load('monitor_tools'); $this->_tools = new monitor_tools(); /* end global section for monitor cronjobs */ $web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'web'); // Get client email and eventual reseller email in array $clients = []; $sql = "SELECT client.email,client.parent_client_id, sys_group.groupid FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec) { $reseller = ($rec['parent_client_id'] > 0) ? $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT email FROM client WHERE client_id = ?", $rec['parent_client_id']) : ''; $clients[$rec['groupid']] = [ 'email' => $rec['email'], 'reseller' => $reseller ]; } } //###################################################################################################### // enforce traffic quota (run only on the "master-server") //###################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); $current_month = date('Y-m'); //* Check website traffic quota $sql = "SELECT sys_groupid,domain_id,domain,traffic_quota,traffic_quota_lock FROM web_domain WHERE (traffic_quota > 0 or traffic_quota_lock = 'y') and (type = 'vhost' OR type = 'vhostsubdomain' OR type = 'vhostalias')"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $rec) { $web_traffic_quota = $rec['traffic_quota']; $domain = $rec['domain']; //* get the traffic $tmp = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT SUM(traffic_bytes) As total_traffic_bytes FROM web_traffic WHERE traffic_date like '$current_month%' AND hostname = '$domain'"); $web_traffic = round($tmp['total_traffic_bytes']/1024/1024); if($web_traffic_quota > 0 && $web_traffic > $web_traffic_quota) { //* Lock website if ($web_config['overtraffic_disable_web'] == 'y') { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_domain', array("traffic_quota_lock" => 'y', "active" => 'n'), 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); $app->log('Traffic quota for '.$rec['domain'].' exceeded. Disabling website.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } else { $app->log('Traffic quota for '.$rec['domain'].' exceeded.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } //* Send traffic notifications if($rec['traffic_quota_lock'] != 'y' && ($web_config['overtraffic_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $web_config['overtraffic_notify_reseller'] == 'y' || $web_config['overtraffic_notify_client'] == 'y')) { $placeholders = array('{domain}' => $rec['domain'], '{admin_mail}' => ($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''? $global_config['admin_mail'] : 'root'), '{used}' => $web_traffic, '{limit}' => $web_traffic_quota, '{ratio}' => number_format(($web_traffic_quota > 0 ? $web_traffic/$web_traffic_quota : 0) * 100, 2, '.', '').'%' ); $recipients = array(); //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $web_config['overtraffic_notify_admin'] == 'y') { $recipients[] = $global_config['admin_mail']; } //* Send email to reseller if($web_config['overtraffic_notify_reseller'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller']; } } //* Send email to client if($web_config['overtraffic_notify_client'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email']; } } if ($web_config['overtraffic_disable_web'] == 'y') { $this->_tools->send_notification_email('web_traffic_notification', $placeholders, $recipients); } else { $this->_tools->send_notification_email('web_traffic_notification_warn', $placeholders, $recipients); } } } else { //* unlock the website, if traffic is lower then quota if($rec['traffic_quota_lock'] == 'y') { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_domain', array("traffic_quota_lock" => 'n', "active" => 'y'), 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); $app->log('Traffic quota for '.$rec['domain'].' ok again. Re-enabling website.', LOGLEVEL_DEBUG); } } } } } //###################################################################################################### // send website quota warnings by email //###################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); //* Check website disk quota $sql = "SELECT domain_id,sys_groupid,domain,system_user,last_quota_notification,DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), last_quota_notification) as `notified_before` FROM web_domain WHERE (type = 'vhost' OR type = 'vhostsubdomain' OR type = 'vhostalias')"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records) && !empty($records)) { $tmp_rec = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT data from monitor_data WHERE type = 'harddisk_quota' ORDER BY created DESC"); $monitor_data = array(); if(is_array($tmp_rec)) { foreach ($tmp_rec as $tmp_mon) { $monitor_data = array_merge_recursive($monitor_data, unserialize($app->db->unquote($tmp_mon['data']))); } } foreach($records as $rec) { //$web_hd_quota = $rec['hd_quota']; $domain = $rec['domain']; $username = $rec['system_user']; $rec['used'] = @$monitor_data['user'][$username]['used']; $rec['soft'] = @$monitor_data['user'][$username]['soft']; $rec['hard'] = @$monitor_data['user'][$username]['hard']; $rec['files'] = @$monitor_data['user'][$username]['files']; if (!is_numeric($rec['used'])){ if ($rec['used'][0] > $rec['used'][1]){ $rec['used'] = $rec['used'][0]; } else { $rec['used'] = $rec['used'][1]; } } if (!is_numeric($rec['soft'])) $rec['soft']=$rec['soft'][1]; if (!is_numeric($rec['hard'])) $rec['hard']=$rec['hard'][1]; if (!is_numeric($rec['files'])) $rec['files']=$rec['files'][1]; // used space ratio if($rec['soft'] > 0){ $used_ratio = $rec['used']/$rec['soft']; } else { $used_ratio = 0; } $rec['ratio'] = number_format($used_ratio * 100, 2, '.', '').'%'; if($rec['used'] > 1024) { $rec['used'] = round($rec['used'] / 1024, 2).' MB'; } else { if ($rec['used'] != '') $rec['used'] .= ' KB'; } if($rec['soft'] > 1024) { $rec['soft'] = round($rec['soft'] / 1024, 2).' MB'; } elseif($rec['soft'] == 0){ $rec['soft'] = '----'; } else { $rec['soft'] .= ' KB'; } if($rec['hard'] > 1024) { $rec['hard'] = round($rec['hard'] / 1024, 2).' MB'; } elseif($rec['hard'] == 0){ $rec['hard'] = '----'; } else { $rec['hard'] .= ' KB'; } // send notifications only if the website is over the quota threshold if($used_ratio <= $web_config['overquota_notify_threshold'] / 100) { // reset notification date if($rec['last_quota_notification']) $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_domain', array("last_quota_notification" => null), 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); // send notification - everything ok again if($rec['last_quota_notification'] && $web_config['overquota_notify_onok'] == 'y' && ($web_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y')) { $placeholders = array('{domain}' => $rec['domain'], '{admin_mail}' => ($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''? $global_config['admin_mail'] : 'root'), '{used}' => $rec['used'], '{soft}' => $rec['soft'], '{hard}' => $rec['hard'], '{ratio}' => $rec['ratio']); $recipients = array(); //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $web_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y') { $recipients[] = $global_config['admin_mail']; } //* Send email to reseller if($web_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller']; } } //* Send email to client if($web_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email']; } } $this->_tools->send_notification_email('web_quota_ok_notification', $placeholders, $recipients); } } else { // could a notification be sent? $send_notification = false; if(!$rec['last_quota_notification']) $send_notification = true; // not yet notified elseif($web_config['overquota_notify_freq'] > 0 && $rec['notified_before'] >= $web_config['overquota_notify_freq']) $send_notification = true; //* Send quota notifications if(($web_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y') && $send_notification == true) { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_domain', array("last_quota_notification" => date('Y-m-d')), 'domain_id', $rec['domain_id']); $placeholders = array('{domain}' => $rec['domain'], '{admin_mail}' => ($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''? $global_config['admin_mail'] : 'root'), '{used}' => $rec['used'], '{soft}' => $rec['soft'], '{hard}' => $rec['hard'], '{ratio}' => $rec['ratio']); $recipients = array(); //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $web_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y') { $recipients[] = $global_config['admin_mail']; } //* Send email to reseller if($web_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller']; } } //* Send email to client if($web_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email']; } } $this->_tools->send_notification_email('web_quota_notification', $placeholders, $recipients); } } } } } //###################################################################################################### // send mail quota warnings by email //###################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); $mail_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf['server_id'], 'mail'); //* Check email quota $sql = "SELECT mailuser_id,sys_groupid,email,name,quota,last_quota_notification,DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), last_quota_notification) as `notified_before` FROM mail_user"; $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords($sql); if(is_array($records) && !empty($records)) { $tmp_rec = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT data from monitor_data WHERE type = 'email_quota' ORDER BY created DESC"); $monitor_data = array(); if(is_array($tmp_rec)) { foreach ($tmp_rec as $tmp_mon) { //$monitor_data = array_merge_recursive($monitor_data,unserialize($app->db->unquote($tmp_mon['data']))); $tmp_array = unserialize($app->db->unquote($tmp_mon['data'])); if(is_array($tmp_array)) { foreach($tmp_array as $username => $data) { if(@!$monitor_data[$username]['used']) $monitor_data[$username]['used'] = $data['used']; } } } } foreach($records as $rec) { $email = $rec['email']; $rec['used'] = isset($monitor_data[$email]['used']) ? $monitor_data[$email]['used'] : array(1 => 0); if (!is_numeric($rec['used'])) $rec['used']=$rec['used'][1]; // used space ratio if($rec['quota'] > 0){ $used_ratio = $rec['used']/$rec['quota']; } else { $used_ratio = 0; } $rec['ratio'] = number_format($used_ratio * 100, 2, '.', '').'%'; if($rec['quota'] > 0){ $rec['quota'] = round($rec['quota'] / 1048576, 4).' MB'; } else { $rec['quota'] = '----'; } if($rec['used'] < 1544000) { $rec['used'] = round($rec['used'] / 1024, 4).' KB'; } else { $rec['used'] = round($rec['used'] / 1048576, 4).' MB'; } // send notifications only if the mail account is over the quota threshold if($used_ratio <= $mail_config['overquota_notify_threshold'] / 100) { // reset notification date if($rec['last_quota_notification']) $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('mail_user', array("last_quota_notification" => null), 'mailuser_id', $rec['mailuser_id']); // send notification - everything ok again if($rec['last_quota_notification'] && $mail_config['overquota_notify_onok'] == 'y' && ($mail_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y' || $mail_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y')) { $placeholders = array('{email}' => $rec['email'], '{admin_mail}' => ($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''? $global_config['admin_mail'] : 'root'), '{used}' => $rec['used'], '{name}' => $rec['name'], '{quota}' => $rec['quota'], '{ratio}' => $rec['ratio']); $recipients = array(); //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $mail_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y') { $recipients[] = $global_config['admin_mail']; } //* Send email to reseller if($web_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller']; } } //* Send email to client if($mail_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email']; } } $this->_tools->send_notification_email('mail_quota_ok_notification', $placeholders, $recipients); } } else { //* Send quota notifications // could a notification be sent? $send_notification = false; if(!$rec['last_quota_notification']) $send_notification = true; // not yet notified elseif($mail_config['overquota_notify_freq'] > 0 && $rec['notified_before'] >= $mail_config['overquota_notify_freq']) $send_notification = true; if(($mail_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $mail_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y' || $mail_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y') && $send_notification == true) { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('mail_user', array("last_quota_notification" => date('Y-m-d')), 'mailuser_id', $rec['mailuser_id']); $placeholders = array('{email}' => $rec['email'], '{admin_mail}' => ($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''? $global_config['admin_mail'] : 'root'), '{used}' => $rec['used'], '{name}' => $rec['name'], '{quota}' => $rec['quota'], '{ratio}' => $rec['ratio']); $recipients = array(); //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $mail_config['overquota_notify_admin'] == 'y') { $recipients[] = $global_config['admin_mail']; } //* Send email to reseller if($web_config['overquota_notify_reseller'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller']; } } //* Send email to client if($mail_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email']; } } $this->_tools->send_notification_email('mail_quota_notification', $placeholders, $recipients); } } } } } //###################################################################################################### // send database quota warnings by email //###################################################################################################### if ($app->dbmaster == $app->db) { $global_config = $app->getconf->get_global_config('mail'); //* get monitor-data $tmp_rec = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT data from monitor_data WHERE type = 'database_size' ORDER BY created DESC"); if(is_array($tmp_rec)) { $monitor_data = array(); foreach ($tmp_rec as $tmp_mon) { $tmp_array = unserialize($app->db->unquote($tmp_mon['data'])); if(is_array($tmp_array)) foreach($tmp_array as $sys_groupid => $data) $monitor_data[$data['sys_groupid']][] = $data; } //* remove duplicates from monitor-data foreach($monitor_data as $_monitor_data) $monitor_data[$_monitor_data[0]['sys_groupid']]=array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $_monitor_data))); } //* get databases $database_records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT database_id,sys_groupid,database_name,database_quota,last_quota_notification,DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), last_quota_notification) as `notified_before` FROM web_database"); if(is_array($database_records) && !empty($database_records) && is_array($monitor_data) && !empty($monitor_data)) { //* check database-quota foreach($database_records as $rec) { $database = $rec['database_name']; $quota = $rec['database_quota'] * 1024 * 1024; if (!is_numeric($quota)) break; foreach ($monitor_data as $cid) { foreach($cid as $monitor) { if ($monitor['database_name'] == $database) { //* check quota if ($quota > 0) $used_ratio = $monitor['size'] / $quota; else $used_ratio = 0; //* send notifications only if the database is over the quota threshold if($used_ratio >= $web_config['overquota_db_notify_threshold'] / 100 && $used_ratio != 0) { //* could a notification be sent? $send_notification = false; if(!$rec['last_quota_notification']) $send_notification = true; //* not yet notified elseif($web_config['overquota_notify_freq'] > 0 && $rec['notified_before'] >= $web_config['overquota_notify_freq']) $send_notification = true; //* Send quota notifications if(($web_config['overquota_db_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_db_notify_reseller'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_db_notify_client'] == 'y') && $send_notification == true) { $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_database', array("last_quota_notification" => date('Y-m-d')), 'database_id', $rec['database_id']); $placeholders = array( '{database_name}' => $rec['database_name'], '{admin_mail}' => ($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''? $global_config['admin_mail'] : 'root'), '{used}' => $app->functions->formatBytes($monitor['size']), '{quota}' => $app->functions->formatBytes($quota), '{ratio}' => number_format($used_ratio * 100, 2, '.', '').'%' ); $recipients = array(); //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $web_config['overquota_db_notify_admin'] == 'y') $recipients[] = $global_config['admin_mail']; //* Send email to reseller if($web_config['overquota_db_notify_reseller'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller']; } } //* Send email to client if($web_config['overquota_db_notify_client'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email']; } } $this->_tools->send_notification_email('db_quota_notification', $placeholders, $recipients); } } else { //* reset notification date if($rec['last_quota_notification']) $app->dbmaster->datalogUpdate('web_database', array("last_quota_notification" => null), 'database_id', $rec['database_id']); // send notification - everything ok again if($rec['last_quota_notification'] && $web_config['overquota_notify_onok'] == 'y' && ($web_config['overquota_db_notify_admin'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_db_notify_reseller'] == 'y' || $web_config['overquota_db_notify_client'] == 'y')) { $placeholders = array( '{database_name}' => $rec['database_name'], '{admin_mail}' => ($global_config['admin_mail'] != ''? $global_config['admin_mail'] : 'root'), '{used}' => $app->functions->formatBytes($monitor['size']), '{quota}' => $app->functions->formatBytes($quota), '{ratio}' => number_format($used_ratio * 100, 2, '.', '').'%' ); $recipients = array(); //* send email to admin if($global_config['admin_mail'] != '' && $web_config['overquota_db_notify_admin'] == 'y') { $recipients[] = $global_config['admin_mail']; } //* Send email to reseller if($web_config['overquota_db_notify_reseller'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['reseller']; } } //* Send email to client if($mail_config['overquota_notify_client'] == 'y') { if($clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email'] != '') { $recipients[] = $clients[$rec['sys_groupid']]['email']; } } $this->_tools->send_notification_email('db_quota_ok_notification', $placeholders, $recipients); } } } } } } } } parent::onRunJob(); } /* this function is optional if it contains no custom code */ public function onAfterRun() { global $app; parent::onAfterRun(); } } ?>