page = new page_action; $page->onLoad(); ?>