load('monitor_tools'); $this->_tools = new monitor_tools(); /* end global section for monitor cronjobs */ /* the id of the server as int */ $server_id = intval($conf['server_id']); /** The type of the data */ $type = 'backup_utils'; $missing_utils = array(); $compressors_list = array( 'gzip', 'gunzip', 'zip', 'unzip', 'pigz', 'tar', 'bzip2', 'bunzip2', 'xz', 'unxz', '7z', 'rar', ); foreach ($compressors_list as $compressor) { if (!$app->system->is_installed($compressor)) { $missing_utils[] = $compressor; } } $res = array(); $res['server_id'] = $server_id; $res['type'] = $type; $res['data'] = array('missing_utils' => $missing_utils); $res['state'] = 'ok'; /* * Insert the data into the database */ $sql = 'REPLACE INTO monitor_data (server_id, type, created, data, state) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?)'; $app->dbmaster->query($sql, $res['server_id'], $res['type'], serialize($res['data']), $res['state']); /* The new data is written, now we can delete the old one */ $this->_tools->delOldRecords($res['type'], $res['server_id']); parent::onRunJob(); } /* this function is optional if it contains no custom code */ public function onAfterRun() { parent::onAfterRun(); } }